The haunt安卓鬼屋魅影2攻略图文版(上)













the room two第二章攻略 图文攻略完美通关

the room two第二章攻略 图文攻略完美通关

the room two第二章攻略图文攻略完美通关原创作者:Leo丶亮转载请注明出处:百度攻略&口袋巴士,并留下本文链接《未上锁的房间2:The Room2》是一款由Fireproof Games推出的经典的3D密室逃脱类游戏,目前已经在App Store正式上架了。



The Room在开发时候力求谜题更加深入,玩家可能将面对的是很难的谜题哦。



the room two第二章图文攻略:1、本关一开始,我们会在一个小木屋内,前方看去窗台上会有个木船的模型,本关解谜也随着这个木船而开始了。











《重⼒眩晕2》全主线流程图⽂攻略 序章 承接上部游戏剧情,凯特、席得和拉⽂掉进了异空间,凯特和席得跟拉⽂和达斯缇失散,游戏开始后我们要操作穿着重⼒装的凯特到指定地点挖矿。



%{p a g e-b r e a k|序章(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 我们并不知道⽶赛在哪,先找其它⼈问⼀下⽶赛的所在地,从其他⼈那⾥我们知道⽶赛在采矿船那⾥。



%{p a g e-b r e a k|序章(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第⼀章-悲伤天使 早上醒来后⼤家发现熙熙失踪了,我们从其他⼈那⾥知道了熙熙有时会跑去砂⽯坑。


找到熙熙,然⽽我们却被奈必包围,刚好达斯缇出现,我们又有了控制重⼒的能⼒,Q T E打败奈必,救回熙熙。

%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼀章-悲伤天使(1)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 然后是有关操纵重⼒的教程,跟着教程⾛⼀遍就可以了,操作⽅法与⼀代相同。


%{p a g e-b r e a k|第⼀章-悲伤天使(2)|p a g e-b r e a k}% 第⼆章-寂寞的请求 莉莎想让我们帮忙采矿,由于我们已经能够操纵重⼒了,所以这次我们就不需要重⼒装的保护了。





