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◎〖LYJ 001—87〗林业工程名词术语及计量标准

Glossary and quantitating standard of forest engineering

◎〖LYJ 002—87〗林业工程制图标准

The drawing standard for forest engineering

◎〖LY 5003—93〗林业工程建设分类标准

Classification standard of forest engingeering construction

◎〖LYJ 101—86〗林业局总体设计规范

◎〖LYJ 103—87〗木材水运工程设计规范

Code for design of engineering of water transport of wood

◎〖LY 5104—98〗林区公路工程技术标准

Technical standard of forest highway engineerting

◎〖LYJ 105—86〗林区公路工程勘察规范

◎〖LYJ 106—90〗林区公路桥涵设计规范

Code for design of highway bridge and culvert in forest regions

◎〖LYJ 108—87〗纤维板工程设计规范

◎〖LYJ 109—87〗松香工程设计规范

◎〖LYJ 111—87〗林业局(场)民用建筑等级标准(试行)Standard of civil architecture grades for forestry bureau(forestry centre)

◎〖LYJ 112—87〗贮木场工程设计规范

Standard of timber yard engineering design

◎〖LYJ 113—92〗林区公路路线设计规范

Design specification of road route for forest highway

◎〖LYJ 114—92〗林区公路路基设计规范

Design specification of road subgrade for forest highway

◎〖LYJ 115—87〗林区公路工程测量规范

◎〖LYJ 116—87〗护林防火机场工程技术标准

The engineering technical standard for the airport of protecting forest and preventing fire

◎〖LYJ 117—89〗制材工程设计规范

Standard of sawmill engineering design

◎〖LY/T 5118—98〗木材干燥工程设计规范

Code for design of timber drying engineering

◎〖LY/T 5119—98〗刨花板工程设计规范

Code for design of paricleboad engineering

◎〖LYJ 120—89〗胶合板工程设计规范

Standard of plywood engineering design

◎〖LYJ 122—92〗木材工业用合成树脂工程设计规范

Standard of engineering design for synthetic resins in woodworking industry

◎〖LYJ 123—92〗细木工工程设计规范

Standard of blockboard engineering design

◎〖LYJ 124—92〗人造饰面板工程设计规范

Standard of engineering design for finishing wood based board

◎〖LYJ 126—88〗自然保护区工程总体设计标准

The overall planning standard of the engineering of the natural reserves

◎〖LYJ 127—91〗森林防火工程技术标准

The technology standard of forest fire protection engineering

◎〖LYJ 128—92〗林木苗木培、繁育工程设计规范

◎〖LYJ 131—92〗林区公路路面设计规范

Design specifications of road surface for forest highway

◎〖LY/T 5132—95〗森林公园总体设计规范

Standard for overall design of forest parks

◎〖LY/T 5133—95〗森林公园工程技术规范

◎〖LY/T 5133—96〗纤维板工程设计规范

◎〖LYJ 201—86〗林区公路工程施工技术规范

◎〖LYJ 202—86〗林区桥涵工程施工技术规范

◎〖LYJ 203—86〗林区公路工程质量检验评定标准

◎〖LY 5204—93〗林区桥梁技术鉴定规范

Specification for technical appraisement of forest bridge

◎〖LYJ 205—92〗贮木场工程施工及验收规范

Standard of timber yard engineering construction and acceptance

◎〖LY 5207—93〗木材加工设备安装工程施工及验收规范

Constructing and accepting standard of wood working machine installing engineering

◎〖LY 5208—93〗人造板设备安装工程施工及验收规范

Constructing and acceptance standard of woodbased panel machine in stalling engineering

◎〖LY/T 5301—2002〗林业生态工程建设监理实施办法

◎〖LY/T 5302—2002〗林产工业工程建设监理实施办法
