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new ways easy
online shopping
choose pay
Task 4
In pairs, talk about the advantages and disadvantages about shopping on line.
Shopping online
What canswhOeondploipnioenngthese websites?
Do you want to do online shopping? What will you buy?
Do you want to do online shopping? What will you buy?
Task 6
3 Complete the passage with the words from
the box.
later out pay receive
Internet shopping is easy. You buy something online, you(1)___p_a_y___ for it, then a few days (2)___la_t_e_r___ you (3)__r_e_c_e_i_v_e__ it by post. But going (4)___o_u_t ___ and shopping with friends is much more fun!
shop at any time
can’t see the product
need a computer and a mouse can’t try the clothes on
compare the prices
isn’t always safe
save money
Task 5
Complete the passage with proper words.
Online shopping is one of the new ways of shopping. It is easy to buy almost everything: _c_h_o_o_s_e the thing, _p_a_y__fo_r__ it and wait to receive it _a__fe_w___d_a_y_s__la_t_e_r_. Shopping online will save you a lot of _ti_m__e and _m_o_n_e_y_. But it isn’t always __sa_f_e_ to pay over the Internet and you can’t see the product or _t_r_y_ the clothes _o_n__. So some
Online shopping
Go to the market/ supermarket
… Ways of shopping
TV shopping 电视购物
商家直接在目标客户群聚集 的场所发放目录杂志。并不 是简单的产品介绍,还帮助 人们创新生活方式。
Catalogue shopping
receive safe several
1 Look at the title of the passage. Think
about the questions about online
Words: anyone pay post way almost open
safe shopping later over
Phrases: one of… pay for
one day
go out
at any time
Patterns: …is changing our way of life. You’ll be able to… But many people like going out…
I don’t think so. Because…
Language points
1. First, you choose something…and pay for it. 首先,你选择某物……然后付款。 Second, shopping usually takes a lot of time. 其次,去实体店购物通常需要花费很多 时间。
Task 1
Look through the passage and check (√) the points mentioned in the passage.
√ 1. How to buy things online
2. Some famous websites for online shopping
Do you want to do online shopping? What will you buy?
mobile phones
Do you want to do online shopping? What will you buy?
online shopping
gIWIIoctpteahethaonvdieyneotbIkrhfnnuyoe’itryttehs’inrshaitnelogomeegpovdt.soo.esdtrttoo. buy things.
Here is a passage about online shopping. Read and finish the tasks.
time/money on sth. 或spend time/ money
(in) doing sth.。
It takes sb. some time to do sth.,it在此作
Free talk
Have you bought(买) anything on the Internet? How do you think of shopping online?
advantage anyone anything anywhere
compare everything pay post product
people prefer to go to the shops. I think one day no one w__il_l_g_o_(go) to the shops any more, because you’ll be able to buy anything on the Internet __a_t__a_n_y__ti_m__e_.
do sth.。
根据句意,用pay,spend 或take 的适 当形式填空。
1. You have to __p_a_y___ me 20 yuan a week for your meals. 2. Lisa doesn’t _s_p_e_n_d__ much time on her homework.
Think it over
Maybe one day no one will go to the shops any more. Do you think so? Why or why not?
I think so. Because we’ll able to buy anything on the Internet, and we will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time.
…and spend a lot…or save money. ……并且花很多的钱,或省一些钱。
pay, spend, take都有花费的意思,具体用 法如下:
★pay意为“支付、付钱”,主语是人。 常用句型: pay some money for sth. 为……而付款 pay sb. some money 付给某人钱 pay for sth. 为……付款、偿付
√ 3. Advantages of online shopping √ 4. Disadvantages of online shopping
5. How to do a safe online shopping
√ 6. The future of online shopping
Task 2
1. To understand the passage about the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping
2. To learn to use “first”, “second”, “third” and “but” to write a paragraph about shopping at a supermarket
外研 七年级 下册
Module 5 Shopping
Unit 2 You can buy everything on the
Words review
advantage n. 有利条件;优势 anyone pron. 任何人
anything pron. 任何东西;任何事情 anywhere adv. 在任何地方 compare v. 比较
almost adv. 几乎,差不多
Words review
something pron.某事物;某种东西
later adv. 后来;以后
open adj. 营业的;开放的
out a源自文库v. 外出;离开
go out
over prep. 通过;超过
one day
one pron.(同一群人或
Generally speaking, online shopping is good and easy for people. But you should be careful before you pay.
Daitou is one of my friends. Let’s watch a piece of video to see what happened to him. Just for fun.
pay v. 支付;付钱 post n. & v. 邮寄 product n. 产品
Words review
receive v. 收到;接到 safe adj. 安全的
several adj. 几个;一些 online adj. 在线的 shopping n. 购物
way n. 方式;道路 one of… ……之一
4 ItaI’tlswisvanye’stry safe to shop over the Internet. × 5 Our way of life is changing because of
online shopping. √
Where can we find the answers?
Step 1: find the things you want to buy.
Step 2: pay for it online.
Step 3: receive it by post.
Task 3
Try to retell the first paragraph according to the diagram.
2 Read the passage and check (√) the true sentences.
1 Online shopping is a new way of
shopping. √
2 You pay for online shopping before you
receive it. √
3 Online shopping is very dieffaiscyult. ×