科普 暗物质支配宇宙 英语短文

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Dark Forces Dominate(支配) Universe


The Earth,moon,sun and all visible stars in the sky make up less than one percent of the universe 月亮,太阳和天空上所有的可见星占宇宙的比例不到1%.Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energ own forces that puzzle astronomers.其余的都是另天文学家迷惑的暗物质,暗能量和未知的力量. Observations in recent years have changed the basic understanding of how the universe

evolved(发展进化)and have emphasized(强调)for astronomers how little is known about the majo s and

substances that shaped our world.最近几年的观察资料已经改变了宇宙如何进化发展发展的基本观点,而且强学家对世界的主要力量和物质发展所知甚少.

Astronomers now know that luminous(发光的明亮的)matter-stars.planets and hot gas accounts for out 0.4 percent of the universe.Non luminous components such as black holes and intergalactic gas,up 3.6 percent.The rest is either dark matter, about 23 percent,or dark energy, about 73 percent.天现在知道发光的恒心和热气仅仅占宇宙的0.4%.不发光的黑洞和银河间的气体占宇宙了3.6%.其余的就是暗物质3%,暗能量占73%.

Dark matter, sometimes called “cold dark matter,” has been known for some time. Only recently have chers come to understand the pivotal(关键)role it played in the formation of stars.planets and eve le.“We owe our very existence to dark matter,” said physicist Paul Steinhardt and a co-author of a re n dark matter which appeared not long ago in the journal Science.暗物质也就"冷暗的物质",它被人们知有一些时间了.仅仅是最近才有研究人员理解了暗物质在星体中所起的关键作用.我们的生活多亏了暗物质的存在学家Paul Steinhardt 和他的合作者在不久前出版的科学杂志上说.

Steinhardt said it is believed that following the Big Bang(宇宙大爆炸),the theoretical beginning of th erse,dark matter caused particles(粒子)to clump together.That set up the gravitation(地心吸力,力)processes that led to the formation of stars and galaxies(星系).Those stars,in turn,created t c chemicals,such as carbon and iron.that were fundamental to the evolution(进化)of life.Steinh 宇宙被认为是在一次宇宙大爆炸中产生的,在宇宙理论的诞生之处,暗物质时粒子结合在一起.它们在万有引力的作形成星星和星系.这些星系又创造了基本的化学物质.象炭和铁.这些是生命进化的基础.

“Dark matter dominated the formation of structure in the early universe.”Steinhardt said.“For the first llion years dark matter contained most of the mass of the universe.You can think of ordinary matter oth of an Ocean of dark matter.The dark matter clumps and the ordinary matter falls into it.That le e formation of the stars and galaxies.”Without dark matter,“there would be virtually no structures in th erse.”暗物质支配着早期宇宙的结构和形式,Steinhardt说.在最初的几十亿年里,暗物质在宇宙中比例很大.你可以通的物质就象是在暗物质的海洋里的气泡.暗物质和普通物质容在一起.这是银河和星系的基础.没有暗物质就没有


The nature of dark matter is unknown.It cannot be seen or detected directly.Astronomers know it is because of its effect on celestial objects than can be seen and measured.自然界的暗物质是不可知的.它看到或直接探测.天文学家知道它们在那儿是因为它们对天上的物体有影响,因此可以被看到和测量.

But the most dominating force Of all in the universe is called dark energy.a recently proven power th onomers say is causing the galaxies in the universe to separate at a faster and faster speed.One sc said it is clear now that dark matter and dark energy engaged in a gravitational tug of war that,even dark energy won.大多数的支配宇宙的力量都称为暗能量.物理学家说宇宙中的星系现在以越来越快的速度分物理学家说很显然暗物质和暗能量参加了一场引力的战斗,最终,暗物质获胜.

