初一英语学案 第五讲

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1. What’s this ________ English? It’s ________ eraser.

A. at, a

B. in, an

C. of, a

D. on, an

2. If you have any trouble, please ________ the police ________ 110.

A. call, in

B. ask, for

C. call, at

D. ask, in

3. A set of __________ on the table.

A. book, is

B. books, are

C. book, are

D. books, is

4. If you have any trouble, please ask the police ________ help.

A. of

B. for

C. to

D. at

5. –________ a book? -Yes, _______.

A. That is, that is

B. Is that, that it

C. That is, it is

D. Is that, it is


6. This is my pencil. (变一般疑问句) ________ ________ ________ pencil?

7. His name is Mike. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ name?

8. My books are on the desk. (变一般疑问句) _______ _______ _______ on the desk?

9. The schoolbag is under the table. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ the schoolbag?

10. The map is on the wall. (变否定句) The map ________ ________ on the wall.


1. 词汇知识


【应用】The book is on the table.(对划线部分提问) ________ is the book?


【应用】(1)---Where is the key? ---________ is under the chair.

(2)---Where are the keys? ---________ are under the chair.

【知识点3】表示物体位置的介词(1)在……上on (2)在……里in (3)在……下under 【应用】The books are ________ (in, on) the bookcase.


I don’t know her very well. 我不十分了解她。

【应用】---Where are my keys? ---________.

A. Sorry, I don’t know.

B. Excuse me.

C. Thank you.

D. Nice to meet you.


【应用】I think the hat is Mary’s. (变否定句) I ________ think the hat ________ Mary’s.


【应用】(1)Come on __________ have a good day!

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

(2) I know his first name, ________ I don’t know his last name.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

【知识点7】here 这里there哪里home家everywhere到处,是地点副词,前不用to。【应用】(1)Come ________ here!

(2)Do you want to go ________ there?

(3)Tom often gets ________ home at 6:00 p.m.

(4)Gina’s books are ________ everywhere.

A. in

B. on

C. to

D. /



【应用】My room is _________ tidy. My mother says I am a good boy.

A. always

B. sometimes

C. never

D. not

【知识点9】take动词“带走”(1)take…to…“带…去…”(2)bring…to…“带…来…”【应用】---Tom, ________ your homework to school tomorrow.

---OK, I will, Miss Zhang.

A. take

B. bring

C. give

D. buy



【应用】I can ________ my ABC.

A. say

B. says

C. saying

D. said

2. 词汇拓展

1) on(反义词) under 2)he, she, it(复数)they 3)no(同音词) know

4)take(对应词) bring 5)come(反义词)go 6)cap(反义词)hat

7)model plane易错为plane model

3. 重点句子或句式


(1)主语+ 系动词be + 介词短语译为“某物在某地”,可能丢be动词

(2)There be + 主语+ 介词短语译为“有某物在某地”

There be 译为“有”,遵循“就近原则”,以离be最近的名词为准。【应用】1. 飞机模型在桌子上。(译为英语) _________________________________________

2. There ________ a radio and two hats on the sofa.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

3. There ________ two hats and a radio on the sofa.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

【知识点2】Gina always asks. 吉娜总是问。



【应用】My English teacher __________ I’m a cle ver(聪明的) student.

A. think

B. thinks

C. thought

D. thinking

4. 重点语法讲解


(1)变否定句:在be动词(am, is, are) 后加not

(2)变一般疑问句:把be动词(am, is, are)提到句首



