


11.What do you want to be, children? 1.同学们,你们想做什么职业?

2.I want to be a pilot. 2.我想成为一名飞行员。

I want to fly a plane in the sky. 我想开飞机。

3.I want to be a doctor. 3.我想成为一名医生。

I want to help people. 我想帮助人们。

4.I want to be a teacher. 4.我想成为一名老师。

I want to teach English in a school. 我想在一所学校教英语。

5.I want to be a cook.5. 我想成为一名厨师。

I want to cook nice food. 我想做好吃的食物。

2Froggy's new job 青蛙的新工作

1.Froggy wants to be a pilot. 1.青蛙想成为一名飞行员。

He wants to fly a plane, but he is afraid of flying. 他想开飞机,但他却害怕飞翔。

Help! Help! It's too high! 救命啊!救命啊!这太高了!

2.Froggy wants to be a singer, but he is not good at singing. 2.青蛙想成为一名歌手。但他并不擅长唱歌。

3.One day, a chick falls into the lake! 3.有一天,一只小鸡落入湖中!

Help! A lifeguard jumps into the lake. 救命啊!一位救生员跳入湖中。

Froggy jumps into the lake too.青蛙也跳进湖里了。

They save the chick.他们救了小鸡。

4.You're good at swimming.4.你擅长游泳。

Do you want to be a lifeguard?你想成为一名救生员吗?

Yes, I do!是的,我想!

Froggy becomes a lifeguard.青蛙成为了一名救生员。

He likes his new job.他喜欢他的新工作。

3How do you come to school, Joe?乔,你怎么去上学?

I come to school by bus.我乘公共汽车去上学。

I live far from our school.我家离学校很远。

How do you come to school, Alice?你怎么去上学,爱丽丝?

I come to school on foot.我步行上学。

I live near school.我住在学校附近。

How do you come to school, Kitty?你怎么去上学,凯蒂?

I come to school on foot, too.我也步行上学。

Alice and I walk to school together.爱丽丝和我一起走路上学。

What about you, Peter?你呢,彼得?

How do you come to school?你怎么去上学?

I come to school by bus.我乘公共汽车来上学。

4Ms Guo's journey to work郭女士的上班旅程

Ms Guo is a teacher at Happy Primary School.郭女士是幸福小学的一名教师。

She lives on Green Street.她住在格林街。

1.There is an underground station near Ms Guo's home.1.郭女士家的附近有一个地铁站。

Ms Guo walks to the station and takes the train.郭女士步行到车站乘坐地铁去上班。

2.She gets off the train at Park Street Station.2.她在公园街站下地铁。

3.Then she Takes Bus No.12 to Spring Street.3.然后,她乘12路公交车到春街。

4.After half an hour, she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop.4.半小时后,她在春街公共汽车站下车。Then she walks to her school.然后她步行到学校。

5Can you come to my birthday party, Joe?乔,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?

Sure. When's your birthday?当然可以。你的生日是什么时候?

It's on 26th September.9月26日。

What time does the party begin?聚会几点开始?

It begins at two o'clock in the afternoon.下午两点钟开始。OK.好吧。

Can you bring some orange things to the party? It's an "orange party". Orange is my favouritecolour.你可以带一些橙色的东西来聚会吗?这是一次“橙色聚会”。橙色是我最喜欢的颜色。

An "orange party"? That's sounds interesting. I can't wait!一次“橙色聚会”?听起来很有意思。我等不及了!

6Happy birthday,Peter!祝你生日快乐,彼得!

Thank you! Welcome to my "orange party".谢谢你们!欢迎来到我的“橙色派对”。

What orange things do you have?你们有什么橙色的东西呢?

I have an orange hat.我有一个橙色的帽子。

I have an orange skirt.我有一个橙色的裙子。

I have an orange T-shirt.我有一个橙色的T恤。

What do you have, Alice?你有什么,爱丽丝?

Look, Peter! I have an orange card for you.看,彼得!我为你做了一张橙色的卡片。

Thank you so much. Look at the table.非常感谢。看桌子上。

Here are some orange things for you.这些是为你们准备的一些橙色的东西。

They're oranges, orange juice and an orange cake. Let's have some fun!他们是橘子、橙汁和橙子蛋糕。我们尽情玩吧!

7What do you usually do with your grandparents?你通常和你祖父母一起做什么呢?

I usually play chess with my grandpa.我通常和我爷爷下棋。

My grandparents live in the UK.我的祖父母住在英国。

I often write emails to them.我经常写电子邮件给他们。

My grandparents live far from my home.我的祖父母住的地方离我家很远。

I often visit them at the weekend.我经常周末去拜访他们。

We like going to the park together.我们喜欢一起去公园。

Do you play sport with your grandparents?你和你的祖父母做运动吗?

Yes. I sometimes play table tennis with them.是的。我有时候和他们打乒乓球。

8Where is Grandma?奶奶在哪里?

1.Mary and John sometimes go shopping with Grandma.1.玛丽和约翰有时和奶奶一起去购物。

Hello, Grandma. This is Mary.你好,奶奶。我是玛丽。Hello, Mary.你好,玛丽。

Do you want to go shopping with John and me this Saturday?这周六你想陪约翰和我一起去购物吗?

Yes, we can meet at the bus stop at twelve o'clock.是的,我们可以在十二点公共汽车站碰面。

2.Today is Saturday. Mary and John go to the bus stop, but Grandma is not there.2.今天是星期六。玛丽和约翰到了公共汽车站,但奶奶不在那。

Where's Grandma? It's twelve o'clock.奶奶在哪里?现在都十二点了。

Grandma is never late.奶奶是从不迟到的。

3.Grandma is cooking lunch in the kitchen.3.奶奶在厨房里做午饭。Where's Coco?可可在哪儿?

4.Coco runs to the bus stop. She takes Mary and John to Grandma's home.4.可可跑到公共汽车站。她把玛丽和约翰带到了奶奶的家里。

Look, that's Coco.看,那是可可。

Hello, Mary. Hello, John. Come with me!你好,玛丽。你好,约翰。跟我来!

91.I'm Kitty. I have a friend.1.我是凯蒂。我有一个朋友。

Her name's Alice. She's clever.她叫爱丽丝。她很聪明。

We're in the same class.我们是在同一个班级。

2.We both like sport.2.我们都喜欢运动。

I like playing table tennis and Alice likes playing volleyball.我喜欢打乒乓球、爱丽丝喜欢打排球。

We both love animals.我们都喜欢动物。

I have a cat and Alice has a dog.我有一只猫、爱丽丝有一条狗。

3.We both like helping people.3.大家都喜欢帮助别人。

We sometimes help old people cross the street.我们有时会帮助老人过马路。

We also help them carry heavy bags.我们还帮他们提很重的包。

4.We like each other. We're good friends.4.我们互相喜欢。我们是很好的朋友。

10Oliver feels bored奥利弗觉得无聊

1.Oliver reads some books at home. The books are not interesting.1.奥利弗在家读书。这些书没有趣。

2.Then Oliver plays word games, but they are too easy.2.然后奥利弗玩文字游戏,但它们太简单了。

3.Oliver's mother is busy in the kitche n. "Mum, I'm bored," says Oliver. “What do you want to do then?" asks his mother. " I don't know," answers Oliver.3.奥利弗的妈妈正在厨房忙活。“妈妈,我觉得无聊,”奥利弗说。“那你想做什么?”他妈妈问道。“我不知道,”奥利弗回答。

4."I have an idea!" says Oliver's mother. She makeshift some phone calls. "Hello! This is Oliver's mother. Is that Ken? Can you come to my home?" "Hello!..."4.“我有个主意!”奥利弗的妈妈说。她打了一些电话。“你好!我是奥利弗的妈妈。你是肯吗?你能来我家吗?”“喂!……”

5.Soon all Oliver's friends come. Oliver is happy.5.很快奥利弗所有的朋友都来了。奥利弗很高兴。

111.Kitty, where are you?1.凯蒂,你在哪里?

