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Book10 Unit1
1. venture /ˈventʃə(r)/n.(有风险的)商业、企业
One lucky venture made his fortune. 一次幸运的机会使他发了财。
A disastrous business venture lost him thousands of dollars.
2. web /web/n.(蜘蛛等的)网;万维网
A spider had spun a perfect web outside the window.蜘蛛在窗外结了一张完整的网。
web page网页
web site网站
4. suffering / ˈsʌfərɪŋ /n.苦楚;受难
They began to recover slowly from their suffering. 他们开始从痛苦中慢慢恢复过来。
It has caused terrible suffering to animals. 那给动物们带来了可怕的灾难。
5. gall-bladder /gɔ:l'blædə/n. 胆囊
6. strengthen /'streŋθn/ vt.加强;巩固; 勉励; 激励
strengthen his determination /position 激励他的决心/巩固他的地位
Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge.这座桥需要加固。
7. endurance / ɪnˈdjʊərəns / n.忍耐;持久;耐(性)
He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.
She reached the end of endurance. 她到了忍受的极限。
8. hut /hʌt/ n.小屋;棚屋
9. stove / stəʊv / n.炉子
10. unbearable / ʌnˈbeərəbl / adj. 无法忍受的;承受不住的
The smell is, as usual, almost unbearable. 味道几乎让人难以忍受。
The heat was becoming unbearable.炎热开始变得难以忍受。
unbearable pain无法忍受的疼痛
11. cosy / 'kəʊzɪ / adj.舒适的;安逸的
a cosy little room温暖舒适的小房间
a cosy feeling 惬意的感觉
I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire.坐在炉火旁,我感到暖和舒服极了。
12. block out 封闭
As I think of this, a black blanket drops and covers me, almost blocking out the memories of happier times.
Black clouds blocked out the sun.乌云遮住了太阳。
13. breathless/ ˈbreθləs /adj. 喘不过气来的
I feel breathless as I remember my rotten toes that had to be removed when they became blackened from frostbite. 一想到由于冻伤变黑而必须截去的腐烂的脚趾头,我就感到喘不过气来。
John was breathless after running for half a mile. 约翰跑了半英里后就气喘吁吁。
14. rotten/ ˈrɒtn / adj.腐烂的;变质的
my rotten toes腐烂的脚趾头
The fruit is starting to go rotten .水果已经开始腐烂变质了。
15. blacken /'blækən/ vt.使变黑
… they became blackened from frostbite. …由于冻伤变黑。
16. circumstance/ ˈsɜ:kəmstəns /n.环境;详情;境况
Our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive.
social and political circumstances社会和政治环境
I know I can trust her in any circumstance.我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。
under the circumstances在这种情况下;既然如此
Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.
under no circumstances决不;无论如何不
Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money.你无论如何都不能借钱给保罗。
17. blast/blæst/n.一阵(风);一股(气流)
Just as I am about to become self-pitying, the door to our shelter opens and a blast of cold air tears through the hut. 正当我快要变得自我怜惜起来时,我们营棚的门开了,一股冷空气穿过营棚。
18. hoarse/hɔ:s/adj.嘶哑的
I yell in a hoarse voice that I hardly recognize as my own.
19. bless/bles/vt.祝福;保佑
God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!
Bless you, my boy. 孩子,为你祝福.
20. selfish/ ˈselfɪʃ /adj.自私的(反义词:unselfish, selfless)
How could I become as selfish and bad-tempered as Tom!
(1)selfishly /'selfɪʃlɪ/ adv. 自私地,任性地
When trouble comes they behave selfishly and horribly.
(2)selfishness /'selfɪʃnəs/ n. 自私; 利己主义
His selfishness was the root of trouble. 他的自私是苦恼的根源.
