

肯定句:I watered the plants yesterday.

一般疑问句:Did you water the plants yesterday

Yes, I did. No, I didn’t

否定句:I didn’t water the plants yesterday.

肯定句:He was a TV reporter last year.

一般疑问句:Was he a TV reporter last year

否定句:He wasn’t a TV reporter last year.

肯定句:They were good friends two years ago.

一般疑问句:Were they good friends two years ago

否定句:They weren’t good friends two years ago.


1. We went to sleep at 9:00 last night.



一般疑问句:__________________________________________.肯定回答:____________ 否定回答:____________

2. He ate two burgers a moment ago.



一般疑问句:__________________________________________肯定回答:____________ 否定回答:____________

3. She danced and sang the day before yesterday.



一般疑问句:__________________________________________肯定回答:____________ 否定回答:____________

was a bad boy several years ago.



一般疑问句:__________________________________________肯定回答:____________ 否定回答:____________

5. They were very lovely in 2001.





肯定回答:____________ 否定回答:____________

I ________(like) English when I was a child. Now I ______________

(study) Chinese in a school. I often _______ (go) back home on foot in the evening. But three days ago I ________(fly) home. It ______ (be)

very interesting. I think I ____________ (become) a bird in future.










some water;a lot of bread


Li Hong is a am a teacher.李红是一名司机,我是一名教师。

We can’t see milk on the table.我们看不见桌上有牛奶。


Pass me the ball,please.请把球传给我。

The chicken on the plate is yours.盘子里的鸡肉是你的。


many apples;a lot of tomatoes;a few pens

不可数名词则要用much、a little等词修饰。如:

much meat a little breadlittle water

[友情提醒]这两类名词都可以被some、any、a lot of(lost of)等修饰。如:some


A lot of (lots of) knives/orange juice


three women

ten babies


two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶

five pieces of bread 五片面包


There is some rice in the bowl.碗里有些米饭。

All the students are in the classroom.所有的学生都在教室里。



There are two bags of rice in the room.房间里有两袋大米。

六、对可数名词的数量提问用how many;对不可数名词的数量提问要用how much,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用how many。


I can see two pictures on the wall. → How many pictures can you see on the wall

There is a lot of pork in the basket. → How much pork is there in the basket

I want three glasses of water. → How many glasses of water do you want

七、另外,有些集合名词也是可数名词,但不同的是,它们以单数形式出现,表示复数概念,如people,police,family等;而有些可数名词本身就以复数形式出现,如clothes,glasses(眼镜)等;有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如Japanese,sheep,Chinese等。如:The Chinese people are hardworking and brave.中国人民勤劳勇敢。

The sports clothes are new.这些运动服是新的。

I have one sheep. He has two sheep.我有一只羊,他有两只羊。

(人教PEP)三年级英语下册 Unit 1-3 单元复习题


( ) 1 .A. watch B. computer C. uncle D. pen

( ) 2. A. sister B radio C. son D. daughter

( ) 3 .A .plane B. bike C. car D. window

( ) 4. A. woman B. friend C. tall D. girl

( ) 5. A. zebra B. tiger C. egg D. panda

( ) 6. A. zoo B. crayon C. storybook D. tape

( ) 7. A. brother B. stapler C. knife D. copybook

( ) 8. A. door B. tap C. light D. tape

( ) 9. A. fat B. English C. big D. small

( ) 10. A. telephone B. sofa C. bookcase D. T-shirt


1.( ) May I come in

A. Yes.

B. Come in, please

C. Sure.

2.( ) Is that your tape

A. Yes, it isn’t.

B. No, it isn’t.

C. Yes, it is.

3.( ) What’s that in English

A. This is a zebra.

B. Yes, it is a stapler.

C. It’s a sharpener.

4.( ) Come here, boys and girls.


A. OK.

B. Let’s go.

C. Yes, please.

5.( ) Who is he

A. He is father.

B. She is my mother.

C. He is my father.

6.( ) She is your aunt, Mrs Black, I think.

A. Yes, she is.

B. Yes, he is

C. Yes, she isn’t.

7.( ) Is he your uncle

A. No, she isn’t.

B. No, it isn’t

C. No, he isn’t.

8.( ) Who’s the boy

A. He is my brother.

B. She is my brother.

C. He is my father.

9.( ) Helen is Mike’s ______ .

A. sister

B. brother

C. daughter

10.( ) Mrs Black is Mike’s __________ .

A. mother

B. aunt

C. uncle


1.当你打扰别人时要说:( )

A. I’m sorry .

B. Excuse me .

C. Thank you .

2. 当你想知道远处桌上的物体是什么时,你会问:( )

A. What’s this on the desk

B. What’s that on the desk

C. What’s that in th e desk

3. 当别人问你这是什么,你回答:( )

A. It’s a ….. B . Yes , it is . C. No, it isn’t.

4. 你不确定那个女的是不是Helen的姑妈,你会对Helen说( )

she your aunt,Helen B. Who’s she C. That is your aunt,Helen.

5. 你猜测同桌手里是一支铅笔,会说:( )

A. This is a pencil.

B. A pencil

C. I can see a pencil.

6.你想问Mike书包里有什么你会说:( )

’s that B. What’s that in English

C. What’s this in your bag

四、根据内容判断对错,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。(8分)Yang Ling:Excuse me,what’s that on the table

Nancy: It’s a toy car.

