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Due to 由于,应归于root-locus method 根轨迹法common practive 常规optimal control 最优控制adaptive and leanring control 自适应与学习控制under way 在进行中reference input 参考输入assume 采用假定frist-order 一阶的transient-response暂态响应transfer-function传递函数control loop 控制回路preset 预先调试preset program 预置程序interval 间隔set point 设定点law 定律Denver 推导出forcing function 作用函数lumped-parameter集中参数give rise to 引起ordinary differential equations常微分方程

Partial differential equations偏微分方程the principle of superposition 叠加原理constant常数linear time invariant(constant-conefficient)system 线性时不变(定常)系统

Square-law 平方定律control action 控制作用represent表现two position or on off controllers 双位或继电器型控制器proportional controllers 比例控制器integral controllers积分控制器proportional-plus-integral controllers比例积分控制器

proportional-plus-derivative controllers比例微分控制器

proportional-plus-integral -plus-derivative controllers比例-积分-微分控制器Differential gap 差动间隙inverse 例数的proportional sensitivity or the gain 比例灵敏度或增益rate control 速率控制feedback path 反馈回路transient period 暂态过程load disturbances 负荷扰动negative feedback 负反馈dynamic behavior 动态性能overdamp 过阻尼linear time invaniant systems 线性时不变系统under damp 欠阻尼time arying systems 时变系统nonlinear 非线性linear time invariant discrete (continuous)time systems 线性定常离散(连续)系统root locust method 跟轨迹法frequency response methods 频率响应法open loop frequency response test 开环频域测试lead or lag compensator 超前或滞后校正装置 a singal input and a singal output 单输入单输出multiple input multiple output systems 多输入多输出系统state space 状态空间phase plane methods 相平面法two dimensional statespace methods 二维空间状态法time domain approach 时域方法classical control theory 经典控制理论complex frequency domain approach 复频域法with respect to 关于,至于impulse functions 脉冲函数step functions 阶跃函数sinusoidal functions 正弦函数initial conditions 初始条件first order vector matrix differential equation 一阶向量矩阵微分方程trial and error 反复试验first order scalar differential equations 一阶标量微分方程dog house 高频高压电源屏蔽罩


第一章:①the Merriam Webster dictionary~~~~~~result or end 麦莉亚韦伯斯特字典将过程定义为一种自然的,持续性的操作或演变过程,其特征是一系列渐进的变化以相对固定的方式相继发生在操作或演变过程中,并最后产生特定的效果或结果,也可定义为人为或自发的持续性的,由一系列产生特定结果的被控操作或动作组成的工序。②A feedback control system …………the difference as a means of control :反馈控制系统式一种通过将输出与参考输入进行比较,利用其偏差作为控

制手段来维持输出与参考输入之间既定关系的控制系统。③An automatic regulating system is a feedback control system……………the desired value in the presence of disturbance .:自动调节系统是一种参考输入或期望的输出为常数或随时间缓慢变化,并在存在扰动时将实际输出保持在期望值上的反馈控制系统。④An automatic regulating system in witch~~~~~~~or PH is called a process control system.:输出量是温度、压力、流量、液位、或PH值等类型的参量的自动调节系统被称为过程控制系统。During the decade of the 1940’s ,frequency response methods made it possible for engineers to design linear feedback control systems that satisfied performance requirements .From the end of the 1940’s to early 1950’s ,the rootlocus method in control system design was fully developed 在20世纪40年代的10年间,频率响应方法使得工程师设计出了满足性能要求的线性反馈控制系统,从1940年代末到1950年代初,根轨迹法方法在设计控制系统设计中的得到了充分发展

The frequency response and the root locus methods ,which are the core of classical theory ,lead to systems that are stable and satisfy a set of more or less arbitrary performance requirements .Such systems are ,in general ,not optimal in any meaningful sense .Since the late 1950’s ,the emphasis in control design problems has been shifted from the design of one of many systems that work to the design of one optimal system in some meaningful sense 频率响应法和根轨迹法,是核心的经典理论,使系统稳定,满足了一套或多或少任意性能要求。这种系统,一般来说,不是最有意义的。1950年代末以来,重点已经转向控制设计问题从设计一个或许多工作的系统设计一个最优系统在一些有意义的方面。In particular ,if a linear lumped parameter mathematical model (i .e .,one employing ordinary differential equations)is desired ,it is always necessary to ignore certain nonlinearities and distributed parameters (i .e .,ones giving rise to partial differential equations)which may be present in the physical system .

特别是在需要采用线性集中参数数学模型(即常微分方程)时,总是要忽略掉物理系统中存在的一定的非线性因素和分布参数(即产生偏微分方程的因素)。The principle of superposition states that the response produced by the simultaneous application of two different forcing functions is the sum of the two individual responses .

叠加原理说明,两个不同的作用函数同时作用于系统时的响应等于两个作用函数单独作用时的响应之和。Because of this mathematical difficulty attached to nonlinear systems ,one often finds it necessary to introduce “equivalent”linear systems in place of nonlinear ones .

由于非线性系统在数学上(求解)的困难,常需引入“等效”的线性系统来代替非线性系统。In general ,in solving a new problem ,we find it desirable first to build a simplified model so that we can get a general feeling for the solution .A more complete mathematical model may then be built and used for a more complete analysis .一般来说,在解决新问题,我们发现它首先需要建立一个简化的模型使我们能够得到一个一般的
