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The Apollo Salon, dedicated to the Sun God, god of the Arts and Peace, with whom Louis XIV identified, was the most luxurious of all. This can still be perceived today in the ceiling décor where all the paintings—central composition, mouldings and corner pieces— are all in color and where all the sculptures are circular embossed and completely gilded. But all the rest has disappeared: the silver furniture, in particular the 2.60 meter high throne, was melted down in 1689.
• 宫内随处陈放着来自世界各地的珍贵艺术品, 其中有我国古代的精品瓷器。
Architectural Feature
The famous landscape of Palace of Versailles
海格立斯厅(The Hercules Salon)
The Hercules Salon was decorated with the monumental painting by Veronese, The Meal at the House of Simon. The painting of the vault,depicting the Apotheosis of Hercules was supposed to show that” Virtue raises man above himself”.
The Palace of Versailles
Designed by Tao Xi, Zhong Lulu, Zhang Lingxia, Lu Mengting
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General Introduction (总体概述) Architectural Feature (建筑特色) Famous Landscapes (著名景观) Political Activities (政治活动)
Architectural Feature
• 如果凡尔赛宫的外观给人以宏伟壮观的 感觉,那么它的内部陈设及装潢就更富 于艺术魅力,其内部装潢则以巴洛克风 格为主,少数厅堂为洛可可风格。室内 装饰极其豪华富丽也是凡尔赛宫的一大 特色。

Some animals such as lions ,eagle and unicorn are usually used as the decorations .some palaces also use stair railing made by metal, sometimes several gold are added in it . It’s very shiny along with marble .
General Introduction
• until the royal family was forced to return to the capital in October 1789 after the beginning of the French Revolution. Versailles is therefore famous not only as a building, but as a symbol of the system of absolute monarchy of the Ancien Ré gime. • 直到在1789年10月的法国大革命后,皇室成员被 迫迁移返回到巴黎首都。因此,凡尔赛宫并不仅 仅因为它是一座豪华建筑而享誉盛名,同时,它 也作为法国权力核心系统的象征而闻名于世。
Architectural Feature
• 除了用人像装饰室内外,还用狮子、鹰、麒麟 等动物形象来装饰室内。有的还用金属铸造成 楼梯栏杆,有些金属配件还镀了金,配上各种 色彩有大理石,显得十分灿烂。 • Many precious artworks are placed at ease in palace ,including precious China of ancient China .
海格立斯厅(The Hercules Salon):位于 主楼二层东北角与北翼的连接处,连接中路 宫殿和北翼与王家教堂。路易十四时代,这 里是王家小教堂,后改为国王接见厅。
Like all the following rooms, this salon takes its name from a planet. Here Venus is depicted on the ceiling with the features of the Goddess of love. The other painted compositions, which decorate the arches of the arches of the vault, represented the actions of ancient heroes relating both to the planet of the place and the actions of Louis XIV.
A video show for better understanding:
General Introduction
(click the picture beloFra Baidu bibliotek)
General Introduction
• The Palace of Versailles was located in the southern Paris, it was the French king’s palace. It was listed by UNESCO(联合国教 科文组织) as a world cultural heritage(文化 遗产) of cultural relics. The main body of Palace of Versailles is 707 meters long. The middle is the main Palace, a total of more than 700 hall rooms.
Architectural Feature

The gardens around the architecture are very famous all over the world .Compared with the classical loyal gardens ,it has completed different style .It is made by human , which is very concerned about symmetry and the shape of geometrical figure. In front of the palace ,there is a big garden with the special style of French .The trees, flowers, and some other things in the garden show ingenuity ,which makes people feel very happy. 建筑群周边园林亦是世界著名。它与中国古典的皇家 园林有着截然不同的风格。它完全是人工雕琢的,极 其讲究对称和几何图形化。正宫前面是一座风格独特 的“法兰西式”的大花园,园内树木花草别具匠心, 使人看后顿觉美不胜收。.
General Introduction
• When the it was built, Versailles was a country village; today, however, it is a wealthy suburb of Paris, some 20 kilometers southwest of the French capital. The court of Versailles was the center of political power in France from 1682, when Louis XIV moved from Paris, • 当它初建成时,凡尔赛宫只是一个小乡村;但现如 今,它却成了距巴黎首都西南部20公里处的一个富 裕的城郊。从1682年路易十四从巴黎迁移过来之后, 凡尔赛宫便成为了一个政治力量的中心,
Architectural Feature

There is one fountain in the Versailles palace with 1400 sprinkler heads in it . 凡尔赛皇宫里还有一个喷泉,喷泉里有1400多个喷水 头.

Beside the grandeur of the Versailles palace , its sumptuous decoration is also one of the special feature .Its inner decoration is mainly used as the style of barocco, however ,fewer halls use the style of locco.
The mouldings are decorated with hunting scenes of heroes of the Antiquity. Here, the allusion is transparent because it is well known that Louis XIV was a great hunter. The central part the ceiling executed by Gabriel Blanchard represents Diana presiding over navigation and hunting. 狄安娜厅(The Diana Salon) 又称月神厅,位于主楼二楼 北侧,维纳斯厅之西,墙壁 用各种精美瓷器装饰。
Architectural Feature

Palace of Versailles palace is a kind of Classical style architecture . Facade is standard classical three stage treatment, it means the facade is divided by longitudinal, middle and cross. The architecture is symmetrical, its contour is in good order ,it is also grave and impressive. which is regarded as the symbol of the beauty of logos. • 凡尔赛宫宫殿为古典主义风格建筑,立面为标 准的古典主义三段式处理,即将立面划分为纵、 横三段,建筑左右对称,造型轮廓整齐、庄重 雄伟,被称为是理性美的代表。 • The palace extends about five hundred and eighty meter long .consisting of French-style gardens ,magnificent castles and the halls of mirrors . • 王宫长达五百八十米,王宫整体由法式花园、 宏伟的城堡、和镜殿组成。