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关键词:绿色壁垒对策影响经济效益 ISO14000


The Green Barrier In International Trade Abstract:

The article main content is discussion the questions of “green” protection of international trade which come from international trade development in recently several years. The international trade green barrier is one reason is reasonable the form legitimate protection way, specially is the export trade has amore tremendous influence to our country foreign trade. The green protection of international trade is one reason is reasonable and the form legitimate protection way, specially is the export trade has a more tremendous influence to our country foreign trade. Author the question which mentioned in here is where the green protection of international trade origin, the Demonstration, the influence for our country export trade and when we has faced such environment and we must how to do and so on . The main goal is wants and discusses through these questions analyses deepens and I has been facing the solution way to the international trade green barrier understanding which such question is should consider. This article thought when solves this kind of problem should maintain the positive initiative manner, when analysis question reason should the domestic factor, the international factor unify, when solves this problem should base the domestic optimization, struggles overseas to is not equal, is unfair. In brief we certainly must hold the opportunity to meet the challenge, promotes our country foreign trade development. Key word: Green barrier countermeasure influence

ISO14000 economic efficiency



一、国际贸易中绿色壁垒的由来及其主要表现类型 (5)

(一)国际贸易中绿色壁垒的背景 (5)

(二)国际贸易中绿色壁垒的表现类型 (4)

1.绿色技术标准 (7)

2.绿色环境标志(标签) (5)

3.绿色卫生检疫制度 (5)

4.绿色包装制度 (6)

5.绿色关税和市场准入 (6)

6.绿色补贴与反补贴 (6)

7绿色贸易制裁 (6)

二、绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响 (7)

(一)绿色贸易壁垒对出口市场的影响 (7)

(二)绿色贸易壁垒对出口贸易增长速度的影响 (7)


响 (7)

三、我国外贸应对全球绿色贸易壁垒的对策 (8)

(一)要认真组织对全球绿色贸易壁垒的研究 (8)



性工作。 (8)

1.变等待为主动 (9)

2.与国际接轨 (9)


际互认 (9)


绿色的外贸发展模式。 (10)