Yang Ling:Oh,how nice! Can I have a look

Nancy: Sure. Here you are.

Yang Ling: Thank you. I like it very much. Is this your toy car

Nancy: Yes,it is.

( )1. The toy car is on the desk.


( )2. It’s a nice toy car.

( )3. It’s not Nancy’s toy car.

( )4. Yang Ling likes toy car very much.


Listening Part 15%

Writing Part 35%


( ) 1. A .run B. read C. swim D .lamp ( ) 2. A. book B. bus C. ruler D. rubber

( ) 3. A. apple B. pear C. bear D. peach ( ) 4. A. eight B. cow C. four D. five ( ) 5. A. noodles B. gloves C. dress D. socks

( ) 6. A. desk B. door C. table D. cold

二.选择题: 16%

( )1. I ____ to sing.

A. am

B. can

C. like

( ) do you live

A. What

B. Where

C. Who

( ) I _______ some Coke

A. has

B. have

C. have got

( ) ________ milk.

A. an

B. a

C. some

( )5. Do you like to dance Yes, ____________.

can B. I do C. I am

( )6. Winter is ______ cold.

A. the

B. an


( ) a bird ________ the ground..

A. on

B. to

C. under

( )8. What __________is it It’s green.

A. /

B. colour

C. animal

( )9.“Oink, Oink”. What do you _____

A. have

B. hear

C. look

( )10. It’s cold. ____________ your coat..

A. Put on

B. Take off

C. Look at

( )11. How do you go to the park __________


A.Get in the car.

B. By car.

C. Get off the car.

( )12. Have a biscuit, please. _________.

A. I can.

B. I like.

C. Thank you.

( )13. Listen _____ the clock.

A. to

B. in

C. on

( ) light! We can go_______.

A. stop

B. fast C slow

( )15. Is it on the tree Yes, _________.

A. it not

B. it is

C. it is not

( )16. Go ________, spotty!

A. there

B. here

C. where


( ) do you hear A. We can draw.

( ) 2. What can you do B. He’s my friend.

( ) 3. What do you see C. I need new shoes.

( ) 4. Who is your friend D. I hear ‘ Moo, moo’.

( ) 5. What do you need E. I see a yellow tiger.


Hello, I’m May and I’m a girl. I ___1___ in Shanghai. I’ve got a bedroom. ___2____ it, please,

the lamp is ____3____ the desk. I love my bedroom and my family.

I can do many things. I can clean the window, ____4___ the floor, read books and write.

Today(今天), I want to(想要) go to a farm, but(但是) it is cold, the wind blows, blows

and blows. So(所以) I ____5___ a coat, a hat and gloves to put on. My friend ask(问) me:“ _____6___ do you go to the farm”I reply(回答):“ ____7__ van.”

I _____8___ some hens, chicks, ducks, pigs, cows and sheep on the farm. I am very happy.

( ) 1. A. like B. love C. live

( ) 2. A. Look at B. Find C. Listen to

( ) 3. A. in B. under C. on

( ) 4. A. sleep B. sweep C. swim

( ) 5. A. am B. need C. do

( ) 6. A. How B. Where C. What

( ) 7. A. To B. Off C. By


( ) 8. A. listen B. see C. look










在树上 in the tree

让我看看 Let me see

下来 come down



在动物园里 in th

看斑马 look at th


过来 come here

在那边 over there


玩一个游戏 play a game

我们的老师 our teacher/teachers

他是一位老师吗 Is he a teacher

那个男孩 that boy




你的姐姐 your sister

哪一个 Which one?

穿着白色的夹克衫 in a white skirt

他朋友 his friend


v1.0 可编辑可修改聚会迟到 be late for the

让我们快点Let’s hurry.

在轿车里 in the car


我爸爸的爸爸my father’s father

在椅子上 on the chair

你错了You’re wrong.

去说“你好”go and say “hello”

一名英国妇女 an English woman

穿红衣服的女孩 the girl in red


他们的职业 their jobs

九位女服务员 nine waitresses

多大年纪huo old

多少(数量)how many+(复数)




她的头发 her hair


这些桃子 these peaches


一些梨 some pears

司机的裙子the driver’s dre ss

你要什么Can I help you


这些还是那些 These or those

多少公斤 How may kilos?

一公斤 one kilo

你想要当什么What do you want to be

九公斤 nine kilos

很瘦 very thin

那边的七只狗 seven dogs over there

我认为 I think


在你的书包里 in your schoolbag


v1.0 可编辑可修改在她的课桌上 on her desk

看图片look at the picture

一位老人 an old man

去剧院 go to the theatre

去那边 go there



对不起 excuse me

去公园 go to the park

你现在空吗 Are you free now?

好主意 Good idea.

步行去 go on foot

在商店里 in the shop

玩足球 play football

在学校 at the school

你的球 your ball

去学校 go to school

Unit 7

能为你效劳吗 What would you like

我想要I’d like…

怎么样 How about

一些薯条 some chips

一些喝的东西Something to drink

一些吃的东西 something to eat

还有别的吗Anything else

一杯咖啡 a cup of coffee

一块巧克力 a bar of chocolate

一些巧克力some chocolate

价钱(多少)how much

一瓶桔子汁 a b

我饿了I’m hungry.

