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第31卷第6期地球科学———中国地质大学学报Vol.31 No.6 2006年11月Earth Science—Jour nal of China U niver sity of G eosciences Nov. 2006



韩冬梅,徐恒力,梁 杏



关键词:岩溶水系统;圈划;G IS;太原盆地.

中图分类号:P641 文章编号:1000-2383(2006)06-0885-06 收稿日期:2006-03-12

Demarcation of Groundwater System of Big Karst Spring:A Case

Study of Eastern and Western Mountain Areas,Taiyuan Basin

H AN Dong-m ei,XU H eng-li,LIANG Xing

School o f Envir onmenta l S tud ies,China University o f Geos ciences,Wuhan430074,Ch ina

A bstract:T his pape r takes the eastern and w estern mountain areas o f T aiyuan ba sin,Shanx i Pro vince as a case study.O n the basis of g ro undw ater sy stem theory and geog r aphic infor mation sy stem(GIS)technique,some quantitativ e o r semiquan-titativ e st ruc tura l info rmatio n w as first ex tr acted from lithofacies paleog eo g raphy,geo lo gy,tectonics and hydro geo log y in the study area,including the iso lines of the base o f regional karst-w ate r aquifer s,the projective sec tion o f bo th the plane s of a fault and the mapping of kar st-w ater sy stem.T he distributio n of ka rst aquife rs,the stratum permeability,the bounda ry char acte ristics and the relatio nship between the internal and e xter nal sy stem all serv e the classificatio n of the karst-w ater sy s-tem a s local zone of satura tion,r egio na l zone o f satura tion and zo ne of passag e.The research results sho w that in the w est-er n mo untain area,the subsy stem of L ancun spring and tha t o f Jinci spring belo ng to the same r eg io nal ka rst-wa te r sy stem, and the subsy stem of Xiy e spring is an inde pendent kar st-w ater system.T he majo rity o f eastern mo untain area belongs to the subsy stem of N iangzig uan spring.The subsy stem o f the easter n mountain area closely rela ted to the g roundw ater sy stem in the T aiy uan ba sin has no direct rela tion with the subsy tem of Lancun a nd Jinci spring s.T hese scientific evidences can effec-tively be emplo yed to simulate the g roundw ater sy stem and to ev aluate the karst-w ater r eso urces in the T aiy uan basin. M eanw hile,some new view points abo ut the bo undary and the internal structure of the kar st-w ater system hav e been presen-ted with the demarcatio n me tho d in this study area.

Key words:ka rst-water sy stem;demarcatio n;geo gr aphic info rmatio n sy stem(GIS);Taiyuan basin.