21. hook/ hʊk/
a fish hook鱼钩
Hang your towel on the hook .把你的毛巾挂在钩上。
I was hooked! 我被深深地迷住了!(P3)
Suddenly an arm hooked around my neck.突然有一条胳臂箍住了我的脖子。
She had managed to hook a wealthy husband.她成功地钓到了一位有钱的丈夫。
22. aboard/əˈbɔ:d/ adv.& prep. 在(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等)上
I secretly hid aboard the ship, Endurance, in a small cupboard. 我偷偷地上了“持久号”轮船,藏在一个小橱里。
He was already aboard the plane.他已经登机了。
All aboard! 请大家上车(或船等)!(表示马上就要开了)
23. seasickness/ 'si:sɪknəs /n. 晕船
Nobody found me until the ship had sailed and I was suffering badly
from seasickness. 直到轮船已开始航行了,我才被人发现,而且晕船晕得很厉害。
(P3)Sally always suffers from seasickness when she is at sea. 萨莉每次出海会晕船.
24. anyhow/ ˈenihaʊ /adv.无论如何;不管怎样
Anyhow, Shackleton seemed interested in my silly behaviour and accepted
the situation. 不管怎么说,沙克尔顿似乎对我傻乎乎的行为感兴趣,并且接受了这种
Thanks very much anyhow. 无论怎样,非常感谢。
25. steward/ ˈstju:əd /n.(轮船、飞机等)乘务员;(大学、俱乐部等的)伙食管理员
He made me a steward to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day.
He went around the world as a ship's steward. 他当客船服务员,到过世界各地。
stewardess /ˌstju:əˈdes/ n. (飞机上的)女服务员,空中小姐
What do you think is the chief characteristic for a stewardess?
26. crush/ krʌʃ/ vt.碾碎;粉碎;(使)变形
The ship was gradually crushed in front of our eyes. 轮船在我们的眼前慢慢地
The car was completely crushed under the truck.小轿车被卡车压得完全变形了。
Several people were crushed to death in the accident.好几个人在事故中压死了。
27. mourn/ mɔ:n/vi.&vt.哀悼;忧伤
I believe Shackleton must have mourned this unexpected end to his expedition, but
he did not waste time on regrets. 我相信沙克尔顿肯定会对这次探险意想不到的结局感到痛心,但他并没有把时间浪费在遗憾和悔恨中。
He was still mourning his brother's death.他仍然在为哥哥的去世而悲伤。
She mourned for her lost childhood.她为失去的童年而伤感。
28. urgent/ ˈɜ:dʒənt /adj. 急迫的;紧急的
Calling us calmly together, he made an urgent announcement that we must save only essential supplies before the ship sank. 他镇静地把大家召集在一起,然后紧急宣布我们必须在船沉下去之前,只抢出基本给养。
There is an urgent need for food and water. 现在亟需食物和水。
It is most urgent that the patient should get to hospital. 那病人应该马上送医院。
(1)urgently /'ɜ:dʒəntlɪ/ adv. 紧急地,急迫地
New equipment is urgently needed.亟需新设备。
I need to speak to her urgently.我得马上跟她谈谈。
(2)urgency /'ɜ:dʒənsɪ/ n. [U] 紧迫; 急迫
This is a matter of some urgency. 这件事相当紧迫。
In case of urgency, call the police. 一旦发生紧急情况, 打电话给警察.
29. bedding/ ˈbedɪŋ /n.[U]被褥;(家畜)草垫
bedding and clothes卧具和衣服(P3)
All the bedding is made of simple, untreated cotton.
This dried grass will make good bedding for the sheep. 这干草可用作羊的好垫草.
30. banjo/'bændʒəu/n. 班卓琴;五弦琴
31. vital/ ˈvaɪtl /adj.生死攸关的;重要的
He described it as vital for keeping us cheerful.
Reading is of vital importance in language learning.阅读在语言学习中至关重要。
The police play a vital role in our society.警察在我们的社会中起着极其重要的作用。
vitally /ˈvaɪtəli/ adv. 极其,绝对
Education is vitally important for the country's future. 教育对国家的未来是至关重要的。
32. cheerful/ ˈtʃɪəfl /adj.愉快的;高兴的
a cheerful smile/voice欢快的微笑/ 说话声
a bright, cheerful restaurant明亮宜人的餐馆
Jack sounded quite cheerful about the idea. 杰克好像对这个想法很高兴。
(1)cheerfully /'tʃɪəfəlɪ/ adv. 欢乐地; 愉快地
She greeted him cheerfully. 她高高兴兴地和他打招呼。
He takes our advice quite cheerfully. 他欣然接受我们的劝告.