漆黑的魅影二周目图文攻略Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】二周目在选择跳过动画之后回到了家里下楼,爸爸给了船票爸爸走后,米可利打来电话说要我们去找其他冠军的秘密基地然后是看电视选择水都的颜色,建议选择不喜欢的那个出门后小田卷博士带着来到研究所,升级全国图鉴去水静市找米可利,就在一周目过不去的那个魅影摩天楼门口首先来到冬雪镇,化石迷的家里可以拿到第二块化石同样是拿到得文公司二楼复活冬雪镇向左穿过流星瀑布,这里的洞口内找到小赤和小绿,可以对话挑战小赤精灵:Lv.62妙蛙花Lv.62喷火龙Lv.62水箭龟Lv.62乘龙Lv.63卡比兽Lv.66皮卡丘小绿在门口那里,差点漏掉,对话挑战小绿精灵:Lv.62化石翼龙Lv.62胡地Lv.62怪力Lv.63椰蛋树Lv.63风速狗Lv.63暴鲤龙飞到茵郁市,在这里冲浪向下走,找到希罗娜的秘密基地与希罗娜对话可以挑战她希罗娜精灵:Lv.62冰精灵Lv.62假面蔷薇Lv.62波克基斯Lv.62鬼盆栽Lv.63路卡利欧Lv.64烈咬陆鲨茵郁市左边的天气研究所,到二楼与研究员对话得知某处降雨(小夜为127号道路)飞到绿岭市向下冲浪沿着右边岩石走,这里潜水下去在有光的地方上浮,进入洞口尽头可捕捉Lv.70海皇牙再次回到天气研究所与研究员对话,得知某处天气干燥飞到冬雪镇,向左走,这里多了处洞口洞穴深处捕捉Lv.70古拉顿茵郁市向右下走,这个洞里找到渡渡精灵:Lv.62刺龙王Lv.62沙漠蜻蜓Lv.62三头龙Lv.62双斧战龙Lv.63血翼飞龙Lv.64快龙冬雪镇向右走,冲上斜坡,这里找到阿戴克和爱丽丝阿戴克精灵:Lv.62噬魂吊灯Lv.62怪力Lv.62狡猾天狗Lv.62胡地Lv.63战羽鹰Lv.64焚翼蛾艾莉丝在右下角艾莉丝精灵:Lv.62沙漠蜻蜓Lv.62三头龙Lv.62七夕青鸟Lv.62血翼飞龙Lv.63快龙Lv.64双斧战龙随便提下,流星瀑布的大吾在这个多出来的洞内,可以去挑战(当然不去也没什么关系)大吾精灵:Lv.61盔甲鸟Lv.62青铜钟Lv.62班吉拉Lv.62摇篮百合Lv.62太古盔甲Lv.64巨金怪小光在冠军之路的出口处,跟4.5版本一样,可以去挑战小光精灵:Lv.54七夕青鸟Lv.54火爆兽Lv.54巨龙花Lv.54大力鳄Lv.55沙奈朵回去找米可利对话,这是接到了有挑战者来的电话脑海中响起了小赤等人的对话,回神后继续剧情飞到精灵联盟接受挑战吧,与守门的两人对话挑战者竟然是N,对话后进入战斗N精灵:Lv.66雪妖女Lv.66钢钻鼹鼠Lv.66噬魂吊灯Lv.66自爆磁怪Lv.67索罗亚克Lv.68三头龙胜利后主角辞去了冠军的职位==然后……然后主角就醒了漫长的回忆终于结束,现在位于阿克罗马的实验室内然后是一段很长的剧情对话,要去寻找小遥小光,询问有关三日月之羽的事情在门口的博士给了点小遥的线索出门是在梦之实验室,古辰镇向右冲浪找到新增的变化洞窟洞内找到小遥,一见面就要精灵对战,好吧小遥精灵:Lv.62电龙Lv.63火焰鸡Lv.63蜥蜴王Lv.63巨沼怪胜利后从小遥那里得到三日月之羽,再次对话可以无限挑战(等级不够千万别手欠QAQ)小遥精灵(二次对话):Lv.85电龙Lv.85雪妖女Lv.85蜥蜴王Lv.85火焰鸡Lv.85沙漠蜻蜓Lv.85巨沼怪橙华市左边的橙华森林,这个洋馆可以进入了在最深处找到小光,检查后发现有精灵在控制他,进入战斗小光精灵:Lv.62七夕青鸟Lv.62火爆兽Lv.62巨龙花Lv.62大力鳄Lv.63沙奈朵回到一层的另一个门口,墙上开了个路口,踩白色地板传送得到月食之羽,打败突然跳出的Lv.35噬魂吊灯回到梦之实验室找到阿克罗马,即可开启梦世界,通过这里的床通往世界狭缝~~~~~~~~写在去梦世界之前~~~~~~~~去凯那市坐船,船上遇到亚希达,开启对战开拓区,在二号房间休息即可到达水静市再次与水静市的水手对话可去南方小岛(去南方小岛的船票一周目已拿到)研究中间的装置可捕捉Lv.50拉帝欧斯(看电视时未选择的那只)选择的另一只Lv.40拉迪亚斯在全地区随机遇(小夜是在沙漠)飞到武斗镇,走上方的洞窟,这里的洞口出现了进洞回答问题,选择否,得到破坏因子飞到茵郁市,向右走,在水池里冲浪到达这里的洞洞里可捕捉Lv.80超梦暮水镇PC里大爆炸的学习点房子里得到TM27报恩从暮水镇向右边沿最底层冲浪,带上古空棘鱼、巨鲸王和会挖洞技能的精灵顺着水流来到这个水域,潜水下去,阅读石板后上浮对着石壁使用挖洞,出现一个洞口进洞后以吼鲸王为头,古空棘鱼为尾读两遍石壁,出现门打开的提示中间的洞里是圣柱王,现在还不能抓飞到武斗镇向上冲浪,从左边的路口进入找到位于此处的遗迹阅读石板后顺时针贴墙走一圈,出现洞口洞内可捕捉Lv.40冰神柱从紫堇市向上走找到沙漠的遗迹阅读石板后左两步下两步使用碎岩打开洞口洞内可捕捉Lv.40岩神柱水静市向左走,找到这里的最后一个遗迹在中间使用闪光开启洞穴进入可捕捉Lv.40钢神柱暮水镇向左冲浪,回到开启机关的洞穴内,捕捉Lv.70圣柱王在绿岭市的宇宙中心二楼,与研究员对话得到诞生岛船票去水静市码头坐船到达诞生之岛沿最短路线推三角,直到再次推到中间即可捕捉Lv.50迪奥西奇斯在古辰镇右边的梦之实验室,在最里面的床上进入世界狭缝,选择左边的绿色大门进入反转世界,银河团和等离子团正式登场剧情结束后主角出现在梦源镇床上,小遥也在这里再次点床可以回到世界狭缝向下走来到红莲之窟,在洞内被抢走了两根羽毛,之后进入战斗暗之忍精灵:Lv.64黑鲁加Lv.64鬼盆栽Lv.66阿勃索鲁沿着路走,银河团抢走了月食之羽,洞口遇到银河团干部,进入战斗银河团干部精灵:Lv.64青铜钟Lv.64电击魔兽Lv.64梅卡阳玛Lv.66猫老大胜利后出洞到达沙蜃镇,商店里可买到火焰石镇上有道馆,在门口遇到了梦世界的小光梦世界第一个道馆为地面系馆主精灵:Lv.64重甲暴龙Lv.64鲶鱼王Lv.64钢钻鼹鼠Lv.65天蝎王胜利后得到TM56压路出镇向上走,在试炼之山桥边遇到盔甲人捡到TM47钢翼向上到达森隐镇,商店里出售黑淤泥等梦世界第二个道馆为毒系,有红色交叉花纹的砖是可以过去的,附线路图馆主精灵:Lv.67毒刺水母Lv.67尼多王Lv.67尼多后Lv.68叉字蝠胜利后得到TM36毒爆弹继续向上走,在迷茫小径遇到N,进入战斗N精灵:Lv.70宝石海星Lv.70猛犸猪Lv.70风速狗Lv.70巨钳螳螂Lv.70狡猾天狗对话后继续向上,到达寄雨镇道观门口的女子拜托主角找回图图犬寂雨镇商店出售气息腰带等道具(魅影5.0里气息腰带为消耗性道具)向上走来到魅影之森,在深处发现银河团的人银河团用月食之羽控制了希罗娜和库鲁玛的精灵,主角挺身而出银河团干部精灵:Lv.72铁盘坚果Lv.72叉字蝠Lv.72巨蔓藤Lv.73饭匙蛇胜利后与希罗娜二人对话,得知这个世界的图鉴拥有者们也被冻结了事件解决,回到寂雨镇得知图图犬已经回来了,并得到神奇糖果可以去挑战道馆了,鬼系,需要踩蓝色地板传送只有一条路线没什么可说的,这里被堵住路口只需要返回重新走一次即可传送到这里,还是踩来