Civil EngineeringCivil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。
Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities.土木工程师建筑道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。
1.荷载短期荷载short-time load 临界荷载critical load 持续荷载sustained loads恒载dead load 活载live load 峰值荷载peak load 冲击荷载impact load 2.专业名词力矩面等横截面cross section 隔离体 a free body 轴力axial forces 带肩梁ledger beam正应力the normal stress 剪应力the shear stress 固定铰支座 a pin support 可动铰支座 a roller support 平面内弯矩in-plane bending 平面外弯矩out-of-plane bending简支梁a simple beam 悬臂梁 a cantilever beam 分布力distributed load 均布力uniformly distributed load 静定结构statically determinate structure 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 角焊缝fillet weld 对接焊缝groove weld外缘outer edges 中性轴the neutral axis 形心矩centroidal distance沙石混凝土sand-and-stone concrete 预应力混凝土pre stressed concrete复合应力combined stress 极限应变limiting tensile strain 平均正应力mean normal stress名义抗剪强度nominal shear strength 惯性力inertia force 地震作用seismic action广义位移generalized displacement 扭矩torsion 预加应力pre stress托梁corbel3.材料平面顶deck 屋面防水层water proof roofing 金属箔层压板foil-laminated钢筋steel 涂料paint 木条板lath 灰泥plaster 楔子wedge基础footing 横向钢筋transverse reinforcement 纵筋longitudinal reinforcement 弯起纵筋bent-up longitudinal steel 单向板one-way slabs 腹筋the web steel 楼梯踏步stair tread 顶棚抹灰plastered ceilings 承重墙bearing wall第 1 页/共 4 页轻质幕墙light weight curtain walls 桁架truss 构件member 谷仓grain elevator桥墩bridge pier 大型结构heavy structure 梯井stair shaft高层写字楼high-rise office 预埋构件metal insert 作业平台work plat form企口木板tongue-and-groove plank 施工架constructed yoke 走道脚手架 a walkway scaffold铅垂线the plumb line 喷雾器fog sprays 型钢structural steel 剪力墙shear wall平板flat slab 合成薄板synthetic film 防护墙板endosing wall panels人字起重机derrick crane 卫生间设施bathroom groups 服务竖井the service shaft隔气层vapor barriers 隔热层insulation 结露点dew point 空心板hollow plank竖向剪力墙shear-resistant vertical wall 预制构件pre cast member 隔板wall panel4.其他1应力等值线 a stress contour 数值分析numerical analysis 悬索基础cable structures实验研究experimental investigation 超静定次数degree of statical indeterminaly叠加法method of superposition 基本结构released structure高跨比span-depth ratio弯矩图bending moment diagram 附着deposit 弹性模量modulus of elasticity水化hydrate 硬化harden 变量variables 环境相对湿度ambient relative humidity蒸发evaporate 定向立方体单元oriented elementary cube初步结论tentative conclusion斜向拉力diagonal tension 微分长度单元 a differential length 应力迹线stress trajectory骨料咬合作用aggregate interlock 销栓作用dowel action 延性ductility扭转力偶twisting couple 力臂lever arm 分数fraction 取代in lieu of地震高发区zones of high earthquake probability 平立面in plan elevation平动translation 转动rotation 凹部depressions 凸起projection 凸口recess 在现场on the site 误差error 通用规范applicable codes滑模施工slip form operations 养护care 锚固be anchored in 挠度deflection5.其他2侧向支持sway bracing 先张法pre tensioning technique 后张法post tensioning technique安全系数safety factor 安全储备margin of safety 附属cust-in fittings防火等级fire ratings 不匀称沉降differential settlement 深基础deep foundation扩展式基础spread foundation 符合基础combined footings 条形基础strap footings垂直于at right angles to 类似于analogous to 单位力法unit-load method大小相等方向相反be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction静力平衡方程equations of static equilibrium 与……有关pertain to求合力from a summation of force 一组联立方程 a set of simultaneous equations协调方程equations of compatibility 经验方程empirical equation大一个数量级an order of magnitude longer 第二面积积分the second moment-area thorea·b dot product a*b cross product 位移互等定理reciprocal displacement theorem第 3 页/共 4 页液压控制系统hydraulic master control system 功的互等定理…………work ……与……成正比in direct proportion to 与……一致be geared to。
土木工程专业英语(完整 大学)
![土木工程专业英语(完整 大学)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ab63d734a300a6c30c229f31.png)
Lesson 26PavementNew words1. pavement [ ☐♏♓❍☜⏹♦] n. 路面2. apron [ ♏♓☐❒☜⏹] n.围裙, 停机坪It is usually the area where aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, refueled or boarded.3. subgrade [ ♦✈♌♈❒♏♓♎] n. 路基4. profile [ ☐❒☜◆♐♋♓●] n.剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓5. rehabilitation [ ❒♓☎♒✆☜♌♓●♓♦♏♓☞☜⏹] n.复原,维修6. swelling [ ♦♦♏●♓☠] n. 膨胀,河水猛涨,涨水7. heaving [ ♒♓♓☠] n. 鼓起,隆起8. extant [♏♦♦✌⏹♦] adj.现存的, 未毁的9. overlay [ ☜◆☜●♏♓] n. 覆盖,10. unpaved ☯✈⏹☐♏♓♎] adj.没有铺石砖的, 没有铺柏油的11. liquefy [ ●♓♦♓♐♋♓] v.(使)溶解, (使)液化12. bituminous [♌♓♦◆❍♓⏹☜♦] adj.含沥青的13. hydrocarbon [ ♒♋♓♎❒☜◆♌☜⏹] n.烃, 碳氢化合物14. macadam [❍☜✌♎☜❍] n.碎石, 碎石路15. silicate [ ♦♓●♓♓♦] n. [化]硅酸盐16. kiln [ ♓●⏹ ♓●] n. (砖, 石灰等的)窑, 炉, 干燥炉vt.烧窑, 在干燥炉干燥17. clinker [ ●♓☠☜] n. (一种表面光洁如玻璃的)炼砖, 渣块18. nonbituminous [ ⏹⏹♌♓♦◆❍♓⏹☜♦]19. solidify [♦☜●♓♎♓♐♋♓] v.(使)凝固, (使)团结20. dowel [ ♎♋◆☜●] n. 木钉, 销子vt.用暗销接合Phrases and Expressions1. traveled way 车行道2. composite pavement 复合路面3. flexible pavement 柔性路面4. rigid pavement 刚性路面5. open-graded 开级配6. coarse-graded 粗级配7. fine-graded 细级配8. Asphalt Institute (A.I.) 沥青协会9. Present Serviceability Index (PSI) 现有性能指标10. macadam aggregate 碎石骨料11. cold-laid mixture 冷铺12. hot-laid mixture 热铺13. rock asphalt 岩沥青14. Appian Way 亚壁古道Text PavementBackgroundPavements serve structural, functional and safety purposes. 路面具有结构、功能和安全的目的。
土木工程专业英语 Introduction of Civil Engineering
![土木工程专业英语 Introduction of Civil Engineering](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2b2513ef0242a8956bece41a.png)
Civil engineers design and construct buildings, railways, roads, bridges, tunnels, harbors, water and sewage systems, and other public facilities. 土木工程师设计并建造房屋、铁路、道路、桥梁、隧 道、港口、给水和污水系统以及其他公共设备。 5.harbor (harbour) n.海港,港口,港湾 e.g. At that time, our ship was tied up at this harbor. 当时,我们的船停靠在 这个港口。 6.sewage system 排污系统 The efficient planning of water supply and irrigation systems increases the food production in a country. 供水及灌溉系统的合理设计会提高一个地区粮食的产量。
Pre-reading ANSWERS: 1. major; construction(buildings, railways, roads, bridges, tunnels, harbors, water and sewage systems, and other public facilities); to provide a comfortable life for the people. 2. Transportation engineering; environment engineering; pipeline engineering ...
詹天佑(Jeme Tien Yow)
(1)Concrete and reinforced concrete are used as building materials in every country. In many, including Canada and the United States, reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineered construction.(1)混凝土和钢筋混凝土在每个国家都被用作建筑材料。
(2)The universal nature of reinforced concrete construction stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete, gravel, sand, and cement, the relatively simple skills required in concrete construction.(2) 钢筋混凝土建筑的广泛存在是由于钢筋和制造混凝土的材料,包括石子,沙,水泥等,可以通过多种途径方便的得到,同时兴建混凝土建筑时所需要的技术也相对简单。
(3)Concrete and reinforced concrete are used in bridges, building of all sorts, underground structures, water tanks, television towers, offshore oil exploration and production structures, dams, and even in ships.(3)混凝土和钢筋混凝土被应用于桥梁,各种形式的建筑,地下结构,蓄水池,电视塔,海上石油平台,以及工业建筑,大坝,甚至船舶等。
土木工程专业英语 (1)
![土木工程专业英语 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7ef89eb5c77da26925c5b04f.png)
