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英语作文大全- 最新in词全透析


Hot Desking


在单位里,如果雇员人数超过办公桌数.可使用“办公桌轮用制”,这样可以通过轮换时员工与员工.同学与同学的交接来保障办公桌的完好,是一种工作空间共享模式。从管理角度看,“办公桌轮用制”很有吸引力,因为它可以大大降低管理费用,大大控制了资产的折旧率.某些情况下节约的开支可达30%.现在国内已经有很多集团公司实行这个制度。据康奈尔大学国际工作场所研究计划主任富兰克林.贝克(Franklin Becker)说,“每年有些人(如做管理咨询、销售和客户服务工作的人)有百分之七十的时间不在自己的办公桌上办公。这是一个跨国界的统计。”


关于“办公桌轮用制”的翻译。可以将其译为hot desking.据说“办公桌轮用制”(hot desking)这一理念是从海军的hot racking 或hot bunking得来

的.hot bunking指一名水手轮完班后就睡在刚刚开始轮班的水手的沮暖床铺上。请看英文Wikipedia百科对hot racking的释义:

Hot racking (also known as hot bunking or hot bedding) is the sanctioned practice within military organizations of assigning more than one crew member to a bed or "rack" to reduce berthing (sleeping) space. The practice dates back at least to the sixteenth century, and today is particularly applied aboard submarines, where maximization of space is especially important. Generally, the lowest ranking members of the crew are required to hot rack. Hot racking is sometimes utilized in jails and prisons to deal with overcrowding.

Also. "hot racking" has come to refer to people in the navy who wear their uniform to bed without either showering or chan- ging, (i. e. hot rack).

Depending upon the watch system, two, or even three people may end up sharing the same bunk. The term comes from the military slang use of the term "rack" for a bed or bunk. With more than one crew member assigned to a rack, it is possible that a crew member returning from a duty shift will lay down on a rack immediately after it is vacated by another crew member about to

start a shift. The rack is therefore said to be "hot". That is, warm from the vacating crew member.

该英文释义和以上中文释义基本相同。再请看Google字典对hot decking的释义:(idiomatic) The working practice of sharing desks or workstations between workers, as a means of saving space and resources.如果说该定义还不甚明了的话,再请看英文Wikipedia百科对hot desking的释义:

Hot desking originates from the definition of being the temporary physical occupant of a work station or surface by a particular employee. The term hot desking is thought to be derived from the naval practice, called hot racking, where sailors on different shifts share bunks. Originating as a trend in the late 1980s-early 1990s, hot desking involves one desk shared between several people who use the desk at different times. A primary motivation for hot desking is cost reduction through space savings-up to 30% in some cases.

This work surface could be an actual desk or just a terminal link. In any event the concept of the hot desk is that the employer furnishes a permanent work surface which is available to any worker as and when needed. There is no personal domain pertain- ing to a particular worker and physical facilities are employed as and when needed. A collection of such workstations is sometimes called a mobility centre. and when needed. A collection of such workstations is sometimes called a mobility centre.
