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This configuration cannot be described by either a plane or a spherical wave? What configuration can be described by plane wave? What configuration can be described by spherical wave? What wave must be used to describe the confocal configuration?
Passive optical resonator :被动谐振腔,意思是不考虑增益 介质折射率影响
Difference between optical resonator and microwave resolator?
Laser resonator are usually open to reduce drastically the number of modes that can oscillate with low loss?
c vn 2L
Round trip:光在腔内往返一周(注意:光学往返一周和不是几何闭 合路径,包括面上的反射和折射,反射和折射没有几何位移)
This configuration cannot be described by either a plane or a spherical wave? What configuration can be described by plane wave? What configuration can be described by spherical wave? What wave must be used to describe the confocal configuration?
A resonator is described as unstable when in bouncing back and forth between the two mirrors, an arbitrary ray diverges indefinitely away from the resonator axis?
I .Introduction
1.Fabry-Perot Resonator 2.Concentric Resonator 3.Confocal Resonator 4.Generalized Spherical Resonator 5 Ring Resonator
II. Eigen mode
Monochromatic em wave:单色电磁波,指单频电磁波
electric dipole moment:电偶极子
Allowed and Forbidden transition?
Magnetic dipole:磁偶极矩
注意:磁偶极跃迁的选择定则与电偶极跃迁选择定则不 同,要求两个能级波函数对称性相同!
Superposition of two plane em waves propagating in opositie directions?

Resonate frequency can be readily obtained by imposing the condition that cavity length L must be an integral number of half wavelength? This is necessary condition for the electric field em standing wave to be zero on the two mirrors? It then follows that resonate frequencies are given by:
Boundary condition
Rayleigh Jeans Formula:瑞丽琼斯公式
Why is the Rayleigh-Jeans formula inevitable?
Suspicion:怀疑 degree of caution:保持警惕 mere mathematical trick?
Fails to describe the phenomenon of spontaneous emission?
Invariant under inversion:意思是空间反演不变 isolated atom:孤立原子,意思是与外界无相互作用 哈密顿算符中只有原子核和电子库仑相互作用
Second law of thermodynamics :热力学第二定律

热力学第一定律:能量守恒 热力学第二定律:
孤立系统的混乱度是增加的 熵增加定律 热量不可能从温度低热源流向温度高热源而不产生其 它影响

当封闭系统达到平衡时,熵增加到最大 混乱度最大
Light quanta :光量子
Lineshape? Homogeneous broadening?
Photon Flux?
Fraction change: percentage
Ring resonator:环形腔 fold :折叠
Eigen modes:本征模式 Eigen values:本征值
Kernel :核

What is the lowest order solution of the self reconstruction equation? There is no aperture within the optical system described by the given matrix ABCD? For these Hermite –Gassian Eigensolutions to describe field distribution of the eigen modes, we require the modes to reproduce its self after one round trip?
Quadratic equation:二次方程

What does “spot size W” mean? What does “the radius of curvature R of the wavefront at the given position” mean?

Black body radiation?Milestone: 里程碑 stimulated emission? spontaneous emission? nonradiative decay?
Dye laser: 染料激光 free-Electron laser:自由电子激光 X Ray laser:X射线激光
Homogeneous :均匀的 isotropic:各向同性的
What does the symbol <>mean?
Universal function: 普适函数 ,意思是不依赖于任何条件的,放之四海而皆准 thermodynamic:热力学