I'm in the living room. I'm doing my homework.我在客厅。我在做作业。

2.Ben, where are you?2.本,你在哪里?

I'm in my bedroom. I'm making a model plane.我在我的卧室。我正在做一个飞机模型。

3.Where are you, May? Are you in the kitchen?3.梅,你在哪里?你在厨房吗?

No. I'm in the bathroom. I'm washing my hair.不,我在浴室里。我在洗头发。

4.Dad, where are you?4.爸爸,你在哪里?

I'm in the kitchen. I'm cooking dinner. Come and help me, please.我在厨房。我在做晚饭。请过来帮帮我。121.Good evening. It's Earth Hour now.晚上好。现在是地球一小时。

Many people turn off their lights.很多人熄灯。

2.Hi, I'm Alice. I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening, but now we're looking at the stars.嗨,我是爱丽丝。我晚上通常和我父母看电视,但现在我们正在看星星。

3.Hello, my name's Kitty.你好,我的名字叫凯蒂。

My brother Ben answer I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a story.


4.Hi, I'm Sally. I usually do my homework at night, but now I'm playing word games with my family.嗨,我是莎莉。我通常在晚上写作业,但现在我在和我的家人玩文字游戏。

13Brian likes ice cream. He likes bread too.布莱恩喜欢吃冰激凌。他还喜欢吃面包。

He puts some ice cream on the bread,他把一些冰激凌抹在面包上,

And eats the ice cream with the bread.接着吃冰激凌和面包。

Brian likes ice cream. He likes bread too.布莱恩喜欢吃冰激凌。他还喜欢吃面包。

He puts some ice cream on the bread,他把一些冰激凌抹在面包上,

And eats the ice cream with the bread.接着吃冰激凌和面包。

14Today is Saturday, 3rd November. The Browns are on holiday in Sanya. They are at the beach.今天是11月3日,星期六。布朗一家都在三亚度假。他们在海滩上。

It is a beautiful day. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. Sally is enjoying the sunshine. Peter is sitting beside Sally. He is reading a book. Mrs Brown and Paul are collecting shells. Mr Brown is swimming in the sea. They are all having a good time.这是美好的一天。蓝天白云。莎莉正在享受阳光。彼得坐在萨莉旁边。他正在看书。布朗夫人和保罗正在收集贝壳。布朗先生正在海里游泳。他们都玩得很开心。

Is Paul collecting shells?保罗在收集贝壳吗?Yes, he is.是的。

151.Sally is swimming. Let's go swimming too, Peter. It's fun.1.莎莉正在游泳。我们也去游泳吧,彼得。很好玩。Sorry, Paul. I'm busy.对不起,保罗。我很忙。

2.Are you doing your homework?2.你在做作业吗?

No, I'm not. I'm writing a letter. I want to put it in a bottle.不是。我正在写一封信。我想把它放进一个瓶子里。

3.Now let's throw the bottle into the sea.3.现在让我们把瓶子扔进大海。

4.Where is it going? Is it going to Australia?4.它将往何处去?它将去澳大利亚吗?

I don't know.我不知道。

5.Hi, I'm Peter Brown. I'm from the UK.5.你好,我是彼得·布朗。我来自英国。

I live in China now. I'm 11 years old. Who are you?我现在住在中国。我11岁。你是谁?

You know who I am, Peter. I'm Sally.彼得,你知道我是谁。我是莎莉。

16Is Sally playing volleyball?萨利在玩排球吗?Yes, she is. Yes, she is.是的。是的。

Sally is playing volleyball on the beach.她正在沙滩上玩排球。

Is Paul collecting shells?保罗在捡贝壳吗?

No, he isn't. No, he isn't.不是的。不是的。

Paul is collecting rubbish on the beach.保罗正在捡沙滩上的垃圾。

Is Sally playing volleyball?萨利在玩排球吗?Yes, she is. Yes, she is.是的。是的。

Sally is playing volleyball on the beach.她正在沙滩上玩排球。

Is Paul collecting shells?保罗在捡贝壳吗?No, he isn't. No, he isn't.不是的。不是的。

Paul is collecting rubbish on the beach.保罗正在捡沙滩上的垃圾。

171.What are you doing, Peter?1.彼得,你在干什么?

I'm reading the map. We're at Green Hill.我在看地图。我们在青山。

The Big Stone is on the hill.大石头就在小山上。

2.Here's the Big Stone.2.这是块大石头。

Look! Here's a letter. Let's read it.看!这有一封信。让我们读读它。

It says, "You can find a diamond at the top of Green Hill."信上说:“你可以在青山顶部找到一块钻石。”

3.Where's the diamond?3.钻石在哪里?

Here's another letter! It says, "Look down and you can see the diamond."这又有一封信!信上说:“向下看,你就能看到钻石。”

4.Look! The lake is like a big diamond!4.看!这条湖泊就像一个大钻石!

18Alice in Wonderland爱丽丝梦游仙境

1.Alice sees a white rabbit in the garden.1.爱丽丝在公园里看到了一只兔子。

The rabbit is wearing a coat!兔子穿着大衣!

How funny! What's he doing here?太搞笑了!他在这里干什么?Oh, dear! I'm late!哦,天哪!我迟到了!

2.Then the rabbit runs away. Alice runs after him.2.然后兔子就跑了。爱丽丝追着他跑。

3.The rabbit jumps into a big hole.3.兔子跳进一个大洞里。

Alice jumps into the hole too.爱丽丝也跳进这个洞里。

4.Alice finds a small door and a small key.4.爱丽丝发现了一扇小门和一把小钥匙。

5.Alice Opens the small door with the key.5.爱丽丝用钥匙打开了这扇小门。

She cannot get through the door. "What can I do?" she thinks.但她却进不去。“我该做什么?”她想。

19Excuse me. Is the post office far from here?劳驾。邮局离这儿远吗?

No, it isn't. It's quite near.不远。相当近。

How do I get to the post office?我怎么到邮局?

Walk along Winter Street. Turn left at Spring Street.沿着冬街走。左转到春街。

Walk straight and you can see the post office on your right.然后直着走,你就能看到在你右边的邮局。

It's between the cinema and the flower shop.它是电影院和花店中间。

Walk along Winter Street and turn left.沿着冬街走再左转。

Then walk along Spring Street. Is that right?然后再沿着春街走。对吗?Yes, it is.对的。

Thank you very much.非常感谢。You're welcome.不客气。

20The children are looking at a map of the zoo.孩子们正在看动物园的地图。

I want to see the bears. What do you want to see?我想看熊。你想看什么动物?

I want to see the monkeys.我想看猴子。

I want to see the birds. How do we get there?我想看小鸟。我们怎么到那呢?

