

Application of fuzzy control in the temperature and humidity

control of artificial climate box

Fuzzy control is a control method which based on fuzzy sets theory and it is formed by the combined of fuzzy sets theory, fuzzy technology and automatic control technology. From birth of fuzzy control, there are lots of explorative and creative research and application achievements have been obtained. Now fuzzy control idea has been a widely used method to solve problems.

Although fuzzy control has been widely used in engineering applications, there are still many practical problems which have not been resolved, including the ways to access the rules of fuzzy control, how to find the parameters , fuzzy control problems in a various multivariable coupling system and the way to promote the steady-state accuracy of fuzzy control , and so on. If we want a promotion of fuzzy control,the first step is to resolve these problem.

To expand the scope where the application of fuzzy control is suitable, and solve the practice control problems in a new fuzzy control methods. There are several key issues in the application.

The way to access rules and optimize parameter in fuzzy control.

combining with fuzzy control, simulated annealing and genetic algorithms, Aimed at this problem, a new genetic algorithm, fuzzy adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm, which is used to optimize parameters in fuzzy controll, is presented. and its convergence, convergence speed and the prevention of "premature" phenomenon of this new genetic algorithm are analyzed.

the problems when fuzzy control solutions are used in a multivariable coupling system.

We can find a fuzzy compensation to decouple, and its decoupling ability is studied. We can optimize the rules and parameters of fuzzy compensation decoupling by a genetic algorithm.

The steady-state accuracy of fuzzy control is not accurate enough.

For a cyclical movevment objects fuzzy-iterative learning hybrid control method is presented combined with fuzzy control method and iterative learning control method; And for a servo objects, a grey prediction fuzzy compensation control

method is presented combined with fuzzy control method and grey prediction control method.

Artificial climate box is a laboratory equipment to simulate the natural environment such as temperature, humidity and illumination, to create local artificial climate .It can not only provide users with an ideal artificial climate experiment environment, can be used to plant germination, seedling, tissue cells, microbial cultivation, wood, textile, building materials and electronic product performance and aging experiment, the storage of chemicals and experiment and so on, also can be used for breeding of insects and small animals, water analysis of the artificial climate experiment of determining BOD, and other purposes.So the artificial climate box has been widely applied in the biological, medical, agriculture, food, material, chemical and other industries .

Artificial climate box usually need to control the casing temperature, humidity and light.The light can be shined by special fluorescent lamp lighting, according to the level of control can use the switch control, implementation is simpler, and the temperature and humidity control due to the particularity of object itself has, control is more complicated, its control method need additional research.The core issue of artificial climate box is the way to control temperature and humidity accuracy and response speed, etc.

We can know that when the temperature is low and heating, water for cooling and dehumidification climate crate before condensation of water will increase the internal moisture ;When the temperature is high and refrigeration would have fallen after the air humidity of refrigerator and make the humidity drop, similarly, when humidity is low and humidifying, external cold or hot and will change the internal temperature, moisture and humidity high moisture will inevitably led to the decrease of the temperature.So the temperature and humidity control is strong catenated. And different specifications of the coupling of temperature and humidity of the degree is different.And sometimes climate box need a cycle control for temperature and humidity, they have two periods that the temperature and humidity is different, and climate box, the mathematical model of temperature and humidity control and shows that they have larger delay hysteresis characteristics, to achieve fast rise, short transition time, small overshoot and the purpose of general control method is very difficult to work.

As mentioned earlier, there must be a strong catenated phenomenonthe between

temperature control and humidity control, the independent use of temperature and humidity control method of fuzzy control or others without considering their catenated phenomenon, the effect of control is bad, even can cause the phenomenon of oscillation.Due to temperature and humidity control influence each other, they again it is difficult to establish the mathematical model, and different types of artificial climate box and its catenated relationship is different, so the general solution method was less effective, here we use a simple and effective method, which adopts the method of fuzzy reasoning, according to the result of the fuzzy control output, and then to draw a decoupled to compensate the output of fuzzy reasoning, solution in front of the disaster to compensate the output and the fuzzy synthetic later for the actual output control output.

So we can use the fuzzy adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm (FASAGA) to optimize the parameters and rules of fuzzy control.

