Chapter 1全名: the United Kingdom of Great Britain (大不列颠联合王国)(大不列颠联合王国) and Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰)(北爱尔兰) 由成千上万的小岛组成(the British Isles ). 两大岛屿:Great Britain (大不列颠)(大不列颠) and Ireland (爱尔兰)(爱尔兰)The River Thames (second longest and most important), originates (起源于) in southwestern England -----North Sea. Scotland ( Edinburgh 爱丁堡爱丁堡 ) important river:Clyde River kilts (苏克兰小短裙)(苏克兰小短裙) Wales ( Cardiff 加迪夫,著名港口 ). The Severn River is the longest river of Britain------flow through western England. Northern Ireland (Belfast 贝尔法斯特,首府) Lough Lough Neagh----the Neagh----the Neagh----the largest largest largest lake lake lake in in in the the British Isles. Climate : temperate, with warm summers, cool winters and plentiful precipitation(降雨量),冬暖夏凉,降雨充沛暖夏凉,降雨充沛Three major features : winter fog, rainy day, instability : winter fog, rainy day, instability 冬天多雾,常年多雨,天气不定冬天多雾,常年多雨,天气不定London ---Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫), Guildhall (市政厅), St. Paul ’s Cathedral (圣保(圣保罗大教堂), The Tower Bridge of London (伦敦塔桥)(伦敦塔桥)The majority of the population is descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people from Europe.大部分的人口是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的后裔,从欧洲来的日耳曼人 Most people in Wales and Scotland are descendants of the Celtic people, including the Irish people 威尔士和苏格兰的大多数人都是凯尔特人的后裔,包括爱尔兰人威尔士和苏格兰的大多数人都是凯尔特人的后裔,包括爱尔兰人English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. English is in the Germanic group.英语属于日耳曼语语系英语属于日耳曼语语系 Germanic group: East Germanic, North Germanic, West Germanic. English evolved from the West Germanic group.日耳曼语系:东日耳曼语,北日耳曼语,西日耳曼语。
2. Roman Occupation
1stto 5thcentury;
Julius Caesarcame for the first time;
The Emperor Claudius invaded Britain successfully.
2)New Hampshire
5)Rhode Island
The birthplace of America;
The chief center of the American War of Independence;
Many famous universities located here, such asYale, Harvard, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
New Englanders were originally called Yankees(美国佬).
2. The Middle Atlantic States
1)New York
3)New Jersey
Washington D.C.is located here.
11)North Dakota
12)South Dakota
Introduction to English-speaking Countries第一章英国●Full NameThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,简称“UK(联合王国)”。
●Geography位于欧洲大陆西北部的Great Britain Island(大不列颠岛)上,东濒North Sea(北海),西临Atlantic(大西洋),南与European Continent(欧洲大陆)以English Channel(英吉利海峡)、Denver Channel(多佛海峡)相隔。
由Great Britain(包括England、Scotland、Wales和Ireland东北部)和附近大约5500多个小岛组成。
陆界与Republic of Ireland (爱尔兰共和国)接壤。
市里有University of Glasgow(格拉斯哥大学)、St Monger(圣蒙戈)大教堂和Hampton Court Park(汉普登公园)。
Edinburgh(爱丁堡)——第二大城市,为苏格兰自治政府所在地,历史悠久,素有“Northern Athens(北方雅典)”之美誉。
城区以Princes Street(王子大街)为界,一边是New Town,一边是Old Town。
著名古迹有:Edinburgh Castle(爱丁堡城堡)、St Giles′Cathedral(圣吉尔教堂)、National Gallery of Scotland(苏格兰国立美术馆)、Scott Monument(司各特纪念碑)、Palace of Holyroodhouse(圣十字架宫)等。
英语国家概况知识点(绝对全)第一部分英国第一章英国地理1. The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. There are three political divisions on the islands of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.3. About a hund red years ago, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people and one fourth of the world’s land area.4. The Britain Empire was replaced by the Britain commonwealth in 1931,which is a free association of independent counties that were once colonies of Britain.5. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.6. Britain has, for centuries, been tilting with the northwest slowly rising, and the southeast slowly sinking. The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands. The southeast and east are mainly lowlands.7. The pennies, a range of hills running from north midlands to Scottish border, are the principal mountain chain.8. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain in Britain, and the Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland is the largest lake in Britain.9. There are three natural zones in Scotland: the highlands in the north, the central lowlands, and the southern uplands. The lowlands in the center comprise mostly the forth and Clyde valleys.10. Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast are the capitals of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.11. Scotland has about 800 islands, including the Orkney, Shetlands and Hebrides.苏格兰有800座岛屿,包括奥克内群岛,谢特兰群岛和赫不里德群岛。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版英语国家概况复习整理一、单选题知识点:1.英国部分英国的主要岛屿:Great Britain and IrelandEdinburgh(爱丁堡)是苏格兰的首都英国有超过60 million的人口Northern Ireland是4个英国组成部分中最小的一个1/4 人口住在southeastern England英语属于Indo-European 语系中的Germanic(日耳曼语)基督教额引入为英国添加了第一笔 Latin and Greek色彩中世界英语被Norman influence强化塞缪尔.约翰逊的词典的意义是建立了Spelling的标准目前,将近a quarter的世界人口讲英文The Gremanic对罗马的进攻结束了罗马人占领英国在7世纪晚期,Roman Christianity(天主教会)处于英格兰的主导地位Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)建立在Edward the confessor(忏悔者爱德华)时期The Norman conquest 标志着Feudalism(封建制度)在英国的建立玫瑰花战争带来the House of Tudor的统治宗教改革(Religious Reformation)的直接原因是亨利三世国王divorce his wife英国革命在1642年爆发于Royalists and Parliamentarians(保皇党人和国会议员)之间Bill of Right(人权法案)在Glorious Revolution (光荣革命)后被通过19世纪中期英国的Industrial Revolution完成英国在20世纪初期面临着强烈的全球帝国统治挑战英国政府的三权分立:judiciary(司法),legislature(立法)及executive(行政),而不包括momarchy(君主) 英国君主的重要性体现在他在public attitude方面的影响British Cabinet(内阁)在Collective responsibility(集体负责制)的原则下工作英国Priry Council(枢密院)的主要责任是Give advice英国议会大选每5年举行一次Scotland拥有建立在罗马法律基础上的独特的法律系统英国议会的经营是two-party(两党的)模式保守党的政策是典型的Pragmatism(实用主义)和 a belief in individualism(个人主义的信仰)工会党(The Labor Prty)的影响是建立了全国健康服务体制(National Health Service)英国经济到1800s实现了全球统治在1946年,英国议会通过了两个重要法案,建立了福利规定1970s早期的The oil crisis(石油危机)恶化了本来已经不景气的英国经济布莱尔政府没有在reducing inequality方面获得成功英国开垦了74%的土地用于发展农业英国的渔业地区不包括The sea area between Britain and Ireland在英国,煤矿产业提供了1/4的能源英国汽车产业几乎全部是Foreign-owned(外企)英国文艺复兴时期最光辉的成就是drama(戏剧)"Preface to Lyrical Ballads"是浪漫诗的开篇之作Thomas Hardy 是19世纪批判现实主义的代表Waiting for Godot是Samuel Bekett 写的2.