We can walk along Summer Road and then turn right at Spring Road.我们可以沿着Summer路走,然后右转到Spring路。

We can see the monkeys on our right.我们就可以看到我们右边的猴子了。

Then we can walk along Spring Street Road and see the birds.然后我们可以沿着Spring路看鸟。

After that, we can turn left and walk along Winter Road.看完鸟后,我们可以向左转,沿着Winter路走。

We can see the bears on our left.我们就可以看到我们左边的熊了。Great! Let's go!太棒了!我们走吧!

21Where does water come from?水是从哪里来的?

It comes from the sea.它来自海洋。It comes from the rain.它来自雨。It comes from the tap too.它来自水龙头。All of you are right. How do we use water?你们说的都对。我们如何用水呢?

We use water to wash our hands. We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too.我们用水来洗手。我们用水来洗蔬菜和衣服。

Farmers use water to grow crops. Firemen use water to put out fires.农民用水来种庄稼。消防队员用水灭火。Very good. Water is very useful.很好。水是非常有用的。

22The journey of Little Water Drop小水滴的旅行

1.Little Water Drop lives in the sea. It is raining.1.小水滴住在海里。下雨了。

"I want to be up in the sky." says Little Water Drop.小水滴说:“我想到天上去。”

2.The sun shines and Little Water Drop gets hot.2.阳光照耀,小水滴变得很热。

He goes up to the sky. It is cool there.他到了天上。那里很凉爽。

Now he is in a cloud. "Hooray! I'm up in the sky," he says happily.现在他在一朵云里。“万岁!我在天上了。”他高兴地说。

3.Little Water Drop flies over rivers and mountains.3.小水滴飞过河畔和山脉。

One day, he sees some trees.有一天,他看到一些树。

"We're thirsty. We need water," say the trees.这些树说:“我们口渴了。我们需要水。”

4.Little Water Drop falls down to the ground.4.小水滴降到地面上。

A tree drinks him. Now Little Water Drop is inside the tree.一棵树喝了它。现在小水滴在这棵树里面。

23The children are playing in the park.孩子们在公园玩耍。

They like this swing. They like that slide.他们喜欢这支秋千。他们喜欢那个滑梯。

They can swing very high. They can slide very fast.他们可以荡得很高。他们可以滑的很快。

The children are playing in the park.孩子们在公园玩耍。

They like this swing. They like that slide.他们喜欢这支秋千。他们喜欢那个滑梯。

They can swing very high. They can slide very fast.他们可以荡得很高。他们可以滑的很快。

241.Fire can burn down a lot of trees.1.火能烧毁很多树木。

It can hurt people too. We must be careful with fire.它也会使人受伤。我们必须当心火灾。

2.Children, what do you know about fire safety?2.孩子们,你们了解的消防安全知识有哪些?

What mustn't we do in the forest or at home?我们在森林里或在家里一定不能做什么?

We mustn't smoke in the forest.我们一定不能在森林里吸烟。

We mustn't play near fires at home.我们在家一定不能在火附近玩。

We mustn't play with matches at home.我们在家一定不能玩火柴。

Very good. Safety first.很好。安全第一。

25Yaz, the meat and the fire Yaz、肉和火

1.Hi, I am Yaz. I live in the Stone Age.1.嗨,我叫Yaz。我生活在石器时代。

This is my family. We have a fire. Fire gives us heat and light.这是我的家庭。我们有一个火堆。火给了我们光和热。

2.We always eat meat. My parents and my sister like meat, but I hate it.2.我们总是吃生肉。我的父母和我妹妹喜欢吃肉、我却讨厌它。

It does not taste good at all.它尝起来一点都不好吃。

3.I do not want to eat meat, so I throw other into the fire.3.我不想吃生肉,所以我把肉扔进火里。

4.Now the meat smells very nice.4.现在肉的味道闻起来很好。

5.We eat the meat. It tastes great!5.我们吃熟肉。它尝起来味道好极了!

After that, we cook all over our meat on the fire.从此以后,我们就把所有的肉放在火上烤。

26When you see a fire, quickly go outside.当你发现火灾,请迅速撤离到室外。

But never use the lift. It is dangerous inside.但是一定不要乘电梯。电梯里面很危险。

If it is all smoky, cover your mouth and nose and crawl out very fast.如果到处都是烟雾,捂住口鼻,快速爬行逃离。

Never stop for toys or clothes. Now you are outside.勿要留恋玩具,衣物。现在你已经到了室外。

You know what to do. Listen to the firemen. Here they are to help you!你知道应该怎么做。听消防员安排。他们来帮助你!


11. Look at your bedroom. What a mess! Let's tidy it up.1. 看看你的卧室。真是一团糟!让我们把它整理好吧。Sure, Sally.当然好了,萨利。

Whose socks are those? Are they yours, Peter?那些是谁的短袜?它们是你的吗,彼得?

No, they aren't. They're Paul's.不,它们不是我的。它们是保罗的。

Can you put them on his bed?你能把它们放到他床上吗?Sure.当然可以。

2. Whose cap is this?2. 这是谁的帽子?It's mine.它是我的。

There's a T-shirt. Is this yours too, Peter?这有一件T恤,这也是你的吗,彼得?

No. It's Paul's.不是。它是保罗的。

Can you put it on his bed?你能把它放到他床上吗?Sure.当然可以。

3. The room is now clean and tidy. Thank you for your help, Sally.3. 现在这个房间干净又整洁。谢谢你的帮助,萨利。

You're welcome, Peter.不客气,彼得。

2A magic stone一块神奇的石头

1.Jimmy sees a small box on the table. It is full of nails.1.吉米看见桌子上放着一个小盒子。盒子里装满了钉子。"Is it yours, Dad?" asks Jimmy.“这是你的吗,爸爸?”吉米问道。

"Yes, it's mine," says his father.“是的,它是我的。”他爸爸回答道。

2. Jimmy drops the box.2. 吉米把盒子打翻了。

All the nails fall on the floor. What a mess!所有的钉子都掉落到地板上了。真是一团糟!

3. Jimmy's father gives him a black stone.3. 吉米的爸爸给了他一块黑石头。

"This stone can help you, Jimmy. Try it," he says.并说“这块石头能帮你,吉米。试试它。”

4. Jimmy puts the stone near the nails.4. 吉米把这块石头放在钉子的旁边。

The nails all stick to it.这些钉子都粘在了石头上。

In a few seconds, the floor is clean again.几秒钟的功夫,地板又变干净了。

"Wow, it's a magic stone, Dad," says Jimmy happily.吉米高兴地说:“哇,这真是一块神奇的石头,爸爸。”

3A magic stone一块神奇的石头

1.Jimmy sees a small box on the table. It is full of nails.1.吉米看见桌子上放着一个小盒子。盒子里装满了钉子。"Is it yours, Dad?" asks Jimmy.“这是你的吗,爸爸?”吉米问道。

"Yes, it's mine," says his father.“是的,它是我的。”他爸爸回答道。

2. Jimmy drops the box.2. 吉米把盒子打翻了。

All the nails fall on the floor. What a mess!所有的钉子都掉落到地板上了。真是一团糟!

