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Unit 1 单词短语句型汇总


1.month n.月份

2.January n.一月

3.February n.二月

4.March n.三月

5.April n.四月

6.May n.五月

7.June n.六月

8.July n.七月

9.August n.八月

10.September n.九月

11.October n.十月

12.November n.十一月

13.December n.十二月

14.when adv.(疑问副词)什么时候

15.old adj.年老的,旧的

16.festival n.节日

17.happy adj.愉快的高兴的

18.party n.聚会晚会

19.first num.第一

20.second num.第二

21.third num.第三

22.fifth num.第五

23.eighth num.第八

24.ninth num.第九

25.twelfth num.第十二

26.twentieth num.第二十

27.thing n.事情,东西

28.trip n.旅游,旅行

29.term n.学期

30.time n.时间

31.there adv.(在)那里

32.busy adj.忙碌的


1. Have a good time !过得愉快=have fun=enjoy oneself

2.happy birthday生日快乐


●want sth.想要某物

●want to do sth.想要做某事

●want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事

●want to be 想要成为

4.how old 多大年纪

5.how about怎么样=what about后面可加n./v.-ing

6.have a book sale举行图书特卖活动

7.school trip 学校郊游

8.soccer/football/basketball game足球赛/篮球赛

9.School Day学校开放日

10. English Day 英语节

11.Sports Day 运动日

12. art festival 艺术节

13.English test英语测验

14.in April在四月

15.see you 再见

e to my school来我的学校

17.next month下个月

18. at five 在五点

19.in on at 用法区别



●at:具体的时间;at noon/at night/at midday(中午,

正午)/at midnight(午夜)



1.When is your birthday,Linda?你的生日是什么时候。My birthday is on May 2nd.我的生日是几月几号

2.How old are you,Lucy?你多大了I’m twelve.我十二了

3.We have an English party on May 30th.5月30号我们有一场英语聚会

4. My birthday is on March 3rd,and Tom’s birthday is in July.我的生日是三月三号,汤姆的生日在7月份。5.Do you want to come to my birthday party?你想来参加我的生日聚会吗?

6.We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.本学期我们为你们安排了一些既有趣又好玩的事情。

7.April is a great month.四月份的活动很丰富。

8.Your parents can come to our school.你的父母可以来我们学校。

9. Next month,we have an art festival.下个月我们举


10.This is a really busy term!这的确是一个繁忙的学期!

Unit 2 重点单词短语句型汇总一.重点单词

1.subject n.学科、科目

2. English n.英语

3.Chinese n.语文

4.Math=Mathematics n.数学

5.P.E.(physical education) n.体育

6.Art n.美术

7.Music n.音乐

8.Geography n.地理

9.History n.历史

10.Science n.科学

11.why adv.为什么

12.because conj.因为

13.cool adj.妙极的,酷的

14.finish v.完成

●finish sth.(something)完成某事

●finish doing sth.

15.f rom…to…从……到……

eful adj.有用的,有益的

be useful to 对……有用

17.favorite adj.最喜欢的

18.lesson n. 课,一节课

19. 称谓的用法

Mr. 先生


Miss 小姐,女士(未婚的)

Sir 先生(单独使用,后面不加姓氏)

20. 星期一到星期天n.

Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Satur day,Sunday.


●interesting adj.令人感到有趣的(主语通常是物)●interested adj.有趣的(主语通常是人)

be interested in sth.对某物感兴趣

●interest n.有趣

take (an) interest in 对…感兴趣

*bored 和boring, relaxed和relaxing用法同上。

22. difficult adj.困难的=hard

23.say和says的读音分别是[seɪ] [sez]


1.play games 做游戏

2.the next day 第二天

3.on Friday afternoon 在星期五下午

4.be busy(in) doing sth.忙于做某事

be busy with sth.

5.be useful to 对……有用

6.finish doing sth.完成某事

7.How about怎么样=what about +名词/动名词

8.like to do sth. 喜欢做某事,一次性的

like doing sth. 经常性的

9.let sb. do sth.让某人做某事

10.good adj.(品质)好

well adj(身体)好

well adv.(做得)好

11.be strict with sb.对某人严厉

be strict in sth. 对某事严厉

12.it is +adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.对某人来说做某事是怎么样的

It’s important for you to learn English.

13.my favorite subject 我最喜欢的学科

14.have lunch 吃午饭

15.after class 下课后

16.on Tuesday 在星期二

17.my Math teacher我的数学老师

18.have an art lesson上一节美术课

19.for two hours持续两个小时

20.have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得高兴、过得愉快

have fun doing sth.做……很愉快


1. What’s your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is English.

2. Why do you like English?

Because it is interesting.

3. Who is your English teacher?

My English teacher is Mr.Wang.

4. When is your English class?

It’s on Monday and Friday.

Unit 3重点单词短语句子


1.guitar n.吉他

2.drum n.鼓

3.piano n.钢琴

4.violin n.小提琴

5.chess n.国际象棋