美国部分美国大陆上有48个statesAlaska是最大的州美国在 central North America ,加拿大在它的北面,墨西哥在南面,大西洋在它的东面,太平洋在它的西面美国最大的河流是Mississippi River哈佛、耶鲁和MIT等著名大学位于New EnglandNiagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布)位于美国-加拿大边境上阿拉斯加人口中没有the Blacks美国最大的少数民族是the Blacks1924年的移民法案限制美国的进一步移民,尤其是来自欧洲的美国文化主流的特点是:English-speaking,Western European,Protestant and Middle-class第一个北美殖民地建立在Jamestorn,VirginiaPilrim Fathers 是一群Paritans(清教徒),他们为了逃避在英国的迫害而来到美国7年战争发生在French and British之间"No taxation without represtation"是The people of 13 colonies的口号美国独立战争的第一枪在Lexingto (列克星顿)打响1775年5月,The second continenta congrsee 在Philadelphia举行林肯签发了Declaration of Independence承诺给予所以奴隶自由第二次世界大战开始时,美国是neutrality(中立的)政策Roosevelt(罗斯福)新政处理了大萧条的问题越南战争继续受Eisenhower,kennedy and johnson的影响美国的ore(矿石)只占世界很小部分现代美国经济经历了faming economy,handcraft economy,最终形成industrial economy第一家国家银行是在Alexander Hamilton时期建立的美国1/3粮食用于出口目前,美国出口占世界10%美国常规教育包括elementary,secondary and higher education美国高等教育开始于Harvard University 的建立MIT没有出过总统美国国庆节在July 4thWashington Irving 是美国文学之父Tony Morrison是第一个获得诺贝尔奖文学奖的非裔美国人二、名词解释:1. American Civil War(美国内战)American Civil War is a war that was fought in the US between 1861 and 1865 when 11 southern states rebelled against the federal government. The southern states were beaten, and as a result of the war, slaves became free.2.Melting pot and salad(大熔炉)The melting pot is an analogy for the way in which homogeneous societies develop, in which the ingredients in the pot (people of different cultures, races and religions) are combined so as to develop a multi-ethnic society. The term, which originates from the United States, is often used to describe societies experiencing large scale immigration from many different countries.3.American Constitution(美国宪法)American Constitution,which was drawn up in 1787 and came into effect in 1789,is the basic law of the land.For over two centuries,it has guided the development of government institution and has the basis for the nation,s political stability,economic growth and social progress.4.Cold War(冷战)In the spring of 1947 ,for the purpose of establishing the U.S.hegenmiony(霸权) in postwar world,President Truman declared the "Tueman Doctrine",aiming at expanding American sphere of influence.This marked the beginning of the Cold War period.the Cold War exerted great influence in Europe,and two Germanys were founded.Then,in April 1949,the U.S.allied with other Western countries,forming the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.While seeking to prevent Communist ideology from gaining further adherents(追随者) in Europe, the U.S.also responded to the challenges elsewhere.5.Thanksgiving(感恩节)Thanksgiving is a associated with the time when Europeans first came to the New World.In1620,the Mayflower arrived and brought about 150 Pilgrims.Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food,so many of them died.During the following summer the Native Americans helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest.So they held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans.6.British Labor Party(英国工会党)British Labor Party known as a party of high taxation,was created by the growing trade union movement at the end of the 19th century.It quickly replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two largest political parties.The Labor government that come to power in 1945 had a major effort on British society. It set up the National Health Service.The party activities are largely funded by the trade unions.7.British Conservative Party(英国保守党)By and large, the Conservative Party is supported by those who have something to "conserve".Economically,the Conservative Party supports free enterprise and privatization of state-owned enterprise.It is against too much government intervention,especially nationalization.The Conservative Partyfavors reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditures on social welfare.Its policies are charactized by pragmatism and a belied in individualism.monwealth of Nations(联邦国家)The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign statse,all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head.The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort,and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs.It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence.The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy,human rights,and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.9.Critical Realism(批判现实主义)The Critical Realism of the 19th centry flourished in the 1840s and the early 1850s.The Critical Realism described the chief traits of the society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.The greatest English realist was Charles Dickens.10.Standard English (标准英语)Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England.It is widely used in media and taught at school .It is preferred by the educated,middle-class people .It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct British English .It is also the norm carried overseas.Today Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is thought and used.三、简答题:1.what is the full name of the UK?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery ,to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they ?The development of the English language can be divided into three periods : Old English ,Middle English and Modern English.4.Why did English become more important after the Black Death?The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death,so English also grew in importance compare to French.。
英语国家概况(An Overview ofEnglishSpeaking Countries)一、英国(United Kingdom)1. 地理位置:英国位于欧洲大陆的西北边缘,由大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰和若干小岛组成。
2. 首都:伦敦(London),是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约6600万,其中英格兰占最大比例。
5. 国旗:英国国旗被称为“米字旗”,由蓝、白、红三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:英国是世界上发达国家之一,拥有强大的金融、工业和科技实力。
7. 教育体系:英国教育体系享誉世界,牛津、剑桥等世界知名学府坐落于此。
8. 文化特色:英国有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,如莎士比亚、牛顿、披头士乐队等均诞生于此。
二、美国(United States of America)1. 地理位置:美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,南接墨西哥湾和加勒比海,北邻加拿大。
2. 首都:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是美国政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约3.3亿,是世界上第三人口大国。
5. 国旗:美国国旗被称为“星条旗”,由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:美国是全球最大的经济体,拥有强大的科技创新能力和金融市场。
7. 教育体系:美国教育资源丰富,世界顶尖大学如哈佛、斯坦福等均位于此。
8. 文化特色:美国文化多元化,涵盖了欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多种文化元素。
三、加拿大(Canada)1. 地理位置:加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接北冰洋,南邻美国。
2. 首都:渥太华(Ottawa),是加拿大的政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语和法语4. 人口:约3800万,是世界上面积第二大国家。
5. 国旗:加拿大国旗被称为“枫叶旗”,由红、白两色组成。
6. 经济:加拿大经济发达,资源丰富,特别是石油、天然气和矿产资源。
1.英国(United Kingdom):英国是英语的发源地,也是世界上第一个大规模使用英语的国家。