土木工程civil engineering无窗墙,挡墙,难以通过的障碍物blank wall排水系统drainage system穴居人cave dweller哥特式教堂gothic cathedral悬强,幕墙curtain wall承重墙bearing wall卫生设备系统plumbing system空气调节air conditioning高层建筑high-rise building钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete窗下墙的墙托梁spandrel beam剪力墙shear wall初步设计preliminary design抗拉强度,拉伸强度tensile strength 屈服强度yield strength吊桥,悬索桥suspension bridge压缩空气compressed air板式基础mat foundation平板基础slab foundation素混凝土plain concrete【隧道】导洞pilot tunnel沉管隧道sunken-tube tunnel随挖随填cut-and-cover两维的,平面的two-dimensional设备齐全的,独立的,成套的self-contained单行线,单行道one-way street直通【过】大街through street非繁忙时间,非高峰时间off-peak periods滑动模板,滑模slip form时间滞差,时滞,延时time lag海事工程学maritime engineering凯旋门triumphal arch堆石,填石rock fill表面活性剂surface-active agent水灰比water-to-cement ratio堤坝embankment dam公共事业public utilities氯化钙calcium chloride护栏,护轨guard rail气态压路机pneumatic-tired roller居支配地位,统治,占优势predominate岩土工程geotechnical载明,详述,技术要求,说明书,清单specification监督,管理,控制supervise转包合同,转包工作subcontractors 飓风,(感情)爆发hurricane沥青,铺沥青于asphalt铝aluminum雨量,流量,决赛,决定性竞选runoff 水闸,闸门lock充足,饱满,装填物,填土,填方fill 洗涤器,涤气器,滤清器,板刷,擦洗者scrubber烧尽,焚化,火葬incineration有毒性的,中毒的toxic易燃的,可燃的,易激动的combustible斜坡,斜面,滑行台ramp挖掘,发掘,挖出,变成空洞excavate 精确地,刻板的,正好恰恰,确实如此precisely空气的大气的,航空的架空的aerial 能发出声音的,音速的,利用音波的sonic测绘,标图,标航图plotting市政委,市立的,地方自治的municipal委托,委员会commission隐蔽处,躲避处,避难所shelter包含,包括,完成,围绕,包围encompass同一的,完全相同的,有统一来源的identical照明,照亮,光亮,照度illumination 说法,用法发言,讲话parlance大建筑物,大厦edifice支配的,统治的,占优势的dominant 重复,重做,反复repetition听众席,中央广场,早起教堂中殿nave侧廊,通道,走廊,耳堂aisle(教堂的)交叉通道transept教堂的后殿apse栏杆扶手,扶栏balustrade中间居中的,中间体媒介物intermediate线索暗示,提示clue柱廊,柱列colonnade志气,抱负,渴望aspiration化身,体现incarnation 分开,分割,隔板,隔墙partition炼钢炉,吹风转炉converter构架,框架,结构framework超过胜过surpass外部的,外面的,表面exterior楣,(门窗)过梁lintel不透明,不透光opaque甲板,舱面,桥面deck弄皱,起波纹的corrugate管道,通道duct辅助的,附属的ancillary使通风,使通气ventilate分配,分派,配给allocate隐蔽,隐瞒conceal管道,导管水道conduit分层,层理stratification显示呈现exhibit壮观的,惊人的,引人注意的spectacular摇动,摇摆,是倾斜sway居住的,住宅的,作住家用的residential商业的,商业上的,商务的commercial革新,创新,新方法,新事物innovation分界线,边界boundary排除,消除,除去eliminate公寓住宅,单元住宅,房间apartment柱,支柱,圆柱,柱状物column示范,证明,演示,论证demonstrate凸出,投射,计划,工程project应力,压力stress构架,桁架truss捆,束,包bundle使终止,使结尾,结束terminate(房屋的)正面,立面,表面,外观façade周,周围,周界,周长perimeter侵犯,侵占,吞食encroach谷,河谷,山谷valley障碍,障碍物,妨害物obstacle沟渠,高架渠,引水桥,渡槽aqueduct行人,步行者、徒步的、步行的pedestrian驳船,游艇,用船运输barge隔离的,孤立的,孤单isolated原木,圆形木材log葡萄树,藤本植物,藤,蔓vine歪斜,倾斜,斜面,斜向slant急流,湍流,快的,迅速的swift底土,下层土,天然地基subsoil缺口,裂口,缝隙,间隙gap高空杂技师aerialist拉紧的绳索,钢丝tightrope揽,索,钢索cable桥墩,桥台,拱座abutment锚定,固定,固定支座anchorage拉伸,展开,伸长stretch桁架,主梁,大梁,撑杆girder重叠,互搭,搭接,叠加overlap横切,横断,交叉,相交intersect突拱(挑出拱石的拱)corbel arch中间(桥)敦intermediate pier开始,发动,发起initiate联邦的,联合的,联邦制的federal收入,国家的收入,税收revenue测量,勘测,调查,观察survey协调,融合,和谐,一致harmony耐久性,耐久力,经久durability累积,积聚,堆积作用accumulation冲击,碰撞,颠簸,冲击力bump受侵蚀,使风化,经受风雨weather震动,颤动,地震tremor碎片,残骸,漂浮物debris围堰,防水堰,沉箱cofferdam(桥梁工程)沉箱,沉井caisson危险的,危害的,冒险的hazardous暂时的,临时的,临时性temporary独创性,灵活性,精巧ingenuity人字起重机,起货桅杆derrick绞盘,绞车,卷扬机winch护栏,护轨,栏杆guardrail附件,附属品,辅助设备accessory(道路,港口的)通行费,过路税toll基础底座footing矩形的,长方形的,直交的rectangular梯形的,不规则的trapezoidal描述,描绘description小心,谨慎,注意caution扩大,扩建,增加retention霜,霜冻,严寒,冰冻frost间断,不连续面,不整合discontinuity水坑,积水井,积水坑,污水坑sump薄泥浆,水泥浆,浆液,灌浆grout下沉,下陷,沉降subside渗入,渗透,渗滤,透过infiltrate地下室,地窖,基础basement围,包裹,包住,埋入encase积聚,堆积,蓄积,存储accumulate渗漏,滴水,泌水weep弹性柔性挠性flexibility隆起涨水膨胀增大swell装填回填回填土backfill掺合料掺合剂混合物admixture信赖,依靠,依靠的人或物reliance移动,转移,轮班,替换shift可逆的,可反转的,回行的reversible标记,印痕,做记号的marking交通渠化,管道化,河道疏浚channelization十字路口,交叉点,交接点intersection弯曲,曲率,弯曲部分curvature英里数,行车里程mileage冲突,抵触,争端conflict动脉,干线,交通要道artery冲突,干扰,相互影响interference分配,分派,配给allocate规则,规章,法规,条例regulation斑马线,人行横道crosswalk加快,加速,畅通的,迅速的expedite任意的,随机的,不定的arbitrary遥感的,遥控的,远程的remote道路的瓶颈,狭道,交通堵塞bottleneck购物商城,商业街,林荫道mall外围,周边,边缘periphery减轻,缓和alleviate阶地,梯田,斜坡上的排屋terrace可耕的,适于耕作的,可开垦的arable调节,提供,适应accommodate交通拥挤,拥塞,阻塞congestion供应,调节,调和,适应accommodate退化,变坏,变质,恶化deterioration达不到的,难以接近的inaccessible首都的,主要城市,大城市metropolitan阻碍,制止物,阻止的deterrent先驱,前兆,先辈precursor缠结,弄乱,处于混乱状态tangle居住,住宅,居民地,生活环境habitation开凿,开挖,挖掘,坑道,洞穴excavation拆除,拆卸,拆掉dismantle定线,校整,顺序,排列成行alignment引发,引起,引发物,触发器trigger困境,进退两难,困难的选择degradation化石,化石的,陈腐的fossil困境,进退两难,困难的选择dilemma论坛,讨论会,研究会,会场forum走廊,通道,过道,回廊corridor下部构造,下部结构,基础设施infrastructure描绘,描写,描述,叙述depict钻探,钻孔,打眼boring层,地层,岩层strata矿井,井道,竖井shaft横切,横巷,石门,斜路crosscut腐殖土,软泥,出渣,挖除软土muck阶地,台阶,台架,工作台bench凿岩台车,隧道盾构,隧洞钻车jumbo爆炸,爆破blast倾斜,倾角,斜度inclination周围,圆周,周边circumference多孔的,疏松的,有孔的porous隔绝,排除,把……排除在外exclude挤,推,推进,推动shove圆筒形的,圆柱体的cylindrical盾构,护罩,掩护支架shield操纵,调整,转向steer千斤顶,起重机jack弓形,部分,扇形体,节,段segment向着海岸的,陆上的,在岸上onshore挖掘,挖泥,疏浚dredge凸缘,缘板,翼缘,板边flange隔壁,隔墙,防水壁bulkhead集合体,聚集体,集料,骨料aggregate不均匀性,多向性,异质性heterogeneity平衡,均衡,平均,相称equilibrium破裂,裂开,断裂,破坏rupture浸透水的,水淹的,水涝的waterlogged创造杜撰coin数字的,数值的,用数字表示的numerical摩擦,摩擦力,阻力friction毛细管作用,毛细管现象capillarity分子的,由分子构成的molecular可压缩性,压缩系数,压缩率compressibility填塞,夯实,捣实tamp柔韧的,柔软的,有弹性的flexible融化,融解,解冻thaw直观的,形象的,目视的,视觉的visual精巧的,精心的,复杂的elaborate充分地,及时地,适当地duly地形,地势,地形学topography古生物学的paleontological确证的,确定的,证实的corroboratory洞察,洞悉,理解,见识insight传播,扩散propagation探针,探头,探测器,传感器probe执行,完成,实施,施工execution主要的,总的,熟练的master澄清,阐明,净化,解释clarify预算,做预算,编入预算budget薪水册,发放工资额,工资单payroll发票,发货单,开发票,记清单invoice超过,超出,超限overrun生产力,劳动生产率productivity推土机,开土机,压路机bulldozer拆除,拆卸,粉碎dismantle铲,挖掘机,单斗挖掘机shovel拉索,拉铲挖土机dragline抓斗,蛤壳式挖泥机clamshell铲运机,刮土机,平土机scraper拖,拉,用力拖拉,托运haul辅助的,补充的,次要的subsidiary玷污,污染,污染物contamination降低地下水位的井点,深坑点wellpoint断片,碎块,是成为碎片fragment固化,固结,凝固solidify组分,成分,配料ingredient筒仓,竖井,(导弹)发射井silo混合物,软的混合物amalgam海港,港口,海湾,避难所harbour开垦,围垦,填筑,围海造陆reclamation保护,管理,河道管理conservancy内地,内陆的,国内的inland海岸线coastline进口,入口,进水道,水湾inlet防浪堤,防波堤breakwater兴旺,繁荣,旺盛thrive如画的,生动的,独特的picturesque千年,太平盛世millennium沿海的,沿岸的,海滨的littoral丰富的,充裕的,大量的abundant不灭性,不可损坏性indestructibility古老,古代,古老的遗物antiquity子孙,后代,后裔posterity经久,持久,耐用outlast责任,债务,不利条件liability脆弱,薄弱,弱点,短处frailty装饰,修饰,艺术加工embellishment支持,加强……的基础,托换underpin火山灰pozzolana港湾,河湾,江口,河流入海口estuary辅助的,从属的,备用的,附属的auxiliary溢水口,溢洪道,泄洪道spillway抽出,排泄,疏散evacuate淤泥,残渣,粉砂,泥沙silt水库,蓄水池,容器reservoir收割,收获,获得reap侧面,剖面,外形,轮廓profile整体式的,整体浇铸的,巨石般的monolithic扶垛,支持物buttress形状,外形,构造,结构configuration地层,岩层strata渗透性,渗透度,透水性permeability估价,估算,评价,评定assess同时发生的,同时存在的simultaneous平衡,均衡equilibrium成分,要素,组成部分constituent手段,方法,办法,权宜之计expedient掺和,混合,调和,配料blend延迟,使减速,阻止,妨碍retard水合,水化,水化物hydrate成粉末,碾磨pulverize邻近的abutting投机的,推测的speculative横过,穿过,经过,在…来回移动traverse利益,好处,受益benefit娱乐性的,供消遣的,休养的recreational逻辑上,符合逻辑的logically分级,等级,级配,层次gradation 高速公路,快车道expressway压实,捣实compact供应,提供,容纳accommodate频率,周律,发生次数frequency钙质壳,生硝,钠硝石caliche砾,牡蛎oyster含沥青的,沥青质的bituminous汇水沟,截水沟,雨水井catch basin 相反的,不利的,敌对的adverse沉降,降水量precipitation摄影绘图photogram metric出口,排水口outlet栅栏,屏障,阻挡层,挡板barrier1、In order to tie the exterior columns ofa frame structure to the interior vertical trusses,a system of rigid belt trusses at mid-height and at the top of the building may be used.为了把框架结构的外柱与内部垂直桁架连在一起,可以在(高层)建筑的中间和顶部设置刚性带式桁架系统。
Civil EngineeringCivil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。
Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities.土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。
Chapter 6
If a material with high strength in tension, such as steel, is placed in concrete, then the composite material, reinforced concrete, resists not only compression but also bending and other direct tensile actions. A reinforced concrete section where the concrete resists the compression and steel resists the tension can be made into almost any shape and size for the construction industry.