玩篮球 play basketball

我渴了I’m thirsty.

一些水 some water

我动不了了I can’t move.

在图片上 in the picture


v1.0 可编辑可修改起床 get up

去看医生 go to see the doctor

一些冰淇淋 some ice-creams

一些米饭 some rice

一碗面条 a bowl of noodles

一盒牛奶 a carton of milk

火车站 train station

接待日 Open Day

我们的教室 our classroom

又大又明亮 big and bright

看电视 watch TV

在课堂上 in class

在窗子附近 near the window

一些音乐书 some songbooks

在钢琴上 on the piano

许多书 lots of books

在图书馆里 in the library

去看一看 go and have a look

我有I’ve got = I have

我爱中国 I love China.


一个大盒子 a big box

一个桔色的桌子 an orange table

两个小盒子 two small boxes

一辆玩具火车 a toy train

打开黄盒子 open the yellow box

有时 sometimes

早餐吃什么What’s for breakfast

在碗橱里 in the cupboard

用筷子 use chopsticks

一双筷子 a pair of chopsticks

看(着)我 watch me

再试一次 try again


在冰箱里 in the fridge

一个鸡蛋 an egg


v1.0 可编辑可修改三杯牛奶 three glasses of milk

许多软饮料 lots of soft drinks

用刀和叉 use knife and for










4B Unit1 A new student


1. a student(学生)

2. a teacher(教师)

3. a doctor(医生)

4. a nurse(护士)

5. a boy(男孩)

6. a girl(女孩)

7. a man(男人)

8. a woman(女人)

9. new(新的)10. our(我们的) 11. school(学生) 12. welcome(欢迎)13. tree(树) 14. climb(攀登) 15. again(再;又)16. sir(先生)

17. right(正确的)18. come down(下来)19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下)


1. who’s = who is

2. you’re = you are

3. he’s = he is

4. she’s = she is

5. I’m = I am

6. don’t = do not


1. Who’s that boy/…(那个男孩/…是谁)

He’s/She’s ××. (他/她是××。)He’s/She’s a…(他/她是一位…)

2. Are you a student/…(你是一位学生/…吗)

Yes, I am.(是,我是的。)No, I’m not. I’m a…(不,我不是的。我是一位…)

3. Welcome to our school.(欢迎到我们学校来。) Thank you.(谢谢。)

Unit2 At a party


1. grandfather(祖父;外祖父)

2. grandmother(祖母;外祖母)

3. father(父亲)

4. mother(母亲)

5. brother(兄;弟)

6. sister(姐;妹)

7. hair(头发)8. a head(头) 9. a nose(鼻子)10. a mouth(嘴;口)

11. an eye(眼睛)12. an ear(耳朵)13. white(白色的) 14. a friend(朋友)15. a skirt(短裙)16. a party(宴会)17. with(有)18. which(哪一个)

19. big(大的)20. small(小的)21. long(长的) 22. short(短的)

23. we(我们)24. hurry(赶快)25. wrong(错误的)26. be late for(…迟到)


1. we’re = we are

2. isn’t = is not

3. it’s = it is

4. let’s = let us

5. where’s = where is


1. Who’s the man/… with …(那个…(身体部位)的…(男人/…)是谁)

He’s/She’s ××/my…(他/她是××/我的…)


2. Is that man/… your father/… (那个男人/…是你爸爸/…吗)

Which one(哪一个)

The one in the …(那个穿着…的。

Yes, he/she is.(是,他/她是的。)/No, he/she isn’t.(不,他/她不是的。)

Unit3 What’s your job


1. a policeman (policemen)(警察)

2. a policewoman (policewomen)(女警察)

3. a waiter (waiters)(男服务员)

4. a waitress (waitresses)(女服务员)

5. a driver (drivers)(司机)

6. a worker (workers)(工人)

7. a cook (cooks)(厨师)8. a farmer (farmers)(农民)

9. job(职业)10. name(名字)11. their(他(她/它)们的) 12. today(今天)13. old(老的)14. about(大约)15. want(想要)16. cold(冷的)

17. how old(几岁) 18. how many(多少)19. look at(看)


1. aren’t = are not

2. what’s = what is

3. they’re = they are


1. What’s your job(你的职业是什么)I’m a…(我是一位…)

What’s his job(他的职业是什么)He’s a…(他是一位…)

What’s her job(她的职业是什么)She’s a…(她是一位…)

2. What are their jobs(他/她们的职业是什么)They’re…(他/她们是…)

3. Are they…(他/她们是…吗) Yes, they are.(是,他/她们是的。)

No, they aren’t. They’re…(不,他/她们不是的。他/她们是…)

4. How old are you(你几岁了)I’m…(我…)

How old is he(他几岁了)He’s…(他…)

How old is she(她几岁了)She’s…(她…)

5. What’s your/his/her name(你/他/她叫什么名字)

I’m/He’s/She’s ××.(我/他/她是××。)

Unit4 Buying fruit


1. an apple (apples)(苹果)

2. an orange (oranges)(桔子)

