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,,xx在英语期末考试之前,认真的做好一系列的英语试题卷也是一种高效率的学习方法。对于这种学习方法,你认可吗?让我们来做一做这套试卷吧!现在请欣赏我带来的。及答案第Ⅰ卷选择题,共四个大题,满分60分Ⅰ.听力理解15分A. 找出与你所听到的句子相同的选项,念一遍。5分1. A. How long did you start writing?B. How long have you been writing in English?C. How long have you been an English teacher?2. A. They left for school three hours ago.B. They will leave school soon.C. They finished homework in the school.3. A. I can’t buy the book, because I ran out of my money.B. I can buy the pen, because I have enough money.C.

I won’t b uy the thing, because I have no money.4. A. I liked skating when I was a child.B. I have been skating since I was a child.C. I always skate on Saturday and Sunday.5. A. Do you like candy? Yes, I like sweet things.B. Will you taste that sweet thing?C. Can you eat candy? Yes, I like it.听力材料:1. How long have you been writing in English?2. They finished homework in the school.3. I can’t buy the book, because I ran out of my money.4. I have been skating since I was a child.5. Do you like candy? Yes. I like sweet things.答案:1~5 BCABAB. 听对话,回答对话后的问题,念两遍。5分6. A. He wants Sam to do

the homework.B. He wants to copy Sam’s homework.C. He wants Sam to help him with his homework.听力材料:A: Are you free next Sunday afternoon, Mike?B: Yes, I think so. What can I do for you, Sam?A: I have some problems on my maths homework. Can you help me?B: Of course. I’ll go to help you next Sunday.Q: What does Mike want Sam to do for him?答案选C7. A. Six. B. Seven.

C. Eight.听力材料:A: How many people are there in your family?B: Mm, I see. My mother and my father. I have two brothers, Jim and Jill. And I also have a sister, Betty. My grandpa and grandma aren’t with us. They are in London.Q: How many people are there in Jim’s family?答案选C8. A. She argued with her good friend.B. She lost her good friend’s telephone number.C. She caught a headache.听力材料:A: What’s wrong with you, Joan?B: I argued with my good friend. So I feel unhappy.Q: Why does Joan feel unhappy?答案选A9. A. A beautiful concert. B. A football match.

C. A very good gym.听力材料:A: There was a football match between Grade Three and our grade.B: Which team won?A: Of course ours. Didn’t you hear?B: No. But I am glad to hear that you were winners now.Q: What are they talking about?答案选B10. A. To Beijing.B. To Newdely.C. To Wuhan.听力材料:A: Can you get to the station on time, Bingbing? The first bus to Wuhan is at 6:35 in the morning.B: Yes, I can. I will get up at 5:30

tomorrow.A: OK.Q: Where will they going tomorrow?答案选CC. 听短文,判断正T误F,念两遍。5分11. Six people will have dinner this evening.12. I prepare for the dinner all by myself.13. It is far from my house to the shop.14. I ask my mother to do the cleaning.15. I am going to learn cooking from my mother.听力材料:Five people are coming for dinner this evening. I have to prepare for it. First, I need to buy some meat, vegetables and some drink. Juice or wine .Let me buy both of them. But the shop is alittle far from my house. So I will ride my bike. Then all the things are ready. I’ll do some cleaning. At last I’ll ask my mother to help me with the cooking. I’ll lear n how to cook from her.答案11~15 FFTFTⅡ.单项选择15分16. He prefers __________rather than __________the train.A. walk; takeB. to walk; to take C. to walk; takeD. walk; to take答案:C prefer to...rather than...前后的结构要一致,后加动词原形。17. We have __________many difficulties these years.A. gone overB. gone onC. gone outD. gone through答案:D go over意为“复习”,go on意为“继续”,go out意为“出去”。go through意为“经受”。根据题意,应用go through。18. Peter__________ his best friend in the street yesterday.A. ran afterB. ran awayC. ran outD. ran across答案:D run across 意为“偶遇”;run after 意为“跟在后面追赶”;run away意为“逃跑”;run out意为“用