Fuzzy adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithm (FASAGA) is a kind of improved genetic algorithm, it combines the fuzzy control, the simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm.In the combination of simulated annealing mechanism and genetic algorithm, we can combine the simulated annealing mechanism to the crossover operator of genetic algorithm and the genetic operators, rather than individual simulated annealing treatment, so we can not only improved the genetic operators, also we can retain the population genetic algorithm and the characteristics of the new produce flexible, and increase the "climbing" ability of the simulated annealing algorithm.So we can combine simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm in this way.


嵌入式操作系统简介以及发展史 导语:嵌入式操作系统离我们生活并不远,甚至我们生活中处处都可见,比如各种路由器,机顶盒,洗衣机,空调,手机等。嵌入式操作系统的定义: 嵌入式系统是以应用为中心,以计算机技术为基础,软硬件可裁减,适应应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗严格要求的专用操作系统。嵌入式系统的发展:嵌入式操作系统并不是一个新生的事物,从20世纪80年代起,国际上就有了一些IT组织,公司开始进行商用嵌入式系统和专用操作系统的研发,这期间涌现了一些著名的嵌入式操作系统:windows CEVxWorkspSOSQNXPalm OSOS-9LynxOS目前,有很多商用嵌入式操作系统都在努力的为自己争取嵌入式市场的份额。但是,这些专用操作系统均属于商业化产品,价格昂贵,而且,他们的源码不公开,使得各自的嵌入式系统上的应用软件不能互相兼容。这导致了商业嵌入式系统对支持各种设备存在了很大的问题,使软件移植变得相当困难,但是,在这个时候,我们伟大的linux操作系统横空出世, 由于linux自身诸多的优点以及优势,吸引了许多开发商的 目光,使得linux成为了嵌入式操作系统的新宠。嵌入式操 作系统发展的四个阶段:第一阶段:无操作系统的嵌入式算法阶段,以单芯片为核心的可编程控制器的系统,具有监测,

伺服,指示设备相配合的功能。应用在一些专业性极强的工业控制系统,使用古老的汇编语言进行系统的直接控制。第二阶段:以嵌入式CPU为基础,简单操作系统为核心的嵌入式操作系统,CPU种类繁多,通用性差,系统开销小,效率高,一般配备系统仿真器,操作系统有一定的兼容性,软件较为专业,用户界面不够友好,系统主要用来监测系统和应用程序运行。 第三阶段:通用的嵌入式实时操作系统阶段,以嵌入式操作系统为核心的嵌入式系统,能运行于各种微处理器上,兼容性好,内核小,效率高,具有高度的模块化和扩展化,有文件管理和目录管理,设备支持,多任务,网络支持,图形窗口以及用户界面等功能,具有大量的应用程序接口(API),软件非常丰富,代表就是linux。 第四阶段:以Internet为标志的嵌入式操作系统,这是一个正在迅速发展的阶段,现在非常多的嵌入式操作系统已经有了接入Internet的能力。通过一个综合网关。 常见的嵌入式操作系统:uC/OS-Ⅱ:uC/OS-Ⅱ是一个公开源码,结构小巧,实时内核的实时操作系统。是一种基于优先级的可抢占式的硬实时内核,其内核提供任务管理与调度,时间管理,任务同步和通信,内存管理,中断服务等功能。其内核最小可以编译至2KB左右。-RTLinux:RTLinux是一个源代码开放的具有硬实时特性的多任务操作系统,他是通


人力资源管理英文词汇 [日期:2006-05-31] 来源:作者: [字体:大中 小] 5天5夜突破英语听说,100%保证!——点击进入 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM) 人力资源经理:( human resource manager) 高级管理人员:(executive) 职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative employees) 专家:(specialist) 人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) 外部环境:(external environment) 内部环境:(internal environment) 政策:(policy) 企业文化:(corporate culture) 目标:(mission) 股东:(shareholders) 非正式组织:(informal organization) 跨国公司:(multinational corporation, MNC) 管理多样性:(managing diversity) 工作:(job) 职位:(posting) 工作分析:(job analysis) 工作说明:(job description) 工作规范:(job specification) 工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule, JAS) 职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire, MP DQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary) 地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager) 人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning, HRP) 战略规划:(strategic planning) 长期趋势:(long term trend) 要求预测:(requirement forecast) 供给预测:(availability forecast) 管理人力储备:(management inventory) 裁减:(downsizing) 人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS) 招聘:(recruitment)


