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"Why are there mountains here on this area here but there are 家:“为什么这片区域有山脉, 但这上方什么也
none over here?" And they go, "Well, gee,
that has nothing to offer?
闷、 没有什么东西可以给我们的地方?[01:15]
I'm going to take you on a 16 minute trip on 72 percent of 我要带你们到占地球表面积百分之72的地方进行
the planet, so buckle up.
Well, there's also another program in another agency within 噢,对了,在我们政府的另一个机构里, 还有另
our government, in ocean exploration.
It's in NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
And hell is down here? Is it a cultural issue?
Why are people afraid of the ocean?
Or do they just assume the ocean is just a dark, gloomy place 或者,他们只是在推测,海洋不过是一个黑暗、沉
The first question is this.
Our country has two exploration programs.
One is NASA with a mission to explore the great beyond, to 一个是美国宇航局的,担负着探索来世、 探索天 explore the heavens, which we all want to go to if we're lucky. 堂的使命。要是幸运的话,我们都想去。[00:17]
And you can see we have Sputnik, and we have a Saturn and 你们可以发现,我们有人造地球卫星,我们有“土
we have other manifestations of space exploration.
星”运载火箭, 还有空间探险的其他证明。
laughed at.
gloomy: adj.黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的 buckle: vi.扣住;变弯曲/vt.扣住;使弯曲/n.皮带扣,带扣 immerse: vt.沉浸;使陷入 geophysicist: n.[地物]地球物理学者 ridicule: vt.嘲笑;嘲弄;愚弄/n.嘲笑;笑柄;愚弄 continental: adj.大陆的;大陆性的/n.欧洲 人
a student, I had to give the wrong answer to get an A.
就学了所有的地球科学教科书, 为了得到一个A,
We used to ridicule continental drift. It was something we 我们过去常常嘲笑大陆漂移说。那是我们曾经嘲笑
the oceans for 1,600 years.
Why? Why are we looking up? Is it because it's heaven?
为什么?为什么我们总是抬头望天?是因为天堂在 上,[01:05]
Sputnik: n.人造卫星(前苏联制造) manifestations: n.临床表现(manifestion的复数);显示;证明 Oceanic: adj.海洋的;海洋产 出的;在海洋中生活的;广阔无垠的 Atmospheric: adj.大气的,大气层的
went to school.
And most of all, it was not even in my college textbooks. 尤其是,甚至不在我的大学教科书里。[01:44]
I'm a geophysicist and all my earth science books when I was 我是一个地球物理学者,我还是一名学生的时候,
geology, vertical tectonics.
All the things we're going to walk through in our explorations and discoveries of the oceans were mostly discoveries made by accident.
We learned of Marshall Kay's geosynclinal cycle, which is a 我们学了马歇尔.凯的构造循环,那就是一派胡言
bunch of crap.
In today's context it was a bunch of crap, but it was the law of 在今天的语境中,它是一派胡言。 但当时它就是
a bunch of: 一群;一束;一堆 geology: n.地质学;地质情况 tectonics: n.[建]构造学,[地质]构造地质学 explorations: n.探索; 探险(exploration的复数);勘查;[医]探察术 by accident: 偶然;意外地 characterization: n.描述;特性描述
在我们进行海洋探险和发现的 整个过程中, 大多 数发现都是偶然得到的。[02:09]
Mostly discoveries made by accident.
We were looking for something and found something else. 我们在寻找某件东西,却发现了别的东西。[02:20]
And everything we're going to talk about represents a one 而我们将要谈到的一切 不过是冰山一角,因为这 10th of one percent glimpse, because that's all we've seen. 就是我们所看到的全部。[02:23]
It gives you the false impression it's a map.
It is not a map.
In fact, I have another version at my office and I ask people, 事实上,我办公室有另一个版本, 我会问大
TED演讲者:Robert Ballard | 罗伯特.巴拉德
演讲标题:Exploring the ocean.s hidden worlds | 深海探险
内容概要:海洋探险家罗伯特.巴拉德将带领我们去海底世界进行一次令人震惊的旅行,在那儿,他和其他 研究者们正不断发现奇异的生命、资源,甚至新的山脉。他提出,对深海进行认真的探测和绘图具有充足 的理由。像谷歌海洋,还有谁? On more than 120 deep-sea expeditions, Robert Ballard has made many major natural discoveries, such as the deep-sea vents. Oh, and he found the Titanic.
I have a characterization.
This is a characterization of what it would look like if you could remove the water.
If you compare NASA's annual budget to explore the heavens, 美国宇航局探测太空的年度预算 与国家海洋与大
that one year budget would fund NOAA's budget to explore 气管理局的预算比起来, 足够海洋勘探计划进行
I'm going to make it right now in case I forget -- is everything 我打算现在就解释,以免忘了。 我将要呈现到你
I'm going to present to you was not in my textbooks when I 们面前的一切, 不在我念书时的教科书里。
All right. So we're going to immerse ourselves in the 72 percent of the planet because, you know, it's really naive to think that the Easter Bunny put all the resources on the continents.
海洋勘探由NOAA,也就是国家海洋与大气管理局 负责。[00:37]
And my question is this -- "Why are we ignoring the oceans?" 我的问题是:我们为什么忽视海洋?[00:41]
Here's the reason, or not the reason but here's why I ask that 理由是,或者不成其为理由,只是我为什么要问这
Most of the southern hemisphere is unexplored.
We had more exploration ships down there during Captain 库克船长时代去那些海域探险的船只 比现在要
Cook's time than now. It's amazing.
OK. And what we're going to do, is we're going to immerse 很好。下面我们将要做的, 就是要把我们自己沉
ourselves in my world.
And what I'm going to try -- I hope I make the following points.
很好,现在我们要沉浸到 占地球表面积72%的地 方去了,你知道, 认为复活节兔子会把所有的资 源 都放到欧洲,这种想法实在是太天真了。 [03:09]
(Laughter) You know, it's just ludicrous.
(笑声) 你知道,这简直是荒谬的。[03:22]
I don't know," saying, "Is it a fracture zone? Is it a hot spot?" 不知道,”他们答道。 “这是一个断裂带吗?是
No, no, that's the only place a ship's been.