6. —We shall finish the civil work by the end of the year. 在年底前我们将完成土建工作。 —Cement steel and timber are the most important construction materials used in civil engineering. 水泥、钢材和木材是土建工程中最重要的建筑材料。 7. These are the anchor bolts (rivets, unfinished bolts, high-strength structural bolts) for the structure. 这是用于结构的锚定螺栓(铆钉、粗制螺栓、高强度结构用螺栓)。
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Reinforced Concrete
承重骨架 load carrying frame结构工程 structural engineering钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete稳定性 stability岩土工程 geotechnical engineering楼板、平板 slab结构性能 structural behavior测量 Survey均匀沉降 uniform settlement浇筑 pour测量是指为收集数据,以便在水平面内画出地球表面点的相应位置图的一种技术Surveying is defined an art of collecting data for mapping the relative positions of points on the surface of earth in a horizontal plane.摩天大厦的存在归功于19世纪的两大发明:钢结构和载人电梯The skyscraper owes it is existence to two developments of the 19th century:steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator.一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对现场进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水、下水道和电力线When a project begins,the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement water,sewer,and power lines.1.excavate 开挖2.Structural engineering 结构工程3. water and sewage systems 给排水工程4. settlement 沉降5. heating and cooling systems 供暖、制冷系统6. cantilever beam 悬臂梁7. balustrade 栏杆8. decoration 装饰9. span 跨度10. pour 浇筑11. blank wall 围墙、挡墙12. budget 预算13. plan 计划、方案、规划14. partition 隔墙15. lintel 过梁16. skin 外墙17. allocate 分配18. bearing wall 承重墙19. superstructure 上部结构20. substructure 下部结构21.mechanical and electrical systems 机电系统22. slab-column system 板柱系统23. time-dependent 截止日期24. outline 外观25. Parlance 术语26. Depth 进深27. reservoir 水库28. high-rise building 高层建筑29. tube in tube 筒中筒30. spillway 泄洪道31. water-to-cement ratio 水灰比32. asphalt 沥青33. predominate 主导34. hydroelectric 水电35 . tension 应力36 . compression 压缩37. simply supported beam 简单支撑梁38. elevator 电梯39. reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土40. truss 桁架41. rigid frames 刚性框架42. maintenance 养护43. Arch bridge 拱桥44. bridge piers 桥墩45. abutment 桥台46. auxiliary 附加的47. embankment 坝48 . permeability 渗透性49. arch dam 拱坝50. shaft 轴1. 工程管理 Engineering management2. 动力厂(发电厂) power plant;power station3. 连续梁 continuous beam4. 力 force5. 混凝土 concrete6. 公路工程 highway engineering7. 支配的,统治的,占优势 dominant8. 说法,术语 parlance9. 隐蔽处,躲避处,避难所 shelter10. 抗剪强度 shearing strength11. 建筑物 building12. 建筑学 architecture13. 建筑的组成 components of a building14. 承重框架load-carrying frame/ load-bearing frame15. 直升电梯 elevator/lift16. 砖石、砌体masonry17. 桁架truss18. 粉土silt19. 不均匀沉降uneven settlement20. 均匀沉降 uniform settlement21.基础 foundation22.过梁柱 post and lintel/ post and beam23. 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete24. 荷载 load25. 剪力墙 shear wall26. 筒中筒tube in tube27. 刚梁桥rigid beam bridge28. 悬索桥suspension bridges29. 公路工程highway engineering30. 土石坝earth and rockfill dam31.混凝土坝concrete dam32.堤坝embankment1.Civil engineering, the oldest of engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage system to rocket-launching facilities.土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。
⼟⽊⼯程专业英语1Civil engineering(⼟⽊⼯程)Civil Engineering. Civil engineering,the oldest of the engineering specialties,is referring to the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles,from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-Jaunching facilities.Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools , mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations..They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, rail-roads , pipelines, skyscrapers , and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities.The word "civil" derives from the Latin for citizen. In 1782, an Englishman named John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time. Since then, the term "civil engineering" has often been used to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader. Scope.It is so broad, that civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties.Depending on the type of project, civil engineer specialists with many kinds of skills may be needed. When a project begins, the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement-water, sewer, and power lines. Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project. Environmental specialists study the project's impact on the local area: the potential for air and groundwater pollution,the project's impact on local animals and plant life,and how the project can be designed to meet government requirements aimed at protecting the environment. Transportation specialists determine what kinds of facilities are needed to ease the burden on local roads and other transportation networks that will result from the completed proj ect. Meanwhile, structural specialists use preliminary data to make detailed designs, plans, and specifications for the project. Supervising and coordinating the work of these civil engineering specialists , from the beginning to the end of the project, are the tasks of the construction management specialists. Based on the information supplied by other specialists, construction management civil engineers estimate quantities and costs of materials and labor, schedule all work, order materials and equipments for the job, hire con.tractors and subcontractors, and perform other supervisory work to ensure the project is completed on time as specified.Throughout any given project, civil engineers make extensive use of computers. Computers are used to design projects' various elements (computer-aided design,or CAD) and manage/doc/1d8a7d266137ee06eef91860.html puters are a necessity for modern civil engineers because they permit engineers to efficiently handle large quantities of data needed in determining the best way to construct a project. NEW WORDS AND PHRASES1.predominate居⽀配地位,统治,(数量上)占优势2.geotechnical岩⼟⼯程的3.specification载明,详述,技术要求,说明书,清单4.supervise监督,管理,控制5.subcontractors转包合同,转包⼯作(6. hurricane飓风,(感情等的)爆发7.asphalt沥青,铺沥青于8.aluminum【化】铝9.runoff⾬量,流量,决赛,决定性竞选10. lock⽔闸,闸门11. fill充⾜,饱满,装填物,(⼀)袋,填⼟,填⽅12. scrubber洗涤器,涤⽓器,滤清器,板刷,擦布,擦洗者13. incineration 烧尽,焚化,⽕葬14. toxic有毒(性)的,中毒的15. combustible男燃的,可燃的,易激动的16. ramp斜坡,斜⾯,滑⾏台17. excavate挖掘,发掘,在…上挖掘,挖出,变成空洞18. precisely精确的,刻板的,正好,恰恰,确实如此19. aerial空⽓的,⼤⽓的,航空的,架空的,⽣存在空中的20. sonic能发出声⾳的,声⾳的,⾳速的,利⽤⾳波的21. plotting测绘,标图,标航路22. municipal市政的,市⽴的,地⽅⾃治的,地⽅(性)23. commission委任,委托(事项),委员会24. drainage system 排⽔系统Reading Material (1) Careers in Civil EngineeringEngineering is a profession,which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education.many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineer graduates to pass an examination,similar to the examination for a lawyer,before they can actively start their careers.In the university,mathematics,physics,and chemistry are heavily emphasized throughout the engineering curricula,but particularly in the first two or three years. Mathematics is very important in all branches of engineering, so it is greatly stressed. Today,mathematics includes courses in statistics, which deals with gathering, classifying, and using numerical data, or pieces of information. An important aspect of statistical mathematics is probability, which deals with what may happen when there are different factors, or variables, that can change the result of a problem. Before the construction of a bridge is undertaken,for example,a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to handle. In the design of the bridge, variable such as water resource on the foundation, impact, the effects of different wind forces and many other factors must be considered.Because a great deal of calculation is involved in solving these problems, computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricula. Computers, of course, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can do.But computers are useless unless they are given clear and accurate instructions and information,in other words,a good program.In spite of the heavy emphasis on technical subjects in the engineering curricula, a current trend is to require students to take courses in the social science and the language arts. The relationship between engineering and society is getting closer; it is sufficient,therefore,to say again hat the work performed by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should be aware of. An engineer also needs a sufficient command of language to be able to prepare reports that are clear and,in many cases,persuasive. An engineer engaged in research will need to be able to write up his or her findings for scientific publications.An engineering program in the last two years includes subjects within the students' field of specialization. For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer, these specialized courses may concern such subjects as geodetic surveying,soil mechanics,or hydraulics.Active recruiting for engineers often begins before the students?last year in the university.Many different corporation and government agencies have competed for the services of engineers in recent years.In the science-oriented society of today,people who have technical training are ,of course,in demand.Young engineers many choose to go into environmental or sanitary engineering,for example,where environmental concerns have created many openings;or they may choose construction firms that specialized in highway work;or they may prefer to work with one of the government agencies that deal with water resource.In deed,the choice is large and Varied.When a young engineer has finally started actual practice,the theoretical knowledge acquired in the university must be applied.He or she will probably be assigned at the beginning to work with a team of engineers.Thus ,on-the-job training can be acquired that demonstrate his or her ability to translate theory into practice to the supervisors.Civil engineers may work in research, design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in sales or management. Each of these areas involves different duties, emphases and uses of engineers and also the development and test of newstructural materials.Civil engineering projects are almost always unique; each has its own problems and design features. Therefore, careful study is given to each project even before design work begins. The study includes a survey both of topography and subsoil features of the proposed site. It also includes a consideration of possible alternatives,such as a concrete gravity dam or an earth-fill embankment dam. The economic factors involved in each of the possible alternatives must also be weighed. Today,a study usually includes a consideration of environmental impact of the project. Many engineers,usually working as a team that includes surveyors, specialists in soil mechanics, and experts in design and construction,are involved in making these feasibility studies.Among civil engineers, there are many top people who work in design. As we have seen, civil engineers work on many different kinds of structures,so it is normal practice for an engineer to specialize in just one kind. In designing buildings, engineers often work as consultants in architectural or construction firms. Dams , bridges , water supply systems, and other large projects ordinarily employ several engineers whose work is coordinated by a system engineer who is in charge of the powerhouse and its