(2)cheer /tʃɪə(r)/
◎n. 欢呼,喝彩;
A great cheer went up from the crowd.观众爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。
Cheers ! (祝酒语)干杯
◎vt. 欢呼; 使高兴; 为…喝彩
Cheer up! It can't be as bad as all that. 振作起来! 情况不会那么糟.
Let's go to the football game and cheer for our favorite team.
33. persevere/ ˌpɜ:sɪˈvɪə(r) / vi. 坚忍,熬住; 坚持
Persevere and you'll succeed. 只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功.
The cold weather will persevere for the whole week. 寒冷的天气将持续整整一周.
She persevered with her violin lessons.她孜孜不倦地学习小提琴。
34. perseverance/ ˌpɜ:sɪˈvɪərəns/n. [U] 毅力; 韧性; 坚持不懈
His perseverance won our complete faith in him.
They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.他们面对困难表现了坚强的毅力。
35. faith/ feɪθ/n.信任;信念;信仰;忠实
I have great faith in you─I know you'll do well.我对你有信心——我知道你会干好的。
Faith is stronger than reason.信仰比理智更有力。
(1)faithful /ˈfeɪθfl/ adj. 忠实的; 忠诚的
a faithful servant/friend/dog忠实的仆人/ 朋友/ 狗
I'm very faithful when I love someone. 我爱一个人是会非常忠贞的。
(2)faithfully /ˈfeɪθfəli/ adv. 忠实地; 诚心诚意地
He had supported the local team faithfully for 30 years.他忠实地支持当地球队30年。
Yours faithfully (用作正式信函或商业信函末尾署名前的套语) 您的忠实的
36. give way to让路;让步
He was always honest with us (as in the advertisement) and never gave way to disappointment, even when the ship sank. 他对我们也总是坦诚相待(就像广告中那样),他从不灰
Give way to traffic coming from the right. 让右方驶来的车辆先行。
We mustn't give way to these unreasonable demands. 我们不可对这些不合理的要求让步。
37. framework/ ˈfreɪmwɜ:k /n.框架;结构
Soon Shackleton set out the framework for our life here:
the basic framework of society 社会的基本结构
38. rank/ræŋk/n.等级;军阶;军衔
no differences in rank or in social status 取消级别和社会地位上的差异(P3)
39. morale/ [məˈrɑ:l /n.士气;精神状态
This team-spirit contributed to the morale of the crew and saved our lives. 这种团队精神鼓舞了船员们的士气,并挽救了我们的生命。
to raise/improve morale 提高士气/增强信心
40. select/ sɪˈlekt /vt.选择;挑选
… twenty-two of us were to remain here and he would select five others to go to South Georgia and bring help. ……22人留在这里,他挑选其他五个人去南乔治亚求援。
41. booming/ 'bu:mɪŋ /adj. 发轰隆声的
I will never forget watching the little boat disappear through the booming waves
into the stormy ocean. 我永远也不会忘记眼看着小船从哗哗作响的波浪中消失在波涛汹涌的大洋里的情景。
42. swear/ sweə(r) / ( swore, sworn) vt.宣誓,发誓;咒骂
We who remained on Elephant Island swore that we would do as he advocated:
I swear I've told you all I know. 我发誓我已经把我所知道的全都告诉你了。
He has been brought up not to swear in front of women.
43. advocate/ ˈædvəkeɪt /
While advocating freedom for animals, they kept their pet mouse in a cage.
The group does not advocate the use of violence. 该团体不支持使用暴力。
I don't advocate doing such things. 我不主张干这样的事情.
