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学校班级 14xxxxxx XX 指导老师:



Analyses the problems existing in the network marketing in our country and the countermeasures

School class number name teacher

Abstract: with the rapid development of Internet, network marketing has become a new mode of operation in our country. Rapid expansion in the network marketing is the enterprise in the network, the rapid economic development condition, the response to the new business environment created by effective marketing tool. Compared with the traditional marketing network marketing with high technical content, wide coverage, trade and other significant advantages of high efficiency, across time and space, skills make the enterprises to open up a broader market, and to lead and transform the traditional marketing, is one of China's enterprises are actively developing new marketing ideas and means. With the development of the Internet, technology improvement, the enterprise should take the "customer demand as the guidance", set up customer service consciousness, resume healthy network marketing channels, with specific customers to establish a mutually dependent and interdependent partnership, make the enterprise can get long-term stable economic income. As with the development of information technology, network marketing has the advantages of highlight, network marketing can reduce the cost of enterprise, reduce costs, the appearance of the enterprise at the same time can also through the network communication tools to understand the needs of the consumers in a timely and effective manner and willingness to adjust the enterprise's products and services, also can improve the efficiency of consumer buying, save consumers time and so on.

Key words: network marketing countermeasures


序言 (1)

1.中小企业网络营销概述 (2)

1.1中小企业发展现状 (2)

1.2网络营销概况 (2)

1.2.1网络营销的概念 (2)

1.2.2网络营销对传统营销的优势 (2)

1.2.3网络营销对传统营销的劣势 (2)

1.3中小企业网络营销的重要性 (2)

2.我国中小企业网络营销的现状及存在的问题 (2)

2.1我国中小企业网络营销的现状 (2)

2.1.1网络营销环境日益改善 (2)

2.1.2营销手段不断创新 (2)

2.2我国中小企业网络营销存在的问题 (2)

2.2.1网络营销投入不合理,目标不明确 (2)

2.2.2网络营销策略水平不高 (2)

2.2.3缺乏网络营销人才 (2)

3.我国中小企业发展网络营销的对策 (3)

3.1注重网络品牌的推广,提高网络营销服务水平 (3)

3.2拓展网络营销渠道 (3)

3.3培养和引进网络营销人才 (3)

4.结论 (4)

5.参考文献 (5)