equipments. In other cases,civil engineers are assigned to work on project in another field; in the space program,for instance, civil engineers are 'necessary in the design and construction of such structures as launching pads and rocket storage facilities.Construction is a complicated process on almost all engineering projects. It involves scheduling the work and utilizing the equipments and the materials so that costs are kept as low as possible. Safety factor must also be taken into account, since construction can be very dangerous.Many civil engineers therefore specialize in the construction phase.Reading Material (2) Civil EngineerA civil engineer is a person who practices civil engineering,the application of planning,designing , constructing, maintaining, and operating infrastructures while protecting the public and environmental health,as well as improving existing infrastructures that have been neglected.Originally, a civil engineer worked on public works projects and was contrasted with a military engineer,who worked on armaments and defenses. Over time, various branches of engineering have become recognized as distinct from civil engineering , including chemical engineering, mechanical engineering,and electrical engineering, while much of miry engineering has been absorbed by civil engineering.In some places, a civil engineer may perform land surveying; in others, surveying is limited to construction surveying,unless an additional qualification is obtained. On some U. S. military bases,the.personnel responsible for buildings and grounds maintenance, such as grass mowing, are called civil .engineers and are not required to meet any minimum educational requirements.SpecializationCivil engineers usually practice in a particular specialty, such as construction engineering,geotechnicalengineering,structural engineering,land development, transportation engineering, hydraulic engineering,and environmental engineering. Some civil engineers, particularly those working for government agencies, may practice across multiple specializations, particularly when involved in critical infrastructure development or maintenance.Education and licensingIn most countries, a civil engineer will have graduated from a post-secondary school with a degree in civil engineering, which requires a strong background in mathematics and physical sciences; this degree is typically a bachelor's degree,though many civil engineers study further to obtain masters,and doctoral degrees. In many countries,civil engineers are subject to licensure. In jurisdictions with mandatory licensing,people who do not obtain a license may not call themselves "civil engineers".EuropeBelgium. In Belgium, Civil Engineer is a legally protected title applicable to graduates of the five-year engineering course in one of the six universities and the Royal Military Academy. Their specialities can be all fields of engineering: civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, chemical, physics and even computer science. This use of the title may cause confusion to English speakers as the Belgian "civil" engineer can have a speciality other than civil engineering. In fact,Belgians use the adjective " civil"as an opposition to military engineers.The formation of the civil engineer has a strong mathematical and scientific base and is more theoretical in approach than the practical oriented industrial engineer educated in a five-year program at a polytechnic. Traditionally, students were required to pass an entrance exam on mathematics to start civil engineering studies. This exam was abolished by the FlemishCommunity in 2004,but is still organized in the French Community.Scandinavia. In Scandinavian countries, a civil engineer is a first professional degree,approximately equivalent to Master of Science in Engineering,and a protected title granted to students by selected institutes of technology. As in English the word has its origin in the distinction between civilian and military engineers,as in before the start of the 19th century only military engineers existed and the prefix "civil" was a way to separate those who had studied engineering in a regular university from their military counterparts. Today the degree spans over all fields within engineering, like civil engineering , computer science , electronics engineering , etc.There is generally a slight difference between a master of science in engineering degree and the Scandinavian civil engineer degree,the latter's program having closer ties with the industry's demands. A civil engineer is the more well-known of the two; still, the area of expertise remains obfuscated for most of the public. A noteworthy difference is the mandatory courses in mathematics and physics , regardless of the equivalent master degree, e. g. computer science.Although a college engineer is roughly equivalent to a bachelor of science in Scandinavia, and to become a civil engineer, one often has had to do up to one extra year of overlapping studies compared to attaining a bachelor of science/master of science combination.This is because the higher educational system is not fully adapted to the international standard graduation system,since it is treated as a professional degree. Today is starts to have a change due to the Bologna process.A Scandinavian "civilingenjor" in international contexts will commonly call herself "master of science in engineering" and will occasionally wear an engineering class ring. At the Norwegian Institute of Technology (now the Norwegian University of Science and Technology) , the tradition with a NTH Ring goes back t0 1914,before the Canadian iron ring.In Norway the title "Sivilingenidr" will no longer be issued after 2007,and has been replaced by "Master of technology". In the English translation of the diploma,the title will be "Master of Science" , since "Master of Technology" is not an established title in the English-speaking world. The extra overlapping year of studies have also been abolished with this change to make Norwegian degrees more equal to their international counterparts.United Kingdom. A chartered civil engineer (known as a certified or professional engineer in other countries) is a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers,and has also passed chartership exams. However, a non-chartered civil engineer may not be a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers or the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors. The description "Civil Engineer" is not restricted to members of any particular professional organization although "Chartered Civil Engineer" is .Eastern EuropeIn many Eastern European countries civil engineering does not exist as a distinct degree or profession but its various sub-professions are often studied in separate university faculties and performed as separate professions, whether they are taught in civilian universities or military engineering academies. Even many polytechnic tertiary schools give out separate degrees for each field of study. Typically study in geology,geodesy,structural engineering and urban engineering allows a person to obtain a degree in construction engineeting. Mechanical engineering,automotive engineering , hydraulics and even sometimes metallurgy are fields in a degree of machinery /doc/1d8a7d266137ee06eef91860.html puter sciences,control engineering and electricalengineering are fields in a degree in electrical engineering , while security, safety, environmental engineering, transportation, hydrology and meteorology are in a category of their own, typically each with their own degrees, either in separate university faculties or at polytechnic schools. United StatesIn the United States, civil engineers are typically employed by municipalities, construction firms,consulting engineering firms, architect/engineer firms, state governments, and the federal government. Each state requires engineers who offer their services to the public to be licensed by the state.licensure is obtained by meeting specified education, examination, and work experience the state. Licensure is obtained by meeting spec requirements. Specific requirements vary by state. Typically licensed engineers must graduate from an abet-accredited university or college engine ering program, pass the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam,obtain several years of engineering experience under the supervision of a licensed engineer,and then pass the Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam. After completing these steps and the granting of licensure by a state board,engineers may use the title "Professional Engineer"Building Engineering(建筑⼯程)Ⅰ: Building Types and ComponentsComponents of a BuildingMaterials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load-carrying frame, skin, floors, and partitions. The building also has mechanical and electrical systems, such as elevators, heating and cooling systems, and lighting systems. The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation is that part of a building below ground.The skyscraper owes its existence to two developments of the 19th century: steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator. Steel is a construction material dates from the introduction of the Bessemer converter in 1855. Gustame Eiffel (1832-1923) introduced steel construction in France. His designs for the Galerie des Machines and the Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889 expressed the lightness of the steel framework. The Eiffel Tower, 984 feet (300 meters) high, was the tallest structure built by man and was not surpassed until 40 years later by a series of American skyscrapers.The first elevator was installed by Elisha Otis in a department store in New York in 1857. In 1889, Eiffel installed the first elevators on a grand scale in the Eiffel Tower, whose hydraulic elevators could transport 2,350 passengers to the summit every hour.Load-carrying frame. Until the late 19th century, the exterior walls of a building were used as bearing walls to support the floors. This construction is essentially a post and lintel type, and it is still used in frame construction for houses. Bearing-wall construction limited the height of buildings because of the enormous wall thickness required; for instance, the 16-story MonadnockBuilding built in the 1880?s in Chicago had walls 5 feet (1.5 meters) thick at the lower floors. In 1883, William Le Baron Jenney (1832-1907) supported floors on cast-iron columns to form a cage-like construction. Skeleton construction, consisting of steel beams and columns, was first used in 1889. As a consequence of skeleton construction, the enclosing walls become a “curtain wall” rather than serving a supporting function. Masonry was the curtain wall mate rial until the 1930?s, when light metal and glass curtain walls were used.After the introduction of the steel skeleton, the height of buildings continued to increase rapidly. All tall buildings were built with a skeleton of steel until World War Ⅱ. After the war, the shortage of steel and the improved quality of concrete led to tall buildings being built of reinforced concrete. Marina Towers (1962) in Chicago is the tallest concrete building in the United States; its height - 588 feet (179 meters) - is exceeded by the 650-foot (198-meter) Post Office Tower in London and by other towers.A