初中英语 基本词汇语法解析 以字母l开头的单词

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lab [læb]n. [C]实验室



labour ['leɪbə]n.劳动力,人工;

He lives by honest labour.他靠正当的劳动生活。

lady ['leɪdɪ]n.贵妇人;女士,夫人;

She is a beautiful lady.她是一位美丽的女士。

lake [leɪk]n. [C] 湖(泊)

They can go fishing in the lake.他们可以去湖里钓鱼。


West Lake杭州西湖‖salt lake盐湖,盐水湖‖on the lake在湖面上‖East Lake东湖‖by the lake在湖边

lamb [læm]n. [C, U] 羔羊;羔羊肉

lamp [læmp]n. [C] 灯具;灯台

land [lænd]n. [U] ○1陆地、○2大地○3(做某种用途) 土地‖v.着陆

The airliner landed safely. 客机安全降落了。


be on land在陆地上‖ reach land抵达陆地‖come to land到陆地

language ['læŋgwɪdʒ]n. [C,U] 语言;方言

We learn a language in order to communicate.我们学习一种语言是为了交流思想。

lap [læp]n.大腿





December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最后一月。

How long do you think this fine weather will last? 你认为这样的好天气会持续多久?

late [leɪt]○迟的;晚的;○(日夜、时间等)近末尾的○(多用于最高级)最新



My flight was an hour late. 我那趟航班晚了一个小时。

She married late. 她结婚晚。

They danced late into the night. 他们一直跳舞到深夜。[late into the night 到深夜] 【常用搭配】

be late for ……迟到‖late at night在深夜;深更半夜‖late on后来;以后;过后‖late in the day在那天稍晚些时候;‖late night深夜‖stay up late熬夜;睡得很晚‖better late than never亡羊补牢;迟做比不做好‖late autumn深秋;晚秋;‖sleep late睡懒觉‖in the late afternoon 在傍晚‖ in late summer 在夏末


I'll ring you later.我以后给你打电话。


later on后来;稍后;过些时候‖sooner or later迟早,早晚‖for later供以后用‖later

years晚年‖see you later再见;回头见‖no later than不迟于‖not later than不迟于‖a moment later过了片刻‖talk to you later以后再谈

lately ['leɪtlɪ] adv.近来、不久前

Have you seen her lately? 你最近见过她吗?

laugh [lɑːf]n.○1笑;○2引人发笑的事或人‖ v.笑;发笑

I like to laugh with my friends.我喜欢和朋友一起大笑。

The students laughed at the funny story.听了那个有趣的故事,学生们都笑了起来。[laugh at sb. / sth. 因…而发笑、嘲笑]

law [lɔː]n. [C,U] 法律;法令

Everyone should obey the law.人人都应该守法。


by law 根据法律,在法律上;‖criminal law刑法‖rule of law法治;法律规则‖in law 在法律上;依法

lay (laid, laid) v.○1把…放在表面上;○2(鸟、虫等)产卵;下蛋○3躺;位于(lie的过去式)

He laid his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。

The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds’ nets. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵。


lay in贮存‖lay down放下‖lay eggs产蛋‖lay out展示;安排;花钱;为…划样;提议‖lay stress on注意,重视;把重点放在‖lay asleep◎使…入睡‖lay back使…向后;躺下休息‖lay upon随…而定;把重点放在‖lay over覆盖;胜过,压倒

lazy ['leɪzɪ]adj.懒惰的;懒洋洋的;怠惰的;慢吞吞的

Don't be so lazy.不要这样懒惰。

lead [liːd] (led, led) v.○1带领…走;○2导致;致使;○3领导

What led you to this conclusion? 你是怎样得出这结论的?[lead sb. to sth. 引导某人、影响某人的言行]

This misprint led to great confusion.这个印刷错误造成了很大的混淆。[lead to sth.


What led you to think so? 什么使你这样想?[lead sb. to do 导致某人做某事] The road leads to the biggest room. 这条路通向最大的房间。[lead to someplace通



lead a … life 过着…的生活‖lead in导入;‖take the lead带头;为首‖in the lead


的;占主导地位的‖lead into导致;引起‖under the lead of在…的领导下‖lead o哄


lead up引入;抢先‖lead through引入;带领‖lead a happy life过一种幸福的生活leader ['liːdə]n. [C] 领导者;首领;指挥者

As the leader of this office, she can work with everyone.作为办公室的领导,她和每个人都合作得很好。

leading ['liːdɪŋ] adj.主要的; 领导的

Thank you for leading us.谢谢您领导我们。

leaf [liːf] (pl. leaves) n. [C] ○1叶子;○2(书籍等的)一张;○3扇页

The trees have come into leaf.这些树已经长出叶子了。[come into leaf长出叶子] learn [lɜːn] (learnt, learnt) v.○1学习;○2记住;○3得知;○4认识到

Their children are going to learn English.他们的孩子们打算学英语。


learn by oneself 自学‖learn from向…学习‖learn English学习英语‖learn about 了解;学习‖learn by oneself自学‖learn of听说,听到;获悉‖learn to do做事;学会做某事;学习做…‖learn how to learn学习如何学习‖learn by heart记住;默记;