◎n. 提倡者; 支持者; 辩护律师
He is a strong advocate of nuclear power. 他是发展核能的坚定拥护者。
He got the best advocate in town to defend him. 他请城里最好的律师为他辩护.
44. freezing/ ˈfri:zɪŋ /adj.冰冻的;严寒的n. 冻结,结冰
I'm freezing! 我要冻僵了!
freezing temperatures 冻结温度
It's 15 degrees below freezing. 温度为零下15 度。
45. stool/stu:l/n.凳子;大便
46. gratitude/ ˈgrætɪtju:d /n.[U]感激;感恩
He smiled at them with gratitude .他向他们笑了笑表示谢意。
I have expressed the depth of my gratitude to him. 我向他表示了深切的谢意.
47. punishment/ ˈpʌnɪʃmənt /n.惩罚;惩处
What is the punishment for murder?谋杀应处以什么刑罚?
I have no doubt that the man is guilty and that he deserves punishment.
48. loyal/ ˈlɔɪəl /adj. 忠诚的, 忠贞的,
a loyal friend/supporter忠实的朋友/ 支持者
We must be loyal to our motherland. 我们必须忠于祖国.
49. tactful/ ˈtæktfl /adj.机智的;圆滑的;言行得
That wasn't a very tactful thing to say!说这种话可不太得体!
I tried to find a tactful way of telling her the truth.我设法找一个妥善的办法,把实情告诉她。
51. odd/ [ɒd /adj.古怪的;奇数的;单数的
They're very odd people.他们那些人都很古怪。
an odd-looking house样子怪异的房子
52. stout/ staʊt /adj.结实的;顽强的;矮胖的
He was a tall, stout man with gray hair. 他是个又高又胖、头发灰白的男子。
54. optimism/ ˈɒptɪmɪzəm /n.乐观;乐观主义(反义词:pessimism/ ˈpesɪmɪzəm /)
Optimism helped us persevere. 乐观帮助我们锲而不舍。
There is a mood of optimism/ pessimism about/for the future in the company.
We may now look forward with optimism .我们现在可以乐观地展望未来。
55. delay/ dɪˈleɪ /
Unfortunately, it's been delayed due to the bad weather.不幸的是,由于天气不好被延误了。
Why have they delayed answering my letter?为什么他们迟迟不回我的信呢?
◎n. [C] 延迟,拖延; (或耽搁、拖延)的时间
People will face long delays on the roads today.人今天要在路上耽误很多时间了。
a delay of two hours/a two-hour delay两小时的延误
Report it to the police without delay (= immediately) .赶快将此事报告警方。
56. discourage/ dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ /vt.使……气馁( 反义词:encourage)
It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this discourage you. 万事开头难,别因此而灰心。
Don't be discouraged by the first failure─try again!
(1)discouraged /dɪs'kʌrɪdʒd/adj. 灰心的; 沮丧的; 气馁的; 泄气的
Learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult.
(2)discouraging /dɪs'kʌrɪdʒɪŋ/ adj. 令人沮丧的,使人泄气的
It's discouraging that so many students have failed. 那么多学生考不及格,真令人泄气.
a discouraging experience/response/result令人泄气的经历/ 回答/ 结果
57. dynamic/ daɪˈnæmɪk /adj.动力的;精力充沛的;
There was nothing like a good dinner of penguin and some dynamic music to make a man feel more cheerful again.
He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader. 他似乎是一个富有干劲、精力充沛的领导。
58. regular/ ˈregjələ(r) /adj.规则的;定期的;常规的
Life now fell into a regular pattern. 现在生活转入了常规。
regularly /ˈregjələli/ adv. 有规律地;定期地
We meet regularly to discuss the progress of the project.我们定期会面,讨论工程进展情况。
59. grasp/ grɑ:sp /vt.抓住;抓紧;掌握; 理解;领会
For example, we had to gather fresh water by grasping and then melting sea-ice.