3. a banana (bananas)(香蕉)

4. a peach (peaches)(桃子)

5. a grape (grapes)(葡萄)

6. a pineapple (pineapples)(菠萝)

7. a watermelon (watermelons)(西瓜) 8. a pear (pears)(梨子)

9. buy(买) 10. some(一些)11. fruit(水果)12. kilo(公斤)13. or(或者)14. yuan(元)(好极了)


二、缩写词I’d = I would


1. What are these(这些是什么)They’re…(它们是…)

What are those(那些是什么)They’re…(它们是…)

2. I’d like some…, please.(我想要一些…)How many kilos(多少公斤)

…kilo(s), please.(请来…公斤。)Here are you.(给你。)

4B Unit6 Let’s go by taxi


1. a station(车站)

2. a supermarket(超级市场)

3. a library(图书馆)

4. a theatre(剧场)

5. a hospital(医院)

6. an airport(机场)

7. by train(乘火车)

8. by plane(乘飞机)

9. by minibus(乘中客车)10. on foot(步行) 11. by taxi(乘公共汽车)12. how(怎么)

13. there(在那里) 14. for(往;向)15. free(空闲的)

16. park(公园)17. play(玩;参加)18. football(足球)

19. ball(球)20. Good idea.(好主意。)


1. Let’s go to the…(让我们一起去…)

Good.(好的。)/Great.(太棒了。)How do we go there(我们怎么去那里啊)

Shall we go to (the) …(地点)by …(交通工具)?

OK/All right.(好的)

2. Is this …(交通工具)for …(地点)(这辆…是去…的吗)

Yes, it is.(是,它是的。)/No, it isn’t.(不,它不是的。)

Unit7 At a snack bar


1. a pie (pies)(馅饼)

2. a hamburger (hamburgers)(汉堡包)

3. a sweet (sweets)(糖果)

4. a biscuit (biscuits)(饼干)

5. noodles(面条)

6. a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力)

7. a cup of tea(一杯茶)8. a cup of coffee(一杯咖啡)

9. a glass of juice(一杯果汁)10. a carton of milk(一盒牛奶)

11. a snack bar(快餐部)12. a basketball(篮球)13. move(移动)

14. dear(亲爱的)15. then(那么)16. an ice-cream(冰淇淋)

17. a cake(蛋糕)18. water(水)19. hungry(饿的)

19. thirsty(渴的)20. how much(多少(钱)) 21. see the doctor(看医生)22. What would you like(你要什么)23. How about you(你怎么样)

24. Something to drink(要喝些什么吗) 25. Anything else(还要别的东西吗)



1. What would you like(你要什么)

I’d like… /A/Some…, please.(我想要… /请来一个/一些…)

2. How much is it(它多少钱)It’s…yuan. /…yuan, please.((它)…元。)

How much are they它们多少钱They’re…yuan. /…yuan, please.((它们)…元。)

Unit8 Open Day


1. a chair(椅子)

2. a blackboard(黑板)

3. a picture(图画)

4. a computer(计算机)

5. a bookcase(书橱)

6. a music room(音乐室)

7. an office(办公室)8. a playground(操场)9. our(我们的)

10. classroom(教室)11. open day(接待日)12. bright(明亮的)

13. TV(电视)14. sometimes(有时)15. watch(观看)

16. piano(钢琴)17. near(靠近)18. window(窗户)

19. songbook(歌本)20. lots of = a lot of(许多的) 21. T-shirt(T恤衫)

22. smart(好看的) 23. map(地图)24. them(他/她/它们)25. China(中国)26. box(盒子)27. table(桌子)

28. read(读)28. I’ve got = I have got(我有)


there’s = there is


What’s on/in/near the…(…上面/里面/旁边有什么)

There’s a … on/in/near the …(有一个…在…上面/里面/旁边。)

There are some … on/in/near the …(有一些…在…上面/里面/旁边。)

Unit9 Breakfast


1. a knife(刀)

2. a fork(叉)

3. a plate(盘子)

4. a bowl(碗)

5. a cup(杯子)

6. a bottle(狭颈小口瓶)

7. a spoon(匙) 8. a glass(玻璃杯)9. a cupboard(碗橱)10. chopsticks(筷子) 11. rice(米)12. bread(面包)

13. an egg(蛋)14. a fridge(冰箱)15. breakfast(早饭)16. no(没有的)17. a carton of(一(纸)盒) 18. use(使用)

19. try(尝试) 20. come(来) 21. dinner(正餐)

22. What’s for breakfast(早饭吃什么)


1. Where’s the…(…在哪里)It’s on/in/near the…(它在…上面/里面/旁边。)



练习一 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. We _________ (enjoy) ourselves at the party last night. ____________ (study) for the English test last Sunday. you ______ (go) to the Great Wall last year? old man _______(be)ill and went to see a doctor. ________ (have) a party last night. __________ (visit) the museum and went home. 7.— How _______ (be) the students? — They were very friendly. often _______ (eat) dinner at home. Today he ______ (eat) dinner at school. 9.— ______ he _______ (have) lunch at nine? — No, he didn't. _________(buy) a piano yesterday. __________ (make) him cry (哭) just now? year the teacher ___________ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun. 练习二 用所给动词的适当形式填空 and Mary ___________ (come) to China last month. __________(not go) to bed until 12 o'clock last night. __________ (read) English yesterday morning. _________ (be) no one here a moment ago. ___________ (call) Mike this morning. listened but ___________ (hear) nothing. ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm. mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday. watches TV every evening. But she _______________ (not watch) TV last night. your father ________ ( go ) to work every day last year? 12. When ______ you ____(get) to Beijing yesterday? We _____(get) to Beijing 句型转换at 9:00 1. He came here last month. (改为否定句) He _______ _______ here last month. played football this morning. (改为一般疑问句并作简略回答) —_____ they _____ football this morning? —Yes, they _______./No, they ______ . went to Beijing last year. (就划线部分提问) _________ _________ they ________ last year.