3. Jimmy's father gives him a black stone.3. 吉米的爸爸给了他一块黑石头。

"This stone can help you, Jimmy. Try it," he says.并说“这块石头能帮你,吉米。试试它。”

4. Jimmy puts the stone near the nails.4. 吉米把这块石头放在钉子的旁边。

The nails all stick to it.这些钉子都粘在了石头上。

In a few seconds, the floor is clean again.几秒钟的功夫,地板又变干净了。

"Wow, it's a magic stone, Dad," says Jimmy happily.吉米高兴地说:“哇,这真是一块神奇的石头,爸爸。”4Mark has a little car.马克有一个汽车。

The car is yellow and blue.这个汽车是黄色和蓝色的。

He often drives it in the park On sunny afternoons.他经常在晴朗的下午在公园里开它。

But he never drives his car When he goes to school.但是当他去学校的时候从来不开汽车。

Mark has a little car.马克有一个汽车。

The car is yellow and blue.这个汽车是黄色和蓝色的。

He often drives it in the park On sunny afternoons.他经常在晴朗的下午在公园里开它。

But he never drives his car When he goes to school.但是当他去学校的时候从来不开汽车。

5Sally and her dad are at their new home.萨利和她的爸爸在他们的新家。

Do you like our new home, Sally?萨利,你喜欢我们的新家吗?Yes. It's nice.喜欢,它很漂亮。

I like the living room.我喜欢这个客厅。

Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?

Because it's so big!因为它是那么的大!

What about you, Dad?你呢,爸爸?

I like the study.我喜欢这间书房。

Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?

Because it's quiet.因为它很安静,

I can read and write there.我可以在那里读书写作。

Where are Peter and Paul?彼得和保罗在哪里?

They're in the garden.他们在花园里。

They like our new home too.他们也喜欢我们的新家。

Do you know why?你知道为什么吗?

Why, Sally?为什么,萨利?

Because they can play in the garden all day!因为他们可以整天在花园里玩!

6Why do wild geese change homes?为什么大雁要搬家?

1. Wild geese have busy lives.1 大雁生活很忙碌。

They fly from one place to another.它们从一个地方飞到另一个地方。

They change homes twice every year.它们每年搬家两次。

In spring, they fly north.春天,它们飞向北方。

In autumn, they fly south.秋天,它们飞向南方。

2. Why do wild geese move around so much?2 为什么大雁要四处搬迁呢?

In winter, they cannot find enough food in the north, so they fly south in autumn.冬天,它们在北方找不到足够的食物,因此它们在秋天飞向南方。

Then in spring, it is warm in the north, so they fly back.接下来的春天,北方暖和了,因此它们又飞回来。

7There is an old woman.有一个老妇人。

She lives in a shoe.她住在一只鞋里。

She has a big family.她有一个大家庭。

And she knows what to do.并且她知道做什么。

She gives the children some food,她给孩子们一些食物。

And then she says, "It's time to go to bed!"然后说,该上床睡觉了。

There is an old woman.有一个老妇人。

She lives in a shoe.她住在一只鞋里。

She has a big family.她有一个大家庭。

And she knows what to do.并且她知道做什么。

She gives the children some food,她给孩子们一些食物。

And then she says, "It's time to go to bed!"然后说,该上床睡觉了。

8Laura wants to buy a new skirt.劳拉想买一件新衬衫。

The old one is too small.那件旧的太小了。

But she cannot find her purse.但是她找不到她的钱包了。

It is not on the door.它没有在门上。

"It's over there," says her mum, Just on the floor!"她的妈妈说,“他在那儿。就在地上!”Laura wants to buy a new skirt.劳拉想买一件新衬衫。

The old one is too small.那件旧的太小了。

But she cannot find her purse.但是她找不到她的钱包了。

It is not on the door.它没有在门上。

"It's over there," says her mum, Just on the floor!"她的妈妈说,“他在那儿。就在地上!”91. Kitty wants to know about her future.1. 凯蒂想知道她的未来。

She stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo.她站在魔法机器前拍了一张照片。

2. Kitty looks at her photo.2. 凯蒂看着她的照片。

There are some words on the back.照片的背后写着一些文字。

In 15 years,…15年后,......

you will not wear glasses.你将来不戴眼镜。

you will have big and beautiful eyes.你将拥有又大又美的眼睛。

you will live in Beijing.你将住在北京。

you will be a teacher.你将成为一名老师。

you will love your job.你将热爱你的工作。

3. This is me in the future! I won't wear glasses.3. 这就是未来的我!我将来不戴眼镜。

I'll have big and beautiful eyes.我将拥有又大又美的眼睛。

I'll live in Beijing and I'll be a teacher.我将住在北京并且我将成为一名教师。

10Now and future现在和将来

1. My name is Bobby.1. 我的名字叫博比。

I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English.我擅长数学,但我不擅长英语。

I do not like to get up early, so I have no time for breakfast.我不喜欢早起,因此我没有时间吃早饭。

I am often late for school.我经常上学迟到。

I do not like sport and I get tired easily.我不喜欢运动而且很容易疲乏。

I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。

2. In the future, I will study hard and I will read more English books.2. 在将来,我将努力学习并读更多的英语书。

I will try to get up early and have breakfast.我将尽力早起、吃早餐。

I will not be late for school any more.我将不再上学迟到。

I will do exercise every day.我将每天做运动。

I will not watch too much TV.我将不会看太多电视。

11Mr Bee is having tea蜜蜂先生正在喝茶

With his friend Miss Deer.和他的老朋友鹿先生。

Suddenly he falls into the tea,突然他掉进了茶里,

And Miss Deer is in tears.鹿先生哭了,

"Don't worry," says Mr Bee.“别担心”鹿先生说。

"I can swim in tea!"“我能在茶里游泳!”

Mr Bee is having tea蜜蜂先生正在喝茶

With his friend Miss Deer.和他的老朋友鹿先生。

Suddenly he falls into the tea,突然他掉进了茶里,

And Miss Deer is in tears.鹿先生哭了,

"Don't worry," says Mr Bee.“别担心”鹿先生说。

"I can swim in tea!"“我能在茶里游泳!”

121. Look, Alice. There are many storybooks.1. 看,爱丽丝。这有很多故事书。

I'm going to buy one.我要买一本。

I'm going to look at the picture books over there.我要去那边看图画书。


2. Do you like this picture book?2. 你喜欢这本图画书吗?

Yes. It's fun. There are many beautiful pictures in it.喜欢,它很有趣。这里面有很多漂亮的图画。

What are the pictures about?关于什么的图画?

They're pictures of different places in China.它们是中国不同地方的图画。

I'm going to visit these places in the future.将来我要去参观这些地方。

What are you reading? Is it a storybook?你在读什么?它是一本故事书吗?

Yes. It's Stories for Children.是的。它是《儿童故事》。

I'm going to read a story every day.我将每天读一个故事。

13Book Week读书周

Book Week is coming!读书周要来了!

The students in Class 5A are going to make posters about the best stories for children.5A班的学生将要制作关于给《给孩子们最好的故事》的海报。

They are going to write about the writers and the stories.他们要写一些关于作者和故事的内容。

They are going to take some photos of the books too.他们也要给这些书拍些照片。

The boys are going to do a survey about children's favourite books.男生要去做一个关于“孩子们最喜欢的书”的调查。

The girls are going to read a play and then act it out.女生要去读一个剧本然后表演。

14Mike has nine apple pies.迈克有九个苹果派。

He gives me five他给了我五个。

And puts four in a line,然后把四个摆成了一行,

And says, "These are mine."并说,“这些是我的。”

Mike eats his four apple pies.迈克吃了他的四个苹果派。

Then he smiles and says, "The apple pies are nice!然后他笑着说,:“苹果派很美味!”

Now I want your French fries!"现在我想吃你的炸薯条!

