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1. 什么是trados
Trados是一种计算机辅助翻译(CAT: Computer Aided Translation)软件,它也称为翻译记忆(TM:Translation Memory)软件。什么是翻译记忆?简言之,就是将译员做过的工作,用Trados提供的工具存储起来,放到其主要的句料库(记忆库)中,在进行翻译工作前,公司文员会利用公司历史记忆库对需要翻译的文件进行分析处理,只要是记忆库中有的,Trados就会自动将其翻译出来,完全相同的句子,在Trados 中称为100%完全匹配,我们通常将其翻译出的100%完全匹配的译文字体设置为蓝色字体。类似的句子,在Trados中称为非100%完全匹配,它用一种称为模糊匹配的方法,给出参考译文,我们通常将其翻译出的非100%完全匹配的译文字体设置为红色字体,让译员去选择、修改。
2. 什么是trados格式文件
含有trados标记的文件称为trados格式文件,它通常有三部分组成:trados标记、原文、译文。如英文:“The system and its components supplied to meet this Technical Specification shall also conform to the applicable requirements of these and other general articles or specifications of the Tender Documents”.经trados处理后的格式为:The system and its components supplied to meet this Technical Specification shall also conform to the applicable requirements of these and other general articles or specifications of the Tender Documents.其中“”即是trados格式,紫色字体“”代表该句话与文件库的匹配率(0表示该句话与记忆库的匹配率为0,1-99表示该句话与记忆库的匹配率为1-99之间,100表示该句话与记忆库的匹配率为100%完全匹配;
a) 英译汉:
1) This specification covers the complete service air system and instrument air
system for satisfactory operation of the Power and Desalination islands. (匹配
2) 在机组所有运行模式和维护期间,使用气动机械工具、扳手等所需的厂用
3) 所有气动设备、仪表和控制仪器所需的高纯度、无油、不含水仪用压缩空
b) 汉译英:
Technical Specification specifies only the minimum technical requirements and
does not detail all related issues and the clauses of applicable codes and
standards.(非100%完全匹配)3) From the submission of this Technical
Specification up to the Contract coming into effect, if the Supplier does not
explicitly give in written form any disagreement from this Technical
Specification, the Purchaser may consider that the products of the Supplier fully
meet this Technical Specification. (非100%完全匹配)
3. 翻译带trados格式的文件应注意事项
1) trados格式的完整性
This specification covers the complete service air system and instrument air system for satisfactory operation of the Power and Desalination islands.2) 将断句的句子合为一句如:
This specification covers the complete service air system and instrument instrument air system for satisfactory operation of the Power and Desalination islands.明显能看出上述两句应为1句,但trados却将其识别为2句,这时我们需要先将2句合为1句再进行翻译,即:
This specification covers the complete service air system and instrument air system for satisfactory operation of the Power and Desalination islands.注意:在进行合并时应将虚线部分与虚线部分合并,实体部分与实体部分合并。
3) 将2句合为1句的句子拆分成2句如:
The consumption of air is mainly intermittent. Therefore, the air receivers together with the distribution pipe work shall serve as a pressure accumulating system against pulsation and allows for short time peak consumption without the need of a compressor start明显能看出上述两句应为2句,但trados却将其识别为1句,这时我们需要先将1句拆分为2句再进行翻译,即:
The consumption of air is mainly intermittent. Therefore, the air receivers together with the distribution pipe work shall serve as a pressure accumulating system against