change in attitude about skyscraper construction has brought a return to the use of the bearing wall. In New York city, the Columbia Broadcasting System Building, designed by Eero Saarinen in 1962, has a perimeter wall consisting of 5-foot (1.5-meter) wide concrete columns spaced 10 feet (3-meter) from column center to center. This perimeter wall, in effect, constitutes a bearing wall. One reason for this trend is that stiffness against the action of wind can be economically obtained by using the walls of the building as a tube; the World Trade Center buildings are another example of this tube approach. In contrast, rigid frames or vertical trusses are usually provided to give lateral stability.Skin. The skin of a building consists of both transparent elements (windows) and opaque elements (walls). Windows are traditionally glass, although plastics are being used, espeeially in schools where breakage creates a maintenance problem. The wall elements, which are used to cover the structure and are supported by it, are built of a variety of materials: brick precast concrete, stones, opaque glass, plastics, steel, and aluminum. Wood is used mainly in house construction; it is not generally used for commercial, industrial, or public buildings because of the fire hazard.Floors. The construction of the floors in a building depends on the basic structural frame that is used. In steel skeleton construction, floors are either slabs of concrete resting on steel beams or a deck consisting of corrugated steel with a concrete topping. In concrete construction, the floors are either slabs of concrete on concrete beams or a series of closely spaced concrete beams (ribs) in two directions topped with a thin concrete slab, giving the appearance of a waffle on its underside. The kind of floor that is used depends on the span between supporting columns or walls and function of the space. In an apartment building, for instance, where walls and columns are spaced at 12 to 18 feet (3.7 to 5.5 meters), the most popular construction is a solid concrete slab with no beams. The underside of the slab serves as the ceiling for the space below it. Corrugated steel decks are often used in office buildings because the corrugations, when enclosed by another sheet of meta1, form ducts for telephone and electrical lines.Mechanical and Electrical Systems. A modern building not only contains the space for which it is intended (office, classroom, apartment) but also contains ancillary space for mechanical and electrical systems that help to provide a comfortable environment. These ancillary spaces in a skyscraper office building may constitute 25% of the total building area. The importance of heating, ventilating, electrical, and plumbing systems in an office building is shown by the fact that 40% of the construction budget is allocated to them. Because of the increased use of sealedbuildings with windows that cannot be opened, elaborate mechanical systems are provided for ventilation and air conditioning. Ducts and pipes carry fresh air from central fan rooms and air conditioning machinery. The ceiling, which is suspended below the upper floor construction, conceals the ductwork and contains the lighting units. Electrical wiring for power and for telephone communication may also be located in this ceiling space or may be buried in the floor construction in pipes or conduits.There have been attempts to incorporate the mechanical and electrical systems into the architecture of buildings by frankly expressing them; for example, the American Republic Insurance Company Building (1965) in Des Moines, Iowa, exposesboth the ducts and the floor structure in an organized and elegant pattern and dispenses with the suspended ceiling. This type of approach makes it possible to reduce the cost of the building and permits innovations, such as in the span of the structure.Soil and Foundations. All buildings are supported on the ground, and therefore the nature of the soil becomes an extremely important consideration in the design of any building. The design of a foundation depends on many soil factors, such as type of soil, soil stratification, thickness of soil layers and their compaction, and groundwater conditions. Soils rarely have a single composition; they generally are mixtures in layers of varying thickness. For evaluation, soils are graded according to particle size, which increases from silt to clay to sand to gravel to rock. In general, the larger particle soils will support heavier loads than the smaller ones. The hardest rock can support loads up to 100 tons per square foot (976.5 metric tons/sq meter), but the softest silt can support a load of only 0.25 ton per square foot (2.44 metric tons/sq meter). All soils beneath the surface are in a state of compaction; that is, they are under a pressure that is equal to the weight of the soil column above it. Many soils (except for most sands and gavels) exhibit elastic properties - they deform when compressed under load and rebound when the load is removed. The elasticity of soils is of - ten time - dependent, that is, deformations of the soil occur over a length of time, which may from minutes to years after a load is 1m - posed. Over a period of time, a building may settle if it imposes a load on the soil greater than the natural compaction weight of the soil. Conversely, a building may heave if it imposes loads on the soil smaller than the natural compaction weight. The soil may also flow under the weight of a building; that is, it tends to be squeezed out.Due to both the compaction and flow effects, buildings tend to settle. Uneven settlements, exemplified by the leaning towers in Pisa and Bologna, can have damaging effects - the building may lean, walls and partitions may drack, windows and doors may become inoperative, and in the extreme, a building may collapse. Uniform settlements are not so serious, although extreme conditions, such as those in Mexico City, can have serious consequences. Over the past 100 years, a change in the groundwater level there has caused some buildings to settle more than 10 feet (3 meters). Because such movements can occur during and after construction, careful analysis of the soils under a building is vital.The great variability of soils has led to a variety of solutions to the foundation problem. Where firm soil exists close to the surface, the simplest solution is to rest columns on a small slab of concrete (spread footing). Where the soil is softer, it is necessary to spread the column load over a greater area; in this case, a continuous slab of concrete (raft or mat) under the whole building is used. In cases where the soil near the surface is unable to support the weight of the building, piles of wood or concrete are driven down to firm soil.The construction of a building proceeds naturally from the foundation up to the superstructure. The design process, however, proceeds from the roof down to the foundation (in the direction of gravity). In the past, the foundation was not subjected to systematic investigation. A scientific approach to the design of foundations has been developed in the 20th century. Karl Terzaghi of the United States pioneered studies that made it possible to make accurate predictions of the behavior of foundations, using the science of soil mechanics coupled with exploration and testing procedures. Foundation failures of the past, such as the classical example of the leaning tower in Pisa, have become almost nonexistent. Foundations still are a hidden but costly part of many Buildings.New Words and Expressions1.partition [ pɑ:'ti??n ] n. 分开,分割,隔墙,隔板2.converter [ k?n'v?:t? ] n. 炼钢炉,吹风转炉3.framework [ 'freimw?:k ] n. 构架,框架,结构4.surpass [ s?'pɑ:s ] v. 超过,胜过5.exterior [ ik'sti?ri? ] adj. 外部的,外⾯的n. 外部,表⾯6.lintel [ 'lint?l ] n. 楣,(门窗)过梁7.opaque [ ?u'peik ] adj. 透明的,不透光的n. 不透明体8.deck [ dek ] n. 甲板,舱⾯;桥⾯,层⾯9.corrugate [ 'k?:ruɡeit ] v. 弄皱,使起皱纹adj. 起皱的,起波纹的10.duct [ d?kt ] n. 管道,通道,预应⼒筋孔道11.ancillary [ ?n'sil?ri ] adj. 辅助的,附属的12.ventilate [ 'ventileit ] vt. 使通风,使通⽓,给……装置通风设备。
Lesson 1Compression MembersNew Words1. achieve achievement2. eccentricity center, 中心; ec centric 偏心的;ec centricity 偏心,偏心距3. inevitable evitable 可避免的avoidable; in evitable 不可避免的unavoidable4. truss 桁架triangular truss, roof truss, truss bridge5. bracing brace 支柱,支撑;bracing, 支撑,撑杆6. slender 细长,苗条;stout; slenderness7. buckle 压曲,屈曲;buckling load8. stocky stout9. convincingly convince, convincing, convincingly10. stub 树桩, 短而粗的东西;stub column 短柱11. curvature 曲率;curve, curvature12. detractor detract draw or take away; divert; belittle, 贬低,诽谤;13. convince14. argument dispute, debate, quarrel, reason, 论据理由15. crookedness crook 钩状物,v弯曲,crooked 弯曲的16. provision 规定,条款Phrases and Expressions1. compression member2. bending moment shear force, axial force3. call upon on 要求,请求,需要4. critical buckling load 临界屈曲荷载critical 关键的,临界的5. cross-sectional area6. radius of gyration 回转半径gyration7. slenderness ratio 长细比8. tangent modulus 切线模量9. stub column 短柱10. trial-and-error approach 试算法11. empirical formula 经验公式empirical 经验的12. residual stress 残余应力residual13. hot-rolled shape 热轧型钢hot-rolled bar14. lower bound 下限upper bound 上限16. effective length 计算长度Definition 定义Compression members are those structural elements that are subjected only to axial compressive forces: that is, the loads are applied along a longitudinal axis through the centroid of the member cross section, andthe stress can be taken as f a =P/A, where f a is considered to be uniform over the entire cross section. 受压构件是仅受轴向压力作用的构件,即:荷载是沿纵轴加在其截面形心上的,其应力可表示为…,式中,假定f a 在整个截面上均匀分布; This ideal state is never achieved in reality, however, and some eccentricity of the load is inevitable. 然而,现实中从来都不可能达到这种理想状态,因为荷载的一些偏心是不可避免的;This will result in bending, but it can usually be regarded as secondary and can be neglected if the theoretical loading condition is closely approximated. 这将导致弯曲,但通常认为它是次要的,如果理论工况是足够近似的,就可将其忽略;This cannot always be done if there is a computed bending moment, and situation of this type will be considered in Beam-Columns. 但这并非总是可行的,如有计算出的弯矩存在时,这种情形将在梁柱理论中加以考虑;The most common type of compression member occurring in buildings and bridges is the column , a vertical member whose primary function is to support vertical loads. 在建筑物和桥梁中最常见的受压构件就是柱,其主要功能就是支承竖向荷载;In many instances these members are also called upon to resist bending, and in these cases the member is a beam-column . Compression members can also be found in trusses and as components of bracing systems. 在许多情况下,它们也需要抵抗弯曲,在此情况下,将它们称为梁柱;受压构件也存在于桁架和支撑系统中;Column Theory 柱理论assume the shape indicated by the dashed line. 如果慢慢增加轴向荷载P,它最终将达到一个足够大的值使该柱变得不稳定失稳,如图中虚线所示; The member is said to have buckled, and the corresponding load is called th e critical buckling load . 这时认为构件已经屈曲,相应的荷载称为临界屈曲荷载;If the member is more stocky members and for more slender columns before they buckle, the compressive stress P/A is uniform over the cross section at any point along the length. 对这些短柱以及更细长的柱,在其屈曲前,在其长度方向上任意点处横截面上的压应力P/A 都是均匀的;As we shall see, the load at which buckling occurs is a function of slenderness , and for very slender members this load could be quite small. 