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賣方The Sellers:買方The Buyers:

最終用戶The End-user:

茲經買賣雙方及最終用戶同意, 由最終用戶委託買方購進, 賣方出售下列貨物, 並按下列條款簽訂本合同。

This Contract is made by and among the Buyers, the end-user and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers, entrusted by the end-user, agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:

2. 生產國別或製造廠商Place of Origin and Manufacturers:

3.裝運港口: Port of Shipment:

4.目的港口: Port of Destination:

5.裝運期限: Time of shipment:

6.保險:Insurance: Covering 110% value of contract by the seller 賣方負責合同總價110%的保險

7. 付款方式: Payment: 100% BY T/T

8.裝箱標誌: 賣方應在每件商品包裝上用不褪色油墨標明件號、毛重、淨重、尺碼和如下字樣: “切勿受潮”、“小心輕放”、“此端向上”等, 以及嘜頭。

Shipping Mark: The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: “KEEP AW AY FROM MOISTURE”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”, “THIS SIDE UP”, etc., and the shipping mark:

9. 單據Documents:

(1) 海運In case of sea-freight:

全套清潔海運提單, 並注明“運費預付”,合同號、裝運標記,作成空白背書,並加注買方。

One full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading marked “freight prepaid ”, Contract No. And shipping mark made out to order , blank endorsed.

(2) 發票五份, 注明合同號和嘜頭(如有一個以上嘜頭, 應分別出具發票)及合同中其他細節。

Invoice in 5 copies indicating contract number and shipping mark ( in case of more than one shipping mark, the invoice shall be issued separately), made out in details as per relative contract.

(3) 兩份由製造廠商出具的裝箱單Packing list in 2 copies issued by the Manufacturers.

(4)製造廠商出具的品質和數量證明Certificate of Quality and Quantity issued by the Manufacturers.

(5)裝運後給買方發送的裝運通知傳真副本Copy of cable/letter to the Buyers advising particulars of shipment

immediately after shipment is made.

(6)非木質包裝證明(如為非木箱包裝) 或IPPC證明。Certificate of non-wooden packing if packing is

noon-wooden case or the certificate of IPPC.


品檢驗局申請檢驗Insurance certificate, covering all risks and indicating "In the event of loss or damage, request for inspection by China Commodity Inspection Bureau of the port upon arrival of the cargo at the port of destination ". 1 originals and 1 copy.

(8)產地證明正本副本各1份Certificate of Origin; 1 originals and 1 copy。

裝運後3 個工作日內,賣方應用快郵寄出前述單據一套(第5項除外)直接寄給買方

The Sellers shall, within 3 days after shipment, send by airmail one extra set of the aforesaid documents (except item 5), directly to the Buyers.

10. 交貨通知Shipping Advice:

賣方在交貨後, 即將合同號、品名、件數、毛/淨重、發票金額及船名和發貨日期用傳真通知買方。

The Sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods , advice by fax the Buyers of the Contract No., commodity, quantity, gross and net weight, invoice value, name of vessel and date of sailing etc..
