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Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points, I point for each)

Directions: In each sentence, a word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence are 4 other words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word.

1. Do you think he will relinquish his seat in the Senate?

a) admonish

b) give up

c) cede

d) disregard


【解析】句意:你认为他会放弃在议会的职位吗?relinquish放弃,出让。give up与其意思相近。admonish责备。cede割让(领土);放弃(权力)。disregard不理会;不顾。

2. The death of the president was a setback to the company.

a) a check to the progress of

b) a firm foundation for

c) an impetus

d) a reorganization


【解析】句意:总裁的死对公司来讲是阻碍。setback挫折,障碍。a check to the progress of表示检验……的进展,也就是说总裁的死对公司的发展是一种考验,符合句意。

3. Miss Jones, a reporter for the New York Times, had access to a lot of industries.

a) admittance to

b) knowledge about

c) contacts in

d) engagements in


【解析】句意:作为纽约时报记者,琼斯小姐与很多行业有过接触。have access to 接触;使用contacts in表示联系,与其意思相近。

4. The author’s reasons for changing his novel are high ly pertinent.

a) imaginative

b) unrealistic

c) relevant

d) controversial



5. Once the water was depleted, the explorers had to give up hope.

a) disproved

b) exhausted

c) malingered

d) appeased


【解析】句意:一旦水消耗完了,探险者就必须放弃希望。deplete耗尽,使枯竭。exhaust 也表示耗尽,用光。disprove证明…是错误(或虚假)的。malinger 装病(尤指为逃避工作)。appease安抚;抚慰。

6. Mary tried to emulate her older sister.

a) surpass

b) curl

c) ferret

d) imitate


【解析】句意:玛丽尽力模仿她的姐姐。emulate模仿,imitate与其同义。surpass 超过。curl使…卷曲。ferret搜寻。

7. I don’t think it is impartial for the professor to flunk my Chemistry test.

a) unbiased

b) compatible

d) effusive




8. His lack of stamina made other contestants give up the race.

a) endurance

b) self-esteem

c) training

d) morale



9. In A.D. 394, Emperor Theodosius I of Rome decreed that the Olympic Games should cease to take place.

a) predicted

b) ordered

c) decided



10. The meat looked red and succulent when it was taken from refrigerator.

a) dehydrated

b) juicy

c) exquisite

d) sticky



11. Don’t be misled by the fallacious reasoning of the advertising generalizations.

a) interesting

b) dubious

c) faulty

d) apathetic