do an experiment-did an experiment 做实验 catch butterflies-caught butterflies 捉蝴蝶 三年级上册 bedroom-打扫教室 wash the windows-washed the windows 擦窗户 摆饭桌 wash the clothes-washed the clothes 洗衣服 do the dishes-did the dishes pep 小学英语动词过去式大全总结 Pep 英语动词过去式总结 收拾衣服 play chess-played chess 使用计算机 put away the clothes-put away the clothes tell-told 说 work-worked 工作 use a computer-used a computer 下棋 have a try-had a try 五年级下册 试一试 do morning exercises -did morning exercises eat breakfast 晨练 eat breakfast-ate breakfast 吃早饭 have English class-had English class 上英语课 play sports-played sports 进行体育运动 eat dinner-ate dinner 吃晚饭 climb mountains-climbed mountains 爬山 go shopping-went shopping 购物 go hiking-went hiking 去远足 play the piano-played the piano 弹钢琴 visit grandparent-visited grandparent 看望(夕卜)祖父母 fly kites-flew kites 放风筝 plant trees-planted tress 种树 make a snowman-made a snowman 堆雪人 swim-swan 游泳 skate-skated 滑冰 sleep-slept 睡觉 draw pictures-drew pictures 画画 cook dinner-cooked dinner 做饭 read a book-read a book 看书 answer the phone-answered the phone 接电话 listen to music-listened the music the room-cleaned the room 打扫房间 write a letter-wrote a letter 听音乐 clean 写信 写电子邮件fly-flew 走 run-ran 跑 climb-climbed 往上爬 write an e-mail-wrote a letter 飞 jump-jumped 跳 walk-walked fight- fought 打架 swing-swang 荡秋千 take-took 讲话 drink water-drank water 喝水 send-sent 寄 take picture-took pictures 昭 八、、 watch insects-watched insects 观察昆虫 pick up leaves-picked up leaves 采摘树叶 go- went 去 三年级下册 look-looked 看 eat-ate 吃 meet-met 遇见 see-saw 看 come-came 来 watch-watched 观看 draw-drew 画 画 jump-jumped feed-feed ( fed ) 跳 open-opened 喂养 打开 taste-tasted 品尝 play-played 玩 四年级上册 go-went 去 please-pleased 四年级下册 have-had 吃 pass-passed 传递 use-used 使用 run-run 跑 get up-got up 起床 go to school-went to school 去学校 go home-went home 回家 put on-put on 穿上 close-closed 五年级上册 上床睡觉 wear-wore 穿 go to bed-went to bed 关 want-wanted 想要 take-took 买 know-knew 知道 fun-funned 逗笑 wait-waited 等待 do homework-did homework 写作 业 watch-TV-watched TV 看电视 read books-read books 看书 play-computer-did housework 做家务 cook the meals-cooked the meals 做饭 empty the trash-emptied the flowers 浇花 sweep the floor-swept the floor 扫地 clean the make the bed-made the bed 铺床 set the table-set the table 洗碗碟

小学六年级英语 一般过去时学习资料

第十七讲一般过去时 一. 概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。例句: 1.I watched TV last night. 我昨天晚上看电视。 2.What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做了什么? 3.They went to Beijing last year. 他们去年去了北京。 二.用法 1.表示过去发生的动作或状态,通常会有明确的表示过去的时间状语。 I went to the zoo yesterday. I stayed up last night. 2.叙述过去连续发生的动作或状态。 This morning , I got up early , went out for a walk , then came back and cooked for my family . 3.表示过去某一段不确定的时间内发生的动作或状态。 He worked in the store for 5 years. 三.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化 1. am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn't) 2. are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren't) 3. 带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。 四.句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子 1.否定句:didn't +动词原形,如: Jim didn't go home yesterday. 2.一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如: Did Jim go home yesterday? 3.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?如: What did Jim do yesterday? 五.动词过去式变化规则 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked 2.结尾是e加d,如:taste-tasted 3.末尾是辅音字母加一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed,如:study-studied 六.真题再现 ( ) 1. The boy the tree last week. A. is watering B. waters C. watered 2. I _____(see) his name in the newspaper yesterday. 因为句中出现了表示过去的时间状语last week和yesterday,所以正确答案分别为:1. C 2.saw 精点精练 一、用动词的适当形式填空。 1. It __________ (be) Ben's birthday last Friday. 2. We all __________ (have) a good time last night. 3. He __________ (jump) high on last Sports Day. 4. She likes __________newspapers, but she __________ a book yesterday. (read) 5. He __________ football now, but they __________ basketball just now. (play)


