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(一)Chapter 1

1.Today, software takes on a dual rol e. It is a product, and the same time, the vehicl e for delivering a product. 1。今天,软件具有双重作用。这是一个产品,同时,交付产品的车辆。

2.Software delivers(提供)the most important product of our time----information.

3.software doesn't wear out, but it does deteriorate软件没有磨损,但它恶化


5.There are four different process fl ow: Linear process fl ow, iterative process fl ow, evolutionary process fl ow, parall el process fl ow有四种不同的工艺流程:线性流程,迭代流程,进化过程流,并行流程

6.Three types of process pattern are: stage pattern, task pattern, phase pattern三种过程模式:阶段模式,任务模式,相模式

7.Prescriptive process models were originally proposed to bring order to the chaos of software d evel opment.规定的过程模型最初提出的软件开发的混乱带来秩序。

8.Prescriptive process models have been applied for many years in an effort to bring ord er and structure to software devel opment.11。规定的过程模型已经被应用在努力使软件开发秩序和结构多年。

9. The Unified Process is a "use case driven, architecture-centric, iterative and increment" software process d esigned as a framework for UML methods and tools.统一的过程是一个“用例驱动,以体系结构为中心,迭代和增量”设计为UML的方法和工具的框架,软件过程

10.The incremental model combines el ements of linear and parall el process fl ows.增量模型相结合的线性和平行的流程元素。

11.When an incremental model is used, the first increment is often a core product.当一个增量模型时,第一个增量往往是核心产品12.When your customer has a l egitimate need, but is cluel ess about the details, devel op a prototype as a first step.当你的客户有一个合法的需要,但对细节一无所知,开发了一个原型作为第一步

13.The spiral model is an evolutionary software process model that coupl es the iterative nature of prototyping with the controll ed and systematic aspects of the waterfall model.螺旋模型是一种进化的软件过程模型,对原型的迭代性质与控制和瀑布模型系统方面

14.The spiral devel opment mod el is a risk-driven process model generator..The 螺旋发展模型是风险驱动的过程模型的发电机。

(二)chapter 3

15.An agil e process reduces the cost of change because software is rel eased in increments. 一个敏捷过程中减少变化的成本,因为软件发布增量。

16.Beck defines a set of five values that establish a foundation for all work performed as part of XP ---- communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and respect.贝克定义了一组五个值,所有的工作为XP ----沟通,简单,反馈,勇气,和尊重。

17.Refactoring improves the internal structure of a design without changing its external functionality or behavior.重构,18.提高了设计的内部结构而不改变其外部的


19.XP acceptance tests are derived from user stories. XP的验收测试,来自用户故事

(三)chapter 4

20.Requirements engineering buil ds a bridge to design and construction需求工程的桥梁设计与施工
