社会语言学学期论文 English

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外语学院2015—2016学年第 1 学期


Why Should We Take Social Factors into Consideration in Our

Language Uses?

Abstract: A language is not monolithic and there exist types or varieties of the same language and language variations are around us everywhere and at any time. In this passage, it will mainly talk about three social factors. They are region, social class, and age. These social factors constitute different language variations. We should take them into consideration in our language uses.

Key Words: Language Use, Region, Social Class, Age

Introduction:the term paper mainly uses case studies to show the impacts of region, social class and age on language use.

Through my daily study, daily life and abundant document research at home and abroad, there are many cases and research results that can show different social factors influence our language uses. From the studies of many linguisticians, such as William Labor and Robin Tolmach Lakoff, I found that studies of social variation are not only for linguistic theory but also sometimes for the conduct of everyday life.

To study the social factors which are included in our language uses, we can not only contribute to our linguistic studies, but of great help to our daily life. It can help us form a good personal behavior and effectively avoid cultural tattoos. Besides, it is beneficial for us to acquire good communications.

1. Language and region

The regional variation of language is an objective existence. A language isn’t the same in every place where it is used. The main reason that causes this kind of variation may be geographical barrier.

Because of this kind of regional differences, it produced the regional dialect. We speak the same language, but we speak the same language differently. The

phenomenon is quite apparent in my dormitory. I have three roommates, which come from Tianjin, Chaohu and Liuan respectively, while I am from Suzhou. We spoke our dialects at the first time meeting. It was a little embarrassed because we could not understand each other quite well. Luckily, gradually we were all accustomed to speaking mandarin. So the regional variation which shows in language is likely to cause inconvenience during our communication.

In the inner circle of English-speaking countries, such as Britain and the United States, the regional differences in English can show in the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and semantics and so on. For example, the Standard Pronunciation (Received Pronunciation) is mainly popular in southern England while Scotland, Wales and Ireland are rarely used. Besides, the American people would like to say “do you have” but the British are preference for “have you got”. In the outer circle of English-speaking countries, Singlish is a special kind of English for its historical, national and other reasons. Singapore, a former British colony, is closely tied to British English. Also, it absorbs the Chinese and native features. So Singlish forms its unique, particular style. But some people, especially the prime minister of Singapore, Wu Zuodong (1999), criticize this kind of informal blend. In Wu Zuodong’s opinion, Singlish hinders the international communication and impedes the development of the country. So the government is always devoted to generalize the Standard English.

2. Language and social class

Language has a close connection with society. The language is a system without class character. However, the use of it was influenced by the social class. Because of different social groups use different linguistic varieties, the social dialects develop. Social dialect can be a variety associated with a specific social class, marking that class off from other classes. Accent is an important marker of sociolect. For some social reasons, good accent means good education. It has become characteristic of upper class speech community. Different dialects and accents are related to differences of social-class background. For example, in the movie My Fair Lady, a phonetician changes a lovely flower girl into a lady by changing her working class. For once or twice, she succeeds in passing off as an educated lady with perfect
