仁爱版初中英语九年级上第一单元Topic 3课文

仁爱版初中英语九年级上第一单元Topic 3课文
仁爱版初中英语九年级上第一单元Topic 3课文

T opic3The world has changed for the better.

1a Look,listen and say

Maria:What are you reading,Jane?

Jane:I am reading a newsp aper from Canada.Martin says there is an interesting article.It is about a p r og ram that helps homeless people. Maria:Are there homeless people in Canada?

Jane:Oh,yes!Every country has homeless people.The article says one city has a wonderful pr og ram to help homeless people return to work and live like other people.

Maria:That sound s great!How do they do it?

Jane:Well,once they find people in need,they decide on suitable ways to help them.

Maria:Can they get good food and medicine?

Jane:Y es.And it is not only that.The government provides homeless people with nice homes.It trains them so that they can find jobs again. Maria:I think it is important for these people to feel good about themselves.

Jane:Y ou are right.The world has changed for the better.

1b Pair work:Change direct speech into indirect speech or change indirect speech into direct speech.Then practice the sentences with your partner.

1.“What are you reading,Jane?”Maria asked.

Maria ask ed Jane what__________________________________ 2.Jane said,“I’m reading a newsp aper from Canada.”

Jane said that she_____________________________________.

3.“Are there homeless people in Canada?”Maria ask ed Jane.

Maria ask ed Jane if___________________in Canada.

4.Jane said that this pr og ram helped homeless people return to work and

live like other people.

Jane said,“______________________________________________.”

5.Jane said that the govern ment provided homeless people with nice

homes and trained them.

Jane said,“_____________________________________________.”3Work alone:Match column A with column B to form compounds and guess their new meanings.Then try to give more examples.Bob:Well,New Y ork was d ang er ous in the past,but,in fact,it’s quite safe now.I think it’s a wonderful place to live in.Y ou can go to plays,concerts and operas every day if you like.W e have beautiful parks,good schools, museums and excellent restaurants.Y ou mu st come for a visit.Then you can see New Y ork for yourself.

1b Work alone:Match the two columns and write a short p assage to comp ar e today’s New Y ork with that of the past.

traffic wonderful

street terrible

restaurants dirty

place excellent


New Y ork has changed a lot.________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 1c Pair work:discuss the following questions with your partner.

1.Where do you live?

2.What changes have tak en place in your village/t ow n/city?

3.how do you like living there?Why?

4.if you don’t like living there,where do you want to live?

2Group work:Discuss the differences b e tw e en country life and city life. The following information many help you.

Environment entertainment

T raffic medical care


It’s very quiet in the country.there are fresher air,clearer water and greener trees.But it’s quite cr owded and noisy in the city,and there are many kinds of pollution,such as air pollution,water pollution and so on…3Work alone:complete these words and remember them.They are

A B A B derivations.

mothe r d au g h te r/son friend stairs Prefix Suffix

bask et film birth home gr een room grand h ouse hand land


h ou se



mak er





































homele ss+ne ss=

sn ow+y=


im+polite=develop+ment= Section B

1a Listen,r ead and say

Helen:Y ou have been in New Y ork for a long time.How do you like living there?

Bob:it’s great.I really love it.

Helen:But I hear d the traffic was terrible was terrible and everyone drove too quickly.

Bob:Oh,you will get u sed to it.

Helen:But I also hear d the streets were dirty.

Bob:They u se d to be,but the city has improved a lot.

Helen:isn’t it d an ge r ou s there?

Section C

1a R ead and understand:R ead about an organization in Canada that tries to help the homeless.Then discuss this question:What can be done to help homeless people?

A famous pr og ram in Edmonton has helped homeless people for many years.It is called Edmonton Community Services.It is famous because it has been so successful in helping homeless people return to normal lives. Edmonton Community services helps people get jobs.It also lends money to them so that they can rent ap artme nts and buy clothes for their children.

A special p r og ram for street kids,called“Kids in the Hall”,helps

homeless children like Zack.“In the Hall”,is the name of a restaurant in Edmonton.The food is prepared,cook ed and served by street kids.At the same time,they are learning restaurant skills there.When they finish their training,it will be easy for them to find jobs.

However,street kids mu st obey strict rules.If any one takes drugs or disobeys the other rules,he can’t stay in the program.He has to return to the streets.

Zack thinks that these rules are strict.But he says,“The pr og ram ‘Kids in the Hall’has given me a good chance to succeed.It will help me live like other kids again.”