2.美国(United States):美国是世界上最大的英语国家,也是全球最强大的经济实体之一。
5.新西兰(New Zealand):新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的国家,也
7.南非(South Africa):南非是非洲最发达的国家之一,也是一
美国各州名称:亚拉巴马州 Alabama阿拉斯加州 Alaska亚利桑那州 Arizona阿肯色州 Arkansas加利福尼亚州 California加州科罗拉多州 Colorado哥伦比亚特区Columbia康涅狄格州 Connecticut特拉华州 Delaware佛罗里达州 Florida佐治亚州 Georgia夏威夷州 Hawaii爱达荷州 Idaho伊利诺伊州 Illinois印弟安纳州 Indiana爱荷华州 Iowa堪萨斯州 Kansas肯塔基州 Kentucky路易斯安那州 Louisiana缅因州 Maine马里兰州 Maryland马萨诸塞州 Massachusetts 密歇根州 Michigan明尼苏达州 Minnesota 密西西比州 Mississippi密苏里州 Missour蒙大拿州 Montana内布拉斯加州 Nebraska内华达州 Nevada新罕布什尔州 New Hampshire 新泽西州 New Jersey新墨西哥州 New Mexico纽约州 New York北卡罗来纳州 North Carolina 北达科他州 North Dakota俄亥俄州 Ohio俄克拉荷马州 Oklahoma俄勒冈州 Oregon宾西法尼亚州 Pennsyivania 罗得岛州 Rhode Island南卡罗来纳州 South Carolina 南达科他州 South Dakota田纳西州 Tennessee得克萨斯州 Texas犹他州 Utah佛蒙特州 Vermont弗吉尼亚州 Virgina华盛顿州 Washington西弗吉尼亚州 West Virginia 威斯康星州 Wisconsin怀俄明州 Wyoming美国历届总统1.乔治·华盛顿 George Washington (1789—1797)2.约翰·亚当斯 John Adams (1797—1801)3.托马斯·杰弗逊 Thomas Jefferson (1801—1809)4.詹姆斯·麦迪逊 James Madison (1809—1817)5.詹姆斯·门罗 James Monroe (1817—1825)6.约翰·昆西·亚当斯 John Quincy Adams (1825—1829)7.安德鲁·杰克逊 Andrew Jackson (1829—1837)8.马丁·范布伦 Martin Van Buren (1837—1841)9.威廉·亨利·哈里森 William H. Harrison (1841)10.约翰·泰勒 John Tyler (1841—1845)11. 詹姆斯·K·波尔克 James K. Polk (1845—1849)12. 扎卡里·泰勒 Zachary Taylor (1949—1850)13.米勒德·菲尔莫尔 Millard Fillmore (1850—1853)14.富兰克林·皮尔斯 Franklin Pierce (1853—1857)15.詹姆斯·布坎南 James Buchanan (1857—1861)16.亚伯拉罕·林肯 Abraham Lincoln (1861—1865)17.安德鲁·约翰逊 Andrew Johnson (1865—1869)18.尤利塞斯·S·格兰特 Ulysses S. Grant (1869—1877)19.拉瑟福德·B·海斯 Rutherford B. Hayes (1877—1881)20.詹姆斯·A·加菲尔德 James A. Garfield (1881)21.切斯特·A·阿瑟 Chester A. Arthur (1881—1885)22.格罗弗·克利夫兰 Grover Cleveland (1885—1889)23.本杰明·哈里森 (1889—1893)24.格罗弗·克利夫兰 Grover Cleveland (1893—1897)25.威廉·麦金莱 William McKinley (1897—1901)26.西奥多·罗斯福 Theodore Roosevelt (1901—1909)27.威廉·H·塔夫脱 William H. Taft (1909—1913)28.伍德罗·威尔逊 Woodrow Wilson (1913—1921)29.沃伦·G·哈定 Warren G. Harding (1921—1923)30.卡尔文·柯立芝 Calvin Coolidge (1923—1929)31.赫伯特·C·胡弗 Herbert Hoover (1929—1933)32.富兰克林·罗斯福 Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933—1945)33.哈里·S·杜鲁门 Harry S. Truman (1945—1953)34.德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔 Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953—1961)35.约翰·F·肯尼迪 John F. Kennedy (1961—1963)36.林登·B·约翰逊 Lyndon B. Johnson (1963—1969)37.理查德·M·尼克松 Richard M. Nixon (1969—1974)38.杰拉尔德·R·福特 Gerald R. Ford (1974—1977)39.吉米·卡特 Jimmy Carter (1977—1981)40.罗纳德·里根 Ronald Reagan (1981—1989)41.乔治·布什 George Bush (1989—1993)42.比尔·克林顿 Bill Clinton (1993—2001)43.乔治布什 George W. Bush Jr. (2001—2009)44. 贝拉克·奥巴马Barack Hussein Obama II (2009-)英国各郡名称:1贝德福德Bedfordshire2白金汉Buckinghamshire3剑桥Cambridgeshire4柴郡Cheshier5康沃尔Cornwall6坎布里亚Cumbria7德比Derbyshire8德文Devon9多塞特Dorset10达勒姆Durham11东萨塞克斯East Sussex12埃塞克斯Essex13格洛斯特Gloucestershire14大伦敦Greater London15大曼彻斯特Greater Manchester 16汉普郡Hampshire17赫里福德Herefordshire18伍斯特Worcestershire19赫特福德Hertfordshire20肯特Kent21兰开夏Lancashire22莱斯特Leicetershire23林肯Lincolnshire 24默西塞德Merseyside25诺福克Norfolk26北安普敦Northamptonshire27诺萨伯兰Northumberland28北约克郡North Yorkshire29诺丁汉Nottinghamshire30牛津Oxfordshire31施洛普Shropshire32萨默塞特Somerset33南约克郡South Yorkshire34斯塔福德Staffordshire35萨福克郡Suffolk36萨里Surrey37泰恩-威尔Tyne and Wear38沃里克Warwickshire39西米德兰兹West Midlands40西萨塞克斯郡West Sussex41西约克郡West Yorkshire42威尔特郡Wiltshire根据1998年建立地区开发署的法案,英格兰含伦敦还被划分为9个地区:伦敦、东部、东南部、西南部、东米德兰、西米德兰、约克与休姆伯、东北、西北与默西塞苏格兰被划分为32个设有单一地方议会的行政区:1阿伯丁郡Aberdeenshire2阿伯丁市Aberdeen City3安格斯Angus4阿吉尔与布特Argyll and Bute5东艾尔郡East Ayrshire6南艾尔郡South Ayrshire7北艾尔郡North Ayrshire8柯莱克曼楠郡Clackmannanshire 9登佛里斯与盖洛韦Dumfries Galloway 10丹迪市Dundee11东登巴顿郡 East Dunbartonshire 12西登巴顿郡 West Dunbartonshire 13爱丁堡市City of Edinburgh14伐尔科克Falkirk 15费扶Fife16格拉斯哥市City of Glasgow 17因沃克莱德Inverclyde18南拉纳克郡South Lanarkshire 19北拉纳克郡North Lanarkshire 20东洛衫East Lothian21西洛衫West Lothian22米德洛衫Midlothian23默里Moray24佩思与金罗斯Perth and Kinross 25任扶里郡Renfrewshire26东任扶里郡East Renfrewshire 27斯特林Stirling28苏格兰边境区Scottish Borders 29苏格兰高地Highland30奥克尼群岛Orkney31设德兰群岛Shetland32西部群岛Western Isles威尔士划分为22个设单一地方议会的行政区:1加的夫Cardiff2纽波特Newport3托尔番Torfaen4布莱诺-格温特Blaenau Gwent5凯尔费里Caerphilly6斯温西Swansea7朗达-塞南-塔佛Rhondda Cynon T aff 8布里占德Bridgend9默瑟尔提德维尔Merthyr Tydfil 10格拉摩根谷地Vale of Glamorgan 11扶林特郡Flintshire12尼斯-塔尔伯特港Neath Port T albot 13沃里萨姆Wrexham14登比郡Denbighshire15蒙默思郡 Monmouthshire16康维 Conwy17安格尔西岛 Isle of Anglesey18彭布鲁克郡 Pembrokeshire19卡马森郡 Carmarthenshire 20格威尼德 Gwynedd21瑟利迪真 Ceredigion22泼威思 Powys北爱尔兰划分为26个设地方议会的行政区:1安特利姆Antrim2阿尔兹Ards3阿尔马Armagh4拜里米纳Ballymena5拜里默尼Ballymoney6班布里治Banbridge7贝尔法斯特Belfast8卡里科费噶斯Carrickfergus9卡斯勒里Castlereagh10科里雷恩Coleraine11库克斯汤Cookstown 12科雷噶文Cragavon13德里Derry14道恩Down15北道恩North Down16登干南Dungannon17费尔马纳Fermanagh18拉恩Larne19利马瓦底Limavady20里斯波恩Lisburn21马赫拉费尔特Magherafelt22默尔Moyle23纽里与默恩Newry and Mourne 24纽汤纳比Newtownabbey25奥马Omagh26斯特拉班Strabane澳大利亚各州名称:全国第一州---- 新南威尔士(New South Wales, 首府:悉尼,全州人口:约680万人)阳光之州---- 昆士兰(Queensland, 首府:布里斯班,全州人口:约418万人)节日之州---- 南澳大利亚(South Australia, 首府:阿德雷德,全州人口:约155万人)花园之州----维多利亚(Victoria, 首府:墨尔本,全州人口:约500万人)野花之州---- 西澳大利亚州(Western Australia, 首府:珀斯,全州人口:略多于200万人)假日岛屿之州---- 塔斯曼尼亚州(Tasmania, 首府:霍巴特,全州人口:48万多人)首都领地(Australian National Territory - ACT,全领地人口:略多于32万人)北领地(Northern Territory, 首府:达尔文,全领地人口:略多于20万人)。
1. 英语国家数量:目前,英语被作为官方语言或主要语言使用在75个国家和地区。
2. 英语的起源:英语起源于古代日耳曼语,并受到盎格鲁、撒克逊、日耳曼和诺曼底法语等语言的影响。
3. 英语的变体:英语有多种变体,包括英国英语、美国英语、澳大利亚英语和加拿大英语等。
4. 英语国家的文化:英语国家的文化多样且富有活力。
5. 英语国家的政治体制:英语国家有各种不同的政治体制。
6. 英语的全球影响力:英语是联合国和其他国际组织的官方语言之一。
7. 英语教育:英语是世界上最广泛学习的第二语言。
加拿大 Canada (英语法语)
• 主要城市排名:Toronto, Montreal (Quebec), Vancouver, Ottawa 渥太பைடு நூலகம்(capital), Quebec City (Q’s capital) • Constitutional monarchy: head of state = Elizabeth II, representated by Governor-General • Parliamentarian democracy: House of Commons (election every 5 years) + the Senate (appointed) • Head of gov’t: Prime Minister (Cabinet)(5 years term) • Major political parties: Conservative (现执政), Liberal Party (主要在野党), New Democratic Party, Partie Quebeçois • Federation: 10 provinces, 3 territories • Earliest inhabitants: 原称为Indians,现称为the First Nations. • Major religion: Christianity • National sports: hockey in winter, lacrosse 长曲棍球in summer
• 1642: the republican Roundheads, Oliver Cromwell处死Charles I。 • 1660: restoration复辟Charles II • 1689,the Bill of Rights: the king would never be able to ignore the parliament.
