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I am a teacher.
I’m not a teacher
You are a worker 否定句 You aren’t a worker
She is a doctor
She isn’t a doctor.
We are friends.
We aren’t friends.
is not=isn’t
3. I am Chinese, and I am a student.
I am not Chinese, and I am not a student 4. They know each other.
They don’t know each other.
II 一般现在时的否定式
1.Be 动词的否定式: be + not
2. The earth __( go) around the sun .
3.Mary’s parent __(live ) in Beijing .
4. She ___ (draw) very well.
Eg: 1.I get up at six in the morning.
You are a worker 否定句 You aren’t a worker
She is a doctor
She isn’t a doctor.
We are friends.
We aren’t friends.
is not=isn’t
are not=aren’t
2.(do)当主语是单数第三人称时,它与 助 动 词 DOES 有 关 , 但 是 动 词 谓 语 一 定要恢复为原形。当主语是其他人称 时,它与助动词DO有关。
1、一般动词,在词尾加 s ; 如: work--works, live--lives, play--plays, sing-- sings.
eg: She lives in Ningbo. 她住在宁波。
2、以/s/ /z/ 等音素结尾的动词,词尾加 -es ,如词尾为e, 只加-s. 读作 /iz /如:
我在早上六点钟起床。 2.You go to work at eight .
3.Tom goes to school by bike.
II 一般现在时的否定式
1.Be 动词的否定式: be + not
I am a teacher.
I’m not a teacher
are not=aren’t
2.(do)当主语是单数第三人称时,它与 助 动 词 DOES 有 关 , 但 是 动 词 谓 语 一 定要恢复为原形。当主语是其他人称 时,它与助动词DO有关。
I like English.
She likes it very much. 否定句
We go to work by bike.
I don’t like English.
She doesn’t like it very much.
We don’t go to work by bike.
I like English.
She likes it very much. 否定句
We go to work by bike.
I don’t like English.
She doesn’t like it very much.
We don’t go to work by bike.
Ex1. 将下列各句从肯定式改为否定式
一般现在时的陈述句否定句优 秀课件
Eg: I am a teacher . You are a worker. She/He is a student .
1.Be 的用法:
I用 am, you用are, is用于他 (he)、她(she) 、它(it),复数 (we,you,they)全部都用 are.
teach------ teaches,
wash----- washes.
eg: My mother washes the coat.我母亲洗了大衣。
3.以辅音字母加Y 结尾的词,把Y变I 在加ES,读作[Z]
Study studies
fly flies
4.以辅音字母+O结尾的词,一般情况是在词尾加ES 读 作[Z]
go goes
do does
Ex1. 写出下列词的单三形式:
look; go; give; 源自文库ly;
looks; goes; gives; flies;
EX2 1.Tom often___( get ) up at six in the morning
1. I talk to Peter because I like him.. I don’t talk to Peter because I don’t like him.
2. Kate comes from America. Kate works with Peter Kate doesn’t come from America.Kate doesn’t work with Peter.
We/You/They are students.
练习: 1.Paul ——is (be) a teacher. 2.I —am— (be) 30 years old
3.Her parents both a—re—(be) teachers.
2.行为动词: DO 和DOES
行为动词do一般现在时第三人称单(he,she,it) 的构成规则: