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介词短语AT at (a) high speed at (the) risk (of) at / by one ' s side at / for a fract ion of at / from the outset at / in the end at / on sight at / on the double at a / one time at a disadva ntage at a disco unt at a dista nee at a gla nee at a guess at a loose and at a loss at a low ebb at a moment ' s notiee at a price at a rate of at a speed of at a sta ndstill at all costs at all eve nts at an adva ntage at any cost at any rate at breakfast at ease (with) at face value at fault

at full stre ngth

at hand at heart at home (with) at issue at large

at least at le ngth at liberty at most at ni ght at noon at odds with at once at one ' s best at one ' s discretion at one ' s disposal at one ' s leisure at one ' s request at peace / war (with) at play at prese nt at ran dom at sea at the / in front of at the age of at the begi nning at the expe nse of at the foot of at the hands of at the height of at the latest at the mercy of at the peak of at the same

time at the thought of at the time of at the top of at this jun cture at times at war with at work

beh ind the sce nes


by (any) cha nee

by / un der the n ame of by / with luck by accide nt by air /sea /land by all acco unts by all means by any sta ndard by appo in tme nt by birth by check by coin cide nee by courtesy of by defi niti on by degrees by desig n by dint of by far by force by hand by heart by law

by marriage by means of by mistake by my watch by n ature by no means by on eself by order of by process of by professi on by reas on of by request by rights by sight by surprise by the side of by virtue of by way of

FOR for /in a good cause for / to the ben efit (of) for a (good) reas on for a cha nge for certa in / sure for fear of for good for gran ted for hire for lack of for life for love for my / your, etc. part for real for the good of for the sake of for want of from experie nee from memory


in (no) time in / within sight (of)

in / at the forefront of in a deep sleep

in / on dema nd in a flash

in / out of focus in a heap

in / out of one ' s element in a hurry

in / out of pris on in a mess

in / out of? seas on in a pile

in / out of stock in a sense

in / out of touch (with) in a temper

in / out of use in abeya nee

in / with difficulty in abundance

in accorda nee with in con clusi on

in actio n in con fide nee

in additi on to in confin eme nt

in adva nee in con fusi on

in ago ny in conjunction with in agreeme nt with in conn ecti on with in aid of in con seque nee of in all likelihood in con tact with

in an in sta nt in con trast with / to in an uproar in con trol of

in an swer to in convoy

in an ticipati on of in custody

in arrears in dan ger

in awe of in debt

in blossom in decli ne

in brief in defe nse of

in bulk in detail

in cash in disgrace

in character in disguise

in charge of in disorder

in code in dispute

in collaboration with in distress

in comb in ati on with in doubt

in comfort in due course

in comma nd of in duplicate

in com mon in earn est

in comparis on with in effect

in compe nsatio n for in error