英语国家概况 英文
![英语国家概况 英文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b81fe5596ad97f192279168884868762caaebb08.png)
1. 英国:作为英语的诞生地,英国是最重要的英语国家之一。
2. 美国:作为全球最强大的经济体之一,美国是世界上最多样化和多元化的国家之一。
3. 加拿大:加拿大是第二个最大的英语国家,英语是该国的一种官方语言,与法语并列。
4. 澳大利亚:澳大利亚是一个位于南半球的国家,也是一个英语国家。
5. 新西兰:新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,英语是该国的主要语言。
6. 南非:英语是南非的官方语言之一,这个国家拥有多种语言和文化。
英语国家概况的复习重点英语国家概况六国比较英语国家概况 - 地理、人口、气候篇一、地理位置,面积:英国:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Britain is an island country. It is surounded by the sea. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the Borth sea in the east. The Britain covers an area of 244,100 square kms. It runs 1,000 kms from north to south and extends, at the widest part, about 500 kilometres.美国:the United States of America The continental United States lies in central North America with Canada to its north.Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its South,the Atlantic Ocean to its east and the Pacific Ocean to its west.The two newest states Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the continetal United States.(Joined in 1959) The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres(the 4th largest country in the world).It streches 2,575 kilometres from north to south and 4,500 kilometres from east to west.爱尔兰:the Republic of Ireland(Eire) The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.km.The cuntry's total boundary si 3,603 km long,of which its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km. It is bounded on the northeast by Northern Ireland,on the east and southeast by the Irish Sea and St. Geogore's Channel and on the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean.加拿大:Canada Canada is the world's second largest country after Russia. It has a land area of about 10 million sq.km. It covers about two fifths of North American comtinent.North to South(3,200 kilometres),east to west(6,400 kilometres).Canada and United States share a 6,378 kilometre boundary that has not been fortified for over a hundred years. Canada lies to the north of the United States.The 45th parallel marks the boundary between Canada and norhtern Vermont and New York of the United States.澳大利亚:Australia Australia streches from 10 south to 44 south of latitude and 113 east to 154 east of longitude. Australia is the world's smallest continent with an area of 7.7 milion sq.km. But Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It surrounded by the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the east,by the Indian Ocean to the west,by the Coral Sea,the Atlantic Sea and Timor Sea to the north,and the Southern Indian Ocean and the Great Australian Bight to the south.新西兰:New Zealand New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and South Pole. About 1,500 km to the northwest,across the Tasman Sea,is Australia. To the east,10,600 km of the Pacific Ocean separate New Zealand from South America.The icy continent of Antarctica lies 2,300 km to the south. The latitude of the capital city,Wellington,is 40S;the latitude of China's capital is 40N.It is just west of the International Date line,so it is the first country to get the new day. The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.二、气候,人口英国: Britain has a population of 57,411,000(1990). A maritime type of climate. Winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool,not too hot,and it has a steady reliable rainfullthroughtout the whole year. It has a small range of temperature.美国: The United States of America,with a population of 255.5 million in July 1992,is the third most populous country in the wrold. By the year 2050,the population is expected to climb to 383 million,a 50% increase. The United States is located in the middle latitudes north of the equator. And there are different types of climate in different regions. 1)A humid continental climate is found in the north-eastern part of the country.(New England) 2)In the south-eastern United States you can find a humid subtropical climate. *these two zones stretch westward across the United States until they approach the 100th meridian.3)Beyond this point they gradually give way to the continental steppe climate of the Great Plains. 4)The Pacific northwest is favoured with a maritime climate. 5)The souther part of the Pacific coast in California has a Mediterranean climate.爱尔兰: The population of Ireland in 1990 was estimated at 3.5 million. It is expected to grow to 4 million by 2000. The weather of Ireland is described as "mild,moist and changeable".Extreme cold,long frosts,heavy snows in winter and scorching days in summer are uncommon.加拿大: Canada has a population of only a little over 29 million(1994).Toronto(3.4 million),Montreal(2.9 million)and Vancouver(1.3 million) are the most populous cities in Canada. Except for southwestern Saskatchewan and southeastern Alberta,Canada recieves adequate rainfall.However the climate throughout Canada is varied. 1)A maritime climate similar to that of Washington and Oregon states in the United States is found in the southwestern part of British Colombia. 2)North of these regions lie the evergreen forests of the subarctic taiga. 3)In the far north there is a polar climate with a treeless tundra zone Generally speaking the climate in Canada is unfavourable.Much of Cananda has long and cold winters with deep snow.澳大利亚: Today(1996) Australia's population is about 18 million or about two people to the square kilometre. Most Australia do not know their continent very well because they live on the cool,wet,forested south-east coastland. This is the most pleasant part of the country and the forests are unique but it is not Australia's most common environment. Two thirds of the coutry is hot and dry.新西兰: The population of New Zealand is 3.5 million. Approximately 10% are Maori,or part Maori. The climate in New Zealand is generally temperate,but becasue the country runs northsouth,the climate is varied. In the far north it is subtropical and in some mountainous areas of South island it is almost subarcitc.Seasonal variations are less extreme than in many other countries.英语国家概况 - 政治篇一、基本政治制度和国家元首英国: The United Kingdome is a constitutional monarchy:the head of States is a king or a queen. In practice,the Sovereign reigns,but does not rule:the United Kongdom is governed,in the name of the Sovereign,by His or Her Majestty's Government--a body of Ministers who are the leading members of whichever political party the electorate has voted into office,and who are responsible to Parliament. The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth美国: The American Consitution set up a federal systerm of government which has two layers of rule.(central of federal government for the nation ,state and local governments.) The President of the Unites States is head of the executive branch. The White House is his official residence. He is also head of state elected by the whole nation.(4years,two times at the most)爱尔兰: Ireland is a parliamentary republic and a unitary state under the 1937 Consitution. The head of the state is the president.(7years)加拿大: Canada,a self-governing memeber of the Commonwealth of Nations,is a federation of 10 povinces and two territories. Canada, along with Australia, New Zealand and some other Commonwealth countries, recognizes Britain' monarch, Queen Elizabath II, as Head of State.澳大利亚:The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation.The Six colonies joined together as sovereign States.新西兰: New Zealand is a sovereign independent State,which a parliament government and a constitutional monarchy立法机构 ,执法机构二、立法机构英国:Parliament(maximum 5 years duration)Parliament consisted of the Sovereign,the House of Lords(made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal) and House of Commons(651).美国:CongressArticle I of the Constitution grants all legislative power of the federal government toa Congress composed of two chambers,a Senate(two members from each state,six year term and every even year,one-third of the Senate stands for re-election ) and a House of Representatives(based on population and its size is therefore not specified in the Constitution.435).爱尔兰:All the legislative power are vested in the national parliament.(Oireachats) Oireachats has two houses. They are the Senate(Seanad) and the House of Representives(Dail Eireann)加拿大:All the legislative power of the federal administration are vested in the Parliament of Canada,which consists of the Crown,the Senate(104) and the House of Commons(295).Therefore,laws must be passed by both Houses of Parliament and signed by the Governor-General in the Queen's name.澳大利亚:The Australian Federal Parliament is modelled on the Westminster system.It is the Legislature.It consists of the Queen and two Houses of Parliament:the House of Representatives and the Senate. 新西兰:New Zealand follows the British Parliamentary system with some varitions.Since 1950 the New Zealand Parliament has had only one chamber,the House of Representatives. (every 3 years)三、执法机构英国:The Prime Minister is apointed by the Queen.He always sits in the House of Commons.And his residence is No.10 Downing Street in London.The party which wins sufficient seats at a General Election to command a majority of supporters in the House of Commons usually forms the Government.Ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The most senior ministers compose the Cabinet.美国:The head of the departments,chosen by the President and approved by the Senate,form a council of advisers generally known as the President. This inculdes the White House staff,the Office of Management and Budget,the Council of Economic Advisers,and the Office of Emergerency Preparedness. The department are as follows(不打上来了,是书上的P305)爱尔兰:The Article 13 of the Constitution provides that the president shall appoint the prime minister(toiseach) on the nomination of the House of Representatives(Dail) and that he shall appoint the other members of the government on the nomination of the prime minister with the previous approval of the Dail.The prime minister holds office either until he chooses to resign or until he loses the support of the majority in the Dail.加拿大:Queen is represented in Canada by the Governor-General,who is appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. In practice, the Governor-General acts only the advice of the Canada Prime Minister and the Cabinet, who also sit in the federal parliament.The Prime Minister and other members of the Cabinet exercise executive power as the "Government".澳大利亚:In Australia the Queen is represented by the Govenor-General.(这里和加拿大是完全一样的) The executive is the government of the day.It is formed by the party or coalition of parties,which has a majority of seats in the House of Representatives.The Executive consists of the Prime Minister and the other members of the ministry.新西兰:The leader of the party with a majority of members in the House of Representatives becomes Prime Minister.He or she and about 20 other chosen members,form the Cabinet.