我们将会看到,屈曲发生时的荷载是长细程度的函数,非常细长的构件的屈曲荷载将会很低;If the member is so slender a precise definition of slenderness will be given shortly that the stress just before buckling is below the proportional limit —that is, the member is still elastic —the critical buckling load is given by 如果构件如此细长随后将会给出细长程度的精确定义以致即将屈曲时的应力低于比例极限—即,构件仍是弹性的,临界屈曲荷载如下式给出:22L EIP cr π=where E is the modulus of elasticity of the material, I is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area with respect to the minor principal axis, and L is the length of the member between points of support. 式中E 为材料弹性模量,I 为关于截面副主轴的惯性矩,L 为支座间的距离;For to be valid, the member must be elastic, and its ends must be free to rotate but not translate laterally. This end condition is satisfied by hinges or pins. 要使方程成立,构件必须是弹性的,且其两端必须能自由转动,但不能侧向移动;This remarkable relationship was first formulated by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler and published in 1975. 此着名公式是瑞士数学家欧拉于1975年提出的;The critical load is sometimes referred to as the Euler load or the Euler buckling load. The validity of has been demonstrated convincingly by numerous tests. 因此有时将临界荷载称为欧拉荷载或欧拉临界荷载;欧拉公式的有效性正确性已由许多试验充分证实;It will be convenient to rewrite as follows: 方程可方便地写为2222222)/(r L EA L EAr L EIP cr πππ===where A is the cross-sectional area and r is the radius of gyration with respect to the axis of buckling. The ratio L/r is the slenderness ratio and is the measure of a compression member ’s slenderness, with large values corresponding to slender members. 式中A 为截面面积,r 为关于屈曲轴的回转半径,L/r 为长细比,它是对受压构件细长程度的一种度量,该值越大,构件越细长;If the critical load is divided by the cross-sectional area, the critical buckling stress is obtained: 如果将屈曲荷载除以截面面积,便可得到以下屈曲应力: 22)/(r L E A P F cr cr π==This is the compressive stress at which buckling occur about the axis corresponding to r. 这便是绕相应于r 的轴发生屈曲时的压应力;Since buckling will take place as soon as the load reaches the value by the column will become unstable about the principle axis corresponding to the largest slenderness ratio. This usually means the axis with the smaller moment of inertia. 由于一旦荷载达到式之值,柱将在与最大长细比对应的主轴方向变得不稳定失稳,通常该轴是惯性矩较小的轴;Thus, the minimum moment of inertia and radius of gyration of the cross section should be used in and . 因此,应在方程和中采用截面的最小惯性矩和最小回转半径;Early researchers soon found that Euler ’s equation did not give reliable results for stocky, or less slender, compression members. 早期的研究者很快发现对短柱或不太细长的受压构件,欧拉公式并不能给出可靠的结果,This is because of the small slendernessthe stress at which buckling occurs is greater than the proportional limit of the material, the relation between stress and strain is not linear, and the modulus of elasticity E can no longer be used. 如果屈曲发生时的应力大于材料的比例极限,应力应变关系就不再是线性的,也不能再用弹性模量E;This difficulty was initially resolved by Friedrich Engesser, who proposed in 1889 the use of a variable tangent modulus E tpl . The tangent modulus E t is defined as the slope of the tangent to the stress-strain curve for values of f between F pl and F y . 对于如图所示的应力应变曲线的材料,当应力超过比例极限时,E 并非常数,当应力处于F pl 和F y 之间时,将切线模量定义为应力应变曲线的切线的斜率,If the compressive stress at buckling, P cr /A, is in this region, it can be shown that 如果屈曲时的压应力在此范围时,可以证明22L IE P t cr π=This is identical to the Euler equation, except that E t is substituted for E. 除公式中将E 代之以E t 外,上式与欧拉公式完全相同;Effective Length 计算长度Both the Euler and tangent modulus equations are based on the following assumptions: 欧拉和切线模量方程都是基于如下假定:1. The column is perfectly straight, with no initial crooked ness. 柱完全竖直,无初始弯曲;2. The load is axial, with no eccentricity. 荷载是轴向加载,无偏心;3. The column is pinned at both ends. 柱在两端铰结;The first two conditions mean that there is no bending moment in the member before buckling. 前两假定条件意味着在屈曲前无弯矩存在;As mentioned previously, some accidental moment will be present, but in most cases it can be neglected. 如前所述,可能偶然会存在一些弯矩,但在大多数情况下都可被忽略;The requirement for pinned ends, however, is a serious limitation, and provisions must be made for other support conditions. 然而,铰结要求是一个严重的局限,必须对其它支撑条件作出规定;The pinned-end condition is one that requires that the member be restrained from lateral translation, but not rotation, at the ends. 铰结条件要求约束构件两端不发生侧移,但并不约束转动;Since it is virtually impossible to construct a frictionless pin connection, even this support condition can only be closely approximated at best. 由于实际上不可能构造无摩擦铰连接,即使这种支撑条件最多也只能是非常近似;Obviously, all columns must be free to deform axially. 显然,所有柱必须在轴向自由变形; In order to account for other end conditions, the equations for critical buckling load will be written as 为了考虑其它边界条件,将临界荷载写为如下形式22)/(r KL EAP cr π= or 22)/(r KL AE P t cr π=where KL is the effective length, and K is called the effective length factor. Values of K for different cases can be determined with the aid of the Commentary to the AISC Specification. 式中KL 为计算长度,K 称为计算长度系数,各种情况下的K 值可借助于AISC 美国钢结构学会American Institute of Steel Construction 规范的条文说明加以确定;Lesson 2Introduction to structural designNew words1. framework frame+work=frame 构架,框架; frame structure, 框架结构2. constraint vt. constrain 约束,强迫;n. constraint 约束3. collaborate vt. 合作,通敌;collaboration, collaborative4. evaluation vt. evaluate, value; assess, assessment5. fixture vt. fix, fixture 固定设备,固定物,夹具6. partition vt. n 分割,划分, make apart; partition wall7. overlook8. crane n. 超重机,鹤9. fatigue 疲劳fatigue strength, fatigue failure10. drift 漂流,漂移,雪堆11. enumerate v. list 列举12. plumbing n. 卫生,自来水管道,plumber 管道工13. ventilation n. 通风, ventilate, ventilate a room, a well-ventilated room, vent 通风口14. accessibility n. 可达性, access, n. vt. 通道,接近;accessible 易接近的,可达到的15. code n. vt 代码,编码,规范16. administer v. 管理,执行;administrate, 管理17. metropolitan a. 大城市,of metropolis18. consolidate v. 巩固,strengthen,reinforce; consolidation19. prescription n. 规定,命令,药方;prescribe20. municipality n. 市政当局,直辖市, municipal government21. specification n. 详述,规格, 规范;specify22. mandate n. 书面命令,委托,Phrases and expressions1. functional design 功能设计2. bending moment 弯矩3. dead load4. live load5. nonstructural components 非结构构件6. force due to gravity7. gravity load8. building code9. design specifications 设计规程10. nonprofit organization 非赢利组织,弄non-government organization11. the National Building Code12. the Uniform Building Code13. the Standard Building Code14. Building Officials and Code Administrators International BOCA 国际建筑公务员与法规管理人员联合会15. AISC 美国钢结构学会American Institute of Steel Construction16. AASHTO 美国公路和运输工作者协会American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials17. AREA 美国铁道工程协会the American Railway Engineering Association18. AISI 美国钢铁学会American Iron and Steel InstituteIntroduction to Structural DesignStructural designThe structural design of building, whether of structural steel or reinforced concrete, requires the determination of the overall proportions and dimensions of the supporting framework and the selection of the cross sections of individual members. 建筑结构设计,不论是钢结构还是钢筋混凝土结构,都需要确定其支承结构的整体比例和尺寸以及各构件的截面尺寸;In most cases the functional design, including the establishment of the number of stories and the floor plan, will have been done by an architect, and the structural engineer must work within the constraints imposed by this design. 在大多数情况下,功能设计,包括楼层层数和楼层平面的确定,将要由建筑师来完成,因而结构工程师必须在此约束条件下工作;Ideally, the engineer and architect will collaborate throughout the design process so that the project is completed in an efficient manner. 在理想状态下,工程师和建筑师将在整个设计过程中协同工作从而高效地完成设计工作;In effect, however, the design can be summed up as follows: 然而,事实上,设计过程可概括如下:The architect decides how the building should look; the engineer must make sure that it doesn’t fall down. 建筑师确定建筑物的外观,工程师必须确保其不会倒塌;Although this is an oversimplification, it affirms the first priority of the structural engineer: safety. Other important considerations include serviceability how well the structure performs in terms of appearance and deflection and economy. 尽管这样说过分简单,但它明确了工程师的第一个主要任务,即,确保安全;其它要考虑的因素包括适用性就外观和挠曲而言其工作性能如何;An economical structure requires an efficient use of materials and construction labor. Although this can usually be accomplished by a design that requires a minimum amount of material, savings can often be realized by using slightly more material if it results in a simpler, more easily constructed projects. 经济的结构要求对材料和人工的有效使用,尽管这通常都能通过要求最少材料来取得,但通过采用稍多的材料,但能使建筑物更简单和更容易建造常常会实现节约的目的;LoadsThe forces the act on a structure are called loads. They belong to one of two broad categories, dead load and live load. 作用在结构物上的各种力称为荷载,它们属于一两种广义类型,恒载和活载;Dead loads are those that are permanent, including the weight of the structure itself, which is sometimes called the self-weight. 恒载是那些永久荷载,包括结构自身的重量,有时也称为自重;Other dead loads in a buildinginclude the weight of nonstructural components such as floor coverings, suspended ceilings with light fixtures, and partitions. 其它建筑物恒载包括非结构构件的重量,如楼面面层、带有灯具的吊顶以及隔墙;All of the loads mentioned thus far are forces due to gravity and are referred to as gravity loads. 至此所提的各种荷载都是由重力所引起,因而称为重力荷载;Live loads, which can also be gravity loads, are those that are not as permanent as dead loads. 活载也可以是重力荷载,它们是那些不如恒载那样永久的荷载;This type may or may not be acting on the structure as any given time, and the location may not be fixed. 这类荷载可能也可能不总是作用在结构物上,且作用位置也可能不是固定的;Examples of live load include furniture, equipment, and occupants of buildings. 活荷载包括家具、设置和建筑物的居住者;In general, the magnitude of a live load is not as well defined as that of a dead load, and it usually must be estimated. In many cases, a given structural member must be investigated for various positions of the live load so that a potential failure situation is not overlooked. 通常,活荷载的大小不如恒载那样确定,常常必须估计;在许多情况下,必须研究活荷载作用在一给定的结构构件的各个位置以便不会漏掉每个可能的破坏情形;Building codesBuilding must be designed and constructed according to the provisions of a building codes, which is a legal document containing requirements related to such things as structural safety, fire safety, plumbing, ventilation, and accessibility to the physically disabled. 建筑物必须根据各种建筑规范的条款设计和建造,规范是一种法律文件,包含各种要求,如建筑安全、防火安全、上下水、通风和体残人的可达性等;A building code has the force of law and is administered by a governmental entity such as a city, a county, or, for some large metropolitan areas, a consolidated government. 建筑规范具有法律效力,由政府部位发布,如城市、县、对于大的城区,如联合政府;Building codes do not give design provisions, but they do specify the design requirements and constraints that must be satisfied. 建筑规范并不给出设计规定,但却规定设计必须满足的各种要求和约束条款;Of particular importance to the structural engineer is the prescription of minimum live loads for buildings. 对结构工程师特别重要的是建筑物的最小活荷载规定;Although the engineer is encouraged to investigate the actual loading conditions and attempt to determine realistic values, the structure must be able to support these specified minimum loads. 尽管鼓励工程师研究实际荷载工况以确定真实的荷载值,结构必须能支承这些规定的最小荷载;Design specificationsIn contrast to building codes, design specifications give more specific guidance for the design of structural members and their connections. 与建筑规范不同,设计规程给出结构构件及其连接的更具体的指南;They present the guidelines and criteria that enable a structural engineer to achieve the objectives mandated by a building code. 它们给出各种方针和标准,使结构工程师能建筑规范所规定的目标;Design specifications represent what is considered to be good engineering practice based on their latest research. 根据其最新研究,设计规程结出认为是好的工程作法;They are periodically revised and updated by supplements or by completely new editions. 它们通过补充或通过发布新版本得到定期修订和更新;As with model building codes, design specifications are written in a legal format by nonprofit organizations. 如同一般建筑规范,设计规程由非赢利组织编写;They have no legal standing on their own, but by presenting design criteria and limits in the form of legal mandates and prohibitions, they can easily be adopted, by reference, as part of a building code. 