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Professor Viru Shahastrabudhi, also the headmaster in ICE, has a special pen.He just look at the results and pays no attention to process ,and accepts no extension.(延期) so, His students killed himself,His favourite pupil is
Pia is ViruS’s daughter, and she is a outgoing medical student. She first met them at her sister’s wedding when she had a boyfriend who is miser but she fell in love with Rancho later. Chatur who is their classmate is completely opposite from Rancho. What he does best is rote. He is also good at pleasing teachers and laughing at “3 idiots”.
宴 会 上 的 建 议
In order to retrieve their friends, Farhan ,Raju and Chatur set foot on the road to find Rancho, Despite the Chatur just wanted to prove his success,on the way,on the way. During this time, They recalled the Happy Hour in the ICE. ICE is a school where scores decide everything. Rancho is a unique student there. He has a extraordinary ability of making machines. He used a simple physical machine to trick a senior,because Professor accepts no extension.(延期) , rejected the work of a student, His students killed himself, Rancho hates rote while his classmate Chatur. In order to persuade Raju not to be another Chatur, Rancho revised some words of Chatur’s speech paper written by the librarian. Because of the lack of understanding of Hindi, Chatur mindlessly memorises the speech and he becomes the laughing stock of the audience, Chatur was very angry , so thay agreed met after ten years,They are on the way,on the way.then, Rancho made a joke with Professor,so ,Professor wrote a letter to their parents, Rancho have to go home with them to go to their home to explain.During this period ,they met Pisa,and Rancho fall in love with her , The comedy is his two friends took her away from the wedding site, They together set out to find Rancho, In her memory, Rancho saved Raju’s father’s and Raju’s lives. He touched and changed his best friends’ lives in his way. The most important thing was that he helped her sister gave birth to a baby,and Professor ViruS was proud of him and gave him the pen. From then on, they never saw Rancho.

Farhan is studying engineering to obey his father's wishes over his own wish to become a wildlife photographer.
Raju is studying to raise his family's fortunes. Rancho, driven by his passion for machines and devices, studies for joy of it.
On the way,on the way,on the way. They experienced many difficulties,but they finally found Rancho, he ending is very funny, Chatur found that Rancto was the person who he always wanted to cooprate. Obviously, They won, won the beautiful. under his help, Raju become an engineer,and His sister is married . Farhan become the wildlife photographer.
经 典 剧 照

He saved Raju’s father’s and Raju’s lives. He touched and changed his best friends’ lives in his way. Professor ViruS is proud of him and gives him the pen. Pia ran away from her wedding because of him. All three idiots become successful and they have a happy ending.

Farhan Qureshi, Raju Rastogi, and Rancchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad "Rancho" are three engineering students who share a room in a hostel at the Imperial College of Engineering "ICE".


The film is not just a comedy film. It tells us what attitude you should have when you face with the future. In the film, you can see a lot of social problems, such as education system, the gap between rich and poor, the social class contradictions, the suicide. Maybe some of them are the problem we are facing with at present. You can also know what’s the real friendship and love.

Farhan也是三人帮之一, 从小理想做一名摄影师, 但迫于家里压力而上工程 学校,一直是兰彻的忠实 死党。为了栾邱一起和兰 彻去院长办公室偷卷子。 最终放弃面试的机会和父 亲表明自己的理想,得到 父亲认可成为著名动物摄 影师,最后还和栾邱为兰 彻抢走新娘(皮娅)。
Fra Baidu bibliotek

故事以两个好朋友 在寻找多年不见的好兄 弟Rancho的过程中展开 的回忆:讲述十年前兰 彻顶替他人来到皇家工 程学院读书。这是一所 印度传统的名校,这里 的检验学生的唯一标准 就只有第一(指成绩)! 成绩不好就意味着没有 未来!

Rancho真名叫邦苏克· 旺度。是印度一个富人家的小佣人,从 小爱读书,这个富人约定让小佣人用自己儿子的名字“兰彻” 去读书,富人出钱,条件是冒名顶替拿到毕业证书后,小佣 人就得消失。兰彻去大学报到的第一天就做了个简易的导电 装置,捉弄学长,让大家瞠目结舌,与众不同的兰彻始终灵 活学习,不拘小节,不会死记硬背、像完成任务般学习,虽 然老师、院长不喜欢他,但他的成绩始终排第一。毕业典礼 之后兰彻按照最初约定消失并且成为拥有400项专利的大科学

“他的人和名字一样不同寻常.”“一出生就有人告诉我们,生活是场赛跑,不 跑快点就会惨遭蹂躏,哪怕是出生,我们都得和3亿个精子赛跑。” 你的朋友不及格,你感觉很糟;你的朋友考第一,你感觉更糟。 “这支笔是卓越的标志,等你遇见和你一样卓越的学生,请再传给他,32年, 我一直在等那个学生出现……” 为什么要把缺点公之于众呢?好比你缺铁,医生会给你开补铁药,但不会到 电视上说你缺铁。” “知道我为什么第一名吗?因为我热爱机械,工程学就是我的兴趣所在,知 道你的兴趣吗?这就是你的兴趣……跟工程学说拜拜,跟摄影业结婚,发挥 你的才能,想想迈克尔杰克逊的爸爸硬逼他成为拳击手,拳王阿里的爸爸非 要他去唱歌,想想后果多可怕?” “1千克秋葵,5百克奶油,外加一个“免费”就能叫醒他,为什么牺牲我?” “我想说服你,爸。但不会以死相胁,爸,我做一名摄影家又会怎样呢? 挣得少一点,房子小一点,车子小一点,但我会很快乐,会真正幸福。” “他的脑子一定很值钱,因为从来都没被用过!” “响而不臭的屁是光荣的~ 半响的屁是可忍受的~ 轻轻地微放是可怕的~无声 的屁是让人致命的 “每个人都有乳房,只不过袖珍了一点。”
影片信息 情节介绍 人物介绍 经典台词 经典剧照 插曲名称 电影剪辑 引发思考
中文名 外文名 其它译名
三傻大闹宝莱坞 3 idiots 三个白痴 / 三个傻瓜
Vend Chopra Productions
制片地区 导演 主演
印度 拉库马· 希拉尼 阿米尔· 汗,沙尔曼· 乔什, 马德哈万,卡琳娜· 卡普
念去教导学生。 。
而Rancho却不随波逐流,他用他的善良、开朗、 幽默和智慧影响着周围的人。他用所学的物理知 识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守 成规的传统观念。最后他用智慧成为了印度科学 界的一位天才科学家(具有400项专利),他实 现了自己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己 。“三人 帮”中Rancho和 Raju都梦想成为工程师,Farhan 却想成为野生动物摄影家。影片中随时穿插着幽 默的语言,行为。他们把教授称为“病毒”,把 查图尔称为“沉默者”(消音器)。

Raju是兰彻的兄弟之一。想 当工程师,但是没自信,迷 信神佛。家里很穷,父亲原 来是邮局局长,现瘫痪在家, 母亲经常抱怨,还有个姐姐 因家里无法负担一辆车的陪 嫁而变成剩女。后来经历一 次自杀,摔断了16根肋骨和 两条腿,从此开始思考人生。 终在毕业前面试成功,致使 院长刮掉胡子。后来成为一 名大工程师。