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1. The government has done a lot to _______ (减少) the water pollution in Wuxi.

2. Stop to have a rest. Overwork will do _______ (伤害) to your health.

3. Can you tell me the time of their _______ (到达) ?

4. On Christmas Day, all of us _______ (简直) can’t wait to open the presents.

5. There are fewer _______ (工厂) in the city center than there used to be.


6. The book shows the _______ (develop) of those small villages in mountain areas.

7. The way is so long and the trip seems to be _______ (end ).

8. Are these colourful bags those _______ (lady)?

9. -It’s so cold today!

-So it is. I’m afraid the temperature will be much _______ (low) tomorrow.

10. -Does the singer sing _______ (nice)? -Yes,no one sings better.


1. We ________ a lot ________ people in Sichuan after the 2008 earthquake.

A. provide; for

B. provide; with

C. provided; with

D. provided; for

2. My cousin _______ America. She will come back next month.

A. has gone to

B. was going

C. has been to

D. has been in

3. I hope my father_______ ask me only about my marks any more.

A. not

B. not to

C. won’t

D. don’t

4. Nancy Green lives _______, but she never feels _______.

A. lonely; alone

B. alone; lonely

C. lonely; lonely

D. alone; alone

5.-Is your father a teacher?

-Well, he _______. Now he is a driver.

A. used to

B. was used to

C. used to be

D. is used to be

6. More than 20 people _______ in traffic accidents _______ last May.

A. are dead; for

B. have been dead; since

C. have died; since

D. have been dead; for

7. His father only looked _______ at him and said nothing.

A. angry

B. happy

C. sadly

D. friendly

8. Do you know how long the Wuxi airport has been _______?

A. on service

B. in service

C. to service

D. for services

9. Don’t get too_______ after hear ing the_______ news.

A. excited; exciting

B. excited; excited

C. exciting; exciting

D. exciting; excited

10. -I’m going to have a trip to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.


A. Goodbye

B. Help yourself

C. I’m sorry to hear that

D. Enjoy yourself

11. Look, _______ the roller coaster _______!

A. How high speed, is moving

B. What high speed, is moving

C. How high speed, is moving at

D. What high speed, is moving at

12. _______ people came to the meeting and _______ the people was over 2000.

A. A number of; the number of

B. The number of; a number of

C. A number of; a number of

D. The number of; the number of


1. Someone _______ (ring) the doorbell. Can you hear it?

2. By the way, how long does it take _______ (drive) to your school?

3. They may have a picnic if it_______ (not rain) tomorrow.

4. A young boy _______ (fall) from that tree and hurt his leg 3 days ago.

5. The Greens _______ (live) here since they moved to our city in 1985.

6. When I got home last night, Mum _______ (watch) TV.

7. We _______ (hold) a party at my home next week. Would you like to join us?

8. I feel sick today, I am not interested in _______ (eat) anything.


Today I’d like to tell you something about chocolates. Most of us 1 chocolates, but do you know 2 states of the chocolates there are and 3 they are made of ?