目录 导论:人力资源环境与策略2第一篇设计:工作分析与人力规划5第二篇招聘:人力资源选拔与预测8第三篇开发:人力资源培训与评价12第四篇报酬:薪资方案与福利计划18第五篇影响:员工健康与劳资关系22

导论:人力资源环境与策略 第一章人力资源策略 1.人力资源政策与哲学 。人力资源管理(human resource management ,HRM) 。人力资源管理目标objectives of HRM 。人力资源管理职责duties of HRM 。人力资源管理任务tasks of HRM 。战略性人力资源管理strategic HRM 。人力资源政策human resource policy 。人力资源哲学human resource philosophy 。精神契约psychological contract 。企业认同感organization commitment 2.组织:行为与文化 。正式组织formal organization 。非正式组织informal organization 。组织文化organization culture

。亚文化subculture 。跨文化cross-national culture 。价值观values 。态度attitudes 。角色行为role behavior 。个人主义—集体主义individualism-collectivism 。不确定性规避uncertainty avoidance 。权力距离power distance 。直线和职能职权line and staff authority 3.激励与组织绩效 。激励motivation 。需要层次理论hierarchy of needs theory 。X理论与Y理论theory X & theory Y 。组织体系Ⅰ与组织体系Ⅳsystem Ⅰ& system Ⅳ 。激励-保健理论motivation-hygiene theory 。ERG理论ERG theory 。麦克莱兰德需要理mc-clelland’s theory of needs 。期望理论expectency theory 。公平理论equity theory 。强化理论reinforcement theory 。波特-劳勒期望机率理论borter-lawler’s theory of expectency 第二章人力资源环境


人力资源管理常见英文 单词 人力资本:human capital 工作投入 work/job engagement 管理过程 management process 直线管理者 line manager 职能管理者 staff manager 职能控制 functional control 人事职能staff(service)function 劳动力 labor(work)force 劳资关系 labor relations 公平就业机会 equal opportunity 反雇佣歧视行为affirmative action 雇员健康与安全employee health and safety 员工申诉 grievance 失业unemployment 病假工资 sick pay 工会 trade union 人性化管理humanized management 住房补贴 subsidized housing 集体谈判 collective bargaining 充分就业 full employment 就业立法employment legislation 企业家的 entrepreneurial 工业行动 industrial action 谈判工资 negotiated wage 市场工资率 market rate 工作分析job analysis Methods of collecting job analysis information:inteiview、questionaires问卷法、observation观察法、participant dairy/logs 工作日志写实法、position analysis questionnaire PAQ职位分析问卷 工作描述 job description 工作说明 job specification 工作承担者在职(位)者 job incumbent/holder 权限 authority 工作权限Authority of incumbent 工作标识 job identification 工作概要(综述) job summary 知识、技能、能力 KSA 职位弱化 Dejobbing 扁平化组织flattened organization 工作扩大化 job enlargement 工作轮换 Job rotation 无边界组织boundaryless organization 工作丰富化 job enrichmment 流程再造 reengineering 继任、接班 succession 富余 redundancy 人员流动 turnover 招聘 recruitment 人力资源规划及补充 HR planning and recruiting 人力资源需求personal need/demand 人力资源供给 personal supply (企业)(外)部供给 Supply of inside/outside candidate Methods of predicting


Human Resource Management Assignment Cover 人力资源管理 课程论文 MODULE CODE AND NAME 课程及名称 Module Name科目名称:___人力资源管理__ _ Lecturer 讲师:__ 陈刚 Section Code 专业班级:__10市场营销(全英班)Student ID 学生证号码:___ 1040413104 Student Name学生姓名:___ 陈佩珊