1b Work alone:r ead1a again and finish the following tasks.

1.What is the purpose of this p assage?

a.T o describe some delicious food.

b.T o talk about a boy named Zack.

c.T o talk about a pr og ram that helps homeless people.

2.List two other problems mentioned in the article.

a.No clothes for children.



3.Explain how Edmonton Community services pr og ram helps solve

these problems.

a.Edmonton Community services lends money to p arents to buy

clothes for children.


c._______________________________ 1c Work alone:Mark the following sentences(T)for T rue or(F)for False according to1a.

()1.The famous p r og ram“kids in the Hall”is in Canada.

()2.Edmonton community Service seldom helps people get jobs. ()3.“In the Hall”is the name of a restaurant in Edmonton.

()4.S treet kids o ften disobey the strict rules.

2Written work:The world has many problems.Look at the following pictures,and the n write down what you hope.The words in the box may help you.

Picture1:homeless people

Picture2:child laborer

Picture3:cruel war

W e hope the people in picture1have warm house to live in…

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________提示词:warm houses,community services,

Go to school,rich,end the war,live a happy life

smile on one’s face

Section D

1a R ead and Understand

Project Hope is a social service p r og ram to help people.It has raised a lot of money from people at home and abroad.The money is use d for children’s education in poor areas.

In the p ast sisteen years,Project Hop e has raised about3billion yuan. It has paid for the education of2.5million poor students and sent2.3 million students to high schools.With the money,it has built thousand s of schools and libraries and trained2300teachers.

Most people in China have hear d of Project Hope,and many have given mone y to https://www.360docs.net/doc/a24956645.html,lions of children have received a better education because of Project Hope.But40million children from poor families still need help,so Project Hope still has a lot of work to do.

1b.Group work:According to1a,discuss the following questions in groups.1.What do you think about Project Hope?Why?

2.As a student,what can you do for Project Hope?

2Work alone:R ead what Tina says and th en change the five sentences into indirect speech,using Tina ask ed/told her mom…

Tina says:

Oh mom,is Paris the capital of France?

Could I do some shopping there?How can I get there?

I’m interested in French..I want to teach myself French

3a Grammar focus

Direct speech and indirect speech:

“What are you reading,Jane?”Maria ask ed

Maria ask ed Jane what she was reading.

Jane said,“I’m reading a newsp aper from Canada.”

Jane said that she was reading a newsp aper from Canada.

“Are there homeless people in Canada?”Maria ask ed Jane.

Maria ask ed Jane if there were homeless people in Canada.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a24956645.html,eful expressions

…,once they find people in need,they decide on suitable ways to help them.

The government provides homeless people with nice homes.

Oh,you will get u se d to it.

Y ou must come for a visit.

With the money,it has built thou sand s of schools and libraries…

4.Final project

I have a Dream

Although we have made a lot of progress,there are still many problems in the world.

1.work in gr oup s of three or four to research one of the problems below.

Y ou may ask your teacher about other problems that interest you.

(AIDS homelessness,hunger,child labor,war in the Middle East or Africa)

2.Mak e a short speech with the topic,“I have a dream”

3.Present your speech at a“United Nations conference”.

4.After you listen to other students’speeches,ask some questions.


