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在资源稀缺的今天,九寨沟树立绿色旅游的理念,走 可持续发展之路,努力实施保护开发的一体化、旅游 资源的人文化、旅游产品的多元化、旅游管理的精细 化、旅游信息的数字化、旅游经营的市场化、旅游营 销的品牌化、旅游服务的人性化和旅游发展的国际化, 着力打造世界一流景区。 With a view to saving on the resources, Jiuzhaigou sticks to a sustainable development strategy. Great efforts have been made to protect the primitive scenery. The tourist products are diversified so as to provide the tourists with a taste of Tibetan ethnic customs as well. Moreover, stress has been laid on the application of information technology to the management of the reserve. Jiuzhaigou is on the path to being a world-class scenic spot.
九寨沟风景名胜区于1992被列入《世界自然遗产名录》;1997年 被纳入世界人与动物圈保护区;2000年评为中国首批AAAA级景区; 2001年2月取得“绿色环球21”证书。九寨沟先后被评为“全国优 秀风景名胜区”、“中国旅游胜地四十佳”、“中国AAAA级景 区”、“全国文明风景旅游区示范点”、“全国保护旅游消费者 权益示范单位”和“全国景区综合整治先进单位”;九寨沟与国 之瑰宝大熊猫、古蜀文明三星堆并称四川省三大旅游精品。 Jiuzhaigou has been crowned with several titles. In 1992, Jiuzhaigou National Park was listed as World Natural Heritage, and in 1997 as the World Biosphere Reserve. In 2000, it was selected as the state 4A-level scenery. In Feb. 2001, it passed the authentication of “Green Globe 21”. Jiuzhaigou, the giant panda and Sanxingdui Museum are the three must-sees for tourism in Sichuan.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Jiuzhaigou National Park
被誉为“童话世界”的九寨沟位于中国四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州境 内的九寨沟县中南部,是长江水系嘉陵江上游白水河源头的一条支流, 因景区内有荷叶、树正、则查洼等九个藏族村寨而得名。九寨沟是中 国唯一、世界罕见的以高山湖泊群、瀑布群和钙华滩流为主体的风景 名胜区,面积720平方公里,以翠海、叠瀑、雪峰、彩林、蓝冰和藏族 风情并称“九寨六绝”,尤以水景闻名,有“九寨归来不看水”之说, 被誉为“童话世界”。浏览区海拔2000米至3100米,气候宜人,冬无 严寒,夏季凉爽,四季美丽,是世界上最佳旅游目的地之一。 Jiuzhaigou, known as the “Fabled World”, is located in the mid-south of Jiuzhaigou County of Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. A Jialing tributary of Yangtze River, Jiuzhaigou is named for the nine Tibetan settlements in the mountain valley at elevations of 2000 to 3.100 meters (6,500 to 10,000 feet). Covering an area of 720 square kilometers (278 square miles), the reserve boasts agreeable climate and stunning scenery with a change of seasons. The crystalline lakes, foaming waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, colorful forests, blue ice and Tibetan customs are labeled as the “six wonders of Jiuzhaigou”. The combination of high mountain lakes, waterfalls and limestone shoals makes the reserve unparalleled in the country and even in the world. It is one of the best tourist attractions worldwide.