Human Resource Management and Managers Summery Human resource management from the rise since the mid-80s, as a new subject, the development of a ten years time, however, but the human resource management theories and methods have been widely used in an international context together, and have achieved remarkable results. With the advent of the 21st century, Human Resource Management, as a relatively new management subject, is playing a more and more im portant role in today’s business activities.How to carry out the enterprise human resources management and development activities, to establish a 21st century economic development and adaptation of human resources management system, enterprise managers will be facing a major issue. This report will be divided into two sections about human resource management. The first section will introduce what is human resource management and it importance in modern management process. The second section will discuss what should managers in organization do while managing employees, and introduce some human resource management tools. Key words: Human Resource Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Tools As we know an organization consists of people with formally assigned roles who work together to achieve the organization's goals. A manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the organization's goals, and who does so by managing the efforts of the organization's people. Most experts agree that managing involves five functions that include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, these functions represent the management process. In modern era, how to manage staff has become an important part of business management, not only in companies but also all kinds of organizations. And staff management became an science, that what we talking about today, Human Resource Management (HRM) What Is Human Resource Management? Human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. The topics we'll discuss should therefore provide you with the concepts and techniques you need to perform the "people" or personnel aspects of your management job. And these include conducting job analyses, planing labor needs and recruiting job, selecting job, orienting and training new employees, managing


第一章嵌入式系统概论 参考习题 1、嵌入式系统本质上是什么系统? 答:从本质上讲,嵌入式系统中的计算机总是处于一种实时计算模式,也可以认为嵌入式计算机应具有某种实时性。也就是说,从嵌入式系统的广义概念考虑,嵌入式系统都可以看成是实时系统。 2、嵌入式系统开发与PC机软件开发的区别是什么? 答:嵌入式开发就是设计特定功能的计算机系统,形象的说就是开发一种嵌入在一个机器上实现特定功能的一个系统。PC的开发往往是上层应用程序,会更多的和业务流程,数据库,UI打交道。嵌入式的开发主要是和底层打交道,例如内存,NAND, 各种控制器,中断调度等等。当然现在也有很多需要在嵌入式设备上开发上层应用程序的需求了。 3、嵌入式系统基本概念? 答:嵌入式系统是以应用为中心,以计算机技术为基础,软硬件可配置,对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗有严格约束的专用系统。这类系统一般由嵌入式微处理器、外围硬件设备、嵌入式操作系统(可选择)以及应用程序等四个部分组成的。 4、嵌入式系统分类?

答:(1)按微处理器位数划分 按所采用的处理器位数,可以分为4位、8位、16位、32位和64位系统。 (2)按应用类别划分 可以简单地划分为信息家电、通信、汽车电子、航空航天、移动设备、军用电子、工业控制、环境监控等各种类型。 (3)按系统的实时性划分 硬实时系统、软实时系统和自适应实时。 (4)按工业界应用的复杂程度划分 简单单处理器系统 可扩展单处理器系统 复杂嵌入式系统 制造或过程控制中使用的计算机系统 第二章ARM嵌入式微处理器技术基础 参考习题 1、ARM32位指令、16位指令的特点。 答:ARM微处理器支持32位的ARM指令集和16位Thumb指令集,每种指令集各有自己的优点和缺点:ARM指令集效率高,但代码密度低;Thumb指令集具有较高的代码密度,却仍保持ARM的大多数性能上的优势,可看做ARM指令集的子集。


人力资源管理专业词汇(中英文对照) 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM) 人力资源经理:( human resource manager) 高级管理人员:(executive) 职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative employees) 专家:(specialist) 人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) 外部环境:(external environment) 内部环境:(internal environment) 政策:(policy) 企业文化:(corporate culture) 目标/使命:(mission) 股东:(shareholders/stakeholder) 非正式组织:(informal organization) 跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC) 管理多样性:(managing diversity) 二、工作:(job) 职位:(posting) 工作分析:(job analysis) 工作说明:(job description) 工作规范:(job specification) 工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS) 职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ)行政秘书:(executive secretary) 地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager) 三、人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP) 战略规划:(strategic planning) 长期趋势:(long term trend) 要求预测:(requirement forecast) 供给预测:(availability forecast) 管理人力储备:(management inventory) 裁减:(downsizing) 人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS) 四、招聘:(recruitment) 员工申请表:(employee requisition) 招聘方法:(recruitment methods) 内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW) 工作公告:(job posting) 广告:(advertising) 职业介绍所:(employment agency) 特殊事件:(special events) 实习:(internship)


