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Part I Blank Filling (60 blanks, 0.5 point each) 1. The United States of America is situated in the southern part of North America (except

________________ and Hawaii). The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers

from the Atlantic on the east to the ________________ on the west. It is bounded by

________________ on the north and by ________________ and the Gulf of Mexico on the

south, with a distance of 2,575 kilometers in between.

2. The United States is the ________________ (rank) largest country in the world in terms of

area. Its land area is 9,166,601 square kilometers.

3. The whole country is divided into ________________ (number) states and a federal district,

________________, in which the capital city of Washington is located on the Potomac River.

________________ is the largest in area of all the states, and Texas is the second.

4. The highest peak contained by the Appalachian Mountains is ________________. The

Sierras Range contains ________________, the highest peak in the US outside Alaska. The highest mount of the United States is ________________, which lies in Alaska.

________________ in eastern California, 85 meters below sea level, is the lowest point in the whole of NorthAmerica.

5. The five Great lakes are Lake Superior, Lake ________________, Lake ________________,

Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. They form the most important system of inland waterways in the world. Of the five Great Lakes, only Lake ________________is wholly within the United States. The famous ________________ Falls is located on the US-Canadian

boundary between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

6. ________________ is the largest city and chief port of the United States lying at the mouth

of the Hudson River. ________________, a gift from the French people in 1886, was placed

in the center of New York Harbor.

7. The most densely populated state is ________________, while the most sparsely populated


state is ________________.

8. Since World War II, people have moved to the Southeast, Southwest, and West Coast, which

is collectively called ________________.

9. The Ivy League refers to eight private institutions of higher education located in the Northeastern United States. They are ________________ University, ________________

University, University of Pennsylvania, ________________, Columbia University, Brown

University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University. All these universities were founded

before American Revolution except ________________ University.

10. ________________ is the United States’ central bank, charged with ensuring the stability and

flexibility of the nation’s m onetary and financial systems.

11. The largest airports in the United States by passenger arrivals and departures are

________________ International Airport in