They failed to grasp the importance of his words.他们没有理解他的话的重要性。
60. give off发出(蒸汽、光等)
This gave off oily, black smoke but had the advantage of burning strongly in
fierce winds. 燃烧海豹脂肪会产生油腻的黑烟,但它有能在强风中烧旺的好处。
(P9)Rotten eggs give off a bad smell. 臭蛋散发出难闻的气味。
61. bored/bɔ:d/adj.无聊的;无趣的;烦人的
As one of our group, Lionel Greenstreet noted in his diary after a few weeks how bored he was with the meals. 作为大家中的一员,莱昂内尔·格林斯特里特数周后在日记中提到他对饭菜是何其厌烦。
62. liver/ [ˈlɪvə(r) /n.肝脏
penguin liver企鹅肝脏
63. chef/ʃef/n.厨师;主厨
As a chef, it was my duty to clean and cook these animals.
64. changeable/ ˈtʃeɪndʒəbl /adj.可改变的
We had to be very particular about our personal care because a changeable temperature could harm us. 我们必须要特别注意自己照顾自己,因为变幻的气温可能会伤害到我们。
(P9)The weather is very changeable at this time of year. 年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。
65. caution [ˈkɔ:ʃn /n.小心;谨慎;警告
Another part of the body that needed special caution was the eyes. 另外一个需要特别小心的
Statistics should be treated with caution .对待统计数字要慎重。
a word of caution一句警告
66. sun-blindness/ sʌn ˈblaɪndnɪs /n.日盲症(因阳光强烈导致
…if we did not wear sunglasses we would suffer from sun-blindness.
67. admirable/ ˈædmərəbl /adj令人钦佩的;绝妙的;极好的
We were lucky that our group worked hard to show an admirable mental attitude and
dealt with our ever-present fears in a positive and successful way. 我们很走运,因为我们
It is an admirable place to come to for a holiday and rest.
68. commitment/ kəˈmɪtmənt /n许诺;委托事项;承担义务
Our optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive and he
had repaid us by his commitment to return and save us from a slow but painful death.
We made a commitment to keep working together.我们承诺继续合作。
69. proverb/ ˈprɒvɜ:b /n. 谚语
As the proverb goes, time is money. 俗语说, 时间就是金钱.
" Practice makes perfect. " is a proverb. “熟能生巧”是一句谚语.
Book10 Unit2
1. respectful/ rɪˈspektfl /adj.恭敬的;尊重人的; 有礼貌的
We were brought up to be respectful to our elders.我们从小就学会了尊重长辈。
2. respectfully /rɪ'spektfəlɪ/ adv. 恭敬地
We listened to the old scientist respectfully.我们恭敬地听老科学家讲话。
3. disrespectful/ ˌdɪsrɪ'spektfl /adj. 失礼的;无礼的
You shouldn't treat your mother in this disrespectful way.
You shouldn’t be disrespectful to your mother.你不能这样无礼地对待你母亲。
4. disrespectfully/ˌdɪsrɪ'spektflɪ /adv. 失礼的;无礼的
What I have done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?
5. emperor/'empərə/n. [C]皇帝;君主
The daughter of an emperor does not worry about finding a husband. 皇帝女儿不愁嫁。
6. shorten/'ʃɔ:tən /vt.短;使变短
The letter is too long. Can you shorten it a little? 这封信太长了. 你能把它缩短一点吗?
7. modernize/ ˈmɒdənaɪz /vt. 使现代化(= update)
The company is investing $9 million to modernize its factories.
modernization /ˌmɒdənaɪ'zeɪʃn/ n. [C,U] 现代化;现代化的事物
Methods of management should also be changed to suit the needs of modernization.
to realize the modernization实现现代化
8. throne/θrəʊn /n.王座;王位
Queen Elizabeth came/succeeded to the throne in 1952.
伊丽莎白女王于1952年即位/ 登基。
10. duke/dju:k/n. 公爵
11. burden/ ˈbɜ:dn /n.担子;负担
The burden of government sits heavily on my shoulders.
to bear/carry/ease/reduce/share the burden承受/ 担负/ 减轻/ 减少/ 分担重担
I don't want to become a burden to my children when I'm old.
