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I .Articles(冠词)


1.表示“一”There is a pen on the book.

2.第一次提到He saw a wallet lying on the ground.

3.泛指 A boy can do it well.

4.表一类:A horse is useful.

5.惯用法in a hurry

6.其他用法a better job, a nicest boy a second time a hot Friday

7.不可数名词前有形容词修饰时:a. big/heavy rain /snow; a. big supper a great success 有一些不可数名词加了形容词后仍不能加不定冠词(weather news fun advice ,progress 等)

8.用在姓名、作品前,表示“具有……特征的人”、“……的作品”eg I wish to become an Edison.

They have a Picasso in their living room.


如:A Miss Chen came to see you this morning.

9.用在be +n+ of + a +n 的结构中表示不同事物的共同性。

Birds of a feather, cars of a kind


1.第二次提到Yesterday I saw a film. The film is directed by Zhang Yimou

2.表特指Where have you put the key?

3.最高级但a strongest boy

4.序数级(单独用)the first, the last 但又一次:如a second 5.有后置定语修饰时(含从句)the science of life; the boy in the room the balance of nature

6.独一无二的事物前the sun the earth 但a. rising sun; a. pale moon,in society in nature in space

7.表一类与一种的④相同。The horse is useful. horses

8.乐器前the piano the violin

9.固定搭配in the morning the moment the minute

10.表示一类人的形容词前the rich/poor/injured/wounded 11.表一家人the Smiths

12.由普通名词组成的专有名词前The People’s Republic of China 13.沙漠、河流与群山,组织、党派和机关,书名杂志及报刊,定冠词不能删

the Tongting Lake ( Lake Tongting ), the United States, the Times

14.有后置定语修饰的地名/人名前加the (专有名词转化为普通名


the China/ the Shaoxing of the twentieth century/ He is the Newton

of the age.

15. 对两人或两物进行比较时,起特定作用的比较级前

eg He is the taller of the two children.

16.在发明物的单数前the compass

17. 及物动词+宾语+介词+the+ 身体的部位catch him by the arm

18. 用在历史朝代前the Song Dynasty

19. 在以sh/ch/ese/结尾的表示国家和民族的形容词前the,表示这个国家和民族的全体人员。the French

20.与表示计量单位的名词连用,含有“每”by the dozen/hour/ pound 三.下列情况既不用a 也不用the

1.季节前,月份,星期,节假日前,in spring 但in th.e spring of 1989, in the year 2000

2.表一类,Horses are useful.

3.棋类,球类play Chinese chess

4.三餐前但a. rich lunch

5.固定搭配at once

6.学科前English但th.e English language

7.抽象名词前但th.e balance of nature the science of life 8.官衔,军衔前he was made headmaster(补)

但Smith, th.e headmaster(同位语)is coming. 9.Turn 动词后,turn doctor

10. as/though 前移的让步状语从句中。

11.在语言的名词前如:English 但the English language 12.在表示职位、职称、头衔的名词前

Mr. Cook has been elected headmaster of the school.


1.Suzhou is compared to ______ Venice of China.

A. /

B. a

C. an

D. the

2.Yesterday was ______ Children’s Day.

A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the

3.Which do you think is ______ of the two, Canada, or the USA?

A. larger

B. the larger

C. largest

D. the largest

4.She said there was no ______ thing.

A. such a

B. such

C. a such

D. so a

5.Tom owns ______ larger collection of ______ books than any other

student in our class.

A. the; /

B. a; /

C. a; the

D. /; the

6.The most important thing about cotton in history is ______ part

that it played in ______ Industrial Revolution.

A. /;/

B. the; /

C. the; the

D. a; the

7.The wilsons live in ______ A-shaped house near the coast. It is

______ 17th century cottage.

A. the; /

B. an; the

C. /; the

D. an; a

8.For a long time they walked without saying ______ word. Tim was

the first to break ______ silence.

A. the; a

B. a; the

C. a; /

D. the; /