一般过去时的用法 一、概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday,yesterday morning,yesterday afternoon,yesterday evening,the day before yesterday(前天),last night,last week,last month,last year,a moment ago(刚才),just now(刚才),two days ago,a week ago,in 1990等。 如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。 一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 二、句式变化: 1.表示过去某个时间里发生的动作,或过去经常或反复发生的动作。(行为动词)肯定陈述句句型: 主语+ 动词过去式+其它。 I visited my uncle yesterday. 昨天我拜访了我的叔叔。 否定陈述句句型: 主语+didn’t + 动词原型+其它。 I didn’t visit my uncle yesterday. 一般疑问句句型:Did + 主语+ 动词原形 Did you visit your uncle yesterday 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ did. Yes, I did. 否定回答:No, 主语+ didn’t. No, I didn’t. 特殊疑问句句型:特殊疑问词+ did +主语+ 动词原形+其它 What did you do yesterday 2.表示某个时间里存在的状态.(系动词be) 肯定陈述句句型:主语+ be过去式(was/were)+其它。 They were in the classroom just now. 否定陈述句句型: 主语+ be的过去式+not(wasn’t/weren’t)+其它。 They weren’t in the classroom just now. 一般疑问句句型:Was/Were + 主语+ 其它 Were they in the classroom just now


小学英语动词过去式规则及整理 一、过去式规则变化: a. 一般情况下,在动词原形后加ed;(如:play--played ) b. 以e结尾动词,在词后加d;(如:live--lived ) c. 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词,先双写结尾的辅音字母再在单词结 尾力卩ed;(如:stop—stopped plan--planned d. 辅音加y 结尾的,把y 变成i,再加ed。(如:study-studied carry-carried) 二、过去式不规则变化: 1喝drink drank 2电话铃ring rang 3唱歌sing sang 4游泳swim swam 5开始beg in bega n 6落下fall fell 7生长grow grew 8知道know knew 9放飞fly flew 10吹奏blow blew 11拿,取take took 12犯错mistake mistook 13驾驶drive drove 14写write wrote 15上升rise rose 16骑ride rode

17 说speak spoke 19 醒wake woke 21 选择choose chose 23 给give gave 25 做do did 27 躺lie lay 29 去go went 31 是am ,is was 33 来come came 35 跑run ran 37花费,值 cost cost 39切割cut cut 41伤害hurt hurt 1带来bring brought 1 想think thought 3 教teach taught 5 卖sell sold 7 说say said 18打破break broke 20忘记forget forgot 22吃eat ate 24看见see saw 26画draw drew 28打,敲beat beat 30 穿wear wore 32 是are were 34 成为become became 36 让let let 38 放put put 40 击中hit hit 42 读read read 2打架,打仗 fight fought 2购买buy bought 4捉住catch caught 6告诉tell told 8付款pay paid


★一般过去时★ 一、概念 表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。通常在句子里找到表示过去时间的词或词组。如:yesterday,yesterday morning/ evening,this morning,last night/week/ month/year,,two days ago,a week ago,等。 如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。 二、动词一般过去时变化规则 1.一般在动词末尾加-ed, 如:cook-cooked, play- played, look-looked, start-started 2.结尾是e加d, 如:dance—danced, live-lived, use-used, hope-hoped 3.末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:stop-stopped,drop—dropped, plan-planned 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,再加-ed, 如:study-studied, worry-worried 5.小学阶段不规则动词一般过去时, 1)过去式与原形一样 put→put (放下)let→let(让)cut → cut(砍,剪)read→read(读) 2.)把元音字母变成“a” come- came give –gave drink –drank begin –began 3.)中间去“e” 末尾加“t” sleep -- slept keep –kept feel –felt 4.)把“i”变成“o” ride— rode drive — drove


一般过去时 一般过去时:指已经发生过的动作或事件,至今为止这个动作或事件已经停止。 标志词:yesterday, last Eg: I went to Eric’s party last week. 助动词:did Eg: Did you go to school yesterday morning Be动词:was, were 】 Eg: Was the dog here just now 动词的过去式变形 1.+ed (一般动词的过去式直接在动词后面加上ed 即可) 2.+d (以e结尾动词,过去式直接加上d即可) 3.去y + ied (以y结尾, 并且y旁边没有元音字母的动词,把y变成i, 再加上ed) 4.动词的不规则变形(以下为常用动词的不规则变形,要牢记这些动词哦!)