时的地板即可到达馆主面前馆主精灵:Lv.71海月水母Lv.71鬼盆栽Lv.71噬魂吊灯Lv.72耿鬼胜利后得到TM30影子球回到魅影之森剧情点,从这里跳下去向右走出森林到达虹影市,商店出售叶之石等挑战道馆去吧,草系馆主精灵:Lv.74蜥蜴王Lv.74叶精灵Lv.74斗笠菇Lv.75优雅仙子胜利后得到TM09种子机枪向右走在桥上遇到小光和暗之三位一体,进入战斗暗之忍精灵:Lv.77狡猾天狗Lv.77铁面忍者Lv.78巨钳螳螂阿戴克出现,对话后二人分道扬镳,继续向右走去映海市映海市的商店出售水之石等映海市道馆,虫系,与武斗镇道馆相似馆主精灵:Lv.77大针蜂Lv.77巨钳螳螂Lv.77梅卡阳玛Lv.78赫拉克罗斯胜利后得到TM52蜻蜓返向下冲浪,然后向右走,来到永冻之窟走出洞窟,冲浪向下到达寒瀑镇寒瀑镇商店挑战道馆,冰系馆主精灵:Lv.81暴雪王Lv.81冰精灵Lv.81帝牙海狮Lv.82雪妖女胜利后得到TM13急冻光线用登瀑术上去,回到永冻之窟在出口附近看到七贤者之一,对话进入战斗维奥精灵:Lv.80冰鬼护?Lv.80铁甲贝Lv.82玛狃拉胜利后向上走,冲浪向左来到幻镜市幻镜市的商店在道馆门口看见艾莉丝,对话后可以进入了,钢系馆主精灵:Lv.84青铜钟Lv.84巨钳螳螂Lv.84路卡利欧Lv.85盔甲鸟胜利后得到TM23钢铁之尾瀑布上面是冠军之路,暂时过不去,向下回到初始镇穿过红莲之窟到达绝望荒漠,右边挡路的人不见了,向上走来到寐龙镇寐龙镇的商店先去挑战道馆,龙系,需要点玉石传送馆主精灵:Lv.87刺龙王Lv.87三头龙Lv.87双斧战龙Lv.88沙漠蜻蜓胜利后得到TM02龙爪==========至此梦世界八道馆全部推倒=========去粉碎赤日的阴谋吧穿过洞穴,来到下雪的地方这里进去攀瀑可捡到TM53气合弹走左边的洞口,沿着路走,进入这里的洞遇到了希罗娜和玛姿,继续向右走楼梯,遇到库鲁玛和银河团的朱庇特在洞窟尽头看到了萨坦,进入战斗萨坦精灵:Lv.86巨钳螳螂Lv.86重甲暴龙Lv.86姆克鹰Lv.86鸭嘴炎龙Lv.88毒骷蛙终于要见到赤日了,准备充分后就进入吧看来库鲁玛与冥王龙有什么关系,赤日对世界的不满促使他要重新构建一个新秩序,怎么会让他得逞呢原来操控主角记忆的是他,但是火箭队的代码并不是他研发出来的_(:з」∠)_,然后主角跳进了反转世界大吾和米可利来助阵后进入与赤日的对战(bug:这里输掉貌似就进不来了)赤日精灵:Lv.89玛狃拉Lv.89黑鲁加Lv.89绅士鸦Lv.89叉字蝠Lv.89暴鲤龙Lv.92血翼飞龙赤日维系着大门让主角离开了这个世界从希罗娜口中得知库鲁玛可能去找基拉帝纳了,回到寐龙镇的主角发现等离子团已经占领了小镇与中间的忍者对话进入战斗暗之忍精灵:Lv.86巨牙鲨Lv.86梦魇Lv.88夜黑魔人胜利后等离子团的人消失了,简要的跟渡和艾莉丝说明情况后,二人表示也要一起去调查酋雷姆的事准备好后到下方与渡对话传送到永冻之窟进入永冻之窟,之前与七贤者战斗地方多了个楼梯捡到TM54岩石之刃然后是推石头,将这里的两块分别推进左边两个洞里,需要推倒洞上方再点A (模拟器Z)才会掉下去将最右边的石头推进画面中的洞最后是上方的石头从这里起步,很轻松就能到达中间的楼梯在洞窟尽头遇到盔甲人,其真实身份是阿克罗马,进入战斗阿克罗玛精灵:Lv.88大钢蛇Lv.88胡地Lv.89自爆磁怪Lv.90巨金怪阿克罗玛走了,进入下一层阿戴克轻松化解了暗之忍的攻击,然后动身去找盖奇斯了走到楼梯处可自动恢复体力上前对话进入最后剧情,收集了两个世界的酋雷姆真是好辛苦啊_(:з)∠)_,然后进入双人战盖奇斯精灵:Lv.90黑色酋雷姆Lv.90白色酋雷姆虽然胜利了,但是并没有对盖奇斯造成影响,酋雷姆的力量仍然强大酋雷姆释放出冻结后,主角突然回到了初遇小遥的地方,原来一切都没有发生过么但是另一个小遥出现并否定了主角的想法,我们一起回去吧,去面对现实克雷赛利亚帮助了主角,之后消失在众人面前,小光随后赶到做好准备后上前与小遥对话在道路的尽头与盖奇斯对话,进入战斗(bug:此处进战后盖奇斯会变成一个山男,精灵也会变成Lv.21小拳石,不影响以后剧情)因为bug的关系轻松取胜了,众人齐聚一堂,完美结局在库鲁玛的提醒下才想起来还有挑战联盟这回事,之后被传送到永冻之窟门口~~~~~~二周目梦世界神兽部分(在挑战完梦联盟之后有传送水晶会更方便)~~~~~先从梦源镇的床上回到现实世界一趟与艾沃利做了一定要战胜库鲁玛的约定后返回梦世界寐龙镇上方的源初之山,走到尽头,到达这里的山洞左边可捕捉Lv.70迪亚鲁加右边是Lv.70帕鲁奇亚然后再次回到梦之实验室,拿到黑白石先不要急着回去梦世界,到送神火山一趟,顶层的墓碑有反应了传送到反转世界轮回镇看不到人,继续向前发现被流放的盖诺塞克特,研究员听说主角要捕获它想要阻止主角,进入战斗希卡精灵:Lv.663D龙ZLv.66胡地Lv.66巨钳螳螂Lv.68艾路蕾朵胜利后可以上前捕获了,Lv.50盖诺塞克特此时脑海中再次响起了基拉帝纳的话语,并得到了看到人类灵魂的能力然后回到轮回镇,得到冥界之花基拉帝纳现在还不能捉,飞去绿荫镇,将冥界之花交给女子,得到感恩之花回到梦世界,沙蜃镇右边的沉默地下街,阅读墙上的石板传送到幻龙之塔一层左边的楼梯走道尽头可捕捉Lv.70雷希拉姆右边的楼梯尽头是Lv.70捷克罗姆然后点这里的石头返回沉默地下街虹影市下方,沿着这个开满花的路口向下走,进入花海可捕捉Lv.30洁米捉完黑白龙后再次回到梦之实验室与阿克罗玛对话(腿都要跑断了_(:з)∠)_),得知黑白酋雷姆的位置飞到绿岭市,冲浪向上走来到浅滩洞穴(涨落潮无所谓)到达洞内结冰部分,这里多了个楼梯进入可捕捉Lv.80白色酋雷姆梦世界从幻镜市向右冲浪到达永冻之窟,还是这里的楼梯来到这里后不要走左上的路了,左下有个小路口进入后可捕捉Lv.80黑色酋雷姆二周目神兽捕捉完毕,附总图如下然后踏上去梦世界联盟的旅程吧,与幻镜市瀑布上方的npc对话进入冠军之路洞内并不复杂,在出口碰到小遥,进入战斗小遥精灵:Lv.91电龙Lv.91雪妖女Lv.91沙漠蜻蜓Lv.92蜥蜴王Lv.92巨沼怪Lv.92火焰鸡一路上有你陪伴,我也很开心……在联盟的门口与小光进行对战小光精灵:Lv.92变隐龙Lv.92假面蔷薇Lv.92斗笠菇Lv.92雷电狮Lv.94艾路蕾朵准备好了就可以去挑战梦联盟了普通系天王决明精灵:Lv.93波克基斯Lv.93姆克鹰Lv.93海月水母Lv.93卡比兽Lv.95圈圈熊电系天王布罗精灵:Lv.94电击魔兽Lv.94天蝎王Lv.94自爆磁怪Lv.94雷精灵Lv.96皮卡丘火系天王阿枫精灵:Lv.95九尾Lv.95河马王Lv.95喷火驼Lv.95火精灵Lv.97噬魂吊灯水系天王水杉精灵:Lv.96牛蛙君Lv.96水精灵Lv.96刺龙王Lv.96沼王Lv.98快龙最后是与库鲁玛的对决库鲁玛精灵:Lv.99玛狃拉Lv.99波克基斯Lv.99艾路蕾朵Lv.99巨钳螳螂Lv.99耿鬼Lv.99闪光索罗亚克虽然胜利了,但是主角拒绝了接受冠军之位得到魅影幻晶后登记名誉冠军,二周目达成。

