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jta.jar 标准JTA API必要

commons-collections.jar 集合类 必要

antlr.jar ANother Tool for Language Recognition 必要

asm.jar ASM字节码库 如果使用“cglib” 则必要

asm-attrs.jar ASM字节码库 如果使用“cglib” 则必要

ehcache.jar EHCache缓存 如果没有其他的缓存,则是必要的

cglib.jar CGLIB字节码解释器 如果使用“cglib” 则必要

commons-beanutils.jar 提供对java反射和自省API的包装 对bean操作的类,可以访问类的属性及get和set方法

commons-digester.jar Digester基于规则的XML文档解析,主要用于XML到java对象的映射

commons-lang.jar 包含了一些数据类型工具类,是ng.* 的扩展 必须使用的包

commons-pool.jar,commons-dbcp.jar DBCP数据库连接池,Apache的Jakarta组织开发的,Tomcat4的连接池也是DBCP

commons-chain.jar Jakarta Commons的子项目Chain将上述两个模式组合成一个可复用的Java框架用于描述顺序的处理流程 strutsheShale应用框架作为处理HTTP请求处理的基础机制

commons-validator.jar 用来帮助进行验证的工具。比如验证Email字符串,日期字符串等是否合法。

Burlap.jar 支持ejb,远程调用Remoting方面的类

buffalo.jar 处理xml的jar包

commons-betwixt.jar 用xml生成报表时需要用到的包

commons-el.jar Apache 组织中一个用来解析 JSP 2.0 的表达式语言的 Java

htmlparser.jar 是一个纯的java写的html解析的库,它不依赖于其它的java库文件,主要用于改造或提取html类库

jakarta-oro.jar java正则表达式所需的包

jaxen.jar 在jdom中使用xpath需要导入jaxen.jar包

mina-core.jar Apache MINA(Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Applications) 是 Apache 组织一个较新的项目,它为开发高性能和高可用性的网络应用程序提供了非常便利的框架

Commons Codec provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs.

Codec was formed as an attempt to focus development effort on one definitive implementation of the Base64 encoder. At the time of Codec's proposal, there were approximately 34 different Java classes that dealt with Base64 encoding spread over the Foundation's CVS repository. Developers in the Jakarta Tomcat project had implemented an original version of the Base64 codec which had been copied by the Commons HttpClient and Apache XML project's XML-RPC subproject. After almost one year, the two forked versions of Base64 had significantly diverged from one another. XML-RPC had applied numerous fixes and patches which were not applied to the Commons HttpClient Base64. Different subprojects had differing implementations at various levels of compliance with the RFC 2045.

Out of that confusing duplication of effort sprang this simple attempt to encourage code reuse among various projects. While

this package contains a abstract framework for the creation of encoders and decoders, Codec itself is primarily focused on providing functional utilities for working with common encodings.

SQLiteJDBC is a JDBC driver for SQLite which is written as a Java JNI layer over the SQLite 3.3.x API.

SQLiteJDBC supports the most commonly used features of JDBC that can be efficiently implemented on top of SQLite. Only a single native JNI library is required, and SQLite is compiled in.

Java Compiler Compiler [tm] (JavaCC [tm]) is the most popular parser generator for use with Java [tm] applications. A parser generator is a tool that reads a grammar specification and converts it to a Java program that can recognize matches to the grammar. In addition to the parser generator itself, JavaCC provides other standard capabilities related to parser generation such as tree building (via a tool called JJTree included with JavaCC), actions, debugging, etc.

We've had hundreds of thousands of downloads and estimate serious users in the many thousands (and maybe even tens of thousands). Our newsgroup pilers.tools.javacc and our mailing list together have a few thousand participants.

JavaCC works with any Java VM version 1.2 or greater. It has been certified to be 100% Pure Java. JavaCC has been tested on countless different platforms without any special porting requirements. Given that we have seen JavaCC run on only around 5 or 6 platforms, we think this is a great testimonial to the "Write Once Run Anywhere" aspect of the Java programming language. We say this as engineers who have personally experienced the benefits of writing Java applications.
