8 状语从句讲解(教师版)

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ever since自从till直到until直到

as soon as一……就whenever不管什么时候every time每次

each time 每次next time 下次the moment一……就

by the time到……directly一……就immediately一……就

instantly一……就as long as长达……hardly…when…还没来得及…就once一……就no sooner…than还没来得及…就




I’ll phone you again when I get home. 我到家后再给你打电话。

The telephone rang while I was taking a bath. 我洗澡时大话响了。


Would you look after the children while I do the shopping? 我去买东西时你能不能照顾一下孩子。

While I played the harp, my sister did her homework. 我在弹竖琴,姐姐在做功课。

While she was asleep,thieves broke in and stole her handbag.她熟睡时,小偷



As time passed, things seemed to get worse.随着时间的推移,事情变得更糟。

As he talked on, he got more and more excited.他越谈就越激动。


As he was reading,he was shaking his head,which surely slowed down his reading speed. 他边读书边摇着头,这当然降低了他的阅读速度。


My cap was blown away as I sat down.

2. until,till的用法

这两个词几乎可以毫无区别地运用,till 常用语口语中。


I worked as a teacher in Japan until our country broke its ties with Japan.我在日本当老师一直到我们国家和日本的关系僵化为止。

I didn’t know anything about it until you told me.直到你告诉我,我才知道关于这件事的情况。


Until the manager returns, nothing can be done.经理不回来什么也不能做。

Until I found a secure job, I didn’t even own a car.找不到一份可靠的工作,我没有车。

(3)not until放在句首时,主句部分应倒装。

Not until the war came to an end did I resume my job.直到战争结束,我才恢复工作。


(1)since表示自某一点时间以来,常与完成(进行)时态连用,强调时since 前可加ever。主句一般用延续性动词,如用非延续性动词时必须强调动作的频度


Great changes have taken place since you left the city.自你离开该市以来,发生了很多变化。

I have returned home twice since I settled down in the States.自从我定居美国以来回过两次家(不可以说I have returned home since I settled down in the States)。

(2)since 引导的从句中,如若是持续性动词,往往理解为某一状态的终止。

He has written to me frequently since he was ill.自从病好以来,他经常给我写信。

It’s been a year ever since I worked here.我不在这里工作已经一年了

(3)It is……since……和It has been……since可以互用,口语中常用前者。

It is /has been a long time since she was ill.他病好了很长时间了

It seems/feels a long time since we parted.我们分手似乎很长时间了。


一般情况下before表是“在……之前”,有时译为“才”。Before 引导的时间状语从句如果是过去式,其修饰的主句可用一般过去时或过去完成时。

I must finish this letter before I go home.我必须在回家之前写完这封信。

All the birds flew away before I started to fire. 鸟儿全飞了我才开枪。

5.By the time的用法

这个词组常用来指到某一点时间为止,主句常用完成时态。如若主句是be 的系表形式或像know等表示“认知”的持续动词,则往往用一般时。

By the time he was 12,he had travelled to more than 30 countries to get his diseases cured.到十二岁为止,他已去过三十多个国家治疗疾病。

By the time he went abroad, he was fourteen.他出国那年十四岁。



The time the moment the minute the hour the day