Homeless adj无家可归的

provide v.提供

flood n.洪水v.(被)淹没

mate n.朋友,伙伴

stair n.楼梯

fair adj公平的,合理的

excite v.使兴奋,使激动

skill n.技能,技巧

d rug n.毒品,药,药物

disobey v.不服从

succeed v.成功

purpose n.目的,意图

mention v.提到,说起

war n.战争

Project Hope希望工程

social adj社会的

at home and abr o ad在国内外

French n.法语adj.法国的,法国人,法语的


仁爱英语九年级上册U4令人惊异的科学 T1:宇宙飞船主要被电脑控制 孙瑞武20XX年10月6日译 仁爱英语九年级上册U4T1 Section A 课文翻译1a: (迈克尔和康康正科学博物馆) 迈克尔:康康,第一个到太空旅行的中国人是谁? 康康:杨利伟。他是我们的民族英雄。20XX年,神州五号载着他环绕地球旅行了21个小时。中国是第三个载人进入太空的国家。 迈克尔:太精彩了!你们所有人都必须感到非常自豪才是。 康康:我们当然是。另外,在过去几年里,我们已经发射了另外的两颗宇宙飞船了。 迈克尔:听起来太棒了!它证明了中国航天业已经取得了巨大的进步。 康康:太对了。我相信我们将会发射更多的宇宙飞船进入太空。 迈克尔:看!好大一群人啊,让我们去看看。 康康:哇!嫦娥一号,它是中国第一个月球探测器,我希望有一天我能在月球上漫步。 迈克尔:我想在未来你会实现梦想的。 仁爱英语九年级上册U4T1 Section B 课文翻译1a: (康康正在问李先生关于宇宙飞船的问题。) 康康:宇宙飞船真是太神奇了!李先生,请你告诉我关于它们的一些事情,好吗? 李先生:好的。宇宙飞船主要由电脑控制。 康康:但是它们是如何运行的呢? 李先生:宇航员用电脑控制宇宙飞船的速度和方向,甚至是温度。 康康:太令人惊异了!但是我仅仅知道一点电脑技术的知识。 李先生:掌握电脑技术知识是非常重要的,所以我建议你要努力学习,掌握电脑知识来更好地为我们服务。 康康:我也这样认为。谢谢你的介绍,李先生。 仁爱英语九年级上册U4T1 Section C 课文翻译1a: 电脑已经在工作领域上和业余时间里都变得非常重要。 毫无疑问,电脑在技术和商业领域中很有使用价值。在太空,电脑帮助宇航员控制宇宙飞船的速度和方向。在电脑的帮助下,医生们更容易能发现疾病,解决其他问题。例如,把微小的电脑放进病人的身体可以帮助病人心脏正常跳动。在工厂里,由电脑控制的机器人可以为人们去做那些危险的工作。在商业领域上,电脑被使用于订购或取消订单。同样,它们可以使工作场所变得更加安全和美好。 自从互联网进入人类以来,人们家里的生活也发生了改变,越来越多的人拥有了个人电脑,他们用电脑来玩游戏或看电影。由于互联网,人们可以在家购物或谈生意。人们可以用电子邮件或网上聊天替代用纸写信来进行交流。整个世界是连接在一起的,互联网使地球变得更小了,就像个村庄一样。


仁爱九年级上册英语课文知识点 【篇一:仁爱九年级上册英语课文知识点】 1. have a good summer holiday 暑假过得愉快 2. come back from--- 从---回来 3. have/has been to 去过 4. have/has gone to 去了 5. not--- any more 再也不--- 6. take photos 照相 7. by the way 顺便问一下 8. take part in 参加 9. around /all over/throughout the world 全世界 10. tell sb. something about--- 告诉某人关于某事 11. have/live a happy/hard life 过着幸福/艰苦的生活 12. describe---in detail 详细描述 13. give support to 支持,提供帮助 14. see ---oneself 亲眼看见 15. keep in touch with 与---保持联系 16. far away 遥远的 17. kinds/sorts of 各种各样 18. not only---but also 不仅---而且 19. make progress 取得进步 20. more than/over 多于 21. develop/improve rapidly 迅速发展/改善 22. tell sb. (not ) to do sth. 告诉某人(别)做某事 23. ask sb. (not ) to do sth. 要求某人(别)做某事 24. in order to do sth. 为了做某事 25. have to do sth. 不得不做某事 26. it’s +形容词 for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来讲做某事是--- 27. why not do sth. 为什么不做某事 28. succeed/be successful in doing sth. 成功地做某事 29. dream about doing sth. 梦想做某事 30. see/hear sb. do/doing sth. 看见/听见某人做/正在做某事topic2 31. get lost 迷路


仁爱英语九年级上册课文互译上部 仁爱英语九年级上册期中课文整理 1 九年级仁爱英语上册 U1T1 课文翻译张老师整理九年级仁爱英语上册 U1T1 Section A 课文翻译话题 1:我的家乡变得越来越美丽了 My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 1a: (在一个长假后,康康很高兴会见了他的朋友) After a long holiday, Kangkang is happy to see his friends 康康:你好,简, 你在暑假玩得开 心吗, Hi, J ane. Did you have a good summer holiday? 简:是的,你怎么样, Yes. What about you? 康康:还不错,丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样, Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip? 简:很棒,我 在印度到过我家附近的很多地方。那里已经发生了很大的变化,我的家乡已 经变得 越来越美丽了。你到过了哪里,简, Great. I went to many places near my home in India. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Where have you been, Jane? 康康:我跟父母到了黄山,它是一个美丽