1.3.1 嵌入式操作系统的种类、特点与发展 1.嵌入式操作系统的种类 一般情况下,嵌入式操作系统可以分为两类: 非实时操作系统:面向消费电子产品等领域,这类产品包括个人数字助理(PDA)、移动电话、机顶盒、电子书等。 实时操作系统RTOS(Real-Time Embedded Operating System):面向控制、通信等领域,如windriver公司的vxworks、isi的psos、qnx系统软件公司的qnx等。 (1)非实时操作系统 早期的嵌入式系统中没有操作系统的概念,程序员编写嵌入式程序通常直接面对裸机及裸设备。在这种情况下,通常把嵌入式程序分成两部分,即前台程序和后台程序。前台程序通过中断来处理事件,其结构一般为无限循环;后台程序则掌管整个嵌入式系统软、硬件资源的分配、管理以及任务的调度,是一个系统管理调度程序。这就是通常所说的前后台系统。一般情况下,后台程序也叫任务级程序,前台程序也叫事件处理级程序。在程序运行时,后台程序检查每个任务是否具备运行条件,通过一定的调度算法来完成相应的操作。对于实时性要求特别严格的操作通常由中断来完成,仅在中断服务程序中标记事件的发生,不再做任何工作就退出中断,经过后台程序的调度,转由前台程序完成事件的处理,这样就不会造成在中断服务程序中处理费时的事件而影响后续和其它中断。 实际上,前后台系统的实时性比预计的要差。这是因为前后台系统认为所有的任务具有相同的优先级别,即是平等的,而且任务的执行又是通过FIFO队列排队,因而对那些实时性要求高的任务不可能立刻得到处理。另外,由于前台程序是一个无限循环的结构,一旦在这个循环体中正在处理的任务崩溃,使得整个任务队列中的其它任务得不到机会被处理,从而造成整个系统的崩溃。由于这类系统结构简单,几乎不需要RAM/ROM的额外开销,因而在简单的嵌入式应用被广泛使用。 (2)实时操作系统 所谓实时性,就是在确定的时间范围内响应某个事件的特性。而实时系统是指能在确定的时间内执行其功能并对外部的异步事件做出响应的计算机系统。其操作的正确性不仅依赖于逻辑设计的正确程度,而且与这些操作进行的时间有关。“在确定的时间内”是该定义的核心。也就是说,实时系统是对响应时间有严格要求的。 实时系统对逻辑和时序的要求非常严格,如果逻辑和时序出现偏差将会引起严重后果。实时系统有两种类型:软实时系统和硬实时系统。软实时系统仅要求事件响应是实时的,并不要求限定某一任务必须在多长时间内完成;而在硬实时系统中,不仅要求任务响应要实时,而且要求在规定的时间内完成事件的处理。通常,大多数实时系统是两者的结合。实时应用软件的设计一般比非实时应用软件的设计困难。实时系统的技术关键是如何保证系统的实时性。实时操作系统可分为可抢占型和不可抢占型两类。 嵌入式实时操作系统在目前的嵌入式应用中用得越来越广泛,尤其在功能复杂、系统庞大的应用中显得愈来愈重要。 从某种意义上说,没有操作系统的计算机(裸机)是没有用的。在嵌入式应用中,只有把CPU嵌入到系统中,同时又把操作系统嵌入进去,才是真正的计算机嵌入式应用。 操作系统的实时性在某些领域是至关重要的,比如工业控制、航空航天等领域。想像飞机正在空中飞行,如果嵌入式系统不能及时响应飞行员的控制指令,那么极有可能导致空难事故。有些嵌入式系统应用并不需要绝对的实时性,比如PDA播放音乐,个别音频数据丢失并不影响效果。这可以使用软实时的概念来衡量。


人力资源管理英文专业词汇[第二部分]- - Cafeteria benefit programs:Cafeteria benefit programs allow employees toselect the fringe benefits and services that answer their individual needs. career:A career is all the jobs that are held during one's working life. career counseling:Career counseling assists employees in finding appropriate career goals and paths.career development Career development consists of those experiences and improvements that one undertakes to achieve a career plan. career goals: Career goals are the future positions that one strives to reach. These goals serve as benchmarks along one's career path. career path:A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that form one'scareer. career planning:Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and paths to those goals. career plateau: A career plateau occurs when an employee is in a position he or she does well enough not to be demoted or fired but not wellenough to be promoted. change agents: Change agents are people who have the role of stimulatingchange within a group. checkoff :A checkoff provision in a union-management labor agreement requires the employer to deduct union dues from employee paychecks and to remit those moneys to the union. Civil Rights: Act of 1964 This act was passed to make various forms of discrimination illegal. closed shop: A closed shop is a workplace where all employees are required to be members of the union before they are hired. These arrangementsare illegal under the National Labor Relations Act. codetermination :Codetermination is a form of industrial democracy