四、党派英国:Since the 1945 eiher the Conservative Party or the Labour Party has held power.A new party--the Social and Liberal Democratic Party was formed in 1988.美国:In general,America has a two-party system.The Democrats(the major party now) and the Republicans.爱尔兰:Ireland has a bipolar political system with two major paries,Finna Fail and Fine Gael.The Irish Labour Party is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland. The Progressive Democrats is the largest of the minor partiesafter 1987 election.加拿大:Two party system and one party rule.There are two main federal parties in Canada.They are the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party.澳大利亚:We can say that Australia has a two-and-half party system of the ALP(Australia Labour Party) on one side and the Liberal Party and National parties on the other.新西兰:For the last 50 years the two main parties have been the National party and the Labour Party.五、司法机构英国: Criminal Courts in England and Wales including: Magistrates Courts,Youth Courts and the Crown CourtsScotland: 1.the High Courts of Justiciary 2.the sheriff court 3. the district court Northern Ireland: Magistrates' courts,Country courts and the Crown CourtCivil Courts in England and Wales: are the Country Court of which there are 270.The High Court deal with the more complicated cases.Scotland:the civil courts are the sheriff court and the Court of Session.Northern Ireland:Country courts are primarily civil law courts. The magistrates' court also deals with certain limited classes of civil cases.The High Court of Justice is the superior civil law court.Appeals from country courts are dealt with by the High Court or the Court of Appeal.美国:The judicial,consists of a system of courts headed by the Supreme Court and including subordinate courts throughtout the country.And it is the organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution.The judicial system has evovlved into the present structure:the Supreme Court,11 courts of appeals,91 district courts,and three courts of special jurisdiction.爱尔兰:Statutes passed by the British Parliament before 1921 have the force of law except those repealed by the Irish Oireachats.The high court has full origianal jurisdiction and power in all matters of law.It also can determine the validity of any law within the provisions of the Constitution.The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal.(a chief jusice and six other jusices)加拿大:Canada law has its source in acts and judicial decisions,and also in British common law. Quebec is an exception since its system is based on the French civil law.The provincial and federal governments have the power to establish courts. The federal Parliament created the Supreme Court of Canada,the Federal Court and various of special jurisdiction.澳大利亚:The High Court is the most superior.It consists of a chief jusice and six other jusices.The Federal Court of Australia was established in 1977.The Family Court was established in 1976.In each state there is a Superior Court. Below it are intermediate courts commonly calledDistrict or County Courts. Below them are Magistrates Courts,Local Courts or Courts of Petty Session.六、农业英国: The Britain were pioneers in modern agriculture and were among the first to bring science and machinery to farming.The new farming has been called "agribusiness".There are mainly six farming types in Britain.They are arable farning,dairy fariming,stock farming,mixed farming,hill farming and market gardening. Because of the cool climate,apples,pears and plums grwo very well in Britain. The North Sea has very good fishing grounds.美国: Yet the United States grows nearly one fourth of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world. It ranks first,second,or third in the production and export of corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, oranges, meat,milk, apples,oats,cotton,tobaoo, peanuts,and edible vegetable oil.(具体的在什么地方种什么东西可以参照书上P289-291)爱尔兰: Agriculture generates anestimated 11% of the Ireland GNP,employs 17% of the labour force and produces 25% of total exports. The most signigicant recent development in Irish agriculture has been membership in the European Community.加拿大: The land used for agriculture makes up only 7% in Canada. Canada farms specialize in producing wheat,food crops for animals dairy products,and fruit.Fishing and mining are quite important. The Canada Prairie is the centre of a rich wheat belt. Eastern Canada is noted for a variety of farm products. Dairying is in the lowlands of Quebec and Ontario. Fruits are grown in Western Nova Scotia.澳大利亚: Today,agriculture is the nation's largest and most diverse industry.Australia is one of the world's leading producers of food and natural fibres.Australia is the world's largest exporter of wool,the second largest exporter of meat,the third largest exporter of wheat and a major international supplier of sugar,dairy products,fruits,cotton and rice. Australia's agriculture importance has declined in recent years.新西兰: Vineyards produce international award-winning red and white wines.七、对外贸易英国: Britain is the fifth largest trading country in the world.Napoleon called it a "nation of shopkeepers" Britain's foreign trade is mainly with other developed countries. Which accounts for 79% of exports and 85% of imports. About half with EC. Traditionally,Britain has had a deficit on visible trade and a surplus on invisible trade.美国: Currenty U.S. exports are about 15% of the world's total.The Unites States imports about 13% of all world imports. Canada is the largest single source og goods imported by the U.S.,accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Outside of North America,Europe is the largest source of imports with about 30%,Asia provides about 18%,with smaller percentages from Latin America,Africa,and Australia.爱尔兰: Successive Irish governments have adopted a consistent and postive approoach toward attracting overseas investment. The new foreign firms now account for over 70% of manufactured exports. Ireland is new an industrial exporter. Manufactured goods account for about two-thirds of total wxports.加拿大: A total about four fifths of all foreign investments in Canada are American.澳大利亚: Australia is a middle-level trading nation. The main feature of Australia's trade is that it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products. Australia's trade relations with China have been developing rapidly in recent years. China accouts for about 3% of Australian total exports.新西兰: Trade is New Zealand's linelihood.Foreign investment is increasing and financial markets are active. Western Europe and particularly Britain have traditionally been New Zealand's major export market. The main imports are industrial raw materials,capital equipment and consumer goods. New Zealand is the world's largest exporter of lamb and mutton as well as dairy products.八、当今面临的问题英国: Britain is the oldest industrial country in the world.The term "Britain disease" is noew often used to characterise Britain's economic decline. The Evolution of the Britain Economy since the War:1.Steady development in the 50s and 60s.2.Economic recession in the 70s.3.Economic recovery in the 80s. 这里有一部分是撒切尔的宏,微观措施比较重要(P91-92)美国: The Untied States has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector So the economy system of the United States is principally privately owned.But today,many ofAmerican people still live under the poverty line. Unemployment,inflation,finacial deficit,and trade deficit are the troubles that always face the United States.爱尔兰: The value of imports generally exceeds that of exports. That's why Ireland has a chronic negative balance of trade. Continuing dependence on imported oil is one of the reasons for the high import bill.加拿大: In the past few years however,Canada's unemployment rate has been high.But what is worth nothing is that the cost for manufacturing has increased while the productivity per worker has decreased as compared with the United States or with its ten trading partners. While Canada has one of the world's highest standards of living,not all regions of the country have enjoyed the same degree of prosperity. Some measures have been taken by the Federal government to help those slow grownth regions.澳大利亚: Problems of Australia economy:1.Over-reliance on commodity exports.2.Failure to share in the expansion of international trade.3.The decline of manufaturing industries and the effects of tariffs.九、教育英国: Education is compulsory for between the ages of 5(4 in Northern Ireland) and 16.The protortion of young people entering higher education in universities and colleges was one in four(one in three in Northern Ireland) in 1994.There are 90 universities,including the Open University. The government education departments formulate education policies and are also responsible for the supply and trainging of teachers. Most state school education is the responsibility of local education authorities (LEAs);the rest is provided by self-governing grant-maintained(GM) schools.The British universities are governed by royal charters or by Act of Parliament and enjoy academic freedom. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12th and 13th centries.美国: In the United States,education is regarded as both an individual benefit and a social necessity. Formal education in the United States consisteds of elementary,secondary and higher education. Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education.The America Constitution makes it clear that education is a funcation of the state,not the federal government. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of Harvard College in 1636. The system of higher education in the United States has three principle funcations:teaching,research,and public serivce. Another aspect ofAmerican higher education that has drawn the world's attention is the community college and the role it plays.爱尔兰: Schooling is complusory between ages 6 and 15. The chief lanugage of instruction is English. Ireland's oldest university is the University of Dubin. It was founded in 1591.加拿大: Virtually all Canadians devote at least ten years to formal cation is a provincial responsibility. Canadian education is divided into three seccessive levels:elementary,secondary,and post-secondary.The oldest university is Laval University in Quebec City,origianlly founded in1663. The largest is the University fo Torontao with full-time enrolment of over 31,000 students.节日、社会福利篇一、社会福利英国: Britain is a welfare state.(The welfare state is a system of government by which the state provides the economic and social security of its citizens through its organization of health services,pensions and other ficilities.)The system is funded out of national insurance and contributions and taxation.In Britain the term applies mainly to the National Health Service--NHS(1948,the largest single employer of labour in the U.K.),national insurance and social security. Personal Social Services assist elderly people,disabled people,people with learning disabilities or mental illness,children ,and families facing special problems. The Social Security is designed to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need.