句型变换 1.一般疑问句:变换句型的规律与一般现在时一致,但是助动词必须使用did,动词的过 去式要变回原形。 } . I went to school yesterday. Did you go to school yesterday He was five years old last year. Was he five years old last year They had a good time last Sunday. Did they have a good time last Sunday 2.特殊疑问句:同一般现在时规律, 注意助动词和be动词的变化 . I played football with my friends yesterday afternoon. 。 When did you play football with your friends 练习 一.写出过去式 Am _____ ride _____ buy _____ watch _____ visit_____ Is _____visit_____ bring_____ go _____ water_____ are _____swim _____ take _____ run _____ do_____ 二.用“am , is , was”填空。 1. I _____ a teacher ten years ago I _____ a student. 2. He _____ a little boy five years ago. 3. Where ______ it last Sunday? 4. She ______ at school yesterday. 二.用所给动词的适当形式填空。


am, is ---- was ; are ---- were ; do---- did; go---- went ; say ---- said ; write---- wrote; get---- got ; live---- lived ; like---- liked; love---- loved; come ---- came; help---- helped; finish---- finished ; clean---- cleaned; wash---- washed ; cook---- cooked; listen----listened ; play---- played ; phone---- phoned ; paint---- painted ; watch---- watched ; learn---- learnt/learned; walk---- walked; take---- took ; ride---- rode; stay---- stayed; talk---- talked ; swim----swam; invent---- invented ; print ---printed; look----looed; make---- made; climb---- climbed; buy---- bought; have---- had; eat---- ate; see---- saw; fall---- fell; wear----wore; drink---- drunk; break---- broke ; want----wanted; run---- ran; give---- gave; kiss----kissed; put----put; practise----practised ; win----won; visit----visited; happen----happened; bump----bumped; cut----cut; hurt----hurt; knock----knocked; tell---- told; come-came do-diddraw-drew drink-drank drive-drove eat-ate fall-fell feed-fed feel-felt find-found fly-flew forght-forgot get-got go-went have,has-had hear-heard hold-held keep-kept knoe-knew learn-learnt,learned leave-left let-let make-made may-might mean-meant meet-met must-must put-put read-read ride-rode ring-rang run-ran say-said see-saw sell-sold shall-should shoe-shoeed sing-sang sit- sat sleep-slept speak-spoke stand-stood swim-swam take-took teach-taught tell-told think-thought throw-threw understand-understood will-would write-wrote


小学英语动词过去式表 序号汉语原形过去式过去分词 A B C 9 放飞fly flew flown 11 拿,取take took taken 12 犯错误mistake mistook mistaken 17 说speak spoke spoken 18 打破break broke broken 21 选择choose chose chosen 22 吃eat ate eaten 27 躺lie lay lain 30 穿wear wore worn A B B 形式 1 带来bring brought brought 2 打架,打仗fight fought fought 1 想think thought thought 2 购买buy bought bought 3 教teach taught taught 4 捉住catch caught caught 5 卖sell sold sold 6 告诉tell told told 7 说say said said 8 付款pay paid paid 13 烧burn burnt burnt 14 学learn learnt/learned learnt/learned 15 意思mean meant meant 16 感觉feel felt felt 18 睡觉sleep slept slept 19 扫地sweep swept swept 20 保持keep kept kept 26 遇见meet met met 28 制作make made made 30 站stand stood stood 31 明白understand understood understood 45 停止stop stopped stopped 46 掉落drop dropped dropped 47 喜欢prefer preferred preferred 48 旅行travel traveled traveled 52 能can could 53 可以may might 54 必须must must 55 将shall should 56 将will would


小学英语单词的过去式am, is ---- was are ---- were do---- did; go---- went say----said write---- wrote; get---- got live----lived like----liked; love---- loved; come----came; help---- helped; finish----finished clean---- cleaned; wash----washed cook----cooked; listen----listened play---- played phone----phoned paint---- painted watch----watched learn--learnt/learned walk----walked; take----took ride---- rode;

stay----stayed; talk----talked swim----swam; invent----invented print ---printed; look----looked; make---- made; climb----climbed; buy---- bought; have---- had; eat---- ate; see---- saw; fall----fell; wear----wore; drink----drunk; break----broke want----wanted; run----ran; give----gave; kiss----kissed; put----put; practice----practiced win----won; visit----visited; happen----happened; bump----bumped;


一般过去时 I. 一般过去时的概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如: last week ,last year, yesterday等;也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作,常和often, always等频率副词连用。 例如:①I saw him in the supermarket yesterday. 昨天我在超市里看见他了。 ②Li Mei always went to school on foot last term. 上学期李梅总是步行上学。II. 一般过去时的构成 我们主要来学习谓语动词为实义动词的一般过去时的构成。 动词过去式的构成: 1、规则动词过去式的构成有四条规则: ①一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed。如:look-looked,learn-learned。 ②以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去e再加-ed。如:live-lived,like-liked。 ③末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。如: stop-stopped,。 ④末尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,然后再加-ed。如:study-studied,fly-flied。 2、不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。如:am(is)-was, are-were, go-went, come-came, take-took, have (has)-had,swim-swam,run-ran,make-made等。 III. 一般过去时的几种句型 1、肯定句结构为:主语+动词的过去式+其它。如:He went to the book store yesterday. 他昨天去书店了。 2、否定句结构为:主语+did not (didn't)+动词原形+其它。如:He didn't go to the book store yesterday. 他昨天没去书店。 Jim didn't go home yesterday。吉姆昨天没有回家。 3、一般过去时的一般疑问句的构成:Did+主语+动词原形+其它?如: 1) -Did you go to Beijing last week? -Yes, we did. (No, we didn't.) 2) -Did you look after your brother at home? -No, I didn't. (Yes, I did.) 4、一般过去时的特殊疑问句的构成:疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其它?如: 1) -What did you do last night? -I did my homework. 2) -Where did you go last week? -I went to Shanghai with my parents. 4.Be动词在一般过去时中的变化: ⑴am和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was=wasn't) ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren't) ⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is,am,are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。 IV.一般过去时口诀 一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。 动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站。 否定句很简单,didn't 站在动词原形前,其它部分不要变。 一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动词原形、其它部分依次站。