神秘传说2之剧院魅影[Mystery Legends:The Phantom of the Opera]图文攻略

神秘传说2之剧院魅影[Mystery Legends:The Phantom of the Opera]图文攻略

神秘传说2之剧院魅影Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the OperaWalkthrough Menu∙General Tips∙Introduction∙Chapter 1: The Main Floor∙Chapter 2: The Basement∙Chapter 3: The Upper Floor∙Chapter 4: FinaleGeneral Tips∙All puzzles can be skipped once the skip button has been fully charged.∙Some puzzle solutions are random in the game; the guide will note such instances when a step-by-step solution cannot be given.∙Click on the mirror (A) in the lower left to obtain instructions for puzzles in the game or for hints during a search scene.∙Objectives are generated in the game automatically or by clicking on a trigger. The guide will make note of all the trigger locations.∙The Guide (B) button in the lower left will bring up the Objectives and General Help for the game. If you want the built-in strategy guide you can upgrade to the collector‟s edition version of this game.∙Some items cannot be picked up until an objective has been unlocked. Make sure you visit an area more than once to look for unlocked items of new Hidden Object Scenes.∙Clicking randomly in a Hidden Object Scene will cause your screen to crack for a few seconds.∙Hover your mouse at the bottom of the screen to bring up the inventory tray (C).∙Open your journal in the lower right corner (D).∙Read your journal frequently; it can provide puzzle solutions.∙Journal pages can be added automatically or by picking them up in various areas throughout the game. The guide will mark all instances in which journal pages can be picked up.∙The map is located on the left side of the journal (E).∙Open the map to find a complete layout of the game. Read the legend at the bottom of the map to learn what all the icons represent.∙ A yellow X (1) symbolizes your current location and a red exclamation point (2) represents an active location with an objective.∙Hovering your mouse over a part of the map will show you the name; use this tool when you need to know where to go next.Introduction∙Head right to the coat check.∙Take the ELECTRIC TORCH (A) on the counter.∙Click on the poster (B) and the newspaper clipping (C) to add 2 pages to your journal.∙Go into the cloak closet.∙Illuminate the parts of the scene with the ELECTRIC TORCH.∙Take the LIGHT BULB (1) on the back wall.∙Open the wiring box on the left to trigger a puzzle (D).∙Click on the lights in the correct order by tracing the bulb on top with the matching switch at the bottom.∙Bulbs must be lit from left to right.∙The switches have been labeled 1 to 8 from left to right. Click on the wires in this order to solve the puzzle 5, 7, 6, 4, 1, 8, 2, 3.∙Click down and head left.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene by the ticket booth to obtain the OPERA TICKET(E).∙Zoom into the usher (F); place the OPERA TICKET in his hand (G).∙Click on the curtain to make it fall.∙Go forward to the Auditorium Landing (H).∙Go into the right door to reach the dining hallway (I).Chapter 1: The Main Floor∙Take the CREST FRAGMENT 1 / 2 (J) from the statue‟s hand.∙Go right to enter the manager‟s hallway.∙Zoom into the middle left window; look at the canopic jar outside the window.∙Take URN 1/5 (K) in the back.∙Click on the painting (L) to add a page to your journal.∙Zoom into the door on the right to trigger a lock puzzle (M).∙Click in the outer ring of the lock to open it.∙Click on the pins in the correct order to make them stay up.∙The puzzle resets itself when an incorrect sequence has been entered.∙The solution to this puzzle is random. Try to remember the order in which the pins remained in the up position so you can get through the puzzle faster.∙Click on the center of the puzzle after all the pins have been pushed in.∙Go through the door to access the manager‟s office.∙Zoom into the right statue; take the EMPTY BOTTLE (N).∙Click on the painting (O) to add a page to your journal.∙Take a closer look at the clock (P).∙Zoom into the chess table to activate a new objective (Q).∙Zoom into the elephant lamp (R) on the left.∙Take the cover off the lamp.∙Place the LIGHT BULB in the socket to activate a search scene.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the CREST FRAGMENT (S).∙Click down twice and go into the left door to access the dining salon. ∙Take the BLACK KNIGHT 1/4 (T) on the table.∙Click on the mantle above the fireplace to activate a new objective (U).∙Move the chair by the window; take URN 2/5 (V).∙Play the Hidden Object Scene on the left to collect URN 3/5 (W).∙Exit this room, go through the right door and head forward to the Art Rotunda. ∙Zoom into the clock; note the time has stopped at 9:20 (X).∙Move the painting in the lower right; take SYMBOL CARD 1/4 (Y).∙Zoom into the library door in the back to trigger a new objective (Z).∙Return to the manager‟s office.∙Zoom into the cuckoo clock.∙Set the time to 9:20; take the KEY (1).∙Return to the Art Rotunda.∙Zoom into the back door (Z).∙Place the KEY in the keyhole and enter the library.∙Open the BOOK (A) in the lower left to add a page to your journal.∙Click on the UNLIT CANDLE in the lower right; take BLACK KNIGHT 2/4 (B). ∙Zoom into the books between the statues to trigger a new objective (C).∙Grab the IMSETY CANOPIC JAR (1) next to the right statue.∙Click on the books by the right statue to trigger a search scene (D).∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain BOOK 3 (E).∙Click down and go into the left door to access the conservatory hallway. ∙Take the SANDBAG (F) on the right.∙Go forward to the conservatory.∙Take the EMPTY BUCKET (G) on the lower left.∙Click on the flute of the large statue (H) to add a page to your journal. ∙Zoom into the gate; place the 2 CREST FRAGMENTS into the relief (I). ∙Go through the door to reach the conservatory grounds.∙Grab the TWIG (J) in the lower center.∙Click on the tombstones to read the dates.∙1812 Dubois: His aim was true (K).∙1835 Francis: Forever in his garden (L).∙1854 Moreau: Rest in Peace (M).∙1862 Edmund: A man of science (N).∙1884 Vincent: His vision lives on (O).∙Go forward to the cottage grounds.∙Place the EMPTY BUCKET in the well (P).∙Turn the handle (Q) to drop the bucket.∙Turn the handle again to raise the bucket; take the BUCKET OF ICE WATER.∙Take a closer look at the corner of the right window; take the THERMOMETER (R).∙Go inside the cottage.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the SCREWDRIVER (S).∙Take the RECIPE BOOK (S) on the ground.∙Return to the Conservatory.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the HEDGE SHEARS (T).∙Zoom into the loose tile on the ground.∙Pry the tile loose with the SCRWDRIVER.∙Take the EARTHWORM (U) and the STONE TILE (V).∙Click down to reach the conservatory hallway.∙Put the BUCKET OF ICE WATER on the wilted plant on the left (W).∙Cut the plant with the HEDGE SHEARS.∙Grab the STAR ANISE BUDS (X) that fell on the ground.∙Return to the Library.∙Zoom into the books between both statues.∙Place BOOK 3 and the RECIPE BOOK in the slots.∙Click on 2 books to swap their positions.∙Using the clue found in the coat check, arrange the books to form the numbers 0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 8, 9, and 6.∙Open the gate behind the books; take EMPTY BOTTLE 2 (Z) and the ANGEL SPIRITS (Y).∙Return to the cottage.∙Zoom into the stove.∙Place the ingredients into the cauldron in this order: ANGEL SPIRITS, EARTHWORM, TWIG, THERMOMETER and STAR ANISE BUDS.∙You must keep the STAR ANISE BUDS separated by moving them away from each other. If they bump into each other they will turn red.∙The water must be completely green and the star anise buds must disappear before the brew can be used.∙Place the 2 EMPTY BOTTLES into the brew to collect the 2 BOTTLES OF ABSINTHE.∙Return to the conservatory.∙Play the Hidden Object scene to obtain the MOP (1).∙Return to the manager‟s office.∙Zoom into the left statue; place a BOTTLE OF ABSINTHE in the hands.∙Zoom into the right statue; place the other BOTTLE OF ABSINTHE in the hands. ∙The large painting falls on the ground; zoom into the puzzle behind the picture (2).∙The board is filled with numbers, all but five are repeated.∙Click on the numbers (Roman or Arabic) which are not repeated.∙The solution is random; the screenshot shows you a random solution.∙Click on the handle to enter your solution and retrieve URN 4/ 5 (A).∙Click down.∙Zoom into the middle left window.∙Break the window with the STONE TILE; take the QEBEHSENENUEF CANOPIC JAR (B) in the snow.∙Go to the auditorium landing; enter the left door.∙Place the SANDBAG on the floor.∙Click on the large painting (C) on the left wall to add a page to your journal.∙Grab URN 5/5 (D) on the left.∙Return to the dining salon.∙Zoom into the mantle.∙Place the 5 URNS in any spot to activate the puzzle.∙The locations for the URNS are: behind the chair in the dining salon, Hidden Object scene in the dining salon, manager‟s hallway, ballroom hallway, and the last one will be added to inventory after you solve the number puzzle in the manager‟s office.∙Using the clues in the conservatory grounds and your journal, place the urns in this order: Angel Wings, Gun, Paintbrush, Sprout, Mortar and Pestle.∙Take the BLACK ROSE below the urns (E).∙Go to the ballroom hallway and make a right into the powder room.∙Place the MOP you found in the conservatory search scene on the floor to soak up the water.∙Give the BLACK ROSE you obtained after the solving the urn puzzle to the Phantom in the mirror (F).Chapter 2: The Basement∙Find the 20 MUSICAL SYMBOLS in the scene.∙Grab the NAIL CLIPPERS (A) on the left chair.∙Go through the hole in the back wall to reach the spy booth (B).∙Click on the stack of papers (C) in the lower right to add a page to your journal.∙Take the INSECT JAR (D) on the shelf.∙Click on the shelf in the upper left; take the SYMBOL CARD 2/4 (E).