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一、问路(Asking the way)




1.Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?

Where is the supermarket?

Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?

How can I get t0…?

Where is the(nearest)…please?

2.Yes,there is.It‟s on Center Street.

It‟s next t0/near/behind/in front of the library.

It‟s on Bridge Street on the right.

You can go through Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue.

Go down this street.

Turn right/left.

Turn at the first/second crossin9.

It‟s about…minutes‟ walk/drive/ride.

It‟s far(away)from here.

You can‟t/won‟t miss it.


1.Where are the man and the woman?

A.In a hospital.B.In a llbrary.C.In a street.

2.Where should the woman turn left?

A.At the supermarket.B.At the store.C.At the corner.

3.How far is the post office?

A.Five minu tes‟ walk.B.Fifteen minutes‟ walk.C.Fifty minutes‟ walk.

w:Excuse me.Where‟S the post office?

M:Walk down this road and turn left at the supermarket OH your left.

W:Is it far?

M:N0.It‟S about five minutes‟walk.

W:Thank you.

M:You‟re welcome.

以“ex cuse me,,这种语气来问路,说明两人较为陌生,且这种对话较多发生在大街上,故第1小题答案为C。根据第2小题的问题,听录音时要注意捕捉有关地点的信息,第2小题答案较为明确,为A。根据第3小题的选项可知选项不同之处是3个数字的不同,在听录音时注意区分这3个数字的发音。第3小题答案选A。


1.Where is the nearest post office?

A.Near the road.B.Near the station.C.Near a bus stop.

2.Which bus can the man take?

A.The N0.3 bus.B.The N0.2 bus.C.The N0.22 bus.

3.Where is the bookstore?

A.Behind the library.B.Across from the supermarket.

C.Near the tall building.

4.Where is the station?

A.On the right of the park.B.Across from the park.

C.In front of the library.

5.Who can the man ask for help?

A.A postman.B.A policeman.C.A teacher.

二、就医(Seeing the doctor)




1.What‟s the matter? What‟s wrong with you/your…?

Are you feeling well? Do you feel well/tired?

How long have you been like this?

2.There‟s something wrong with….

I have a fever/headache/cold/toothache.

I‟m not feeling well.

I feel terrible/ill.

I don‟t feel w ell/like eating anythin9.

My leg/.., hurt.

I have been like this since yesterday.

3. Nothing serious.

You should drink some hot water with honey.

I hope you feel better soon.


1. What's the matter with the man?

A. He has a cold.

B. He has a stomachache.

C. He has a toothache.

2. When did it start?

A. Two days ago.

B. Three days ago.

C. Yesterday.

3. What should the man do?

A. He should drink some coffee.

B. He should take some medicine.

C. He should lie down and rest.

W: Hello. What's the matter.?

M: I'm not feeling well. I have a stomachache.

W: When did it start?

M: About one day ago.

W: Oh, that's too bad. You should lie down and rest.