(Contributory social security benefit: Retirement pension,Unemployment Benefit,Sickness and Invalidity Benefit,Maternity Allowance and Widows' Benefit.Non-contributory social security benefits: War Pensions,Industrial injuries Disablement Benefit,Child Benefit,Family Credit)加拿大: National health policies and programs have developed in Canada as a result of joint efforts by federal and provincial governments.A universal program for hospital care was introduced in 1958,followed ten years later by universal insurance to meet the cost of physicians'service.The Federal Government paid the provinces one-half the cost of the insurance programs.No Canada lacks access to hospital and medical care for finacial reasons. Federal,provincial and local governements provied a wide range of publicly funded and administered income security and social programs,which are complemented by the serivce of voluntary agencies.新西兰: Treatment at public hospital is free.A percentage of doctor's fees is paid by the state.The Accident Compensation Corporation provides immediate benefits of free medical trearment for everyone who suffers personal injury by accident. New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world to establish a free national dental service for young people. Infants and pre-school children receive free health care and free immunization against a range of diseases. The social support system helps people with personal,family and financial difficulties.二、节日(按照时间的排列,不是按照国家排列,主要是英美两国,其他国家没有涉及,因为其实和他们都是一样的)1.New Years Day/January 1st(所有国家) New Year's Day is part of Scotish "Hogmanay"(New Year's eve)festival,which is more important than Christmas to Scots. It is a legal holiday in U.S. and most people have a day off from work.One of the biggest and most exciting places in the United States on New Year's Eve is Time Square in New Year City.On the first day of the New Year,there are a lot of activities.(Mummers Parade in Philadelphia and the Rose Tournament in Pasadena,California.)2.Martin Luther King's Day/Third Monday of January (美国) Martin Luther King was a black minister,who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He delivered his best-know speech "I have a dream" before the Lincoin Memorial and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964. By the vote of Congress in 1968,the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in his honour.3.Lincoln's Birthday/February 12 (美国) Lincoln led the country during the difficult time of Civil War and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation which officially freed all slaves in the United States.4.Valentine's Day/February 14 (美国) Valentine's Day is a day for lovers.5.Washington's Birthday/February 22 (美国) George Washington is remebered as a great general,as one of the founders of the Republic,as the first President of the United States of America,and also as "the Father of his Country."6.April Fool's Day/April 1st (英国) April Fool's Day is hardly a festival,but on that day you may find that someone has tied your shoe-lace together,ot given you a false message from your employer,or play some practice jokes on you to make you an "April Fool"7.Easter Sunday/A Sunday in March or April (英国,美国) East is the chief Christian festival,which celebrates the Resurrection of Christ,on the first Sunday after the first full moon that conincides with,or comes after,the sprign equinox. Easter Sunday,which comes from the ancient Norweigian festival of Spring sun,is the second of the two most important holidays for Christians. There are several symbols for Easter.(Egg and the hare) The Easter Parade is very popluar in the United States.The most famous one is along the Fifth Avenue in New Year City. University students susally have a week-long "Spring Break" to return home to spend the holiday with thier parents.8.Whit Sunday/falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter(英国) It is a major festival in the Christian church. It celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ's apostles seven weeks after his death.9.Memorial Day/Last Monday in May (美国) This day,originally called "Decoration Day",was first celebrated after the Civil War. Now it is a day to honour the memory of those who have given their lives for their country and people enjoy a three-days weekend. It is celebrated in various ways. Parade,bands,concerts,speeches and dinners are held in every American city.10.Independent Day/July 4 (美国) Independent Day is a legal holiday throughour the United States.It is the birthday of the nation. On July 4,1776,the Continental Congress passed and adopted the Declaration of Independence,which cut the tie with Britain and established a new nation. The army marks the occation by firing a thirteen-gun salute every year. In Washington D.C the President traditionally holds open house at the White House and large national banquets.11.Halloween/October 31 (美国) Halloween is a night-time children's holiday.(Trick or treat)12.Guy Fawkes Day/Novemeber 5 (英国) The only other national festival,which the origin lies in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.13.Veteran's Day/Novmber 11 (美国) Veteran's Daywhich was called the Ameristice Day before,origionally celebrated the signing of the 1918 Ameistice (the end of WWI).Now it honours the memory of all men who have ever fought in defense of the country. People spend the day quietly at home and keep two minutes of silence at 11:00 a.m. hoping that future wars will avoided forever and that people will live in a peaceful,friendly world.14.Thanksgiving Day/Fourth Thursday of November (美国) Thanksgiving Day is a typical American holiday.It is an annual day of thanks for the blessings people have enjoyed during the year. The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the English settlers in Plymouth,Massachusetts on December 13,1621. Today the Americans usually hold a big family。
1. 英语国家概述英语国家是指以英语作为官方语言或重要语言的国家。
2. 英国英国是英语的发源地和最重要的英语国家之一。
3. 美国美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,拥有丰富的资源和多元文化。
4. 加拿大加拿大是世界上第二大国家,拥有广袤的土地和丰富的自然资源。
5. 澳大利亚澳大利亚位于南半球,是世界上最大的岛屿国家。
6. 新西兰新西兰位于太平洋地区,是一个自然环境优美的国家。
7. 爱尔兰爱尔兰位于欧洲西部,是一个英语国家,英语是该国的官方语言。
8. 其他英语国家除了以上国家,英语也是印度、菲律宾、南非等许多国家和地区的官方语言或教育语言。
英语国家概况的复习重点英语国家概况六国比较国英语国家概况 - 地理、人口、气候篇 [UseMoney=8]一、地理位置,面积: 英国:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Britain is an island country. It is surounded by the sea. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the Borth sea in the east. The Britain covers an area of 244,100 square kms. It runs 1,000 kms from north to south and extends, at the widest part, about 500 kilometres. 美国:the United States of America The continental United States lies in central North America with Canada to its north.Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to its South,the Atlantic Ocean to its east and the Pacific Ocean to its west.The two newest states Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the continetal United States.(Joined in 1959) The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres(the 4th largest country in the world).It streches 2,575 kilometres from north to south and 4,500 kilometres from east to west. 爱尔兰:the Republic of Ireland(Eire) The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.km.The cuntry's total boundary si 3,603 km long,of which its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km. It is bounded on the northeast by Northern Ireland,on the east and southeast by the Irish Sea and St. Geogore's Channel and on the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean. 加拿大:Canada Canada is the world's second largest country after Russia. It has a land area of about 10 million sq.km. It covers about two fifths of North American comtinent.North to South(3,200 kilometres),east to west(6,400 kilometres).Canada and United States share a 6,378 kilometre boundary that has not been fortified for over a hundred years. Canada lies to the north of the United States.The 45th parallel marks the boundary between Canada and norhtern Vermont and New York of the United States. 澳大利亚:Australia Australia streches from 10 south to 44 south of latitude and 113 east to 154 east of longitude. Australia is the world's smallest continent with an area of 7.7 milion sq.km. But Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It surrounded by the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the east,by the Indian Ocean to the west,by the Coral Sea,the Atlantic Sea and Timor Sea to the north,and the Southern Indian Ocean and the Great Australian Bight to the south. 新西兰:New Zealand New Zealand is in the Southern Pacific Ocean,halfway between the equator and South Pole. About 1,500 km to the northwest,across the Tasman Sea,is Australia. To the east,10,600 km of the Pacific Ocean separate New Zealand from South America.The icy continent of Antarctica lies 2,300 km to the south. The latitude of the capital city,Wellington,is 40S;the latitude of China's capital is 40N.It is just west of the International Date line,so it is the first country to get the new day. The size of the country is similar to Britain or Japan.三、气候,人口英国: Britain has a population of 57,411,000(1990). A maritime type of climate. Winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool,not too hot,and it has a steady reliable rainfullthroughtout the whole year. It has a small range of temperature. 美国: The United States of America,with a population of 255.5 million in July 1992,is the third most populous country in the wrold. By the year 2050,the population is expected to climb to 383 million,a50% increase. The United States is located in the middle latitudes north of the equator. And there are different types of climate in different regions. 1)A humid continental climate is found in the north-eastern part of the country.(New England) 2)In the south-eastern United States you can find a humid subtropical climate. *these two zones stretch westward across the United States until they approach the 100th meridian. 3)Beyond this point they gradually give way to the continental steppe climate of the Great Plains. 4)The Pacific northwest is favoured with a maritime climate. 5)The souther part of the Pacific coast in California has a Mediterranean climate. 爱尔兰: The population of Ireland in 1990 was estimated at 3.5 million. It is expected to grow to 4 million by 2000. The weather of Ireland is described as "mild,moist and changeable".Extreme cold,long frosts,heavy snows in winter and scorching days in summer are uncommon. 加拿大: Canada has a population of only a little over 29 million(1994).Toronto(3.4 million),Montreal(2.9 million)and Vancouver(1.3 million) are the most populous cities in Canada. Except for southwestern Saskatchewan and southeastern Alberta,Canada recieves adequate rainfall.However the climate throughout Canada is varied. 1)A maritime climate similar to that of Washington and Oregon states in the United States is found in the southwestern part of British Colombia. 