的地方。但是那里人太多了,以致我找不到一个合适的地方拍照。你到过哪里,康 康, I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. It's a beautiful place. But there were so many people that I couldn't find a proper place to take photos. And where have you been, Kangkang? 简:我到了一所英语暑假学校去提升我的英语。顺便问一 下,玛丽亚哪里去了, I have been to an English summer school to improve my English. By the way, where's Maria? 康康:她去古巴当一名志愿者去了,明天 她将返回来。 She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she will be back tomorrow. 简:听~上课铃声响了。 Listen! There goes the bell. 2 九年级仁爱英语上册 U1T1 Section B 课文翻译 1a: 康康: 你好,玛丽亚~在 这个暑假期间你参加了一些志愿者活动,对吧, Hi, Maria! You have taken part in some volunteer activities during summer holidays, haven't you? 玛丽亚:是的,我 在一这残疾少年之家当一名志愿者。 Yes, I have been a volunteer in a disabled children?s home. 康康:爽~你为残疾少年打扫过房间吗, Cool! Have you cleaned rooms for the disabled children? 玛丽亚:是的,我做过。 Yes, I have. 康康:你喂养 过他们饭吗, Have you ever fed them? 玛丽亚:不,我没有。但是我为他们隽朔共 恕?No, I haven't. But I have cooked for them. 康康:多么美妙的经历啊! What a


话题1:我的家乡变得越来越美丽了 My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 1a:(在一个长假后,康康很高兴会见了他的朋友) After a long holiday, Kangkang is happy to see his friends 康康:你好,简,你在暑假玩得开心吗 Hi, J ane. Did you have a good summer holiday 简:是的,你怎么样 Yes. What about you 康康:还不错,丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样 Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip 简:很棒,我在印度到过我家附近的很多地方。那里已经发生了很大的变化,我的家乡已经变得越来越美丽了。你到过了哪里,简 Great. I went to many places near my home in India. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Where have you been, Jane 康康:我跟父母到了黄山,它是一个美丽的地方。但是那里人太多了,以致我找不到一个合适的地方拍照。你到过哪里,康康 I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. It's a beautiful place. But there were so many people that I couldn't find a proper place to take photos. And where have you been, Kangkang 简:我到了一所英语暑假学校去提升我的英语。顺便问一下,玛丽亚哪里去了 I have been to an English summer school to improve my English. By the way, where's Maria 康康:她去古巴当一名志愿者去了,明天她将返回来。 She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she will be back tomorrow. 简:听!上课铃声响了。


仁 爱 英 语 九 年 级 上 册 期 中 课 文 整 理 1

九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1课文翻译 张老师整理 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1 Section A课文翻译 话题1:我的家乡变得越来越美丽了 My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 1a:(在一个长假后,康康很高兴会见了他的朋友) After a long holiday, Kangkang is happy to see his friends 康康:你好,简,你在暑假玩得开心吗? Hi, J ane. Did you have a good summer holiday? 简:是的,你怎么样? Y es. What about you? 康康:还不错,丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样? Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip? 简:很棒,我在印度到过我家附近的很多地方。那里已经发生了很大的变化,我的家乡已经变得越来越美丽了。你到过了哪里,简?Great. I went to many places near my home in India. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Where have you been, Jane? 康康:我跟父母到了黄山,它是一个美丽的地方。但是那里人太多了,以致我找不到一个合适的地方拍照。你到过哪里,康康? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. It's a beautiful place. But there were so many people that I couldn't find a proper place to take photos. And where have you been, Kangkang? 简:我到了一所英语暑假学校去提升我的英语。顺便问一下,玛丽亚哪里去了? I have been to an English summer school to improve my English. By the way, where's Maria? 康康:她去古巴当一名志愿者去了,明天她将返回来。 She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she will be back tomorrow. 简:听!上课铃声响了。 Listen! There goes the bell. 2