小学英语过去式 过去时通常表示在的过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。 通常在句子里能找到表示过去时间的词或词组。 如:yesterday,yesterday morning,yesterday afternoon,yesterday evening,the day before yesterday(前天),last night,last week,last month,last year,a moment ago(刚才),just now(刚才),two days ago,a week ago,in 1990等。 如:I went to bed at eleven last night. 昨晚我11:00睡觉。 动词过去式的构成规律 (一)规则动词的过去式 1.一般情况下,在动词原形后面加-ed; look→looked play→played start→started visit→visited 2.以不发音e结尾的动词,在词尾直接加-d; live→lived use→used 3.以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的动词,先将y 改为i ,再加–ed;study→studied, try→tried fly→flied 4.以重读闭音节(即辅音+元音+辅音)或r音节结尾,末尾只有 一个辅音字母的动词,要先双写这个辅音字母后,再加–ed。 stop→stopped plan→planned, prefer→preferred (二)不规则动词的过去式 1.改变动词中的元音; begin→began drink→drank come→came eat→ate grow→grew


O Last Sunday ( by Luo Chen) At about six in the morning I got up, then I brushed my teeth, washed my face. I often do some exercise before breakfast, but I didn’t do that day. I was too hungry, I hurried to look for my breakfast. To my surprised, I didn’t find anything to eat. I had to make some egg pies by myself. At about 8 o’clock. I reached at Mike’s home. Nearly everyone has been there. Then we began to play. We played chess, played cards. Some of us played the computer games. But we all feel bored. At last, Mike got an idea. Then we went climbing. At top of the hill, we flew a kite. Unfortunately, the kite flew away. It was Mike’s birthday present from his grandfather. He was so sad. At about 16, we went back. 1,I got at about 6 in the morning last Saturday. 2. I did some exercise last Sunday . 3. I made some eggs by myself. 4. we played cards last Sunday. 5. mike was so sad. O Jack’s dog Tony One day Jack and David went fishing. Jack took his dog Tony with him. On the river bank, when the dog saw a bird, he ran after it and tried to catch it. “ All the fish are frightened and swim away, ” said David. “ Be quiet, Tony, ” Jack shouted at the dog. But Tony did not listen to him. “ Shall we go home now, David?” said Jack. “ Next time I shall not bring him here again.” “Wait,” said David. “ A fish is biting my line.”“Look out!” shouted Jack. But it was too late. The boy sell into the water. “ Help! Help!” David shouted. But Jack couldn’t swim, either. Just then Tony came out! He jumped into the water and pulled the boy onto the bank and saved his life. 1. what did jack and david do that day? A. they went swimming. B. they went fishing. C they took a walk. O Two Holes Mr Black had two cats. One was very big and the other was quite small. He liked them very much. One day, Mr Green, a friend of his, came to see him. To his great surprise, he saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole. He said, “ My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?”“ Let the cats in and out, ” Mr Black answered. “ But why are there two holes? Isn’t one hole enough?” asked his friend. “ How can the big cat go through the small hole? He said. O An old man Tom was very old, and he lived by himself a long way from town. So he knew less about the world. One day he went into town to buy something in some shops. Then he went into a resaurant and sat down at a table. When he looked around, he saw many old people put eyeglasses on before reading their newspaper, so after lunch he walked to a shop to buy some glasses. The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, “ No, I can’t read with these.” The man became more and more surprised. He said, “ Excuse me, but can you read?” “ No, of course I can’t!” Tom said. “ I think the good glasses can help me.” O A penguin (企鹅) One day a policeman was walking in the park. He saw a man there. The man was holding a


小学英语一般过去时练习题 一、请选择正确的词,把下列句子补充完整。 1. I ______asked_______ (ask / asked / is asking) him a question yesterday. 2. Tom ____read_________ (read / is reading / reads) English now. 3. Did you _____watered_________ (water / watered / waters) flowers last week? 4. Let’s ______get_______ (get / got / getting) on the No. 1 bus. 5. We often _______watch____ (watch / watches / watched) TV at home. 6. Judy didn’t ________go____ (went / go / going) to school yesterday. 7. His dad _______works_______ (works / worked / is working) hard every day. 8. There ___were_________ (were / are / was) some trees near houses two years ago. 9. My cousin ____studies________ (studies / studied / study) in a middle school in Guangzhou. 10. Mr. White _________came____ (came / comes / is coming) China last year. 11. She is going to _______have____ (have / had / has) a big party this Sunday. 12. Where did you ____meet________ (meet / met / meeting) Miss White. 13. They wanted to ___go________ (go / went / going) to Beijing last week. 14. Look, Tom __is watching_______ (watches / watched / is watching) TV in the living-room。 15. What __did_________ (did / does / is) the girl do this morning? 16. It _____will be_______ (will be / was / is) rainy tomorrow. 17. Sally usually _goes_____________ (is going / goes / went) to school on foot.