页眉内容 Managing human resource Introduction Nowadays, as the stress of the competition become heavier and heavier, people who go to an interview or work in a firm pay more and more attention to the EEO. The EEO is the law of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the first federal law designed to protect most U.S. employees from employment discrimination based upon that employee's (or applicant's) race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Title also established the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to assist in the protection of U.S. employees from discrimination.EEO legislation requires fair treatment for all members of the community and the elimination of discrimination. It means selecting the best person for the job in terms of their job-related skills. EEO includes following aspects: RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, protects applicants and employees from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), or national origin. Religious discrimination includes failing to reasonably accommodate an employee’s reli gious practices where the accommodation does not impose undue hardship. DISABILITY Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, protect qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of disability in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment. Disability discrimination includes not making reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or employee, barring undue hardship. AGE The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, protects

人力资源管理 英语作文十篇

英语写作 1.上海China-mc管理咨询公司是全国十大管理咨询公司之一,专注于组织 智慧技术(organization wisdom technology )和组织绩效方面的咨询服务,已有8年以上的咨询经验,并为10多家上市公司提供过咨询服务。公司的业务范围包括战略咨询、公司文化建设、知识管理、学习型组织创建、人力资源管理和IT管理咨询等。由于公司业务的发展需要,现需要从人才市场招聘一位管理咨询总监(Chief management consultant).假设公司老总让你制作一份招聘广告,请你用英文完成这份招聘广告,内容须包括公司介绍、工作职责和应聘要求。 2.某公司欲招聘一位会计主管(chief accountant),需要人力资源管理部门为其编制一份职位说明书(Job Description),假如公司总经理要求你来完成这项工作,请你用英文完成以下职位说明书。 Job Description Position__________________________ Department____________________ Accountable to_____________________ Salary/pay grade_________________ [ ]35------40 hrs/wk [ ]20------35 hrs/wk[ ]less than 20 hrs/wk Job summary _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Responsibilities/daily tasks _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Qualifications

29945 嵌入式软件技术概论

高纲1450 江苏省高等教育自学考试大纲 29945 嵌入式软件技术概论 南京航空航天大学编江苏省高等教育自学考试委员会办公室

一、课程性质及其设置目的与要求 (一)课程性质和特点 《嵌入式软件技术概论》是高等教育自学考试计算机网络专业(独立本科段)考试计划规定必考的一门专业课。通过本课程的学习,不仅使学生了解嵌入式计算机系统的基本概念和组织构成,并以ARM Cortex-M0+系列微处理器为基础掌握嵌入式计算机系统软件的开发方法,重点培养学生嵌入式计算机系统的软件开发能力。 (二)本课程的基本要求 本课程共分为14章。在对嵌入式计算机的学科基础、研究和应用领域以及ARM Cortex-M0+微处理器和KL25子系列微控制器进行简要介绍的基础上,重点阐述了如何基于KL25子系列微控制器开发一个相对完整的嵌入式系统的具体过程,以及嵌入式系统中所包含的基本接口及模块的编程方法,包括串行通信、中断、定时器、GPIO、FLASH、ADC、DAC、CMP、SPI、I2C、TSI、USB2.0、系统时钟及其它接口与模块。通过对本书的学习,要求应考者对嵌入式计算机系统有一个全面和正确的了解。具体应达到以下要求: 1.了解嵌入式计算机系统的基本概念、发展过程、现状和发展趋势,嵌入式计算机系统的应用范畴,嵌入式计算机系统与通用计算机系统的区别与联系; 2.理解并掌握嵌入式计算机系统的基本构成和基本原理; 3.掌握基于KL25子系列微控制器的嵌入式计算机软件系统开发的方法以及对嵌入式计算机系统各基本接口及模块的开发编程方法。 (三)本课程与相关课程的联系 嵌入式软件技术概论是一门综合性和应用性都比较强的课程,其内容涉及计算机相关专业的大部分专业课程,学习者需要具有一定的数字电路及编程基础,也要对计算机的一般组成有所了解。因此,本课程的前修课程应至少包含《数字电路》、《程序设计语言》(以C 语言为主)以及《计算机组成原理》,这些课程可以帮助学生很好的理解嵌入式计算机系统的硬件结构及尽快掌握嵌入式计算机系统的软件编程方法。 二、课程内容与考核目标 第1章概述