仁爱英语 九年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 课文翻译

Unit 4 Topic 1 课文翻译 SectionA-1a Kangkang:Jane, why are you unhappy? 康康:简,你怎么不高兴啊? Jane:Because I was not allowed to play computer games last night. 简:因为我昨天晚上没玩成电脑游戏。 Kangkang:It's bad for your health if you spend too much time on them. 康康:你如果花太多时间玩游戏的话会有损健康。 Jane:Maybe you're right. 简:或许你说得对。 (Kangkang shows a model to Jane.)(康康给简看了一个模型。) Kangkang:Look at this. 康康:你看。 Jane:A model rocket! Who made it? 简:一个火箭模型!谁做的? Kangkang:It was made by me. 康康:我做的。 Jane:Wow! What's it made of? 简:哇!它是用什么做成的? Kangkang:It's made of metal. Do you know what a rocket is used for? 康康:用金属做成的。你知道火箭是用来干什么的吗? Jane:Sure. It's used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. 简:当然啦。它是用来把卫星或宇宙飞船发往太空的。 Kangkang:You're right. I've learned a lot about spaceships from Mr. Brown and then I made this model rocket. I wish I could go into space some day. 康康:是的。我从布朗先生那里学到了很多关于太空飞船的知识,然后我就做了这个火箭模型。我希望有一天能够飞往太空。 Jane:I hope your dream will come true.




仁爱英语九年级上册期中课文整理 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1课文翻译 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1 Section A 课文翻译 话题1:我的家乡变得越来越美丽了 My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 1a:(在一个长假后,康康很高兴会见了他的朋友)After a long holiday, Kangkang is happy to see his friends 康康:你好,简,你在暑假玩得开心吗? 简:是的,你怎么样? 康康:还不错,丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样?简:很棒,我在印度到过我家附近的很多地方。那里已经发生了很大的变化,我的家乡已经变得越来越美丽了。你到过了哪里,简? 康康:我跟父母到了黄山,它是一个美丽的地方。但是那里人太多了,以致我找不到一个合适的地方拍照。你到过哪里,康康? 简:我到了一所英语暑假学校去提升我的英语。顺便问一下,玛丽亚哪里去了? 康康:她去古巴当一名志愿者去了,明天她将返回来。康康:Hi, J ane. Did you have a good summer holiday? 简:Yes. What about you? 康康:Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip? 简:Great. I went to many places near my home in India.


Unit1 The Developing World Topic1 China has developed rapidly in recent years. Section A 1a Look, listen and say ( In the classroom after class) Kangkang: Hi, Sally. Did you have a good summer holiday? Sally: Yes. What about you? Kangkang: Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip? Rita: I went to many places near my home in India. In one place I saw children working for a cruel boss. I felt sorry for them. Where have you been, Jane? Jane: I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. It’s a beautiful place. But there were so many people there that I couldn’t find a good place to take photos. And where have you been, kangkang? Kangkang: I have been to an English training school to improve my English. Listen! There goes the bell. 1c Pair work: Where have you been and what did you do during the summer holiday? Make up a similar dialog with your partner according to the following example. Example: A: where have you been? B: I’ve been to A: what did you do? B: I … 2a Listen read and say Kangkang: Hi, Ann! Have you ever taken part in any activities during this summer holiday? Ann: Yes, I have helped in a disabled children’s home. Kangkang: have you spent the whole holiday working there? Ann: Yesm I have And I have done a lot of things there. I cleaned rooms for the diabled children, told them stories and even fed them. Kangkang: what a wonderful experience! Ann: Yes, it was. I have learnt a lot from it. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy this holiday! SectionB 1a Listen, read and say Rita: Kangkang, I’d like to write an article about teenagers around the world. Could you please tell me something about Chinese teenagers? Kangkang: sure. My granny told me that most children had a hard life in the past. Rita: Is that so? Can you describe it in detail? Kangkang: Of course. In the past, many families were big and poor. Parents couldn’t afford education for their children. Most children had no chance to go to school. What’s more, some of them had to work and make money to help support their families. Life was very hard for these child laborers. Rita: what about teenagers nowadays? Kangkang: Our country has developed rapidly. Now our government gives support to poor families. So children in cities and villages can get a good education. Rita: oh, they’re lucky. By the way, where’s Jane? Kangkang: she has gone to the library? Rita: It’s a great pity! I want to learn something about Canadian teenagers,too. Kangkang: Why not go and search the Internet for some information? Rita: Great! Let’s go. 1b: Work alone : compare the Chinese teenagers’lives in the past with those nowadays, and then write two passages. In the past nowadays 1C Work alone : Make a survey. Ask your parents about their lives as teenagers and compare them with your life nowadays. 3. Pair work: Make a survey. Complete the questionnaire for your father mother. And make a dialog with your partner. Example: A: Has he / she ever…? B: Yes, he/she has. / No, he/she has never done that. Section C 1a Read and understand A true story about Kangkang’s Granny (Kangkang’s granny is telling a true story about herself) I used to be a child laborer. Some other children and I slept in a large room with some cows. When it rained outside, the rain came in. Every morning, I got up at sunrise and went to the fields with the other children. Our job was to grow cotton. We often went hungry because the boss didn’t give us enough food to eat. When we talked to others, he shouted at us. He hit us when he thought we were working slowly. He was very angry when we fell ill and couldn’t work. I had to divide my money into two parts. One part was used to help support my family, the other, to help send my elder brother to school. Life was cruel for us at that time. Now, children’s lives are much better. Kangkang, you should feel satisfied with your life now. 1b Work alone: Mark the following sentences(T) for True or (F) False according to 1a. ( )1. Kangkang’s granny used to be a child laborer. ( )2. Kangkang’s granny had to get up when it was still dark every morning. ( )3. The cruel boss didn’t give the children enough food to eat. ( )4. Now, children’s lives are much better than before. 1C Group work: Make a survey. Ask your grandparents to tell you some stories about themselves when they were teenagers. Then share them with your classmates. 2a Read and understand My Report on Beijing Hi! I’m Michael, My uncle has worked in Beijing for more than twenty years. I interviewed him during the vacation. He has seen the


