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S u b j e c t-a n d-v e r b-a g r e e m e n t--主谓一

Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 8 PM


Hosted by:

James Franco


Anne Hathaway

The Oscars honor outstanding work in the film industry, and are presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The ceremony this year took place at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. Subject and Verb Agreement 主谓一致(基本规则)

主语和谓语在“人称”和“数”方面的一致关系, 通常依据三个原则: 语法一致, 意义一致, 就近一致。


1.由and连接的两个n./ pron.作主语时, 接复数谓语.

但(1) and表“兼”时(实为一人), 接单v. The teacher and writer is sitting in the front.

(2) every/each/no/many a + n. + and + every/each/no/many a + n., 接单v.

2. each/every + n./somebody/nothing/everything/anyone + 单v

3.主语后接“with …/together with…/along with …/as well

as…/but …/except …/besides … /including …/like …/rather than …/more than …/ as much as …/no less than …”时, 谓语与主语中心词一致.

4.永是复数的名词people/police/cattle, 接复v.

5.集体名词, 看作一个单位/组织/整体时, 接单v.; 指成员们时, 接复v. (如family / class / group / team / government / enemy)


6. the + adj. 表一类人时, 接复v; 表一类事时, 接单v.


Ten billion is a large number. / Twenty (of them) are boys.

7.表时间/距离/价值的名词短语, 常看作整体, 接单v.; 侧重指若干单位时,接复谓。

但“数+ ton of + n.”作主语时,谓语与ton一致。Two tons of coal were wasted.

8. There be / Here be …句中主语不止一个时, 谓语与最近的主语一致---“就近原则”.

neither … nor …, either … or …, not only … but also …, not … but …, … or …等连接两个主语时, 依“就近原则”确定谓语.

9.以-cs结尾的学科名词, 接单v. eg. Mathematics is very important.

如不指学科, 则接复v. eg. His mathematics are correct.

10.由两部分组成的工具/衣物 (如shoes/clothes/glasses/trousers/scissors), 接复v.

但前有pair/suit/kind of修饰时, 与pair/suit/kind一致

11.不可数n.接单v. 但前有表数量的复数名词(如two pieces/bags of)时, 接复v.

12.单个不定式/动名词/主语从句, 接单v.;两个或以上, 则接复v. 但两并列主语指同


13.“百分比/分数 + of + 名.”作主语时,谓语与名词的含义一致。


如 Such is what he said. / Such are his words.

What I need is more time. / What I need are more books.

14. many a / more than one + 单n.(“不止一个…”), 接单v.

15. a large quantity of + U.n / C.n + 单谓,但large quantities of + U.n / C.n + 复谓;

a large amount of + U.n + 单谓,但large amounts of + U.n + 复谓

16.加/减/乘/除算式作主语时,接单谓,加、乘算式也可接复谓。用how much提问得数时,谓语用单数;用how many提问得数时,谓语用复数。


1. Everybody in our hometown, men and women, young and old, ____ sports and games.

A. are fond of

B. joins

C. enjoys

D. go in for

2. Which of you that ____ fond of playing games would like to have a game with me?

A. has

B. is

C. are

D. have

3. --- Has everyone in your class passed the driving test?

--- No, ____ only Yang Bo and I who ____ passed it.

A. it was; had

B. there is; have

C. it is; have

D. there were; had

4. The Smith s’ family, which ____ rather a large one, ____ very fond of their old house.

A. were; were

B. was; were

C. were; was

D. was; was

5. Father and son ____ standing on the roadside. Besides them ____ a cart and horse.

A. was; were

B. was; was

C. were; was

D. were; were

6. Not his sister but his two cousins ____ to Hainan, never to be seen again.

A. has gone

B. have gone

C. has been

D. have been

7. Nobody but John and Tom ____ still in the lab as I passed by last night.

A. had been

B. were

C. are

D. was

8. This is one of the rooms that ____ damaged in the fire.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

9. --- The trousers ____ you well.

--- But the color ____ me.

A. fit; suit

B. fit; doesn’t suit

C. fits; doesn’t suit

D. fit; don’t suit