∙Go down the ladder to reach the understage landing.∙Grab the HAPY CANOPIC JAR (F) on the right side of the floor.∙Zoom into the crack on the left side of the floor.∙Grab the ANTS using the INSECT JAR (G); the JAR OF ANTS will be added to inventory.∙Head right into the prop storage room.∙Grab BLACK KNIGHT 3/4 (H) in the lower right.∙Click down and go forward to the understage.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene on the right to obtain the DUAMUTEF CANOPIC JAR (I).∙Click on the left door to add a new objective (J).∙Take SYMBOL CARD 3/4 (K) in the lower left.∙Go forward to the elevator lobby.∙Click on the Hamlet mannequin (L) on the left to add a page to your journal. ∙Click on the elevator gate (M) to add a new objective.∙Head right toward the stage lifts.∙Grab the CRANK (N) in the lower left.∙Return to the prop storage room.∙Cut the bear‟s claws with the NAIL CLIPPERS (O).∙Put the CRANK in the Jack-in-the-box.∙Turn the crank until the box opens up.∙Take the SYMBOL CARD 4/4 (P) the small phantom is holding.∙Return to the understage.∙Zoom into the left door.∙Place the 4 SYMBOL CARDS in the C, D, E, and F slots to activate the puzzle.∙Light the musical notes on top, from left to right, using the symbols on the card in the lower left corner (*) as a guide.∙Click on each card to lift it from its slot. The symbol enclosed in a square is the one you need to click on the main board; however, that symbol must have the same symbols surrounding it as the ones on the card.∙The solution to this puzzle is random; please look at the screenshot for a sample solution.∙Enter the orchestra pit after the puzzle has been solved.∙ A new objective appears as soon as you enter.∙Play the Hidden Object scene by the broken piano to obtain the STATUE OF HORUS (1).∙Grab the MUSIC STAND (2) on the left.∙Go to the prop storage room.∙Play the Hidden Object scene to obtain the SUN DISC (3).∙Return to the stage lifts area.∙Open the lift mechanism control panel in the lower right with the SCREWDRIVER(A).∙Place the JAR OF ANTS on the gummy gears inside the mechanism.∙From left to right; place the following items on the lifts; HAPY (1), IMSETY (2), STATUE OF HORUS (3), QEBEHSENUF (4), and DUAMATEF (5).∙Click on the LEVER (B) on the right to raise the lift and lower the sarcophagus.∙Zoom into the sarcophagus; place the SUN DISC on top (C).∙Click on the sun disc.∙Take the BLACK ROSE (D).∙Return to the orchestra pit.∙Give the BLACK ROSE to the phantom in the mirror on the right (E).Chapter 3: The Upper Floor∙Find the 20 MUSICAL SYMBOLS in the scene.∙Take the KEY below the broken mirror (A).∙Return to the elevator lobby.∙Place the KEY on the padlock attached to the gate (B).∙Click on the wheel (C) to the lower right of the gate to open the door.∙Go inside the service elevator.∙Click on the old playbills (D) on the right and the note (E) on the left to add 2 pages to your journal.∙Click on the switch (F) on the left to trigger a puzzle.∙Click on the switches in the correct order so you can light up the fuses from I to VIII.∙The switches have been labeled 1 to 8 from left to right. Click on the switches in this order to solve the puzzle: 4, 1, 5, 8, 6, 7, 2, 3.∙Click on the switch to activate the elevator.∙Go forward to the actor‟s alley.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene on the left to obtain the POWDER PUFF (G).∙Click on the large poster (H) in the back to add a page to your journal.∙Click on the mirror (I) on the right to add a new objective.∙Grab the TELESCOPE in the lower right (J).∙Go forward to the costume alley.∙Click on the note (K) attached to the costumes on the right to add a page to your journal.∙Remove the cloth on the lower left; take DAGGER 1/5 (L).∙Go left into the women‟s changing room to encounter the phantom once more.∙Take the BLACK KNIGHT 4/4 (M) on the shelf on the right.∙Grab DAGGER 2/5 (N) on the stool.∙Click down and go forward to the industrial alley.∙Take the HOOK (O) in the upper left.∙Grab DAGGER 3/5 (P) on the counter on the right.∙Go forward to the rooftop.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain DAGGER 4/ 5 (Q).∙Place the TELESCOPE on the stand (R).∙Click on the telescope to trigger a mini-game.∙Use the arrows to move the view of the telescope and search for a star.∙Once the star is in the middle of the lens, it will glow brightly.∙After the puzzle has been completed, a light from the telescope will shine on part of the snow; place the POWDER PUFF on that spot to obtain the STAR DUST (S).∙Click on the NOTE (T) on the left side of the snow to add a page to your journal.∙Click down and head right into the furnace room.∙Click on the back door to trigger a puzzle.∙Click in the outer ring of the lock to open it.∙Click on the pins in the correct order to make them stay up.∙The puzzle resets itself when an incorrect sequence has been entered.∙The solution to this puzzle is random. Try to remember the order in which the pins stayed up so you can get through the puzzle faster.∙Click on the center of the puzzle after all the pins have been pushed in.∙Go through the door to access the sewers and trigger a new objective.∙Take the WEIGHTED BAG (U) in the lower right.∙Place the HOOK on the rope in the upper left (V).∙Put the WEIGHTED BAG on the hook to eliminate the water in the scene. ∙Grab the HAND MIRROR (W) on the ground.∙Go forward to the worship cellar.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain DAGGER 5/5 (X).∙Take the DRY TORCH (Y) in the lower right.∙Return to the furnace room.∙Knock over the gasoline can on the left (Z).∙Place the DRY TORCH over the spilled gasoline (1).∙Put the FUEL-SOAKED TORCH into the furnace (2) to obtain the BURNING TORCH.∙Go forward twice and up the left steps to reach the church.∙Light the 6 lanterns marked in green with the BURNING TORCH.∙Click on the NOTE (A) on the left to add a page to your journal.∙Zoom into the skeletons in the back of the scene.∙Place the 5 DAGGERS in the raised hands.∙The daggers can be fou nd in the costume alley, the women‟s changing room, the industrial alley, the rooftop, and the church cellar.∙The daggers have been labeled 1 to 5 from left to right. Click on the daggers in this order: 3, 1, 4, 5, 2.∙Solving the puzzle opens the door to the graveyard on the right.∙Go to the graveyard.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the FLUTE (B).∙Take the SHOVEL (C) on the lower left.∙Go forward to the crypt entrance.∙Knock down the BLACK ROSE (D) in the upper center using the SHOVEL. ∙Click on the area above the door to add a page to your journal (E).∙Click on the door to add a new objective (F).∙Return to the worship cellar.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the EMBALMING FLUID (G).∙Return to the rooftop.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain SKULL MASK 1/4 (H).∙Take the service elevator and return to the Orchestra Pit.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the GRAMOPHONE HORN (I).∙Go to the prop storage room.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain SKULL MASK 2/4 (J).∙Return to the manager‟s office.∙Zoom into the chess table.∙The black knights can be found in the dining salon, in the candle in the lower right at the library, on the lower right side of the prop storage room, and in the women‟s changing room.∙Place the 4 BLACK KNIGHTS on the board to activate the puzzle.∙Place the black knights on the board so they are one step away from the king.∙The pieces can be moved in an …L‟ shape formation across the board.∙Please look at the screenshot for the solution.∙Take the 20.000 FRANCS on the side of the board after the puzzle has been solved.∙To the elevator to the women‟s changing room on the upper floor.∙Give the BLACK ROSE to the phantom in the mirror.Chapter 4: Finale∙Find the 20 MUSICAL SYMBOLS in the scene.∙Take the PHONOGRAPH (1) in the broken mirror.∙Zoom into the gramophone stand (2).∙Place the PHONOGRAPH and the GRAMOPHONE HORN on the stand and the screen in the back of the scene will fall down.∙Give the HAND MIRROR to the mannequin in the back of the scene.∙Take the COMEDY MASK (3) from the mannequin‟s face.∙Click down.∙Click on the right door to trigger a new task (4).∙Click down.∙Place the STAR DUST on the mirror (5) on the right to add a page to your journal.∙Take the elevator back down and go to the grand foyer.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene by the ticket booth to obtain the BOX OF MATCHES (6).∙Go to the conservatory grounds.∙Use the shovel on the white “X” on the right side of the ground to dig up SKULL MASK 3/4 (A).∙Go to the library.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene on the right to obtain the MUSIC SHEET (B).∙Go to the dining salon.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene to obtain the SALT (C).∙Go to the furnace room.∙Click on the pile of coal in the lower right; take the SKULL (D).∙Place the MUSIC STAND on the stand by the fire (E).∙Put the MUSIC SHEET on the music stand and a lit pattern will appear on the opposite side of the wall.∙Zoom into the lit pattern on the wall (F).∙Remove the stone; take the BLACK CANDLES (G).∙Go to the elevator lobby.∙Give the SKULL to the Hamlet mannequin (H).∙Take the TRAGEDY MASK off the mannequin‟s face (I).∙Return to costume alley.∙Zoom into the right door.∙Place the FLUTE, COMEDY MASK, and TRAGEDY MASK into the appropriate slots to activate the puzzle.∙Position the masks as shown in the screenshot so that holes 2, 4, 5, and 6 are closed.∙Go through the door to access Christine‟s room.∙Zoom into the back door to activate a new objective (J).∙Take SKULL MASK 4/4 (K) in the lower right.∙Grab the OPERA GLASSES (L) in the lower left.∙Take the WHITE HEART (M) on the mannequin‟s chest on the left.∙Return to the actor‟s alley.∙Play the Hidden Object Scene on the left to obtain the BALLERINA (N).。