仁爱版英语九年级(上)全册课文翻译(互译版) 读书离不开的就是考试,有考试就会有考前需要注意的一些事项。接下来就给孩子们考试提出几点建议,希望能对你们有所帮助。再次祝愿各位宝贝都能够取得优异的成绩,顺利升入理想中学、进入理想的班集体! Unit 1 The changing world变化中的世界 1 Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly我国发展迅速 Section A 1a:(After a long holiday, Kangkang is happy to see his friends.) (长假过后,康康很高兴会见到他的朋友们。) Hi, Jane! Did you have a good summer holiday?你好,简,你暑假过得愉快吗?Yes. What about you?是的,你呢? Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip?不错。丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样? Great! I went to many places near my home in India. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Where have you been, Jane? 好极了!在印度,我去了我家附近的很多地方。那里发生了很大的变化,而且我的家乡变得越来越美丽了。简,你去哪里了? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. It's a beautiful place. But there were so many people that I couldn't find a good place to take photos. And where have you been, Kangkang ? 我和我的父母去过黄山,那是一个美丽的地方。但是那里人太多了,我都找不到一个好的地方拍照。康康,那你去哪里了? I have been to an English summer school to improve my English. By the way, where's Maria? 为了提高我的英语水平,我去了一所英语暑期学校。顺便问一下,玛丽亚在哪里? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer and she will be back tomorrow. Listen! There goes the bell.她去古巴当志愿者去了,明天将会回来。听!上课铃声响了。Section B 1a:Hi, Maria! I haven’t seen you for a long time. You took part in some volunteer activities during summer holidays, didn't you? 你好,玛丽亚!好久没见到你了。你在暑假期间参加了一些志愿者活动,是不是? Yes. I was a volunteer in a disabled children’s home. 是的。我在一所残疾儿童养育院做志愿者。 Cool! Did you clean rooms for the disabled children? 真棒!你给那些残疾儿童打扫房


[初三英语]仁爱英语九年级上册课文互译上部仁爱英语九年级上册期中课文整理 1 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1课文翻译 张老师整理 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1 Section A 课文翻译 话题1:我的家乡变得越来越美丽了 My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 1a:(在一个长假后,康康很高兴会见了他的朋友) After a long holiday, Kangkang is happy to see his friends 康康:你好,简,你在暑假玩得开心吗, Hi, J ane. Did you have a good summer holiday? 简:是的,你怎么样, Yes. What about you? 康康:还不错,丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样, Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip? 简:很棒,我在印度到过我家附近的很多地方。那里已经发生了很大的 变化,我的家乡已经变得越来越美丽了。你到过了哪里,简, Great. I went to many places near my home in India. Great changes have taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. Where have you been, Jane? 康康:我跟父母到了黄山,它是一个美丽的地方。但是那里人太多了,