12. hand over 移交(权利,责任)
I have decided to retire and hand over the heavy load of responsibility to you three. 我已决定退休,把责任重担传到你们三人的手中。
Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to hand over power to him. 袁世凯逼迫皇帝把政权交给他。
13. responsibility/ rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti /n.[C,U]责任;职责
I wouldn't call it a burden; I call it a responsibility. 我不觉得这是负担;我觉得它是一种责任。
a strong sense of responsibility 很强的责任感
take on more responsibilities承担更多的责任
(1)responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ adj. 尽责的; 负有责任的
Because she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her.
(2)responsibly /rɪˈspɒnsəbli/ adv. 负责地; 有责任感地
We act responsibly and have managed our growth wisely.
14. boundary/ ˈbaʊndri /n.[C]边界;分界线
See, here is a map of my kingdom with all the boundaries drawn on it.
15. allocate/ ˈæləkeɪt /vt.分派;分配;拨…(给)
I have divided the kingdom into three parts, and allocated one part to each of you.
You must allocate the money carefully. 我已把国家一分为三,给你们每个人划分一份。
A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.
allocation /ˌæləˈkeɪʃn/ n. [C,U] 分配; 分配额(或量); 拨款
His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of family resources.
16. whichever/ wɪtʃˈevə(r) /pron.无论哪一个;任何
For whichever of you has for me the most devotion I will give to her the best part of everything I own.因为你们当中不管是谁,只要最有孝心,我就把最好的一块给她。
17. darling/ ˈdɑ:lɪŋ /n.心爱的人
My darling girl. 我亲爱的女儿。
18. adore/ə'dɔ:/vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱
I adore you more than anything else in the whole world.
I simply adore his music!我简直太喜爱他的音乐了!
She adores working with children.她热爱为儿童工作。
19. pray/ preɪ /vt.祈祷;恳求;请
I pray you, speak. 我求求你说几句。
She prayed to God for an end to her sufferings.她祈求上帝结束她的苦难。
We're praying for good weather on Saturday.我们十分企盼星期六是个晴天。
We prayed (that) she would recover from her illness.我们为她的康复祈祷。
20. care for关怀;照顾; 喜欢
My dear father, you brought me into this world, you cared for me and loved me.
Would you care for some orange juice? 来杯橙汁怎么样?
21. majesty/ ˈmædʒəsti /n. 最高权威;王权;雄伟陛下
22. lord/lɔ:d/封建领主;地主;统治者;
23. bridegroom/ ˈbraɪdgru:m /n.新郎
bride /braɪd/ n. 新娘
bridesmaid /ˈbraɪdzmeɪd/ n. 伴娘
24. distribute/ dɪˈstrɪbju:t /vt.分配;分发
I shall distribute my kingdom between the two of you. 我把我的王国分给你们两人。
(P13)The money was distributed among schools in the area.
Please distribute the examination papers round the class. 请把考卷发给全班同学.
distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbju:ʃn/n. [U] 分配;分布;分发
Unequal distribution of wealth may cause many problems in society.
They studied the distribution of the disease.他们研究了这种疾病的分布情况。
the distribution of food and medicines to the flood victims向遭受洪灾的灾民分发食品和药物
25. troop/tru:p/n.[C]群;组军队
I shall take nothing for myself except a troop of one hundred of my most loyal
soldiers to care for and protect me. 我自己什么也不要,只要一支由百名最忠诚的卫兵组成的队伍来照看和保护我。
26. contradict/ ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt /vt.同……矛盾/抵触;反驳
Do not contradict me. 别顶撞我。
All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.整个晚上她说什么丈夫都反驳。
The two stories contradict each other.这两种说法相互矛盾。
contradiction /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃn/ n. [C,U] 矛盾; 否认;反驳
There is a contradiction between the two sets of figures. 这两组数据相互矛盾。
Your statements today are in contradiction with what you said yesterday.
contradictory /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri/ adj. 矛盾的; 反驳的
It is one of those interesting words that have two contradictory meanings.