神秘日记2之幽魂岛[Mystic Diary:Haunted Island]图文攻略

神秘日记2之幽魂岛[Mystic Diary:Haunted Island]图文攻略

神秘日记2之幽魂岛Mystic Diary: Haunted IslandWalkthrough Menu∙General Tips∙Chapter 1: The House∙Chapter 2: The Island∙Chapter 3: The Portals∙Chapter 4: Underwater World∙Chapter 5: The Mystic DiaryGeneral Tips∙This is an Interactive Hidden Object Game.∙Click on the Options Button to adjust the Music Volume, Effects, Environment, Custom Cursor, and Full Screen option.∙You can choose to do a tutorial after the game intro.∙When your cursor changes to a magnifying glass that means the area requires closer inspection.∙Areas that sparkle mean that there are Hidden Object scenes there.∙Inventory items can be found by completing Hidden Object scenes, solving puzzles, or random discovery.∙Random clicking will cause the screen to cloud over temporarily.∙Click on an inventory item to pick it up and then click on the object on which you wish to use it.∙If your inventory bar gets full, you can use the arrows on each side to scroll.∙Your progress will be tracked in the Ghost Diary on the bottom left of the screen.Inside, you can find clues, objectives, and notes to help you on your way.∙Drag an inventory item to the hint area and then click on it to get a clue if you are unsure what to do with the item.∙Click on Goals in the lower right of the screen to see what you need to do.∙Hints replenish at a reasonable rate.∙Hotspots are marked in green in the screenshots.∙You need to click on some areas to advance or trigger a goal.∙Most puzzles can be skipped after a time, but there are some that will require completion in order to continue.∙Click on Menu to the exit game.Chapter 1: The House∙Click on the sparkling area on the left and find all the items on the list.∙ A PAIR OF PLIERS will be added to your inventory.∙Click on the blue cloth (A) and pick up the FIREWOOD.∙Pick up the GEAR 1 of 3 (B) on the fence, on the right.∙Click on, and check out, the door, the ornamental head to the left of the right windows, the broken window on the left of the door, and the top of the tree.∙Click on the mailbox and use the PAIR OF PLIERS on it three times to fix it.∙Click on the repaired mailbox to open it.∙Take the GHOST DIARY from the mailbox.∙Click on the apparition of Victor to get an entry in the Ghost Diary.∙Click on the left side of screen to get an arrow; click again when the arrow appears to reach the next area.∙Click on the sparkling area by the bench and then find all the items on the list. ∙ A LANTERN will be added to your inventory.∙Take the KNOB from the tool bin (A).∙Click on the haystack.∙Take the BROOM (B) and sweep it across the area until all the leaves are gone.∙Rotate the rings of flowers until they complete the picture. Backing out does not reset the puzzle. See screenshot for solution.∙Take the HORSESHOE from the center of the completed puzzle.∙Use the HORSESHOE on the mechanism (C) attached to the furnace.∙Use the FIREWOOD on the furnace (D).∙Click on the controls connected to the furnace; push the levers down, from left to right: 3, 4, 2, 1.∙Take the MAGNET (horseshoe) from the mechanism on the left (C).∙Head right to the front of the house and use the MAGNET on the broken window(B) to get the DOOR KEY.∙Use the DOORKEY on the door lock (C).∙Flick the switch on the wall (A) when you enter the house.∙Use the DOORKNOB on the cabinet (A) and then take the KNIFE (E) from the shelf inside.∙Take the GEAR 3 of 3 (B) next to the bear rug.∙Use the KNIFE on the picture on the wall (D) and then take the PLAN PIECE.∙Take the SWEATER (C) from the stairs.∙Click on the opossum under the stairs, the gas valve on the right of the stairs, and the gear boxes on the top of the stairs.∙Click on the door in the back of the room to enter the back room.∙Click on the sparkling hidden object area and then find the items listed. ∙An OILCAN will be added to your inventory.∙Pick up GEAR 2 of 3 (A) from under the cupboard.∙Pick up the BRICK (B) from under the couch.∙Use the BRICK on the mirror (C) until a puzzle is revealed.∙Place the coins in the correct spots. When the coins are correctly placed, the picture of the planet will be clear. See screenshot for solution.∙Take the COLD SPELL SCROLL (E) from the bottom of the completed puzzle.∙Use the COLD SPELL SCROLL on the fireplace and draw the symbol. You will see an outline of the symbol flash on the drawing space, giving you an exact location.∙Take the CROWBAR (D) from the fireplace after completing the drawing.∙Use the CROWBAR on the hatch in the floor (F).∙Click on the bottom of the screen to go back to the main room.∙Use the OILCAN on the gas valve at the bottom of the stairs.∙Use the LANTERN on the gas valve.∙ A LIT LANTERN will be added to your inventory.∙Go back through the door with the dartboard and then go down the hatch.∙Use the LIT LANTERN on the darkness and then click on the apparition of Anna to get a Ghost Diary update.∙Pick up the SCREWDRIVER (A) by the base of the ladder.∙Click on the photo of the candle (B) and take the CLOCK HANDS. You will get another update in the Ghost Diary.∙Click on the shelf and then check out the frog in the jar.∙Click on the sparkling area and then find all the items listed. ∙ A SILVER KEY will be added to your inventory.∙Head up the ladder.∙Click on the sparkling area in the cupboard and then find all the items listed. ∙ A MELTING SPELL SCROLL will be added to your inventory.∙Back out of the room via the bottom of the screen.∙Place GEAR 1 of 3, GEAR 2 of 3, and GEAR 3 of 3 on the gear box on the top of the stairs. They will automatically snap into the correct slots.∙Use the codes from the Ghost Diary (A) to determine the order of the numbers (B) to place in the door lock (C). The correct code is 413562.∙Press the green button (D) after you’ve entered the numbers.∙Go up through the newly opened attic hatch.∙Cover the beehive on the right rafters with the SWEATER and click on the sparkling area.∙Find all the items listed and a GLUE TUBE will be added to your inventory.∙Click on the soccer ball and then take the SCISSORS (A) from the close-up.∙Use the SILVER KEY on the locked chest and then get the EMPTY CYLINDER (B) from the opened chest.∙Use the GLUE TUBE on the table in the upper left.∙Place the PLAN PIECE from inventory on the papers.∙Assemble the pieces to form a map (C); right-click to turn the pieces.∙The pieces will snap into place when correctly placed. See screenshot for solution.∙You will get a Ghost Diary update upon completion of the map.∙Click on the sparkling area and then find all the items. ∙ A MALLET will be added to your inventory.∙Go down the hatch.∙Use the EMPTY CYLINDER on the gas valve to get a GAS CYLINDER.∙Head through the door with the dartboard and then go down the hatch to the basement.∙Use the MALLET on the back wall multiple times to break through to the secret room and.∙Enter the secret room.∙Take the LADDER (A) from the back of the room.∙Use the SCREWDRIVER on each of the four screws on the panel (B) in the upper right.∙Take the RIGHT EYE from the bottom right of the grate after unscrewing the panel.∙Click on the wicker cart and then take the SALT (C).∙Click on the trunk on the left and complete the clock puzzle.∙Arrange the numbers in sequential order clockwise. Use the two slots on either side (E) to hold numbers you wish to move; click on the arrows in the center to rotate.∙When the numbers are in order, and you place the 12 (noon) on the top, you will need to insert the CLOCK HANDS into the center.∙Set the CLOCKHANDS to match the clue in the Ghost Diary using the knobs (F) on the bottom right.∙The correct time is 6:45. See screenshot (D) for solution.∙Take the BALLOON from the opened trunk.∙Go to the main room and click on the apparition to get a Ghost Diary update.∙Head outside the house.∙Use the LADDER on the tree (A).∙Use the SCISSORS on the tree branches (B) to get a BRANCH.∙Head into the house and then go down to the basement.∙Use the BRANCH on the frog in the jar (C); note the jar of milk that is now empty.∙Head outside to the side yard.∙Click on the sparkling area by the bench and then find the items listed. ∙ A GAS TORCH will be added to your inventory.Place the GAS TORCH, BALLOON, and GAS CYLINDER on the basket and then watch the cutscene.Chapter 2: The Island∙Click on the apparition of Albert to get an update in the Ghost Diary.