九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1 SectionA课文翻译 话题1:我的家乡变得越来越美丽了 1a:(在一个长假后,康康很高兴会见了他的朋友) 康康:还不错,丽塔,你刚从家乡回来,你的旅行怎么样? 简:很棒,我在印度到过我家附近的很多地方。那里已经发生了很大的变化,我的家乡已经变得越来越美丽了。你到过了哪里,简?康康:我跟父母到了黄山,它是一个美丽的地方。但是那里人太多了,以致我找不到一个合适的地方拍照。你到过哪里,康康?简:我到了一所英语暑假学校去提升我的英语。顺便问一下,玛丽亚哪里去了? 康康:她去古巴当一名志愿者去了,明天她将返回来。 简:听!上课铃声响了。 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1SectionB课文翻译 1a: 康康:你好,玛丽亚!在这个暑假期间你参加了一些志愿者活动,对吧? 玛丽亚:是的,我在一这残疾少年之家当一名志愿者。 康康:你为残疾少年打扫过房间吗? 玛丽亚:是的,我做过。 康康:你喂养过他们饭吗? 玛丽亚:不,我没有。但是我为他们做了饭菜。 康康:多么美妙的经历啊! 玛丽亚:是的,那确实是。我从那里学到了很多东西,尽管我没有时间去旅游,但是我仍然感到很愉快。 2a: 丽塔:康康,我打算写一篇关于全球青少年的文章,你能告诉我一些关于过去中国青少年的事情吗? 康康:当然,我奶奶告诉我从前大多数的孩子过着艰苦的生活。 丽塔:是那样的吗?你能详细地描述它吗? 康康:好的,在过去,很多家庭都是大家庭,而且贫穷,父母亲不能给予孩子们一个教育。 丽塔:哦,那么大多数孩子们是怎样度过他们的童年的? 康康:为了帮助供养他们的家庭,他们不得不去当童工,他们整天整夜地工作,从来没有饱食过。 丽塔:如今青少年怎么样呢? 康康:现在我们的国家迅速地发展了,政府给贫困家庭以支持,所以孩子们能够得到良好的教育。 丽塔:哦,他们是幸运的。 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1SectionC课文翻译 1a: 我的关于北京的报告 大家好!我是康康。我的奶奶生活在北京40多年了,她亲自见证了北京的变化。 在二十世纪六十年代,道路狭窄,没有很多的环形路,城市生活条件差。 通常,一个大家庭被挤在一个小房子里。 很多家庭没有足够的食物,只有少数孩子有机会接受良好的教育。 生活太艰难了,以致人们没有时间和金钱去享受业余活动。人们通过信件和电报与远方的朋友亲戚保持联系。 自从改革开放以来,中国得到了迅猛地发展,越来越多的环形路出现了,北京的建筑正变得更高大更明亮。 人们的生活条件改善了很多,有各种各样的食物和衣服供选择。 人们能享受多种业余活动,孩子们不仅能在现代化的学校学习,而且能在网络上学习。 此外(更有甚者),通讯正变得更容易更快捷------人们能使用电话、手机、传真机、网络等等。 北京取得了快速地进步,它已经成功地举办了2008年奥运会。我想,记住过去,立足现在,展望未来是重要的。 九年级仁爱英语上册U1T1SectionD课文翻译 当你写一篇作文时,你应该遵从这些步骤: 首先:仔细思考;其次:拟定提纲;再次:书写作文;最后:检查作文。


Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A简,你为什么不高兴 因为昨天晚上他们不让我玩电脑游戏。 如果你在那上面花的时间太多,会危害你的健康。 也许你是对的。 (康康给简展示了一个模型。) 看这个。 哇!火箭模型!谁制作的 我制作的。 哇!它是用什么制作的 它是用金属做的。你知道火箭是用来做什么的吗 当然知道。它是被用来发射人造卫星或宇宙飞船的。 你说得对。我从布朗老师那儿了解到了很多有关宇宙飞船的信息,然后我做了这个火箭模型。我希望有一天我也能飞上太空。 我希望你的梦想实现。 Section B看,电灯泡! 是的。它被世界各地的人们广泛使用。你知道它是什么发明的吗 它是1879年发明的。 它是谁发明的 托马斯·爱迪生。据说爱迪生一生有两千多项发明。 收音机呢 收音机是1895年由古尔亚莫·马可尼发明的。简,我们这边走。看!飞机,但是它不同于现在的飞机。 是的。它是由莱特兄弟在1903年发明的。 Section C 一项发明也许是一个新的产品或者一种做事情的新方法。发明以许多方式出现。大多数时候,有人为了解决问题而工作,发明就偶然出现了。有时候发明是事故的结果。看看你的书包。你有铅笔、钢笔、蜡笔、直尺和一些书。这些物品没有一个是被种在田地里的。它们是工厂里制造的而且是由某个人发明的。发明东西是有趣和令人兴奋的,而且每个人都能成为一个发明家。你想成为一个发明家吗在发明的过程中有几个简单的步骤要遵从。