27. hear......out听完
But sir, please hear me out. 但是,陛下,请您听我讲完。
We will hear out the rest of the story on a later date. 稍后,我们会听完剩余的故事。
28. on behalf of 代表……
I speak on behalf of Cordelia.我要替科迪莉亚讲几句话。
29. flattery/ ˈflætəri /n. [C,U] 奉承;恭维话
I believe you are being influenced by false flattery.我相信您现在正被虚伪的奉承所影响。
30. flatter/'flætə/vt.过分夸赞;奉承;恭维
Are you trying to flatter me?你是想讨好我?
Don't flatter yourself. 别自以为了不起。
31. beyond question无可争辩毫无疑问(= out of question)
Cordelia's devotion to Your Majesty is beyond question.
His honesty is beyond question. 他的诚实无可怀疑。
32. speak out 大胆地说;大声地
I have to speak out, my Lord. 我必须要讲清楚,我的陛下。
He has the courage to speak out what he thinks right. 他敢于说出他认为正确的东西。
33. friction/ ˈfrɪkʃn /n. [C,U] 摩擦;矛盾;冲突
You do wrong to cause friction between yourself and your daughter.
Oil can reduce friction. 润滑油能减小摩擦力。
34. forecast/ ˈfɔ:kɑ:st /
I forecast that such actions will cause great conflict throughout your kingdom. 我料想这种行为会在您的王国里造成巨大的冲突。
◎n. 预报; 预言
The weather forecast is better for today. 天气预报说今天天气要好一些。
35. oppose/ [əˈpəʊz /vt.反对;反抗;抵制
How dare you oppose me. 你竟敢反对我。
oppose doing sth 反对做某事
I would oppose changing the law.我将反对改变这个法规。
36. pack up 把……打包;整理
Pack up your things and be gone from my kingdom. 收拾好你的东西,滚出我的王国。
(P13)We must pack up and get ready to start. 我们得打好行李准备动身了。
37. frontier/'frʌntjə/n. [C] 国界;边疆;边境
If you have not passed beyond my frontiers within five days,
I will have you killed. 五天之内你若没有离开我的国土,我就叫人杀了你。
38. give away赠送;泄露
We have six copies of the book to give away. 这本书我们要赠送6本出去。
Don't give away the secret. 这项机密不可泄露。
40. be fond of 喜爱;爱好
It's human nature for parents to be fond of their children. 父母爱孩子是人类的天性。
I used to be fond of pop music very much. 我曾经很喜欢流行音乐。
41. deceitful/ dɪˈsi:tfl /adj.欺诈的;不诚实的(= dishonest)
I advise you not to cooperate with that deceitful businessman.
42. corrupt/kə'rʌpt/adj.腐败的;贪污的;堕落的
Some corrupt officials lead a corrupt life. 一些贪官过着堕落的生活。
corruption /kəˈrʌpʃn/ n. [U] 腐败; 贪污
There's corruption, and our government is going to get rid of it.
43. greedy/'gri:di/adj.贪婪的
She is greedy and selfish. 她既贪婪又自私。
44. greed/ gri:d /n. 贪婪
Nothing would satisfy her greed for power.她对权力贪得无厌。
45. innocent/ ˈɪnəsnt /adj.清白的;无罪的;天真的
They clearly saw the man who attacked them, yet they mistakenly identified an innocent person. 她们清楚的看见了罪犯但却错误的指认了无辜的人。
an innocent young child天真无邪的小孩子
46. cunning/ ˈkʌnɪŋ /adj.善于骗人的;狡猾的
a cunning liar花言巧语的骗子
He was as cunning as a fox. 他像狐狸一样狡猾。
47. storage/ ˈstɔ:rɪdʒ /n. [C,U]贮藏;存储;储藏室
Some of the space will at first be used for storage. 一部分空间将首先用于贮藏。
the storage of personal information个人信息存储
48. author/'ɔ:θə/n. 作者;作家
49. sacrifice / ˈsækrɪfaɪs /
◎n. [C,U] 牺牲; 献祭
Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.