∙Click on the sparkling area and then find the items listed.∙ A BOTTLE will be added to your inventory.∙Head to the right to get to the campsite.∙Click on the Tiki head and then take the KNOB CONTROL (A) from its mouth.∙Place the BOTTLE on the area to which the light is pointing (C).∙Look into the hole to which the light is beamed and then try and take the eye.∙Go back to the crash site and then use the KNOB CONTROL on the TV (B).∙Set the test pattern on the TV screen so that it matches the test pattern in the Ghost Diary.∙The knobs, from left to right, should be set to point: left, right, left, left.∙Click on the Test Button (C) when the knobs are set. See screenshot for solution.∙Take the WATER AMULET from the dolphin’s mouth.∙Head over to the right to the campsite and then click on the sparking area.∙Find all the objects listed.∙ A MACHETE will be added to your inventory.∙Use the MACHETE on the bushes (A) to the right of the tent.∙Enter through the now opened area to the jungle at the right and then click on the apparition of Sophie to get a Ghost Diary update.∙Pick up the PIPE (B) on the woodpile.∙Click on the stone statue.∙Head over to the waterfall area, via the arrow on the right, and then click on the sparkling area.∙Find all the items on the list.∙An EMPTY POT will be added to your inventory.∙Head over to the cave area, via the right of the screen, and then click on the sparkling area.∙Find all the items on the list.∙ A RED EYE will be added to your inventory.∙Head into the cave and then click on the apparition of Orhan to get an update in the Ghost Diary.∙Click on the sparkling area.∙Find all the items on the list.∙ A STONE HEART will be added to your inventory.∙Place the PIPE on the broken pipe (A) leading to the stove.∙Use the MELTING SPELL SCROLL on the lava (B).∙Copy the symbol from the right onto the scroll. The outline will flash on the drawing surface, showing the exact location. See screenshot for solution.∙Click on the stone marker to the right of the furnace.∙Exit the cave and then click on the fire amulet on the ground, but you’ll need something cold to pick it up!∙Head back to the campsite and click on the sparkling area.∙Find all the items on the list.∙ A COGWHEEL will be added to your inventory.∙Go right two times to the waterfall area and then click on the gear mechanism (A).∙Add the COGWHEEL to the gears; assemble them on the pegs so they all turn.See screenshot for solution.∙Use the EMPTY POT on the water by the waterfall (B) to get a FILLED POT.∙Head to the area at the right, by the cave, and pour the FILLED POT on the FIRE AMULET by the entrance.∙Pick up the cooled off FIRE AMULET.∙Head back to the waterfall and then click on the sparkling area.∙Find all the items on the list.∙ A BOWL will be added to your inventory.∙Head to the stone statue via the bottom of the screen and then place the STONE HEART and RED EYE on the statue to trigger a sparkling area by the cave.∙You will not be able to complete the stone statue yet.∙Head to the cave and then click on the sparkling area.∙Find all the items on the list.∙An EGG will be added to your inventory.∙Enter the cave and then click on the sparkling area by the wagon.∙Find all the items on the list.∙ A RUSTY KEY will be added to your inventory.∙Exit out of the area and then head to the campsite.∙Use the RUSTY KEY on the locked chest and then take the AIR AMULET (A). ∙Use the EGG on the snake in the hole to which the beam of light is pointing. ∙Take the GREEN EYE from the hole (B).∙Head to the right, into the jungle, and then click on the stone statue.∙Use the GREEN EYE on the empty eye socket in the green face on the statue.∙Place the RED EYE and the STONE HEART on the statue also.∙You need to use the clue from page 8 of the Ghost Diary to complete the puzzle.∙Click on the heart in the center (A) to rotate the faces.∙You can only change the facial expressions when the face is on the top (B).∙Click on the eyes and mouths, while in the top position, to change them.∙All eyes should be changed to face clockwise; the red face should be a sad face, and the face opposite the red one should be happy. See screenshot for solution.∙The EARTH AMULET will be added to your inventory.∙Head to the right twice and go into the cave.∙Place the AIR AMULET, WATER AMULET, FIRE AMULET, and EARTH AMULET on their corresponding spots (A) on the stone marker. See screenshot for solution.∙Go through the opened portal (B).Chapter 3: The Portals∙Head into the house and then go down into the basement.∙Click on the sparkling area.∙Find the items listed.∙ A WIND SPELL SCROLL will be added to your inventory.∙Use the BOWL on the jar of milk by the frog (A) in the cabinet to get a BOWL OF MILK.∙Give the BOWL OF MILK to the opossum under the stairs (B), in the main room of the house, and then take the FEAR POTION (C).∙Head back through the portal in the front of the house to the island.∙Go to the waterfall and then use the WIND SPELL SCROLL on the waterfall.∙Copy the symbol from the right onto the scroll. The outline will flash on the drawing surface showing the exact location. See screenshot for solution (A).∙Head back to the beach and then click on the sparkling area.∙Find the items listed.∙ A PICKAXE will be added to your inventory.∙Use the PICKAXE on the frozen waterfall until you can get through.∙Click on the apparition of Albert and you will get a new Ghost Diary update. ∙Click on the sparkling area.∙Find the items listed.∙DAMP MINT will be added to your inventory. ∙Go up the screen to the pier.∙Take the SCARY MASK (A) from the post on the left.∙Click on the fishing line on the pier and untangle it.∙Turn all the lines silver by not allowing any of them to cross.∙Pull the metal studs to the outside until they are all untangled. See screenshot (B) for one possible solution.∙Click on the broken diving equipment, the water off the front of the pier, and the stone container.∙Click on the bobber in the water attached to the pole and get a GOLDFISH.∙Head back through the waterfall and then go right, to the cave.∙Click on the furnace to get a close-up.∙Use the DAMP MINT on the heated surface to get some DRIED MINT.∙Go through the frozen waterfall and then click on the sparkling area. ∙Find all the items.∙ A SAPPHIRE KEY will be added to your inventory.∙Use the SAPPHIRE KEY to open the locked chest (A) and get the CATALYST. ∙Click on the stone marker to the left.∙Click on the blanket to get the work station for the potion.∙Use the CATALYST on the burner (B).∙Place the DRIED MINT on the mortar and pestle (C).∙Place the GOLDFISH on the cutting board (D).∙Place the salt into the container with the catalyst (E).∙Click on the mortar and pestle to get the POUNDED MINT; add it to the catalyst(E).∙Click on the cutting board to get the CHOPPED FISH; add it to the catalyst (E). ∙Take the MATCH BOX (F) and use it on the burner (B).∙Take the BULB (G) and use it on the finished potion.∙Go to the pier and use the BREATH POTION on the water.∙Go into the water and then click on the apparition of Anna for an update to your Ghost Diary.Chapter 4: Underwater World∙Click on the sparkling area to the left and find the items listed.∙ A STONE HAND will be added to your inventory.∙Click on the up arrow to exit the water and then go back to the lab area.∙Use the STONE HAND on the stone marker on the left.∙Take the MIRROR from the side of the stone marker.∙Go back into the water off the pier and click on the sparkling area to the left. ∙Find the items on the list.∙ A HALF MOON will be added to your inventory.∙Head up out of the water to the pier and click on the stone container (A). ∙Place the MIRROR in the square (B).∙Place the HALF MOON in the slot (C).∙Take the ANTI-MAGIC SPELL SCROLL (D) from the middle receptacle. ∙Enter the water and then use the FEAR POTION on the shark.∙Head into the tunnel and then pick up the FLYSWATTER (A) from the rocks.∙Click on the crab to the left and then use the SCARY MASK on it.∙The LEFT HALD SYMBOL (B) will be added to your inventory.∙Use the ANTI-MAGIC SPELL SCROLL on the magic symbol.∙Copy the symbol from the right on the scroll. The outline will flash on the drawing surface showing the exact location. See screenshot for solution (C).∙Click on the skeleton and the scale.。



