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(人教版必修3 Unit3)





Part 1: Independent reading Ex 1:自主阅读Ex 1 部分,了解名词性从句的用法

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Today, we’ll learn a new grammar style名词性从句Noun clauses(板书). Now please open your book, turn to page 21,book 3 and look at Ex 1. Read the play, which are mainly about this kind of grammar? Try to find the sentences.(pause)

T: Ok. Stop here! Can you say one sentence? Now, who want to share your works? Ok, Tom, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。做边听状,边板书第一个句子,这个要提前备课,就是您早就准备好的句子!)

May we ask what you are doing in this country?

T: Very good,sit down, please. Now, who want to say the next? Ok, Lily, please. (同上,写第二个句子!)

I didn’t know whether I could survive until morning.

T: Very good,sit down, please. Now, who want to share the last one? Ok, Kate, please. (同上,写第三个句子!)

The fact is that I earned my passage by doing sth.


T: Very good,sit down, please.

T: Now, we can see the Noun clause is a piece of cake, or we can say, it’s just so so. Are we right? Let’s look at the Ex 2 and try to finish the exercise of this part.If you can not solve the problem, first, lists problems of your own, then you can discuss in pairs; after discussion, you two can’t solve it, come to the blackboard and write it down.

Part 2 comprehension理解(写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来在黑板上写1-2个难句子,就当是学生写的)

Difficult point 1: What do you think of the bet the brothers have made?

Difficult point 2: What do you think will happen to Henry?

Research 1: students’ comprehension to the grammar.

T: Very good, just now two of our students wrote down two sentences, they think the sentences are much harder to understand. Can we help them to under the two sentences? T: Now, who want to try? Ok, Susan, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。)Which sentence do you want to explain to them?(Pause)Ok, the first one. (Pause)Ok, Susan’s explanation is very good!

I must say that the bet is very interesting.

sit down, please.

T: Now, who can solve the second sentence? (Look around)

Res earch 2: With the teacher’s help to understand the grammar.

T: Nobody? Really? Ok, let me help you. You can use “I must say that_____________”Here. Here, can” that” be left out? (Pause)Right! It can not be left out. Does it have any meanings? (Pause) Right. It has no any meaning.(此处用汉语解释语法现象,在讲解时可以在原句上画点记号什么的,目的是帮助,不是全部解决)Now, who can have a try in volunteer? Ok, Linda, please! (Pause)Ok, Linda’s explanation is very good!

I must say that Henry will live a happy life.

Sit down, please.

T: Now, who can draw a conclusion to the grammar which we learnt in this text in volunteer? Nobody? Ok, let’s discuss in groups!

Part 3: The rule of the grammar (写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来看练习四,当堂测验)

T: Well, Tom, it’s you again! Please! (Pause)Very good! Thank you, sit down please.名词性从句:缺什么补什么,不缺什么用“that”.(简析语法现象)

And now let’s finish Ex 4, now I’ll ask some of you to finish two of them.

1 The reason was ________________________.

4 His concern is___________________________.

T: Who will answer in volunteer? Bush and Black! OK! Come to the black board and finish them!(自己写上就OK了)

1 The reason was that he met a strong wind.

4 His concern is whether they can offer him a job.

Very good! Quite right! Thank you, go back to your seat and sit down please.

Part 4: Homework

T: Ok, so much for this class. After class, please finish Ex 5 on page 21. That’s all for today, see you!