They offered sacrifices to the gods.他们向众神献上祭品。
◎vt.& vi. 牺牲;把…奉献给
She sacrificed everything for her children.她为子女牺牲了一切。
50. make a name出名
He wanted to make a name for himself as an actor. 他希望能够在演艺圈中享有盛名。
51. allergic/ əˈlɜ:dʒɪk /adj.过敏的
He is allergic to panicillin. 他对青霉素过敏。
52. sneeze/sni:z/ n. 喷嚏; 喷嚏声vi. 打喷嚏;
When you have a cold, you’ll suffer from coughs and sneezes.感冒时, 你会咳嗽和打喷嚏。
Use a handkerchief when you sneeze. 打喷嚏时应该用手绢。
53. armchair/'ɑ:mtʃeə/n.扶手椅;(单座)沙发
54. confirm/ kənˈfɜ:m /vt.确定
Please write to confirm your reservation.预订后请来函确认。
55. rewind / ˌri:ˈwaɪnd /vt.(rewound,rewound)重绕;倒回
He rewound the tape and played the message again. 他把录音带倒回去,把留言又放了一遍。
Press the rewind button. 按下倒带键。
56. cash/kæʃ/ n.现金vt. 支付现款; 兑现
The thieves stole £500 in cash .小偷盗走500英镑现金。
cash a cheque/check 兑现支票
57. cheque/tʃek/ n.(= check)支票
Payments can be made by cheque or in cash .支票或现金付款均可。
58. signature/ ˈsɪgnətʃə(r) /n.签名;署名;信号
Before you cash that cheque, make sure it has the correct signature.
59. terminal/ ˈtɜ:mɪnl /n.终点站;航空集散站adj. 末期的; 晚期的
a railway/bus/ air/ferry terminal铁路终点站/ 公共汽车终点站/航空站/渡船码头
a terminal patient晚期病人
60. vacant/ ˈveɪkənt /adj.空的;空缺的
The seat next to him was vacant. 他旁边的座位空着。
The post of chairman has been vacant for some time. 主席之位已经空缺一段时间了。
She had a kind of vacant look on her face. 她脸上有种茫然的神情。
61. dusty/'dʌsti/adj.满是灰尘的;积满灰尘的
62. respond/ rɪˈspɒnd /vi.回答;响应;作出反应
She never responded to my letter.她从来没给我回过信。
response /rɪˈspɒns/ n. 反应; 回答; 答复
She made no response to your inquiry.对你提出的查询,她没作任何答复。
63. staff/stɑ:f/n.职员;员工
She encourages her staff to be disrespectful towards Lear. 她怂恿下属对李尔不敬。
(P17)65. suspect/sə'spekt/
◎/səˈspekt/ vt. 怀疑
I suspected the same, but I kept telling myself it was my imagination. 我也这样怀疑过,但我一直地对自己说,这只是我的想象罢了。
suspect sb. of(doing)sth 怀疑某人(做)……
The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths. 人们怀疑这种药物造成200多人死亡。
◎/ˈsʌspekt/ n. [C]被怀疑者;嫌疑犯
He is the prime suspect in the case. 他是这个案子的首要嫌疑人。
66. insult/ɪn'sʌlt/ vt. 侮辱,凌辱; 辱骂n.侮辱;凌辱
I hear you have insulted Oswald. 我听说你辱骂了奥斯瓦尔德。
I won't stay here to be insulted. 我不想呆在这里受辱。
She was angry at his insult. 她被他的侮辱激怒了。
67. scold/ skəʊld /vt.责骂;斥责
Is this my daughter scolding me? 这难道是我的女儿在斥责我吗?(P18)
Don't scold the child. It's not his fault. 别责怪那孩子, 那不是他的过错。
68. drunken/'drʌŋkən/adj. 醉的;常醉的
Besides, their drunken behaviour and bad manners are disgusting. 此外,他们醉醺醺的举。