尽管它们本身并无法律地位,但却以法令和禁令的形式给出设计准则和限制,以参考文献的形式,它们可容易地被录入,并作为建筑规范的一部分;Lesson 3New words1. col`loidal 胶状的,胶体的,`colloid 胶体2. sieve n,v. 筛,过筛,过滤3. sample . 样品,取样specimen4. mesh 网孔,网格,分网格5. `cumulative a. 积累的;cumulate, cumulation6. grading n. 级配,等级;grade7. sedimentation n. 沉淀; sediment8. suspension n. 悬浮;suspend ~bridge cable-stayed bridge9. agitate v. 搅动,混合;disturb10. hydro meter n. 液体比重计11. viscosity n. 黏性;viscoidal12. flaky n. 薄片状的,of flake13. pipette n. 吸液管14. ir recoverable a.不可恢复的ir retrievable15. con cave a. 凹的;con vex凸的16. permeability n. 渗透性; permeate, permeable seep seepagePhrases and expressions1. frost susceptibility 霜冻敏感性2. sieving method 筛分法3. semi-logarithmic curve 半对数曲线4. grading curve 级配曲线5. wet sieving 湿法筛分6. dispersing agent 分散剂7. Stoke’s law 斯托克定律8. unit weight 重度9. coefficient of grading 级配系数10. sedimentation method 沉降法11. particle-size distribution 粒径分布Text Particle Size Analysis 粒径分析The range of particle sizes encountered in soils is very wide: from around 200mm down to the colloidal size of some clays of less than . 在各种土中所遇到的粒径范围很大,大到200mm小到小于的一些粘土胶粒;Although natural soils are mixtures of various-sized particles, it is common tofind a predominance occurring within a relatively narrow band of sizes. 尽管天然土都是由各种粒径的颗粒组成,但通常可发现其主要组成颗粒出现在一个比较小的粒径范围内;When the width of this size band is very narrow the soil will be termed poorly-graded, if it is wide the soil is said to be well-graded. 当这一粒径范围非常小时,称这种土级配较差,而当其较大时,称这种土级配良好;A number of engineering properties, . permeability, frost susceptibility, compressibility, are related directly or indirectly to particle-size characteristics. 土的许多工程特性,如渗透性、霜冻敏感性、可压缩性等都直接或间接的与土的级配特性有关;shows the British Standard range of percentage of particle sizes. 图为粒径百分数的英国标准范围;The particle-size analysis of a soil is carried out by determining the weight percentage falling within bands of size represented by these divisions and sub-divisions. 通过确定落入由这些粒径分组和子组所代表的粒径范围的重量百分比,对土进行粒径分析;In the case of a coarse soil, from which fine-grained particles have been removed or wereabsent, the usual process is a sieve analysis. 对于粗粒土,它里面的细粒土被除去或本身就无细颗粒,常用的方法就是筛分法;A representative sample of the soil is split systematically down to a convenient sub-sample size and then oven-dried. 此法是将要分析土的一代表样本系统地分为方便的子样本,然后烘干;This sample is then passed through a nest of standard test sieves arranged in descending order of mesh size. 再使烘干的土样通过一组筛孔尺寸由大至小放置的标准试验筛;Where the soil sample contains fine-grained particles, a wet sieving procedure is first carried out to remove these and to determine the combined clay/silt fraction percentage. 在土样中含有细土粒的场合,首先用湿筛分法将其除去,并确定粘粒/粉粒总共所占的分数;A suitable-sized sub-sample is first oven-dried and then sieved to separate the coarsestparticles >20mm. 将一适量的分土样烘干,并过筛分开最粗的颗粒>20mm的颗粒The sub-sample is then immersed in water containing a dispersing agent and allowed to stand before being washed through a 63mmicron mesh sieve. 然后将土样浸入含有分散剂的水中,并在将其用63微米筛过筛前搁置起来并将其搁置一会,再用63micron的筛子过筛;The retained fraction is again oven-dried and passed through a nest of sieves. 将筛中保留的部分烘干,并用一组筛子过筛;After weighing the fractions retained on each sieve and calculating the cumulative percentage passing each sieve, the grading curve is drawn. 称量落在每个筛中土重,并计算出通过每个的累计百分数后,就可描出级配曲线;The combined clay/silt fraction is determined from the weight difference and expressed as a percentage of the total sub-sample weight. The coarsest fraction >20mm can also be sieved and the results used to complete the grading curve. 由重量差确定粘粒/粉粒的总重,并将其表示为子土样总重的百分数;最粗的部分即粒径>20mm的部分也可被过筛,并用其结果完成级配曲线的绘制;A further sub-division of particle-size distribution in the fine-grained fraction is not possible by the sieving method. 不能用筛分法对细粒部分的粒径分布作进一步分组;A processof sedimentation is normally carried out for this purpose. 通常必须用沉降法实现此目的; A small sub-sample of soil is first treated with a dispersing agent and then washed through a63m sieve. 首先将一小子土样用分散剂进行处理,然后洗过63的筛子;The soil/water suspension is then made up to 500 ml,agitated vigorously for a short while and then allowed to settle.再从中取出500ml的土/水悬浮液,充分搅拌一会后让其沉降;The procedure is based on Stoke’s law, which states that the velocity at which a spherical particle will sink due to gravity ina suspension is given by: 此方法是基于斯托克思定律,即在重力作用下球形颗粒在某一悬浮液中下降的速度为Where d=diameter of particle 颗粒直径=unit weight of the grain of particle 颗粒重度s=unit weight of the suspension fluid usually water 悬浮液w的重度通过为水的重度=vescosity of the suspension fluid 悬浮液的黏度Usually h=100mm, 通常h=100mm, giving 由此给出Samples taken at a depth of 100mm, at an elapsed time of t,will not, therefore, include particles of greater size than thediameter d given by 因此在,在深度100mm处,t 时间后所取的悬浮液中将不会有粒径大于式所给出的土粒; but the proportions of particles smaller than d in the suspension willremain unchanged. 但悬浮液中小于d的颗粒所占的比例仍保持不变;The procedure using a hydrometer consists of measuring the suspension density at a depth of 100mm at a series of elapsed-time intervals. 用液体比重计的方法包括以一系列时间间隔在深度100mm处测定悬浮液的比重;The percentage-finer values corresponding to particular diameter . particle sizes are obtained from the density readings, and thus a grading curve for the fine-grained fraction may be drawn. 通过比重读数得到小于某一特定粒径的颗粒的百分数,从而可画出细粒部分的级配曲线;Grading CharacteristicsThe grading curve is a graphical representation of the particle-size distribution and is therefore useful in itself as a means of describing the soil. 级配曲线是粒径分布的一种图形表达,因而可用来作为描述土的手段;For this reason it is always a good idea to include copies of grading curves in laboratory and other similar reports. 因此,人们总是认为在实验室报告或其它报告里附上几份级配曲线是一种好做法; It should also be remembered that the primary object is to provide a descriptive term for the type of soil. 还应牢记的是我们的主要目的是提供对土的类型的描述性术语;This iseasily done using the type of chart by estimating the range of sizes included in the most representative fraction of the soil. 这可容易地通过采用这种级配曲线做到,因为用它能估计出土中最有代表性的成分的粒径范围;For example, the steep curve may be taken to represent a poorly-graded medium sand, indicating a narrow range of sizes. 例如,陡峭的曲线可用来表示级配差的中砂,并表示其粒径范围比较小;A further quantitative analysis of grading curves may be carried out using certain geometric values known as grading characteristics. 通过采用某些称为级配特征的几何值,可进一步对级配曲线进行定量的分析;First of all, three points are located on the grading curve to give the following characteristic sizes: 首先,定出级配曲线上的三个点以给出以下特征粒径:D10=maximum size of the smallest 10 percent of the sample; 只有10%土样通过的最大粒径;D30= maximum size of the smallest 30 percent of the sample; 只有30%土样通过的最大粒径;D60= maximum size of the smallest 60 percent of the sample;只有60%土样通过的最大粒径;From these characteristic sizes, the following grading characteristics are defined: 根据这些特征粒径,定义出如下级配特征:Effective size 有效粒径Uniformity coefficient 均匀系数Coefficient of gradation 级配系数Lesson 4New Words1.u ndergo ndu vt. 经历, 遭受, 忍受; experience2.e vaporation ivprein n.蒸发作用evaporate vapor3.a ttribute tribju:t vt.把…归因于, 把…归咎于,加于, 归结于;ascribe, impute, credit, assign, refer4.s hrinkageshrink rinkid n.收10.distribution distribju:nn.分配, 分发distribute distributor11. upwind pwindadj.逆风的adv.逆风地windward; leeward 12.diminish diminiv.使减少, 使变小diminishment; decrease13.creep kri:p n. 徐变;14.slippage slip缩shrink5.c apillary kpilri adj. 毛细作用的tensioncapillarity6.e vaporate ivpreitv.使蒸发, 消失7.p aste peist n.糊, 粘土团cement paste 8.a mbient mbint adj. 周围的,包围着的surrounding ambient air9.s pecimen spesimin n. 标本, 样品, 样本, 待试验物; sampleslipid n.滑动, 滑移, 滑程slip15.humidityhju:miditin.湿气, 潮湿, 湿度; humidrelative humidity 16.aug`ment: ment v.增加, 增大n.增加; increase, enlarge augmentation17.sustained ssteindadj.持续不变的, 相同的; sustainable development18.fatigue fti:n.疲乏, 疲劳, vt.使疲劳, vi.疲劳strengthPhrases and Expressions1.m oisture content 含8.s ustained load 永久水量,含湿度; water content2.c ement paste 水泥浆mortar3.c apillary tension 毛细管张力,微张力4.g radation of aggregate 骨料级配coarse fine crushed stone, gravel5.T he British Code PC100英国混凝土规范PC100; nowaday BS81106.c oefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 混凝土热膨胀系数7. The Code 英国标准规范荷载,长期荷载9.p ermanent plastic strain 永久的塑性应变stress10.crystal lattice晶格, 晶格11.cement gel 水泥凝胶体12.water-cement ratio 水灰比13.expansion joint 伸缩缝14.stability of the structure 结构的稳定性structural stability15. fatigue strength ofconcrete 混凝土的疲劳强度Text Volume Changes of ConcreteConcrete undergoes volume changes during hardening. 混凝土在硬结过程中会经历体积变化;If it loses moisture by evaporation, it shrinks, but if the concrete hardens in water, it expands. 如果蒸发失去水分,混凝土会收缩;但如果在水中硬结,它便膨胀;The causes of the volume changes in concrete can be attributed to changes in moisture content, chemical reaction of the cement with water, variation in temperature, and applied loads. 混凝土体积变化的原因可归结为含水量的变化、水泥与水的水化反应、温度变化和所施加的荷载;ShrinkageThe change in the volume of drying concrete is not equal to the volume of water removed. The evaporation of free water causes little or no shrinkage. 混凝土干燥时的体积变化量不等于它所失去的水的体积;自由水的蒸发基本不产生收缩;As concrete continues to dry, water evaporates and the volume of the restrained cement paste changes, causing concrete to shrink, probably dueto the capillary tension that develops in the water remaining in concrete. 随着混凝土的不断变干,水分蒸发,受约束水泥浆的体积也变化,导致了混凝土的收缩,这多半是由于残留在混凝土中的水的毛细张力所致; Emptying of the capillaries causes a loss of water without shrinkage. But once the absorbed water is removed, shrinkage occurs. 毛细管变空导致无收缩的水分丢失,但一旦失去吸收的水分,收缩便发生;Many factors influence the shrinkage of concrete caused by the variations in moisture conditions. 许多因素都会影响因水分环境发生变化而产生的混凝土收缩;and water content. The more cement or water content in the concrete mix, the greater the shrinkage. 水灰比:水灰比越大,收缩越大;and fineness of cement. High-early-strength and low-heat cements show more shrinkage than normal portland cement. The finer the cement, the greater is the expansion under moist conditions. 水泥的成分和细度:早强和低热水泥的收缩大于普通水泥,水泥越细,其在潮湿环境中的膨胀越大;, amount, and gradation of aggregate. The smaller the size of aggregate particles, the greater is the shrinkage. The greater the aggregate content, the smaller is the shrinkage. 骨料的类型、含量及其级配:骨料的粒径越小,收缩越大;骨料含量越大,收缩则越小;conditions, moisture, and temperature. Concrete specimens subjected to moist conditions undergo an expansion of 200to300×10-6,but if they are left to dry in air, they shrink. High temperature speeds the evaporation of water and, consequently, increases shrinkage. 外部条件,水分与温度:潮湿环境下的混凝土试件的膨胀量为200to300×10-6,但如果让其在空气中干燥,它们将收缩;高温加速了水分的蒸发,因此也加快了收缩;. Admixtures that increase the water requirement of concrete increase the shrinkage value. 添加剂:使用水量增加的外加剂也增加了收缩值;and shape of specimen. As shrinkage takes place in a reinforced concrete member, tension。