2)North of these regions lie the evergreen forests of the subarctic taiga. 3)In the far north there is a polar climate with a treeless tundra zone Generally speaking the climate in Canada is unfavourable.Much of Cananda has long and cold winters with deep snow. 澳大利亚: Today(1996) Australia's population is about 18 million or about two people to the square kilometre. Most Australia do not know their continent very well because they live on the cool,wet,forested south-east coastland. This is the most pleasant part of the country and the forests are unique but it is not Australia's most common environment. Two thirds of the coutry is hot and dry. 新西兰: The population of New Zealand is 3.5 million. Approximately 10% are Maori,or part Maori. The climate in New Zealand is generally temperate,but becasue the country runs northsouth,the climate is varied. In the far north it is subtropical and in some mountainous areas of South island it is almost subarcitc.Seasonal variations are less extreme than in many other countries. 英语国家概况 - 政治篇一、基本政治制度和国家元首[UseMoney=8]英国: The United Kingdome is a constitutional monarchy:the head of States is a king or a queen. In practice,the Sovereign reigns,but does not rule:the United Kongdom is governed,in the name of the Sovereign,by His or Her Majestty's Government--a body of Ministers who are the leading members of whichever political party the electorate has voted into office,and who are responsible to Parliament. The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II. 美国: The American Consitution set up a federal systerm of government which has two layers of rule.(central of federal government for the nation ,state and local governments.) The President of the Unites States is head of the executive branch. The White House is hisofficial residence. He is also head of state elected by the whole nation.(4years,two times at the most) 爱尔兰: Ireland is a parliamentary republic and a unitary state under the 1937 Consitution. The head of the state is the president.(7years) 加拿大: Canada,a self-governing memeber of the Commonwealth of Nations,is a federation of 10 povinces and two territories. Canada, along with Australia, New Zealand and some other Commonwealth countries, recognizes Britain' monarch, Queen Elizabath II, as Head of State. 澳大利亚:The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation.The Six colonies joined together as sovereign States. 新西兰: New Zealand is a sovereign independent State,which a parliament government and a constitutional monarchy立法机构 ,执法机构[UseMoney=8]二、立法机构英国:Parliament(maximum 5 years duration)Parliament consisted of the Sovereign,the House of Lords(made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal) and House of Commons(651).美国:CongressArticle I of the Constitution grants all legislative power of the federal government to a Congress composed of two chambers,a Senate(two members from each state,six year term and every even year,one-third of the Senate stands for re-election ) and a House of Representatives(based on population and its size is therefore not specified in the Constitution.435).爱尔兰:All the legislative power are vested in the national parliament.(Oireachats) Oireachats has two houses. They are the Senate(Seanad) and the House of Representives(Dail Eireann)加拿大:All the legislative power of the federal administration are vested in the Parliament of Canada,which consists of the Crown,the Senate(104) and the House of Commons(295).Therefore,laws must be passed by both Houses of Parliament and signed by the Governor-General in the Queen's name.澳大利亚:The Australian Federal Parliament is modelled on the Westminster system.It is the Legislature.It consists of the Queen and two Houses of Parliament:the House of Representatives and the Senate. 新西兰:New Zealand follows the British Parliamentary system with some varitions.Since 1950 the New Zealand Parliament has had only one chamber,the House of Representatives. (every 3 years)三、执法机构英国:The Prime Minister is apointed by the Queen.He always sits in the House of Commons.And his residence is No.10 Downing Street in London.The party which wins sufficient seats at a General Election to command a majority of supporters in the House of Commons usually forms the Government.Ministers are appointedby the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The most senior ministers compose the Cabinet.美国:The head of the departments,chosen by the President and approved by the Senate,form a council of advisers generally known as the President. This inculdes the White House staff,the Office of Management and Budget,the Council of Economic Advisers,and the Office of Emergerency Preparedness. The department are as follows(不打上来了,是书上的P305)爱尔兰:The Article 13 of the Constitution provides that the president shall appoint the prime minister(toiseach) on the nomination of the House of Representatives(Dail) and that he shall appoint the other members of the government on the nomination of the prime minister with the previous approval of the Dail.The prime minister holds office either until he chooses to resign or until he loses the support of the majority in the Dail.加拿大:Queen is represented in Canada by the Governor-General,who is appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. In practice, the Governor-General acts only the advice of the Canada Prime Minister and the Cabinet, who also sit in the federal parliament.The Prime Minister and other members of the Cabinet exercise executive power as the "Government".澳大利亚:In Australia the Queen is represented by the Govenor-General.(这里和加拿大是完全一样的) The executive is the government of the day.It is formed by the party or coalition of parties,which has a majority of seats in the House of Representatives.The Executive consists of the Prime Minister and the other members of the ministry.新西兰:The leader of the party with a majority of members in the House of Representatives becomes Prime Minister.He or she and about 20 other chosen members,form the Cabinet.党派,司法机构[UseMoney=8]四、党派英国:Since the 1945 eiher the Conservative Party or the Labour Party has held power.A new party--the Social and Liberal Democratic Party was formed in 1988.美国:In general,America has a two-party system.The Democrats(the major party now) and the Republicans.爱尔兰:Ireland has a bipolar political system with two major paries,Finna Fail and Fine Gael.The Irish Labour Party is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland. The Progressive Democrats is the largest of the minor partiesafter 1987 election.加拿大:Two party system and one party rule.There are two main federal parties in Canada.They are the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party.澳大利亚:We can say that Australia has a two-and-half party system of the ALP(Australia Labour Party) on one side and the Liberal Party and National parties on the other.新西兰:For the last 50 years the two main parties have been the National party and the Labour Party.五、司法机构英国: Criminal Courts in England and Wales including: Magistrates Courts,Youth Courts and the Crown CourtsScotland: 1.the High Courts of Justiciary 2.the sheriff court 3. the district court Northern Ireland: Magistrates' courts,Country courts and the Crown CourtCivil Courts in England and Wales: are the Country Court of which there are 270.The High Court deal with the more complicated cases.Scotland:the civil courts are the sheriff court and the Court of Session.Northern Ireland:Country courts are primarily civil law courts. The magistrates' court also deals with certain limited classes of civil cases.The High Court of Justice is the superior civil law court.Appeals from country courts are dealt with by the High Court or the Court of Appeal.美国:The judicial,consists of a system of courts headed by the Supreme Court and including subordinate courts throughtout the country.And it is the organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution.The judicial system has evovlved into the present structure:the Supreme Court,11 courts of appeals,91 district courts,and three courts of special jurisdiction.爱尔兰:Statutes passed by the British Parliament before 1921 have the force of law except those repealed by the Irish Oireachats.The high court has full origianal jurisdiction and power in all matters of law.It also can determine the validity of any law within the provisions of the Constitution.The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal.(a chief jusice and six other jusices)加拿大:Canada law has its source in acts and judicial decisions,and also in British common law. Quebec is an exception since its system is based on the French civil law.The provincial and federal governments have the power to establish courts. The federal Parliament created the Supreme Court of Canada,the Federal Court and various of special jurisdiction.澳大利亚:The High Court is the most superior.It consists of a chief jusice and six other jusices.The Federal Court of Australia was established in 1977.The Family Court was established in 1976.In each state there is a Superior Court. Below it are intermediate courts commonly called District or County Courts. Below them are Magistrates Courts,Local Courts or Courts of Petty Session. 二、农业[UseMoney=8]英国: The Britain were pioneers in modern agriculture and were among the first to bring science and machinery to farming.The new farming has been called "agribusiness".There are mainly six farming types in Britain.They are arable farning,dairy fariming,stock farming,mixed farming,hill farming and market gardening. Because of the cool climate,apples,pears and plums grwo very well in Britain. The North Sea has very good fishing grounds. 美国: Yet the United States grows nearly one fourth of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world. It ranks first,second,or third in the production and export of corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, oranges, meat,milk, apples,oats,cotton,tobaoo, peanuts,and edible vegetable oil.(具体的在什么地方种什么东西可以参照书上P289-291) 爱尔兰: Agriculture generates anestimated 11% of the Ireland GNP,employs 17% of the labour force and produces 25% of total exports. The most signigicant recent development in Irish agriculture has been membership in the European Community. 加拿大: The land used for agriculture makes up only 7% in Canada. Canada farms specialize in producing wheat,food crops for animals dairy products,and fruit.Fishing and mining are quite important. The Canada Prairie is the centre of a rich wheat belt. Eastern Canada is noted for a variety of farm products. Dairying is in the lowlands of Quebec and Ontario. Fruits are grown in Western Nova Scotia. 澳大利亚: Today,agriculture is the nation's largest and most diverse industry.Australia is one of the world's leading producers of foodand natural fibres.Australia is the world's largest exporter of wool,the second largest exporter of meat,the third largest exporter of wheat and a major international supplier of sugar,dairy products,fruits,cotton and rice. Australia's agriculture importance has declined in recent years. 新西兰: Vineyards produce international award-winning red and white wines. 