广告大师 克劳德霍普金斯的舒立兹啤酒文案Claude Hopkins Schlitz Beer Ad

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Claude Hopkins Schlitz Beer Ad

Claude Hopkins helped take Schlitz beer from number five in the U、S、market to neck and neck with number one in just a few months、


How did he do it、她就是如何做到的呢?

All the beer companies were talking about how "pure" their beer was、


But Hopkins was the first to explain in detail exactly what pains Schlitz beer went to to ensure

purity in their beer、但就是霍普金斯就



Perfection of 50 Years

Back of each glass of Schlitz Beer

there is an experience of fifty


In 1848, in a hut,Joseph Schlitz

began brewing、Not beer like

Schlitz beer of today,but it was

honest、It was the best beer an

American had ever brewed、

This great brewery today has

new methods、 A half century

has taught us perfection、But our

principles are 50 years old;our

aims are unaltered、Schlitz beer

is still brewed,without regard to

expense,according to the best

that we know、

Ask for beer ,and you get the

beer that best suits your dealer、

He may care more for his profit

than your health、

Ask for Schlitz ,and you get the

best beer that the world ever knew、

In the Schlitz Beer ads he told prospects:在舒立兹啤酒文案中,她告诉她的潜在消费者:

"All beer is cooled in plate glass room in filtered air、"“,所有的啤酒都在装有空气过滤系统的电镀玻璃房中冷却”

"Then the beer is filtered、"“接着被提纯”

"Then it is sterilized after being bottled and sealed、"“然后在封装前所有的啤酒都被消毒”

Hopkins was the first to explain in specific detail why Schlitz beer was pure、霍普金斯就是第一个详细解释舒立兹啤酒纯净秘方的人

And once he did that Schiltz was permanently embedded in the market's mind as being especially pure、一旦她那样做了舒立兹在消费者心目中长久树立了“特纯”的地位。

This is what marketing consultant Jay Abraham calls the "strategy of preeminence"、


霍普金斯在她的回忆录《我的广告生涯》(My life in advertising)中写道:“那时候,所有的啤酒酿造者都鼓吹‘纯度’,她们将‘纯’写的很大,并且刊登双页的广告使这个字瞧起来更大。”但当霍普金斯到啤酒工厂实地参观,她在玻璃窗瞧到啤酒流入管子中,工厂里的人向她解释说这些房间由过滤的空气所冷却,因此啤酒可以保持纯度,她瞧到大的过滤池充满了白林纸浆,她们让她瞧如何每天两次清理每一个筒与管子,以避免污染,她也瞧到及其如何将酒瓶清洁四遍,她们带她去瞧为了取得纯水而钻入地下四千英尺的深井。