土木工程专业英语词汇整理HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力 active earth pressure72 被动土压力 passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷 volume87 期 number 88 专着 monograph89 会议论文集 Proceeding90 学位论文 thesis, dissertation91 专利 patent92 档案档案室 archive93 国际学术会议 conference94 导师 advisor95 学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96 博士研究生 doctorate student97 研究生 postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署 110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇engineering岩土工程engineering基础工程,earth土mechanics土力学cyclicloading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelasticfoundation粘弹性地基viscous?damping粘滞阻尼shearmodulus剪切模量dynamics土动力学path应力路径geotechanics数值岩土力学二.土的分类soil残积土groundwaterlevel地水位地下水groundwatertable地下水位miner 粘土矿物minerals次生矿物滑坡?holecolumnarsection 孔柱状图geologicinvestigation工程地质勘漂石?卵石?砂石?sand砾砂sand粗砂sand中砂sand细砂sand粉土soil粘性土粘土?clay粉粘土粉土?silt砂质粉土silt粘质粉土soil饱土soil非饱和土(soil)填土soil超固结土consolidatedsoil正常固结土soil欠固结土soil区域性土clay软粘土(swelling)soil膨土泥炭?黄土?soil冻土ofsaturation饱和度unitweight干重度unitweight湿重度=InternationalSocietyforSoilMechanicsand technicalEngineering国际土力学与岩土工程会四.渗透性和渗流’slaw达西定律管涌?soil流土boiling砂沸流网渗透(流)渗流?pressure渗透压力渗透性?force渗透力gradient水力梯度ofpermeability渗透系数五.地基应力和变形soil软土2.(negative)skinfrictionofdrivenpile打入(负)摩阻力stress有效应力stress总应力vaneshearstrength十字板抗剪强度activity低活性灵敏度?test三轴试验design基础设计再压缩capaci 承载力mass土体stress(pressure)接触应力(压力)load集中荷载semi-infiniteelasticsolid半限弹性体均质?各向同性?footing条基spreadfooting方独立基础soil(stratum,strata)下卧层(土)load=sustainedload恒载持续荷载load活载–termtransientload短期瞬时荷载transientload长期荷载load折算荷载沉降?变形?套管?=dyke堤(防)fraction粘粒粒组properties物理性质路基?soil级配良好土soil级配不良土stresses正应力stresses剪应力plane主平面(intermediate,minor)principalstress最大(中、最小)主应力failurecondition摩尔-库仑破坏条件=finiteelementmethod有限元法equilibriummethod极限平衡法waterpressure孔隙水压力pressure先期固结压力ofcompressibility压缩模量ofcompressibility压缩系数index压缩指数index回弹指数stress自重应力stress附加应力stress总应力settlement最终沉降line滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1excavation 开挖(挖方)2dewatering(基坑)降水3failureoffoundation基坑失稳4bracingoffoundationpit基坑围护5bottomheave=basalheave(基坑)底隆起6retainingwall挡土墙7pore-pressuredistribution孔压分布8dewateringmethod降低地下水位法9wellpointsystem井点系统(轻型)10deepwellpoint深井点11vacuumwellpoint真空井点12bracedcuts支撑围护13bracedexcavation 支撑开挖14bracedsheeting支撑挡板七.深基础--deepfoundationfoundation桩基础1)cast–in-place灌注桩divingcastingcast-in-placepile沉管灌注桩boredpile钻孔桩special-shapedcast-in-placepile机控异型灌注桩pilessetintorock嵌岩灌注桩rammedbulbpile 夯扩桩2)belledpierfoundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pierfoundation钻孔扩底墩under-reamedboredpier3)precastconcretepile预制混凝土桩4)steelpile钢桩steelpipepile钢管桩steelsheetpile钢板桩5)prestressedconcretepile预应力混凝土桩prestressedconcretepipepile预应力混凝土管桩foundation沉井(箱)wall地下连续墙截水墙pile摩擦桩pile端承桩竖井;桩身?equationanalysis波动方程分析caps承台(桩帽)capacityofsinglepile单桩承载力pileloadtest单桩横向载荷试验lateralresistanceofsinglepile单桩横向极限载力loadtestofpile单桩竖向静荷载试验allowableloadcapacity单桩竖向容许承载力pilecap低桩承台pilecap高桩承台ultimateupliftresistanceofsinglepile单桩拔极限承载力piling静力压桩pile抗拔桩pi 抗滑桩groups群桩factorofpilegroups群桩效率系数(η)ofpilegroups群桩效应piletesting桩基动测术set最后贯入度loadtestofpile桩动荷载试验integritytest桩的完整性试验head=butt桩头tip=pilepoint=piletoe桩端(头)spacing桩plan桩位布置图ofpiles=pilelayout桩的布置action群桩作用bearing=tipresistance桩端(side)friction=shaftresistance桩侧阻cushion桩垫driving(byvibration)(振动)桩pullingtest拔桩试验shoe桩靴noise打桩噪rig打桩机九.固结consolidation’sconsolidationtheory太沙基固结理论’sconsolidationtheory巴隆固结理论’sconsolidationtheory比奥固结理论consolidationration(OCR)超固结比soil超固结土porewaterpressure超孔压力consolidation多维固结consolidation一维固结consolidation主固结consolidation次固结ofconsolidation固结度test固结试验curve 结曲线factorTv时间因子ofconsolidation固结系数pressure前期固结压力ofeffectivestress有效应力原理underK0conditionK0固结十.抗剪强度shearstrength shearstrength不排水抗剪强度strength残余强度strength长期强度strength 峰值强度strainrate剪切应变速率剪胀?stressapproachofshearstrength剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法stressapproachofshearstrength抗剪强度总应力法theory莫尔-库仑理论ofinternalfriction内摩擦角粘聚力?criterion 破坏准则strength十字板抗剪强度compression无侧限抗压强度stressfailureenvelop有效应力破坏包线stressstrengthparameter有效应力强度参数十一.本构模型--constitutivemodelmodel弹性模型elasticmodel非线性弹性模型model弹塑性模型model粘弹性模型surfacemodel边界面模型model邓肯-张模型plasticmodel刚塑性模型model盖帽模型softening加工软化hardening加工硬化model剑桥模型elastoplasticmodel理想弹塑性模型yieldcriterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则surface屈服面half-spacefoundationmodel弹性半空间地基模型modulus弹性模量foundationmodel文克尔地基模型十二.地基承载力--bearingcapacityoffoundationsoilshearfailure冲剪破坏shearfailure整体剪切破化shearfailure局部剪切破坏oflimitequilibrium极限平衡状态edgepressure临塑荷载offoundationsoil地基稳定性bearingcapacityoffoundationsoil地基极限承载力bearingcapacityoffoundationsoil地基容许承载力十三.土压力--earthpressureearthpressure主动土压力earthpressure被动土压力pressureatrest静止土压力’searthpressuretheo ry库仑土压力理论’searthpressuretheory朗金土压力理论十四.土坡稳定分析--slopestabilityanalysis ofrepose休止角method毕肖普法factorofsl 边坡稳定安全系数methodofslices费纽伦斯条法circlemethod瑞典圆弧滑动法method条分十五.挡土墙--retainingwallofretainingwall挡土墙稳定性wall基础墙retainingwall扶壁式挡土墙retainingwall悬臂式挡土墙sheetpilewall悬臂式板桩墙retainingwall重力式挡土墙plateretainingwall锚定板挡土墙sheetpilewall锚定板板桩墙十六.板桩结构物--sheetpilestructure sheetpile钢板桩concretesheetpile钢筋混凝土板桩piles钢桩sheetpile木板桩piles木桩十七.浅基础--shallowfoundationfoundation 型基础(raft)foundation片筏基础foundatio 形基础footing扩展基础foundation补偿性基stratum持力层foundation刚性基础foundat 柔性基础depthoffoundation基础埋置深度foundationpressure基底附加应力interactionanalysis上部结构-基础-地基共作用分析十八.土的动力性质--dynamicpropertiesofso strengthofsoils动强度velocitymethod波速damping材料阻尼damping几何阻尼ratio阻尼liquefaction初始液化periodofsoilsite地基有周期shearmodulusofsoils动剪切模量ma二十.地基基础抗震engineering地震工程dynamics土动力学ofearthquake地震持续时间responsespectrum地震反应谱intensity地震度magnitude震级predominantperiod地震卓周期accelerationofearthquake地震最大加速二十一.室内土工实验pressureconsolidationtest高压固结试验underK0conditionK0固结试验headpermeabil 变水头试验headpermeability常水头渗透试验triaxialtest不固结不排水试验(UU) undrainedtriaxialtest固结不排水试验(CU) drainedtriaxialtest固结排水试验(CD)test击实试验quickdirectsheartest固结快剪试验directsheartest快剪试验draineddirectsheartest慢剪试验analysis筛分析modeltest土工模型试验modeltest离心模型试验shearapparatus直剪仪sheartest直剪试验simplesheartest直接单剪试验triaxialtest三轴试验simpleshear动单剪(resonance)vibrationcolumntest自(共)振柱试验二十二.原位测试penetrationtest(SPT)标准贯入试验wavetest(SWT)表面波试验penetrationtest(DPT)动力触探试验conepenetration(SPT)静力触探试验loadingtest 静力荷载试验loadtestofpile单桩横向载荷试验loadtestofpile单桩竖向荷载试验test跨孔试验platetest螺旋板载荷试验test旁压试验sounding轻便触探试验settlementmeasurement 深层沉降观测sheartest十字板剪切试验permeabilitytest现场渗透试验porewaterpressuremeasurement原位孔隙水压量测soiltest原位试验。
① 顺译法:依照英语原文顺序依次译出 In the course of designing a structure, you have to take into consideration what kind of load the above mentioned structure will be subjected to, where on the structure the said load will do what is expected and whether the load on the structure is put into position all of a sudden or applied by degree. 结构设计时,你必须考虑到设计的结构受到什么样 的荷载,这一荷载在结构的什么位置起(预计 的)作用,以及这一荷载是突然施加,还是逐 渐加到结构指定位置的。
• 100 major words
• 土木工程专业常用英语词汇
第一节 一般术语
• 1. 工程结构 building and civil engineering structures 房屋建筑和土木工程的建筑物、构筑物及其相关组成部分 的总称。 2. 房屋建筑工程 building engineering 一般称建筑工程。 3. 土木工程 civil engineering 除房屋建筑外,为新建、改建或扩建各类工程的建筑物、 构筑物和相关配套设施等所进行的勘察、规划、设计、施 工、安装和维护等各项技术工作和完成的工程实体。 4. 公路工程 highway engineering 5. 铁路工程 railway engineering 6. 港口与航道工程 port ( harbor ) and waterway engineering 7. 建筑物(构筑物) construction works 房屋建筑或土木工程中的单项工程实体。 8. 地基 foundation soil • 9. 木结构 timber structure 10. 工业建筑 industrial building;民用建筑 civil building; civil architecture
necessary supplies。
structural behavior because member design is based on
整体的意思是:由于建筑公司比其他类型的民用建筑公司 ultimate strength design and the ductility of reinforced
and conveyance of fluids,principally water.整句的意思 simplify reinforcement placement to result in easier and
是:水利工程主要涉及流体的流动和传输,尤其是水 的流 faster construction will usually result in being more
firms.manY construction engineers tend to take on a 更容易更快捷的建设,这样的建设通常会比那些只能获得
role that is more business。like in nature:drafiing and 最小量材料的设计显得更经济
logistical 3.1.4The final design will generally be conservative even
operations,and closely。monitoring pnces
of though the analysis does not reflect the actual nonlinear
economical than a design that achieves minimum
Most structural engineer work for apartment or public construction and factory constructions.
这些工程师要分析支撑结构和影响结构性能的土壤及岩石的性能。 They evaluate and work to minimize the potential settlement of buildings and other structures, which stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth. 他们评估并采取措施使建筑物和其他结构的重量对地面的压力引 起的潜在的沉降最小化。
工程师们设计并维护港口、水电坝、河流设施,控制水流量,控 制并治理不同的水资源,他们建造坝、水库并把水渠分布到耕地。
Those engaged in environmental engineering design systems to sanitize water and air, they provide safety drinking water for people and control pollution of water supplies, they help to build water and wastewater treatment plants, dump sites to eliminate hazardous or toxic wastes and prevent pollution of surrounding land.
Civil Engineering English Contents
Chapter 1 Engineering Project
Chapter 1
Civil Engineering English Contents Conversation
1. —How many phases does a project cover?
人的因素, 包括各种更专业的工程领域, 每一个更具体地强调特定领域的技术和应用类型。
Civil Engineering English Contents Civil engineering is one of the most diverse branches of engineering. The civil engineer plans, designs, constructs, and maintains a large variety of structures and facilities for public, private, commercial and industrial use.
and processes. Basically, engineering is an end-product-oriented discipline that is very broad,
innovative, cost-conscious and mindful of human factors and includes various more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of technology and types of application. 土木工程框架 介绍 一般而言, 工程学是应用经济、社会和科学的实用知识来设计、建造和维护结构、机器、设备、 系统、材料和过程。基本上, 工程学是一个面向最终产品的学科, 它非常广泛, 创新, 成本意识和考虑到
Civil EngineeringCivil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。
Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities.土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。
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The engineering marvels of the world, starting from the pyramids to today’s shell structure, are the results of the development in civil engineering.
他们还要确定合适的材料组合,包括钢材、混凝土、塑料、石头、 沥青、砖、铝及其它建筑材
Most structural engineer work for apartment or public construction and factory constructions.
除了仅仅作为住处之外,由土木工程师建造的住处提供了一个和 平而舒适的生活。
Since then, the term civil engineer has often been to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader.
从那时起,土木工程师这个词用来指建设公共设施的工程师,尽 管这一领域非常广阔。
The scope of civil engineering is broad, depending on the type of the project and the skills needed.
这些工程师要分析支撑结构和影响结构性能的土壤及岩石的性能。 They evaluate and work to minimize the potential settlement of buildings and other structures, which stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth. 他们评估并采取措施使建筑物和其他结构的重量对地面的压力引 起的潜在的沉降最小化。
结构工程是最重要的一个专业,它包括:将结构的不同部分进行 定位和布置,从而形成一个确定的形式以获得最好的利用;确定结 构必须抵抗的力,结构的自重,风和飓风,使施工材料产生的膨胀 和收缩的温度变化,以及地震力。
They also determine the combination appropriate materials: steel, concrete, plastic, stone, asphalt, brick, aluminum, or other construction materials.
由于基础是建筑物最重要的部分,地下非常复杂,如果出现任何 错误都很难补救。
These engineers analyze the properties of soils and rocks that support structures and affect structural behaviors.
从事岩土工程专业的土木工程师研究的是以下几个方面:作为支 撑结构材料的土壤和岩石的性能;结构不同的基础类型;建筑物的 沉降;边坡和路堤的稳定;地下水的影响。
Because foundation is the most important part of a building, it is very complicated underground and it is difficult to remedy if something is wrong.
Chapter 1 Civil Engineering
Section A Introduction of Civil Engineering
One of the oldest major is civil engineering . 最老的专业之一是土木工程。
Civil engineering is that branch of engineering which aims to provide a comfortable and safe living for the people r.
Civil engineers who specialize in geotechnical engineering deal with the following aspects: the properties of soils and rocks as materials that support the structure; the various types of foundation for a structure; settlements of buildings;stabilities of slopes and fills ;effects of groundwater.
世界上的工程奇迹,从金字塔到当今的壳结构都是土木工程发展 的结果。
Shelters, apart from just being shelters, have been constructed by civil engineers to provide a peaceful and comfortable life.
Structural engineering is the most important specialization, it includes: positioning and arranging the various parts of the structure into a definite form to achieve best utilization; determining the forces that a structure must resist, its own weight, wind and hurricane forces, and temperature change that expand or contract construction materials, and earthquake.