Mike has nine apple pies.迈克有九个苹果派。

He gives me five他给了我五个。

And puts four in a line,然后把四个摆成了一行,

And says, "These are mine."并说,“这些是我的。”

Mike eats his four apple pies.迈克吃了他的四个苹果派。

Then he smiles and says, "The apple pies are nice!然后他笑着说,:“苹果派很美味!”

Now I want your French fries!"现在我想吃你的炸薯条!

15Children, what are you going to do this weekend?孩子们,这个周末你们要做什么?

I'm going to stay at home and watch TV with my grandparents.我将待在家里和祖父母一起看电视。I'm going to play football on Sunday.我周日打算去踢足球。

It's my favourite sport.它是我最喜欢的运动。

I'm going to see a film with my parents on Saturday afternoon.我打算在周六晚上和父母去看电影。I'm going to row a boat and fly a kite in the park on Sunday.我周日打算去公园划船、放风筝。

I don't have any plans for the weekend.我周末没有什么计划安排。

Do you want to come with me, Alice?你想要和我一起去吗,爱丽丝?

Sure. Thank you, Kitty.当然,谢谢你,凯蒂。


1. It is raining, but Little Monkey does not have a house.1. 天在下雨,但是小猴子没有房子。

He sleeps in a tree.他睡在一棵树上。

"I need a house," he thinks.“我需要一所房子,”他想。

"I'm going to build one tomorrow."“明天我要建一所房子。”

The next day is Sunday.第二天是星期日。

"It's Sunday today," he thinks. "I'm not going to work."“今天是星期日,”他想:“我不打算去上班。”

2. On the third day, he finds a swing.2. 第三天,它找到了一个秋千。

"I'm going to play on it today," he says to his friend Little Rabbit.“今天我要玩荡秋千,”他对他的朋友小兔子说。Little Monkey plays every day.小猴子每天都在玩。

3. On the sixth day, it is raining again.3. 第六天,天又下雨了。

"Oh, no!" Little Monkey cries. "I'm going to build my house tomorrow!"“哦,不!”小猴子哭喊着。“明天我要建造我的房子!”

"You should build your house now," says Little Rabbit.“你应该现在就建造你的房子,”小兔子说。

"Don't wait until tomorrow."“今日事,今日毕。”


1. It is raining, but Little Monkey does not have a house.1. 天在下雨,但是小猴子没有房子。

He sleeps in a tree.他睡在一棵树上。

"I need a house," he thinks.“我需要一所房子,”他想。

"I'm going to build one tomorrow."“明天我要建一所房子。”

The next day is Sunday.第二天是星期日。

"It's Sunday today," he thinks. "I'm not going to work."“今天是星期日,”他想:“我不打算去上班。”

2. On the third day, he finds a swing.2. 第三天,它找到了一个秋千。

"I'm going to play on it today," he says to his friend Little Rabbit.“今天我要玩荡秋千,”他对他的朋友小兔子说。Little Monkey plays every day.小猴子每天都在玩。

3. On the sixth day, it is raining again.3. 第六天,天又下雨了。

"Oh, no!" Little Monkey cries. "I'm going to build my house tomorrow!"“哦,不!”小猴子哭喊着。“明天我要建造我的房子!”

"You should build your house now," says Little Rabbit.“你应该现在就建造你的房子,”小兔子说。

"Don't wait until tomorrow."“今日事,今日毕。”

18Mum and Dad, what are we going to do this summer?爸爸妈妈,今年夏天我们要去做什么?

Let's go to Sanya.我们去三亚吧。

It's a wonderful place for a holiday.它是一个度假胜地。

Great! How do we get there?太好了!我们怎么去那里?

We get there by plane.我们坐飞机去那。

Where will we stay?我们将住在哪里?

We'll stay in a hotel by the sea.我们将暂住在海边的旅馆里。

How long will we stay in Sanya?我们将在三亚住多久?

We'll stay there for five days.我们将在那里住五天。

What will we do there?我们将在那里做什么?

Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water.三亚有清澈的海水和美丽的海滩。

We'll go swimming there.我们将在那里游泳。

We'll also have seafood.我们也会吃海鲜。

The seafood there tastes great!那里的海鲜味道好极了!

19Welcome to Sanya!欢迎来三亚!

Sanya is on Hainan Island.三亚在海南岛上。

It is in the south of China.它在中国的南部。

There are many wonderful beaches on the island and the weather is nice all year round.岛上有很多美丽的海滩,全年气候宜人。

You can swim under the blue sky and the warm sun.你可以在蓝天暖阳下游泳。


沪教版英语三年级上册练习Module1U1 Ⅰ.Read the words.朗读下列单词 1,morning 2.afternoon 3.evening 4.night 5.good 6.Mr 7.Mrs 8.Miss 9.how 10.have 11.today 12.thanks 13.fine 14.I'm 15,too Ⅱ.Read the sentences.朗读下列句子。 1.Good morning. 2. I'm Peter. 3.How are you? 4.Fine,thank you. 5.Very well,thank you. 6.Draw and colour. Ⅲ.Learn the sound.学语音. Jane likes cakes. Jane makes cakes. The cakes are on the plates. The plates are on the table. Ⅳ.Read and circle.读一读,圈出相应的单词 1.小姐Miss Mrs 2.你好how hello 3.下午afternoon morning 4.粘贴stick cut 5.蛋糕cake table 6.这this is Ⅴ.Look and complete.选词填空 Mr Mrs Miss Lin Lin Lin 林小姐林先生林太太 Ⅵ.Look and choose.看图,选句子填空 A.Good morning,Tony. B.Hello,I am Sarah.

C.Hello, I'm Jim. D.How are you? 1.——Hi,my name is Tom. 2. .——Good morning,Alice. 3. .——Fine,thank you. 4. .——Hello, I'm Mike. Ⅶ.Fill in the blanks.填空,每空一词。 1.afternoon.Eddie. 2.—are you? —,thank you. 3.—Hello,Ann. —,Alice. 4.—Good night,Mum and Dad. –Good . Ⅷ.Read and choose.选择正确答案填空 1.—Hello,how are you? —. A.I am Alice B.Hello C.Fine,thank you 2.—Good morning,Kate. —. A. Hello B.Good morning C.good morning 3.——Hello,Mr Wang. A.This is Mr Wang,Jim. B.Are you Mr Wang? C. How are you? 4. —. –Good night. A. Good morning B. Good night. C.Good evening. 5.—Hi! I'm Lily. —.


沪教版小学英语五年级上册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Getting to know each other《1 My future》 (2) Module 1 Getting to know each other《2 Going to school》 (7) Module 1 Getting to know each other《3 My birthday》 (10) Module 1 Getting to know each other《Revision 1》 (15) Module 2 Relationships《4 Grandparents》 (19) Module 2 Relationships《5 Friends》 (23) Module 2 Relationships《6 Family life》 (27) Module 3 Out and about《7 At the beach》 (31) Module 3 Out and about《8 An outing》 (35) Module 3 Out and about《9 Around the city》 (39) Module 4 The natural world《10 Wind》 (44) Module 4 The natural world《11 Water》 (49) Module 4 The natural world《12 Fire》 (54)

Module 1 Getting to know each other《1 My future》 1教学目标 学习词汇lifeguard& (be) good at。 运用一定的阅读技巧读懂故事; 用简单的语句描写自己将来想从事的职业。明白不同的职业需要不同的能力,要根据自己的特长或特点树立合适的职业理想。 2学情分析 五年级的学生学习英语已经两年多,积累了一定的词汇量,能够和教师用英语进行简单的互动和交流,可以用简单的句子表达自己的想法。他们爱表现,好奇心强,有较强的模仿能力和记忆力和想象力并且对未来充满期待。在本单元第一课时中,他们已经掌握了关于职业的词汇如pilot等,以及谈论职业理想的句型如What do you want to be? I want to be…. 3重点难点 培养阅读能力,理解故事内容; 掌握词汇lifeguard&(be) good at; 运用简单的句子描写自己的职业理想 4教学过程 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】阅读前 1.Free talk. 骰子游戏: What’s his/her job?


