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赖斯的演讲keynot e


赖斯的演讲keynote speech formerU.S.Secretary of State Condolee

zza Rice at the World Economic Forum 主旨演讲在世界经济论坛年会提示:

人名:Klaus,Preside nt of the World Econo mic Forum Preside nt Couchep in 壬瑞士总统Pascal Couchep in

Bismarck 俾斯麦(政治家,学过历史的都知道吧AA)

Hank Paulson美国财长,曾经的高盛公司一把手

Thank you very much. Thank you, Klaus, for that terrific introduction. I ' m tem pted to ask if you are the con ductor and to say that it is a very good thing if no one misses any no tes, the pia no or the orchestra.

I want to applaud you for everything that you ' ve done to put this World Ec

ono mic Forum together and to make it a place where people come to share ideas, and ideas that can in deed lead to a better world. It is a won derful gatheri ng of civil society, of bus in ess, of great leaders from around the world. And also, I note that you' ve also gone out of your way to in clude young people, and I tha nk you very mu ch for your effort.

Let me tha nk also Preside nt Couchep in for the work that the gover nment and people of Switzerla nd have done in gen erously welco ming us to this beautiful countr y.

Preside nt Karzai, Dr. Pachauri: Thank you very much for your won derful work and

I ' m really just delighted to share the dais with you tonight.

Disti nguished guests, ladies and gen tleme n:

It is an honor to join you here, and as Klaus has said, I have tried to get here several times before. I was determined to make it as Secretary of State and I guess I can say better late than never, Klaus. I spoke at the Forum by video in 20 06, and I had the pleasure last year of recei ving a group of Young Global Leaders a t a first-ever U.S. Policy Summit. And so I understand that some of them are here t oday. It ' s a wonderful legacy that you ' re leaving, Klau s, in bringing these young people in.

I was thinking about what I was going to say toni ght, and I ' ve bee n watch in g the news and I ' ve been looking at the images on television and I ' ve reflected o

n the eve nts of the day. And of course, what comes front and cen ter for all of us i s the turbule nee - political and econo mic - in our world:

The viole nce in Ken ya. The tragic assass in ati on of Mrs. Ben azir Bhutto in Pakis tan. The ongoing and at times halting efforts of Iraqis and Afghans to build peacef ul, functioning gover nmen ts. The looming dan ger of climate cha nge. The forecasts of market woes and econo mic troubles. Eve n a grow ing concern about globalizati on itse

If - a sense that increasingly it is something that is happening to us, not contro lied by us.
