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Discussion 1
How do people greet each other in other different situations?
Business meetings Good friends acquaintances Family members
Discussion 2
How do people greet each other in other different countries?
吻手: 是欧美上层社会的礼节。 和贵族妇女或夫人见面时, 如果女方先伸出手作下垂式, 则将手掌轻轻托起吻之。 如果女方不伸手,则不行吻手礼。
• 握手:
• 在原始时代,在人类才刚刚从动物界脱胎换骨出 来,还带有几分野蛮的时候,人们不仅在狩猎或 战争中,而且在日常交往时,手上常常带有石块 等“武器”,以防不测。
• 在与人交往时,为了表达自己的友好,说明自己 没带武器,于是将双手伸开并高举,这是最原始 的见面礼。也可看作是握手礼的最早开端。
• 行握手礼时要客人先伸出手时才能握手。握手时 一般不戴手套,但尊贵的人和女人可戴 手套。行 礼时忌交叉行礼,和女人握手不可太紧。
• cheek kiss是上级对下级、长辈对晚辈或朋友、夫 妻之间表示亲昵的一种礼节。 通常是在受礼者
In the Middle East
In the USA , people shake hands when meeting each other.
In the USA
Shaking hands Britain, China…
In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning.
脸上或额上接吻。在高兴、喜庆或悲伤时,一般 也行接吻礼,表示亲热或安慰。
• “What’s up man!” • What’s new?” • “How are you doing?” • “How was your day?”
Unspoken greetings
high-five fist-bump hug
salute hand kiss
Country/ Area
Ways of greeting
bowing to each other
Thailand putting their hands together
and bowing slightly
the USA shaking hands with each other
How are you?
When Dutch people meet, they kiss each other on one cheek and then the other. If you are a close friend or relative, then you get three kisses!
In Dutch
In South America,you can expect to beHhuowggdedo twhheeyngyreoeut meaeceht soothmeero?ne.
In South America
In the Middle East , Arabs greet each other by___to_u__ch__in_g__n_o_s_es__.
In Japan , people bow to each other when they meet.
In Japan
greetБайду номын сангаасngs
spoken unspoken
Two kinds of greetings:
Formal Informal
Formal (正式的)greetings
I’m fine!Thank you, and you?
In Thailand,people greet each other by putting their hands together and bowHionwg sdloigthhtelyy. greet each other?
In Thailand / tailænd/
• For business meetings or job interviews.
– How do you do? – Good morning / good afternoon / good
Informal (非正式的) greetings
• For meetings friends or at a party!