沪教版牛津上海小学五年级下册英语阅读理解练习题及答案(1)解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解 My birthday is on Sunday. My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. I invite my friends to come to the party. At the party. They give me many small presents. Such as cards, picture books, pens. They sing Happy Birthday to me. My mother makes a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. We sing and dance. We have a good time at the party.阅读短文判断正误 (1)My birthday is on Sunday. (2)My parents are going to have a birthday party at park. (3)At the party, they give me many great presents. (4)We have a good time at the party. (5)They sing Happy Birthday to me. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)0 (4)1 (5)1 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了我的生日那天,我父母在家里为我举行生日聚会,邀请我的朋友来参加聚会。在聚会上,他们给我很多礼物,为我唱生日快乐歌,我们唱歌跳舞,我们玩得很开心。 (1)句意:我的生日是星期天。根据 My birthday is on Sunday. 可知我的生日是星期天,故答案为正确。 (2)句意:我父母打算在公园举行生日聚会。根据 My parents are going to have a birthday party at home. 可知我父母打算在家里举行生日聚会,故答案为错误。 (3)句意:在聚会上,他们给我很多很棒的礼物。根据At the party. They give me many small presents. 可知在聚会上,他们给我很多小礼物,故答案为错误。 (4)句意:我们在聚会上玩得很开心。根据 We have a good time at the party. 可知我们在聚会上玩得很开心,故答案为正确。 (5)句意:他们为我唱生日快乐歌。根据They sing Happy Birthday to me. 可知他们为我唱生日快乐歌,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2.阅读理解阅读理解What are the children doing? What are you doing, children? Oh, we are playing games. Look at Li Lei. He is throwing the frisby with Jim. What about the twins? They are flying kites. The kites are very nice. One like a bird, the other is like a plane. Li Tao is playing basketball with me. Han Mei and Ma Lin are singing an English song under a big tree.


沪教版五年级下册词汇Unit 1 tidy 整理;整洁的 mess 脏乱;不整洁 let 让 sock 短袜 yours 你的;你们的 cap 帽子 mine 我的 crayon 彩色蜡笔 umbrella 伞 nail 钉子 drop 使落下;掉落 stick 粘贴;粘住 second 秒 hers她的 theirs 他们的;她们的;它们的tidy up 把……整理好 (be) full of 装满……;充满…… a few 几个;一些 Unit 2 why 为什么 because 因为 study 书房;学习dining room 餐室;餐厅wild goose 大雁(复数wild geese) change改变;变化 place 地方 twice 两次 every 每;每个 north 北方;向北 south 南方;向南 enough 足够的 then 然后 all day 一天到晚 Unit 3 future 将来;未来 stand 站;站住 machine 机器 will 将;将会 exercise运动;锻炼;活动early 早;提早 easily 容易地 hard 努力地 more 更多的

in the future 将来 in front of 在……前面take a photo 拍照wear glasses 戴眼镜 do exercise 做运动(be) weak in 不擅长not … any more 不再 Unit 4 storybook 故事书 buy 买 story故事 dictionary字典;词典magazine 杂志newspaper 报纸 week 周;星期student学生 poster 海报 best 最好的 writer 作家 over there 在那边 do a survey 做调查act…out 表演 Unit 5 weekend 周末 stay 待;暂住;逗留 film 电影 boat 小船;舟 plan 安排;计划 tomorrow 明天 build 建筑;建造 next 紧接着;随后;紧接着的swing 秋千 cry 哭;喊叫 until直到 see a film 看电影 row a boat 划船 Unit 6 holiday 假日了;假期 clear 清澈的 seafood 海鲜 hotel 旅馆 island 岛 butterfly蝴蝶 how long 多久 go swimming 去游泳 in the south of 在……的南部all year round 一年到头


沪教版牛津上海小学五年级上册英语阅读理解含答案(1)解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。C Fire can bum down a lot of trees. It can hurt people too. We must be careful with fire. There are some fire safety rules. To stop fires: ?We mustn't smoke in the forest. ?We mustn't play near fires at home. ?We mustn't play with matches at home. ?We mustn't play with burning candles at home. ?We mustn't put clothes on lamps or heaters. ?We mustn't cook when no adults are at home. (1)Fire can hurt people. We must be careful fire. A. with B. of C. and (2)We mustn't near fires at home. A. plays B. playing C. play (3)We cook when no adults (成年人)are at home. A. must B. mustn't C. don't (4)Which one is wrong (错误的)? A. Don't play with matches or burning candles at home. B. Don't put clothes on lamps or heaters. C. We can smoke in the forest. 【答案】(1)A (2)C (3)B (4)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了火的危险性以及一些根火有关的要禁止做的事情。 (1)按原文选择,根据We must be careful with fire. 知我们不想小心用火,故答案为A.(2)根据We mustn't play near fires at home.知禁止在家禁止在火附近玩耍,mustn't是情

沪教版小学三年级上册牛津英语期末试卷 附答案

沪教版小学三年级上册牛津英语期末试卷听力部分 一听录音,选出你所听到的句子编号(8分) ()1.A.Good morning.boys and girls. B.Good evening,Mr Zhang. C.Good afternoon,Mrs Wang. ()2.A.Clean the blackboard,please. B.Close the door,please. C.Look at the blackboard,please. ()3.A.She’s my grandmother. B.She’s my mother. C.He’s my grandfather. ()4.A.My ears are big. B.My eyes are big. C.My hair is long. ()5.A.Is this your school? B.Is this the library? C.Is that your classroom? ()6.A.The kite is blue. B.The cat is brown. C.The balloon is white. ()7.A.The bee is yellow and black. B.The ant is small black. C.Look at the ant.It’s black. ()8.A.Who’s your friend? B.Who are you? C.What’s your name? 二选出你所听到的内容编号。(10分) ()1.A.kite B.cat C.cake ()2.A.friend B.fat C.father ()3.A.Miss Fang B.Mr Fang C.Mr Wang ()4.A.sing B.thin C.small ()5.A.book B.bag C.blue