你可能有疯狂的想法。记住有想法就好。许多人嘲笑莱特兄弟并且说他们将永远也飞不起来。但是他们没有因为人们所说的而灰心丧气。因此,我们现在才有飞机。 在发明的过程中认真计划是重要的。这时候要多想出一些想法并评价它们。 为你的发明画一个详细的图纸,使他人明白你的发明是怎样工作的。 为你的发明制作一个模型。 看看你的发明是否像它被计划的那样起作用。如果不是,就做更多研究重新设计,并再次试验。 每个发明都需要一个名字。 和其他人分享你的发明。 Section D 我们在哪儿 我们在哪儿很久以前,当我们初探世界的时候哪儿,那是人们面临的一个大问题。早期的探险家发现天上的星星是很好的地标。利用星星,人们就能发现他们在哪儿,他们正在朝哪个方向走。在夜晚只要天气晴朗,能看见星星,这种方法就能很好地发挥作用。但是在其余的时间里,这种方法就不适用了,那可是个问题。 现在,这个问题已经可以靠全球定位系统,即GPS解决了。它就像人造星星。我们就能在任何时候、任何地点、任何天气条件下用它来确定我们的位置。它还可以被用来研究地球的形状。全球定位系统是一项能帮助我们的星球并且能确定我们在哪里的伟大发明。

【教育资料】仁爱英语 九年级上册Unit 3 Topic 1 课文翻译学习专用

Unit 3 Topic 1 课文翻译 SectionA-1a Kangkang:Hi, boys, come and have a look! I have a poster of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. 康康:嗨,男孩们,快过来看!我有一张米老鼠和唐老鸭的海报。 Li Xiang:Oh, it's so nice! You can stick it on the wall. 李想:哦,真好看!你可以把它贴在墙上。 Wang Junfeng:That's a good idea. Guess what! My parents and I are going to visit Disneyland near Los Angeles. I will be able to see more cartoon characters. 王俊峰:好主意。你们猜!我爸妈和我要去洛杉矶附近的迪士尼乐园玩。我会看到更多卡通人物。 Kangkang:Oh, you're so lucky! Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. I hope I can go there one day. 康康:哦,你真幸运!全世界很多人都喜欢迪士尼乐园。我希望有一天能去那里。 Li Xiang:Me, too. Are you ready for your trip? 李想:我也是。你准备好去旅行了吗? Wang Junfeng:Yes, of course. I can't wait to fly there! 王俊峰:嗯,当然。我迫不及待想飞到那儿去! Kangkang:You'll have a good chance to practice English there. 康康:在那儿你有很好的机会去练习英语。 Wang Junfeng:You're right. English is spoken as the main language in America. 王俊峰:说得对。英语是美国的主要语言。 Li Xiang:Yeah. It is also widely used throughout the world now. 李想:是的。现在它也在全世界广泛使用。 Wang Junfeng:But I'm not good at English. I'm a little afraid. 王俊峰:可是我英语不好。我有点害怕。 Kangkang:Don't worry. Try your best and work much harder from now on. 康康:别担心。从现在开始全力以赴,更加努力。


UNIT 1 The Developing W o r l d\n 第一单元日新月异的世界\n Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.\n 话题1 我国发展迅速。\n Section A\n A部分\n 1a Look, listen and say\n 1a 看,听,说\n (In the classroom after class)\n (课后在教室)\n Kangkang: Hi, Jane. Did you have a good summer holiday?\n 康康:嗨,简。暑假过得好吗?\n Jane: Yes. What about you?\n 简:好。你呢?\n Kangkang: Not bad. Rita, you have just come back from your hometown. How was your trip?\n 康康:还不错。丽塔,你刚刚从你的家乡回来,旅途怎么样?\n Rita: I went to many places near my home in India.\n 丽塔:在印度,我去了家附近的很多地方。\n In one place I saw children working for a cruel boss.\n 在一个地方我看到孩子们正为一个残忍的老板干活。\n I felt sorry for them. Where have you been, Jane?\n 我很同情他们。简,你去过哪里?\n Jane: I have been to Mount 简:我和我父母去过黄山。
