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The One Thing Successful People Don't Do (And 9 Famous Examples)


In the months leading up to the launch of my book, The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning, I’ve talked a lot about winning—but I’ve talked a lot about failing, too. Learning how to fail productively—to “Fail Up”—is one of the greatest secrets to full-on success.

在我还有几个月就要出版的新书:《胜利的7个原则》(The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning)中,我谈了很多有关成功——以及失败——的内容。学会如何有成果地失败——“失败是成功之母”——这是取得最大成功的最重要秘诀之一。

And in that vein, I was impressed with a recent article by business author Bernard Marr. He pointed out that there is one single thing that all “radically successful” people have in common: They have a ferocious drive and hunger for success that makes them never give up.

在这个方面,我对商业作者伯纳德·马尔(Bernard Marr)最近发表的一篇文章印象深刻。他指出,所有“取得了巨大成功”的人士都拥有一个共同的特征。他们都有着强大的动力,对成功的渴望让他们永不放弃。

There are many varieties of success. Jobs and careers are one area, but success in family life, personal relationships, community and church work, philanthropy and sports or treasured hobbies are important success priorities as well.



One thing is certain: There is no clear and definitive path to success for anyone. The most successful people in any endeavor will tell you many stories of failure within their life journeys. Many (if not all) have experienced major failures, multiple times. But they never gave up.

有一件事是确定的:对任何人来说,并不存在清晰确定的成功之路。任何一个领域里的最成功人士都会告诉你,在他们的人生旅程中,他们遭受了很多失败。很多人(如果不是全部的话)都经历过重大挫折,而且是很多次。但他们从不放弃。As I have said many times, the greatest secret to success is learning how to “Fail Up.” It would even be fair to say that failure is the driver that makes truly successful people even more hungry and determined to achieve their success.


In his article, Marr presented a list of nine famous successful people whose failures helped to spur their success. I would like to share them with you, along with some of my own thoughts on each:


1. Henry Ford stands tall as a pioneer of modern business, yet this founder of the Ford Motor Company failed many times on his route to success. His first business attempt at building a motor car was shuttered after just a year and a half when stockholders lost confidence in his ability to succeed. He gathered more cash and re-started his effort, but a year later was forced out of his own company yet again. The entire motor industry had lost faith in Henry Ford, but he was not deterred. He found another investor to start the Ford Motor
