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1.1 Tcode代码表







涉及到的表:FPLT, PFLA



prPS-FPLNR where prps- FAKKZ = ‘ X' and prps-psphi =项目定义号。

22根据2.1中取得发票计划编号取得合同金额:select fpla-BASISWRT where fpla-FPLNR =上步骤中取得的发票号

2.3.根据发票计划编号取得具体的发票记录,取数逻辑:select fplt-afdat、fplt-fakwr、fplt- TETXT from fplt where fplt-FPLNR IN (上步中取得的发票计划号)。

根据fplt- TETXT取得对应的描述,取数逻辑:select TVTBT- TEBEZ from

Tvtbt where tvtbt- TETBE = fplt- TETXT。







(2010-11-05 11:28:52)


标分类:ABAP-Basic 签:

Delivery class

The delivery class controls the transport of table data when installing or upgrading, in a clie nt copy and whe n tran sport ing betwee n customer systems. The delivery class is a lso used in the exte nded table maintenan ce.

There are the follow ing delivery classes: A: Applicati on table (master and tran sacti on data).

C: Customer table, data is maintained by the customer only.

L: Table for stori ng temporary data.

G: Customer table, SAP may insert new data records, but may not overwrite or delete existi ng data records.

E: System table with its own n amespaces for customer en tries. The customer n amespa ce must be defined in table TRESC.

S: System table, data cha nges have the same status as program cha nges.

W: System table (e.g. table of the development environment) whose data is transporte d with its own tran sport objects (e.g. R3TR PROGR3TR TABL, etc.). Behavior duri ng clie nt copy

Only the data of clie nt-specific tables is copied.

Classes C, GE, S: The data records of the table are copied to the target clie nt. Classes W, L: The data records of the table are not copied to the target clie nt. Class A: Data records are on ly copied to the target clie nt if explicitly requested (para meter option). Normally it does not make sense to transport such data, but is supporte d to permit you to copy an en tire clie nt en vir onment. Behavior duri ng in stallati on, upgrade and Ian guage import

The behavior differs here for client-specific and cross-client tables.

Clie nt-specific tables

Classes A and C: Data is only imported into client 000. Existing data records are over writte n.

Classes E, S and W: Data is imported into all clients. Existing data records are overwr itte n.

Class G: Existing data records are overwritten in client 000. In all other clients, new d ata records are in serted, but existi ng data records are not overwritte n.

Class L: No data is imported.

Cross-clie nt tables

Classes A, L and C: No data is imported.

Classes E, S, and W: Data is imported. Exisitng data records with the same key are ov erwritte n.

Classe G: Data records that do not exist are in serted, but existi ng data records are not overwrite n.

Behavior duri ng tran sport betwee n customer systems