冒险解密类游戏《鬼屋魅影2》通关攻略玩了《鬼屋魅影2 (The haunt)》这个游戏后,觉得这个游戏蛮好玩的,最近得知又有此系列出品,于是又接着摸索了,前一集在网上还能查到些攻略,玩了几天终于过了,决定拿出来和大家分享!好了,不多说了,开始吧。

1:第一个场景是一个车站,先根据手指模拟点击吧,然后回来,进入场景2侯车室往左边这个房间进入场景3餐室(4张),捡起桌上一个钥匙后进入场1 后提示捡卡片,反正以后差不多每个场景都有或多或少的卡片捡取,再进入场景4货场(3张)退出侯车室捡取飞蛾,可以根据此得知当时所在场地还有没卡片未捡取。


车内(2)退出后再往右进入场景6一个空场地,点击场景7左边废仓库2张,用刚才在3捡的钥匙打开房门捡取金币盘,个人觉得捡金币没啥蛮大意思,退出返回火车后听有个人说话后返场6旅馆场8卡2,捞起货架上钥匙后返回旅馆门口捡卡3进入场6,点最右边进入123 房间卡2,床下有个箱,SKIP捡到相册后捡床下相片1,进入浴室捡牙刷卡1,相片2,以后为了方便就不说拼图的了,根据提示很快的;此场景以后基本上就不需要进入了。

































个温暖的拥抱,一个甜蜜的牵手……木子是幸运的,因为她 14 岁那年就遇见了那
4、到左下拿起 cricketbat(棒球棒)使用于 右上的 elephant(大象);
5、 6、 7、★☆★到右上的 almsbowl 取出 bone 并 使 用 于 左 上 的 dogbasket ; 到 右 下 拿 起 suntanoil(油)并使用于右上的 divingboard(跳 水板);到左上拿取 fishing(渔网)并使用于左下 的 toolbelt(工具带),取出 tongs(钳子)并使用 于右下的 valve(管道);
1、到右下的玩具盒拿起尖叫坐垫使用于右 上的一堆垫子,藏匿在右上的通风管道中;
2、到右下的运动包中取出橡皮圈,使用于 左下的鱼叉,使其变成一个会力鱼叉;
个温暖的拥抱,一个甜蜜的牵手……木子是幸运的,因为她 14 岁那年就遇见了那
3、到左上查看生跳蚤的毯子取出生跳蚤的 毯子和毛绒兔子,把跳蚤的毯子使用于右下的毛 巾;
3、到右下拾取 wire(电线)使用左上的 tapwithelectricsafeguard(带电的水管);
4、到右下把 rake(耙子)放倒,并把右边的
Freetiedlittleyapper 解开;
个温暖的拥抱,一个甜蜜的牵手……木子是幸运的,因为她 14 岁那年就遇见了那
5、到右下拿起 roundboardwithnails(带钉 子的圆形木版)使用于左下的 shoecleaningmechine(擦鞋机);
十三、弱肉强食 EatAndToBeEaten(可以隐藏 在左下的垃圾车中和中右的雕像里){9/9}
1、检查中右的一袋水泥,得到水泥粉,使 用于中左的盐浴。
2、3、★☆拿起右下的辣椒粉,检查左下的 骷髅,得到一瓶龙舌兰酒,使用于中左的烤玉米 片和一杯水。

















密室逃脱:逃出神秘豪宅攻略 第二关图文详解

密室逃脱:逃出神秘豪宅攻略 第二关图文详解






















9 clues 2攻略 9条线索2病房图文攻略

9 clues 2攻略 9条线索2病房图文攻略

9 clues 2攻略 9条线索2病房图文攻略
9条线索2病房攻略由搞趣小编带来,包含9clues 2全关卡图文攻略,希望这篇9条线索2病房攻略能给大家游戏带来帮助。



但当他们目睹Crow 医生死亡时,一切更令人生疑。




密室逃脱2Doors Rooms2全攻略之教学关卡0-1

密室逃脱2Doors Rooms2全攻略之教学关卡0-1

密室逃脱2Doors Rooms2全攻略之教学关卡0-1继解密类手游《密室逃脱》大受玩家好评后,《密室逃脱2》也在前不久与广大玩家见面,今天百度攻略&笨手机小编就为大家带来密室逃脱2Doors Rooms2教学关卡第一关的攻略,请大家往下看吧!
下面小编先为大家带来密室逃脱2Doors Rooms2全攻略之教学关卡1-1攻略图文详解:


Doors Rooms2攻略

以上就是百度攻略&笨手机小编今天给大家带来的密室逃脱2Doors Rooms2全攻略之教学关卡1-1攻略图文详解,希望能对你有所帮助!。






还会有两处突然出现的惊悚⿁魂镜头让你吓破胆,你还必须拿起你的相机尽可能捕捉在野外漂泊的孤魂野⿁,你调整好⼼态,准备接收最刺激的挑战了吗?2.m o u s e l e f t寻找线索点击画⾯中的红⾊箭头进⼊游戏,在⽩⾊输⼊框内输⼊⾃⼰或⾃⼰喜欢的名字,点击下⾯的红⾊箭头开始游戏。













3、游戏中最下面一排是需要收集的物品,左边 PUZZLE ITEMS 是机关需要的物品,右边MISPLACED ITEMS 是需要放回的物品。




游戏详细攻略:第一大关:VIKING AGE场景一 VILLAGE:先在下面图中找到所需要物品1、2、3、4的一部分,物品5找齐,然后在A处去另一个场景。



the house 2(经典小游戏)

the house 2(经典小游戏)

游戏文件:双击可直接打开,打开后点击 /thehouse2/ 即可进入游戏(也可直接拖拽到桌面保存)PS :游戏有音效,戴上耳机玩效果不错~游戏介绍:据说一座小镇上有一所房子的门总是关着,而且一直没人住,空置了几十年。






……你呢?你敢吗?(以下图片均可放大查看 为排版美观缩小了)下图是进入游戏后,点击画面,进入房间的画面:游戏玩法:游戏开始后,注意观察房间里的一切物品,用鼠标不断循环点击你所发现的特别的东西,并留心一切线索。


游戏一共有5个房间,分别为:The LIVING ROOM 、The BATHROOM 、The BEDROOM 、The WORKING ROOM 、The SAFE ROOM .当你成功进入第5关即The SAFE ROOM 后,继续加油,找到最后的线索,进入The SPECIAL ROOM ,你就可以知道这家人真正的死因了,你就成功解开了鬼屋之迷,游戏到此结束。

thehouse2.mht下图是游戏最后The SPECIAL ROOM的画面,这家人的真正死因:翻译:这幢房子以前是一个集体自杀案发生的地方,因此从那以后被空置了几十年。






未上锁的房间2 the room two 图文全攻略

未上锁的房间2 the room two 图文全攻略

未上锁的房间2 攻略一所昏暗的屋子,一张充满诡异色彩的方形桌子,我们的游戏就这么开始了,先拉近点到桌子上看看。





























路易的⿁屋2图⽂攻略-路易吉洋楼2攻略⾸先要说⼀下,地图套⽤的WIKI的,会随着那边更新⽽替换ウラメーシ屋敷A-1 オバキュームをさがせ!调查⼤门,需要钥匙,调查左⾯的窗户,再回到⼤门会出现带着钥匙的⽼⿏,抓到它!之后在⼤门钥匙会被使⽤掉进⼊エントランス后去左边的ガレージ调查就可以得到路易的武器装备オバキューム了!,将左上的布吸掉调差隐藏的宝箱可以获得钥匙⼤家要记得多多调查每个房间⾥可疑的地⽅,或许会有⾦币收获,另外有些情况也需要合理利⽤オバキューム来获取⾦币,笔者在后⾯的内容⾥不会赘述哪些地⽅可以获取⾦币,请玩家们见谅。





回到ホール,与另外四只⼩⿁战⽃就会通关A-2 屋敷の奥へ進め!进⼊ホール会发⽣剧情,当准备进⼊廊下会再次触发剧情,出现带着钥匙的⼩⿁,回到エントランス抓住它就能得到钥匙。




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The haunt安卓鬼屋魅影2攻略图文版(上)鬼屋魅影2攻略:第一部分#e#
安卓鬼屋魅影2这款游戏出来也有一段时间了,可惜一直没有中文版的出现,今天小编就带来了安卓鬼屋魅影2攻略,喜欢的朋友可以来看一下哦,和你详细的the haunt攻略,可以帮助你通关,哪里不会看哪里哦。




































































