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单元:Unit1 Living with technology

板块:Word power

Thoughts on design


Teaching aims:

1.students will be able to recognize words related to electrical and electronic goods;

2.students will be able to use these words to complete a short passage and write their own;

3.students will be able to be more creative to discuss their dream goods;

4.students will be able to know some effective ways to learn vocabulary.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision of Reading

A. Fill in the blanks with proper words

1. MP4 is s____ to MP3 in many aspects.

2. The clock has stopped! Did you remember to w____ it?

3. New technology is being a____ to almost every industrial process.

4. I read a r____ of the year’s sport events in the last issue of this magazine

5. The workers on strike are d____ better pay.

6. A c____ is someone who buys and uses products and services.

7. He shows a high d____ of skill in his work.

8. Fast-food restaurants are s____ up all over town.

9. The company hopes to l____ the new drug by next October.

10. Best Buy sells various kinds of e____ appliances, such as washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.

11. S____ are a series of light waves, sound waves etc that carry an image, sound, or message, for example in radio or television.

12. I got an e____ shock from that faulty light switch.


superior, wind, applied, review, demanding, customer, degree, springing, launch, electrical, signals,


B. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of verb

1. Regular public broadcasting followed shortly after, first ____ (begin) on 11 May 1928 in New York.

2. They could record and play sounds on a tape ____(wind) around a round object.

3. A mini CD player can record music and is very easy to carry, ____ (be) very small, as the name “mini” indicates.

4. A lot of his time was spent ____ (review) his lessons for the coming tests.

5. The new technology ____ (apply) to almost every industrial process.

6. I ____ (introduce) to the American literature in Mr. Kolinsky’s class at college.

7. The workers on strike demanded their working conditions ____ (improve).


beginning, wound, being, reviewing, is applied, was introduced, (should) be improved

C. Translate the following sentences into English







Some people consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.

They bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.

In the following years, more CD recordings became available, and gradually people were demanding more CDs than LPs.

The popularity of MP3 increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with MP3 players.



Step 2 Match the words with their pictures

MP3 player, video camera, digital camera, electronic dictionary, mobile phone, refrigerator, microwave oven, electric rice cooker, electric wok, vacuum cleaner



Step 3 Meet the new words

Read about Su Mei’s first day in a big department store on Page 6 and answer some questions.

1. How many sections do they have there?

2. What are goods in electronic section for?