沪教版牛津小学英语五年级上-- 模块四自然世界 模块四自然世界 [00:06.19]Unit 1 Wild animals [00:08.62]单元一野兽动物 [00:11.05]Look and read [00:12.51]看并且读 [00:13.98]Look at this animal.It is big.It is brown.It has long arms and long legs. [00:19.25]看这个动物。它是大的。这是褐色的。它有长臂和长的腿。 [00:24.53]It is a monkey.It lives in a zoo.The monkey is climbing. [00:28.30]它是一只猴子。它生活在动物园。这正在猴子是攀登。 [00:32.08]It can climb to the top of the cage,It can swing on the rope. [00:35.60]它能爬到笼的顶,它能在绳上摇摆。 [00:39.13]This is the zoo-keeper.He feeds the animals. [00:42.10]这个是动物园看守员.他喂动物。 [00:45.06]He likes the baby monkeys.Some monkeys live in the jungle. [00:48.48]他喜欢小猴子。一些猴子喜欢在丛林里。 [00:51.91]They like fruit and leaves. [00:53.63]他们喜欢水果和树叶。 [00:55.35]page 45 [00:56.93]第四十五页 [00:58.51]Look and say [01:00.04]看并且说 [01:01.57]In the jungle [01:03.86]在丛林 [01:06.14]I can't swim I can dive.I can swim I can see a crocodile [01:12.66]我不能游泳我能潜水.我能游泳我看见鳄鱼。 [01:19.18]I can swim.I like monkeys.I eat monkeys. [01:24.24]我能游泳。我喜欢猴子。我吃猴子。 [01:29.31]We don't like crocodiles.We can climb trees. [01:34.43]我们不喜欢鳄鱼。我们能攀登树。 [01:39.55]Read a poem [01:41.17]读一首诗 [01:42.79]Eating bananas [01:44.62]正在吃香蕉 [01:46.45]'Bananas,'says the money,'Are what I like to eat. [01:49.73]‘香蕉’猴子说,'是我喜欢吃的。 [01:53.01]And if my hands are busy I can peel them with my feet.' [01:56.34]如果我的手是忙的我能用我的脚剥他们, [01:59.67]Now listen! [02:54.80]现在听! [03:49.93]page 46


沪教版英语六年级上册教案【三篇】 ###【https://www.360docs.net/doc/a51769920.html,】为大家提供沪教版英语六年级上册教案【三篇】,更 多小学六年级信息请注重我们网站的更新。 《my home》 教材分析: 本课时主要是通过展示家庭居室结构,让学生学习各个房间的英 文名称study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen. 家是每 个学生最熟悉的地方,学生要学会使用本课所学知识来简单描述自己 的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间。 “Let's do”部分的教学是结合“Let's learn”中所学过的单 词实行扩展,让学生知道一些相关单词的指示用语。让学生在听懂这 些用语的基础上,实行模仿和听、做活动。还可设计多种课堂活动, 使学生掌握这个部分的内容,同时激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学目标: 1.能简单描述自己的房间。 2.能听、说、认读本课主要单词:study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen,并能在日常生活中使用。 3.能听懂Let's do中的指示语,并按照指令作出相对应的动作。 教学重点: 1、听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 2、学习表示指令的词组。 教学难点:

单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 教学方法: 引导法启发法直观教学法 学法分析: 小组合作学习法讨论学习法自主学习法 教学过程: 1 Warm-up/Revision 教师引导 1、集体唱英文儿歌。 2、复习上节课所学单词 2 Presentation 1、出示study 的图片,手指着书房里的书问学生:What are they? 教读单词 study, 并板书。 教师用动作协助学生理解词义:We read the books in the study. 2、按照相同方法,教授单词 bathroom, living room, bedroom. 3、师把第46页Let’s learn部分的挂图贴到黑板上说:This is my home. How many rooms can you see? What are they? 4、教师说指令。 学生回答提问:They are books 并跟老师认读study。 学生依次回答问题并跟老师认读单词bathroom, living room, bedroom.


沪教版牛津上海小学五年级下册英语阅读理解练习题及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解读对话,判断句子正误。 T=Tom A=Anne T:Excuse me. A: Yes? T: My pen is broken. Can I use your pen, please? A: Yes, I have two pens. Here you are. T: Thank you very much! And do you have a ruler? A: Yes. T: Can I use your ruler? A: No, I'm sorry. I have only one! Please remember(记得)to bring your pencil box next time.(1)Anne has two pens. (2)Tom wants to borrow a pen from Anne. (3)Tom gets a ruler from Anne. (4)Tom doesn't bring his pencil box. (5)Anne doesn't bring her pencil box. 【答案】(1)1 (2)1 (3)0 (4)1 (5)0 【解析】【分析】大意:安妮和汤姆之间的对话,汤姆没有带铅笔盒,想要从安妮那里借文具。 (1)句意:安妮有两支钢笔。根据 A: Yes, I have two pens. 可知妮有两支钢笔。故答案为正确。 (2)句意:汤姆想从安妮那里借支钢笔。根据T: My pen is broken. Can I use your pen, please? 可知汤姆想从安妮那里借支钢笔。故答案为正确。 (3)句意:汤姆从安妮那里得到一把尺子。根据T: Can I use your ruler?A: No, I'm sorry. I have only one!可知安妮有一把尺子,她没有借。故答案为错误。 (4)句意:汤姆没有带铅笔盒。根据 A: No, I'm sorry. I have only one! Please remember to bring your pencil box next time. 可知汤姆没有带铅笔盒。故答案为正确。 (5)句意:安妮没有带铅笔盒。根据A: No, I'm sorry. I have only one! Please remember to bring your pencil box next time. 可知安妮带铅笔盒,汤姆没有带铅笔盒。故答案为错误。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误 Last year, we went to Beijing. We went to Tian'anmen Square. It is very big. Then, we went to


沪教版小学英语三年级上册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Getting to know you《1 Hello!》 (2) Module 1 Getting to know you《2How are you》 (7) Module 1 Getting to know you《3 Are you Kitty》 (11) Module 1 Getting to know you《Revision 1》 (15) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《4 My friends》 (19) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《5 My family》 (24) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《6 Me》 (29) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《Revision2》 (34) Module 3 Places and activities《7 In the classroom》 (38) Module 3 Places and activities《8 At the fruit shop》 (41) Module 3 Places and activities《9 In my room》 (47) Module 4 The world around us《10 Numbers》 (51) Module 4 The world around us《11 Small animals》 (60) Module 4 The world around us《12 The four seasons》 (64) Module 4 The world around us《Revision 4》 (69) Module 4 The world around us《Project 4》 (74)


沪教版五年级下册英语知识点归纳 Unit 1 What do you want to be in the future? 1. Word(单词) over结束/超过enough足够astronaut宇航员vacation假期(≈holiday)enjoy享受2. Set phrases/phrase(固定搭配/词组) at the start of …=at the beginning of…在…的开始 talk about …(谈论关于…) adj. + enough enough + n. (good enough/enough money) take sth. to .sb.带某物给某人 enjoy + doing sth享受 help sb. with sth帮助…的… help sb. do sth帮助…做某事 learn to do sth.学习做某事 do more English listening and reading做更多的英语听力和阅读 just want只要 a pop singer一个流行歌手 the winter vacation寒假 an IT engineer一个电脑工程师 go sight-seeing观光游览 3. Sentence patterns(句型) (1)—What do you want to do? —I want to … (2)—What do you want be (in the future)? —I want to be… Unit 2 What does Sandy like to learn? 1.Word(单词) Form表格chance机会band乐团signature签名hope希望 2. Set phrases/phrase(固定搭配/词组) ask sb. to do sth要求某人做某事 take sth back where把某物带回某地 would like to do sth =want to do sth想要做某事 play + the + musical instrument(乐器) play + ball game(球类运动) be interested sth对…有兴趣 be interested in doing sth对做某事感兴趣 take this chance把握这次机会 in a hurry匆忙 football fan足球迷 3. Sentence patterns(句型) (1)—What does … like to do? —… likes to … (2)—What would you like to do? —I would like to… (3)—Would you like …? —Yes, l would like. / No, thanks.


