庐山及周边景点 英文介绍

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Mt. Lushan


Natural Features


Mount Lushan is 36 kilometers south of JiujiangCity,

Jiangxi Province. It lies south of Yangtze Riverand west of Poyang Lake.The sc enic area covers 350 square kilometers with the buffer zone reaching outfor 5 00 square kilometers. Mt Lushan is well knownsince ancient times for its mag nificence,marvel,precipice,and grace.


Mt Lushan has plenty of scenic attractions,

including the Wulaofeng(Five El erly Men Peaks), Xianrendong(Immortal's Ca vern)and the White Deer Cave Academy.The White Deer CaveAcademy was o ne of the earliest institutes of higher learning in China. It was first built by LiB o,an official of Tang Dynasty(618-

907)at the beginning of the seventh century and was extended during the So ng Dynasty(960一1279)It was ore of the four largest academies inChina,and teachers such as Zhu Xi and Lu Xiiangshan,

philosophers of the Southern SongDynasty(1127一1279),

had many students here.


Mt Lushan has also the unusual glacial traces of the Quarernary Period,and a rich collection of landforms such as rivers,lakes,slopes,and peaks,regarded as a garden of geology. It has171 peaks recognized with a name lon g ago,

of which the summit Dahanyang Peak rises upfor 1474m above sea level .Sc attered among the peaks are 26 ridges and hills,20 ravines andgullies,

16 caves,

and 22 groups of grotesque rocks. Waters gush down the mountain andform 22 falls ,18 streams,and 14 ponds or fakes. Its Three-

stepped Fall is reputed worldwideand has a height difference as big as 155m. 庐山还拥有独特的第四纪冰川遗迹,有河流、湖泊、坡地、山峰等多种地貌类型,具有地质公园之称,庐山自古被命名的山I峰有171座,主峰左汉阳峰的海拔为1.474米。群峰间散布着岗岭26座,堑谷20 条,岩洞16个、怪石22处。水流在起伏的山谷间跌宕,有瀑布22处,溪涧18条,湖潭14处。驰名中外的庐山三叠泉瀑布,落差达155米。

Mt Lushan has a wealth of biological resources in an integrated ecological sy stem. About76.6% of the area is covered with forests, providing a paradise f or over 3 000 species ofplants,2 000 insects,171 birds,

and 33 animals. At the foot there is also the Poyang LakeMigrant Birds Reserv e,protecting the largest community of white crane in the world,

andother rare birds such as white-

napped crane and white head stork, amounting to over 4 000 individuals.

庐山物资源丰富,生态系统完整。森林覆盖率达76.6%,植物有3000余种,昆虫2 000余种,鸟类171种,兽类33种。山麓还有鄱阳湖候鸟保护区,保护区内发现了世界上最大的白鹤群以及白枕鹤、白头鹤等珍稀鸟类,总数达4000多只。

The climate of Mt Lushan is that of subtropical monsoon,

typical of mountainous areas Tfre temperature drops as the mountain rise s higher. In summer it isexceptionally cool , and haslong been reputed as a world famous resort from the summer heat.