四、对外贸易[UseMoney=8]英国: Britain is the fifth largest trading country in the world.Napoleon called it a "nation of shopkeepers" Britain's foreign trade is mainly with other developed countries. Which accounts for 79% of exports and 85% of imports. About half with EC. Traditionally,Britain has had a deficit on visible trade and a surplus on invisible trade. 美国: Currenty U.S. exports are about 15% of the world's total.The Unites States imports about 13% of all world imports. Canada is the largest single source og goods imported by the U.S.,accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Outside of North America,Europe is the largest source of imports with about 30%,Asia provides about 18%,with smaller percentages from Latin America,Africa,and Australia. 爱尔兰: Successive Irish governments have adopted a consistent and postive approoach toward attracting overseas investment. The new foreign firms now account for over 70% of manufactured exports. Ireland is new an industrial exporter. Manufactured goods account for about two-thirds of total wxports. 加拿大: A total about four fifths of all foreign investments in Canada are American. 澳大利亚: Australia is a middle-level trading nation. The main feature of Australia's trade is that it has always involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products. Australia's trade relations with China have been developing rapidly in recent years. China accouts for about 3% of Australian total exports. 新西兰: Trade is New Zealand's linelihood.Foreign investment is increasing and financial markets are active. Western Europe and particularly Britain have traditionally been New Zealand's major export market. The main imports are industrial raw materials,capital equipment and consumer goods. New Zealand is the world's largest exporter of lamb and mutton as well as dairy products. 五、当今面临的问题[UseMoney=8]英国: Britain is the oldest industrial country in the world.The term "Britain disease" is noew often used to characterise Britain's economic decline. The Evolution of the Britain Economy since the War:1.Steady development in the 50s and 60s.2.Economic recession in the 70s.3.Economic recovery in the 80s. 这里有一部分是撒切尔的宏,微观措施比较重要(P91-92) 美国: The Untied States has a free-market economy with a dominant private sector So the economy system of the United States is principally privately owned.But today,many of American people still live under the poverty line. Unemployment,inflation,finacial deficit,and trade deficit are the troubles that alwaysface the United States. 爱尔兰: The value of imports generally exceeds that of exports. That's why Ireland has a chronic negative balance of trade. Continuing dependence on imported oil is one of the reasons for the high import bill. 加拿大: In the past few years however,Canada's unemployment rate has been high.But what is worth nothing is that the cost for manufacturing has increased while the productivity per worker has decreased as compared with the United States or with its ten trading partners. While Canada has one of the world's highest standards of living,not all regions of the country have enjoyed the same degree of prosperity. Some measures have been taken by the Federal government to help those slow grownth regions. 澳大利亚: Problems of Australia economy:1.Over-reliance on commodity exports.2.Failure to share in the expansion of international trade.3.The decline of manufaturing industries and the effects of tariffs. 二、教育[UseMoney=8]英国: Education is compulsory for between the ages of 5(4 in Northern Ireland) and 16.The protortion of young people entering higher education in universities and colleges was one in four(one in three in Northern Ireland) in 1994.There are 90 universities,including the Open University. The government education departments formulate education policies and are also responsible for the supply and trainging of teachers. Most state school education is the responsibility of local education authorities (LEAs);the rest is provided by self-governing grant-maintained(GM) schools.The British universities are governed by royal charters or by Act of Parliament and enjoy academic freedom. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12th and 13th centries. 美国: In the United States,education is regarded as both an individual benefit and a social necessity. Formal education in the United States consisteds of elementary,secondary and higher education. Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic of American education.The America Constitution makes it clear that education is a funcation of the state,not the federal government. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of Harvard College in 1636. The system of higher education in the United States has three principle funcations:teaching,research,and public serivce. Another aspect of American higher education that has drawn the world's attention is the community college and the role it plays. 爱尔兰: Schooling is complusory between ages 6 and 15. The chief lanugage of instruction is English. Ireland's oldest university is the University of Dubin. It was founded in 1591. 加拿大: Virtually all Canadians devote at least ten years to formal cation is a provincial responsibility. Canadian education is divided into three seccessive levels:elementary,secondary,and post-secondary.The oldest university is Laval University in Quebec City,origianlly founded in1663. The largest is the Universityfo Torontao with full-time enrolment of over 31,000 students. 节日、社会福利篇一、社会福利[UseMoney=8]英国: Britain is a welfare state.(The welfare state is a system of government by which the state provides the economic and social security of its citizens through its organization of health services,pensions and other ficilities.)The system is funded out of national insurance and contributions and taxation.In Britain the term applies mainly to the National Health Service--NHS(1948,the largest single employer of labour in the U.K.),national insurance and social security. Personal Social Services assist elderly people,disabled people,people with learning disabilities or mental illness,children ,and families facing special problems. The Social Security is designed to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need.(Contributory social security benefit: Retirement pension,Unemployment Benefit,Sickness and Invalidity Benefit,Maternity Allowance and Widows' Benefit.Non-contributory social security benefits: War Pensions,Industrial injuries Disablement Benefit,Child Benefit,Family Credit) 加拿大: National health policies and programs have developed in Canada as a result of joint efforts by federal and provincial governments.A universal program for hospital care was introduced in 1958,followed ten years later by universal insurance to meet the cost of physicians'service.The Federal Government paid the provinces one-half the cost of the insurance programs.No Canada lacks access to hospital and medical care for finacial reasons. Federal,provincial and local governements provied a wide range of publicly funded and administered income security and social programs,which are complemented by the serivce of voluntary agencies. 新西兰: Treatment at public hospital is free.A percentage of doctor's fees is paid by the state.The Accident Compensation Corporation provides immediate benefits of free medical trearment for everyone who suffers personal injury by accident. New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world to establish a free national dental service for young people. Infants and pre-school children receive free health care and free immunization against a range of diseases. The social support system helps people with personal,family and financial difficulties. 二、节日(按照时间的排列,不是按照国家排列,主要是英美两国,其他国家没有涉及,因为其实和他们都是一样的)[UseMoney=8]1.New Years Day/January 1st(所有国家) New Year's Day is part of Scotish "Hogmanay"(New Year's eve)festival,which is more important than Christmas to Scots. It is a legal holiday in U.S. and most people have a day off from work.One of the biggest and most exciting places in the United States on New Year's Eve is Time Square in New Year City.On the first day of the New Year,there are a lot of activities.(Mummers Parade in Philadelphiaand the Rose Tournament in Pasadena,California.) 2.Martin Luther King's Day/Third Monday of January (美国) Martin Luther King was a black minister,who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He delivered his best-know speech "I have a dream" before the Lincoin Memorial and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964. By the vote of Congress in 1968,the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in his honour. 3.Lincoln's Birthday/February 12 (美国) Lincoln led the country during the difficult time of Civil War and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation which officially freed all slaves in the United States. 4.Valentine's Day/February 14 (美国) Valentine's Day is a day for lovers. 5.Washington's Birthday/February 22 (美国) George Washington is remebered as a great general,as one of the founders of the Republic,as the first President of the United States of America,and also as "the Father of his Country." 6.April Fool's Day/April 1st (英国) April Fool's Day is hardly a festival,but on that day you may find that someone has tied your shoe-lace together,ot given you a false message from your employer,or play some practice jokes on you to make you an "April Fool" 7.Easter Sunday/A Sunday in March or April (英国,美国) East is the chief Christian festival,which celebrates the Resurrection of Christ,on the first Sunday after the first full moon that conincides with,or comes after,the sprign equinox. Easter Sunday,which comes from the ancient Norweigian festival of Spring sun,is the second of the two most important holidays for Christians. There are several symbols for Easter.(Egg and the hare) The Easter Parade is very popluar in the United States.The most famous one is along the Fifth Avenue in New Year City. University students susally have a week-long "Spring Break" to return home to spend the holiday with thier parents. 8.Whit Sunday/falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter(英国) It is a major festival in the Christian church. It celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ's apostles seven weeks after his death. 节日(二)。
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推荐教材:王恩铭. 英语国家概况[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2013
[1] 来安方. 英美概况[M]. 河南: 河南人民出版社, 2007
[2] 余志远. 英语国家概况主编[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000
[3] 朱永涛. 英国社会与文化[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003
第一章Britain: Land and People
第二章Britain: History I
教学内容: 英国的古代史。
第三章Britain: History II
教学内容: 英国的形成。
第四章Britain: History III
第五章Britain: History IV
第六章Britain: Education, Social Affairs, Cultural Affairs
第七章U.S.A.: Land and People
第八章American History I
第九章American History II
第十章American History III
第十一章Political Institutions
第十二章American Education
第十三章American Literature and Holiday 教学目的:美国文学名家,社会与文化。
第十六章New Zealand
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