沪教版牛津上海小学六年级上册英语阅读理解及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina. She is thirteen. She is from Australia. She lives in the country. She is tall and strong. She likes playing chess, basketball and computer games. Basketball is her favourite sport. She plays after school every day. Usually she goes to school by bike. She goes to school by car when she gets up late. (1)Who's Tina? A. She is my pen pal. B. She's my classmate. (2)Where is she from? A. America B. Australia (3)What does she do after school? A. She plays chess. B. She plays basketball. (4)What is Tina like? A. Strong and tall. B. Quiet and tall. (5)Does Tina usually go to school by bike? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she goes by car. 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)A 【解析】【分析】①根据所给的短文, I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina.我有一个笔友.她的名字Tina.故选A. ②根据所给的短文,She is from Australia.她来自澳大利亚.故选B. ③根据所给的短文,Basketball is her favourite sport.She plays after school every day.篮球是她最喜欢的运动.她每天放学后玩.故选B. ④根据所给的短文,She likes playing chess,basketball and computer games.她喜欢下象棋,篮球和电脑游戏.故选A. ⑤根据所给的短文,Usually she goes to school by bike.通常她乘自行车去上学?故选A. 【点评】此题考查阅读理解.


精心整理 沪教版小学三年级英语练习题 听力部分40% 一、选出你所听到的单词:10% 二、选出你所听到的句子:5% 1.(答案) A.Icanseealadybird. B.Icanseeabutterfly. C.Icanseeabird.

2.(答案)A.Ithasroots.B.Ithasleaves.C.Ithasbranches. 3.(答案)A.Mynoseissmall.B.Mymouthissmall.C.Myearsaresmall. 4.(答案)A.What’sthis?B.What’sthat?C.What’sit? 5.(答案)A.Howmanychicks?B.Howmanydogs?C.Howmanypigs? F表示 (答案)3.Theballisyellow. (答案)4.Thekiteisorangeandgreen. (答案)5.Theyseemanyflowers. 五、听短文填空(每格一词):5%

---答案isit? ---It’sa答案.Look,it’sorangeand答案. ---Yes,it’s答案,anditcan答案too. 笔试部分:60% A.root B.roots C.aroot 4.(答案)_______isthetoilet?It’shere. A.What B.Who C.Where 5.(答案)Lookattheinsect.Itisan________.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a51769920.html,dybird B.ant C.bee 6.(答案)Whatarethey?Theyare______. A.branch B.branchs C.branches 7.(答案)Countthe________.Howmany?One_______. 1.An答案,please. 2.Look答案thebird.It’ssmall. 3.答案ladybirdisbeautiful. 4.答案thetable,please.


Module 1 Unit 1 My future 本单元部分要求学生达到在熟读或背诵的程度下灵活运用和新句型。这部分由两小部分组成,一部分是对话,另一部分是回答问题。回答问题这一部分给学生提供了一个很好的活动, 旨在检测学生对课文的理解和句型的运用。教师应该多设置有效的活动让学生在活动中运用核心句型。本节课的主要内容是郭老师问四个学生关于他们想要做什么工作的一个对话。通过对话形式呈现主要内容要求学生能够说出自己想做什么工作,为什么想做这种工作。 学生很乐于说说自己理想的工作。 【知识目标】 1. 通过 Think and write 栏目整合已学表示职业的词汇,如 teacher, doctor 等,同时学习 Look and learn 中的词汇。 2. 通过词汇操练活动导入核心句型:What do you want to be? I want to be... 3. 以 Read a story 的情景对话为中心,巩固核心句型及核心词汇。 4. 展开 Ask and answer 的活动,讨论学生的理想职业,并完成口头汇报。 【能力目标】 (1)能够通过师生说、两两说和自主听读体验交际式英语教学的一般过程,掌握英语说听的基本方法; (2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验合作学习的过程和方法; (3)能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言,有语言表达和与同学交流的愿望。 【情感目标】 (1)激发和保持学生英语学习的动机,实现“趣能”两得; (2)在学生两两交流和小组合作交流中,培养孩子合作意识和合作精神,能够相互配 合完成一段通顺流畅的说话训练。 【教学重点】

词汇cook, pilot, taxi driver, want, teach 句型What do you want to be? I want to be ... Do you want to be a ...? 【教学难点】 当句子主语为第三人称单数时,动词要做适当的变化。 want to do 与want to be 的正确用法。 Tape recorder, Multimedia Step 1. Greeting and Introduction Begin by greeting the class with a smile! T: Good Morning/ Good afternoon, students. S: Good Morning/ Good afternoon, teacher. Step 2.New words pilot 飞行员 cook 厨师 taxi driver 出租车司机 singer 歌手 lifeguard 救生员 teach 教 Step 3. Listen and say What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot. What do you want to be, children? I want to be a pilot. I want to fly a plane in the sky. I want to be a doctor. I want to help people. I want to be a teacher. I want to teach English in a school. I want to be a cook. I want to cook nice food. Step 4. Answer the questions.


沪教版牛津上海小学六年级下册英语阅读理解练习题大全及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误。 It's Saturday morning. My friends and I are going to the park. It's near our school. We get there by bike. There are a lot of people in the park. Some girls are skipping. Some boys are flying kites. I am watching boats on the lake. I like them. Rowing a boat is fun. We are going to see a film in the evening. Everyone is having a good time. (1)I am going to the park with my parents on Saturday morning. (2)We get to the park by bike. (3)Some boys are flying kites. (4)I am watching boats. I like rowing boats. (5)We are going to see a film tomorrow. 【答案】(1)0 (2)1 (3)1 (4)1 (5)0 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍“我”跟朋友们星期六上午去公园的事情。 (1)句意:星期六上午我跟我的父母去公园了。根据My friends and I are going to the park.可知我跟朋友们去公园了。故答案为:错误。 (2)句意:我们骑自行车去公园。根据We get there by bike.可知我们骑自行车去公园。故答案为:正确。 (3)句意:一些男孩子正在放风筝。根据Some boys are flying kites.可知一些男孩子正在放风筝。故答案为:正确。 (4)句意:我正在看船。我喜欢划船。根据I am watching boats on the lake. I like them.Rowing a boat is fun.可知我正在看船。我喜欢它们。划船很有趣。故答案为:正确。(5)句意:明天我们将去看电影。根据We are going to see a film in the evening.可知晚上我们将去看电影。故答案为:错误。 【点评】考查阅读理解,浏览文章大意把握细节。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确判断。 2.阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的一项。 Dear Jim, How are you in the US now? We are in China now. Sam and I are very happy. China is big and beautiful. People speak Chinese here. We love Beijing. There are many interesting places and lots of delicious food. I like Chinese food. I like dumplings very much. I can make dumplings now. It's funny. And I can use chopsticks, but Sam doesn't like them. It's very difficult for him to use them.


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对教材的分析与理解 教材内容: Book 3A contains core language learning material, using a wide variety of text-types and activities to introduce language; poems; stories, cartoons, dialogues and practical tasks all engage the student at provides students with the means to carry out successfully the subsequent learning tasks, which are fully describe in the book. 教材目标: The “building block’’approach is based the fact that learning and the capacity to learn are developmental; that is, that students learn by building on known language, concepts and activities, to develop and expand progressively . The development of the thematic through related moudules ensures the deve lopment of language by constantly revisiting and recycling,thus building from a strong base within levels. In the knowledge that language and content develop and are revisited progressively throughout the package, vocabulary and stucutrues are introduced and practiced through tasks at a controlled pace steady enough to involve students’ interest whilst ensuring constant consolidation . At lower levels, care taken to ensure that pupils are learning within
