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T eacher Educa ti on R esearch
V o l121,N o16
N ov1,2009
[摘要]本研究把教育理论知识、课程知识、学科知识和学科教学法知识作为教师专业知识的基本框架,以问卷调查的方式请中学语文教师评价11项来源对他们的专业知识发展的促进作用。结果显示:中学语文教师认为, /自身教学经验与反思0、/和同事的日常交流0与/自学课外书刊0是专业知识发展的非常重要的来源,/教学观摩活动0、/教育见习与实习0是比较重要的来源,而/在职专业培训0、/入职后的学历补偿教育0和部分职前教育课程对专业知识发展的作用并不明显。基于以上研究发现,提出了促进中学语文专业知识发展的建议。[关键词]中学语文教师;专业知识;知识来源
An Investi gation and Analysis on the Sources ofM iddle School
Chi nese T eachers c Professional Kno w l edge
Z HAO Dong-chen1,MA Yun-peng2,HAN J-i w e i3,SONG X iang4
(1.2.School of Education Science,N ortheastN or m al Univers it y,Changchun,J ilin,130024,China;
3.School of M a t he ma tics&S t a tistic,N or t heast N ormal University,Changchun,J ili n,130024,China;
4.School of L iterary,N ortheas tN ormal Universit y,Changchun,J ilin,130024,Ch i na)
Ab stract:T ak i ng educationa l theory kno w l edg e,curricu l u m kno w ledge,subject content know ledge,and pedagog ica l con-tent kno w ledge as t he t heoreti c fra m e w ork o f a teacher p s professi onal know ledge,this i nvesti ga ti on eva l uates t he i m por tance of11sources t o t he deve l op m ent o f m iddle schoo l Ch i nese teache rs p pro fessiona l know ledge.T he results show s that, teache rs p/own teach i ng experience and refl ection0,/i n f o r m al ex changes w it h colleagues0,and/learn i ng fro m pro fessiona l books and per i odica l s by t he m selves0are the m ost i m portan t sources;/observ i ng co ll eague p s teach i ng0and/novic i a te and practice at the pre-serv i ce stage0are the secondaril y i m portant sou rces;wh ile,teachers./i n-serv ice pro fessiona l tra i n i ng0, /i n-serv ice courses for promo ti ng d i p l om a0and so m e o f t he ir/pre-serv i ce tra i n i ng courses0are t he least i m portant ones. Som e suggesti ons for m iddle school Ch i nese teachers t o deve l op their pro fessiona l know ledge are dra w n based on above fi ndings.
K eyW ord s:m i ddle schoo l Chinese teacher;profess i ona l kno w l edge;sources of know ledge