人力资源管理专用英文词汇 人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM) 人力资源经理:( human resource manager) 高级管理人员:(executive) 职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative employees) 专家:(specialist) 人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) . 外部环境:(external environment) 内部环境:(internal environment) 政策:(policy) 企业文化:(corporate culture) 目标:(mission) 股东:(shareholders) 非正式组织:(informal organization) 跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC) 管理多样性:(managing diversity) . 工作:(job) 职位:(posting) 工作分析:(job analysis) 工作说明:(job description) 工作规范:(job specification) 工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS) 职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary) 地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager) . 人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP) 战略规划:(strategic planning) 长期趋势:(long term trend) 要求预测:(requirement forecast) 供给预测:(availability forecast) 管理人力储备:(management inventory) 裁减:(downsizing) 人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS) . 招聘:(recruitment) 员工申请表:(employee requisition) 招聘方法:(recruitment methods)


人力资源管理体系 (英文版) 1

An HR Audit ? Department Organization Questionnaire The Human Resources Department is structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish organizational objectives. 1.Is there one department or function within the organization that is responsible and accountable for planning, establishing, overseeing and coordinating all human resource policies, systems and services for all 11 major categories? 2.Does the senior-level human resources manager report to the same level position as all other major staff and line departments within the organization? 3.Does the senior human resources manager participate in addressing the organiz ation’s strategic, tactical and policy issues? 4.Does the senior human resources manager integrate all HR activities with the organization’s strategic business plan.


一下是网络收集的几种适合stm32的嵌入式操作系统,打算最近都移植一下,先做个记录。 基于STM平台且满足实时控制要求操作系统,有以下4种可供移植选择。分别为μClinux、μC/OS-II、eCos、FreeRTOS和都江堰操作系统(djyos)。下面分别介绍这四种嵌入式操作系统的特点及不足。 1、μClinux μClinux是一种优秀的嵌入式Linux版本,其全称为micro-control Linux,从字面意思看是指微控制Linux。同标准的Linux相比,μClinux的内核非常小,但是它仍然继承了Linux操作系统的主要特性,包括良好的稳定性和移植性、强大的网络功能、出色的文件系统支持、标准丰富的API,以及TCP/IP网络协议等。因为没有MMU内存管理单元,所以其多任务的实现需要一定技巧。 μClinux在结构上继承了标准Linux的多任务实现方式,分为实时进程和普通进程,分别采用先来先服务和时间片轮转调度,仅针对中低档嵌入式CPU 特点进行改良,且不支持内核抢占,实时性一般。 在内存管理上由于μClinux是针对没有MMU的处理器设计的,不能使用处理器的虚拟内存管理技术,只能采用实存储器管理策略。系统使用分页内存分配方式,在启动时对实际存储器进行分页。系统对内存的访问是直接的,操作系统对内存空间没有保护,多个进程可共享一个运行空间,所以,即使是一个无特权进程调用一个无效指针也会触发一个地址错误,并有可能引起程序崩溃甚至系统崩溃。 μClinux操作系统的中断管理是将中断处理分为两部分:顶半处理和底半处理。在顶半处理中,必须关中断运行,且仅进行必要的、非常少、速度快的处理,其他处理交给底半处理;底半处理执行那些复杂、耗时的处理,而且接受中断。因为系统中存在有许多中断的底半处理,所以会引起系统中断处理的延时。 μClinux对文件系统支持良好,由于μClinux继承了Linux完善的文件系统性能,它支持ROMFS、NFS、ext2、MS-DOS、JFFS等文件系统。但一般采用ROMFS 文件系统,这种文件系统相对于一般的文件系统(如ext2)占用更少的空间。但是ROMFS文件系统不支持动态擦写保存,对于系统需要动态保存的数据须采用虚拟RAM盘/JFFS的方法进行处理。
