



2.现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+动词ing.3.现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。4.现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首. 时间状语:now, look, listen,It’s …o’clck, 5.现在进行时的特殊疑问的基本结构为:

疑问词+ be + 主语+ 动词ing? 如:What are you doing? 你正在做什么?

但疑问词当主语时其结构为:疑问词+ be + 动词ing? 如:Who is singing over there? 谁正在那儿唱歌?

6 动词加ing的变化规则


(2)以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting

(3)如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping sit-sitting get-getting forget-forgetting begin-beginning

(4)以ie结尾的动词,改ie为y加ing ,如:die--dying lie--lying




sing ____dance_____put____see____buy_____love______live____take____come____get_____ stop_____ sit ____ begin_____ shop_____


1. They are doing housework .

一般疑问句:__________________ 否定句:_________________

2.The students are cleaning the classroom .

一般疑问句:__________________ 否定句:_________________

3.I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问)_____________

4.Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)________________


1. What are you _________(do) now? I _________(eat) bread.

2. It’s nine o’clock. My father_________(work) in the office.

3. Look, the boy____________(put) the rubbish into the bin.

4. ________he______(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He__________(play).

5. Where is Mak? He_________(run) on the grass.

6. Listen, who_________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary_______(sing) there.


1.The boy ________ ( draw)a picture now.

2. Listen .Some girls ________ ( sing)in the classroom .

3. My mother __________ ( cook )some nice food now.

4. What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?

5. Look . They _________( have) an English lesson .

6.They ________(not ,water) the flowers now.

7.Look! the girls ________________(dance )in the classroom .

8.What is our granddaughter doing? She ________(listen ) to music.

9. It’s 5 o’clock now. We _____________(have)supper now

10.______Helen____________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is .


2.I___________(sing) an English song.


4.He____________(mend) a car.

5.______you__________(fly) a kite?Yes,_______.

6.______she___________(sit) in the boat?

7.______you_____________(ask) questions? 8.We_______________(play) games now



e.g. Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午四点你们在打篮球吗?


1. 过去进行时的基本用法主要表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作。

如:He fell asleep when he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。的表现)

与之相连的时间状语有at this time last Sunday, from 8 to 9 yesterday,at that time 之类的状语一般用过去进行时。

1. I _____ (have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning.

2. Mary _____ (go) over her lessons from six to seven last night. John and peter ____(do) the same thing.

3. What _____ you ___ (do) at that time? We _____ (watch) TV.

4. Was your father at home yesterday evening? Yes ,he was. He _____ (listen) to the radio.

5. They _____(not make) a model ship when I saw him.

6. _____ they ____ (have) a meeting at 4 yesterday afternoon?

No, they _____. They _____ (clean) the classroom.

7. ______ it ______(rain) when you left school? Yes, it ____. (No, it ____)

8. What _____ your father _____ (do) when he was your age?

when, while,.

My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself;

It was raining when they left the station. When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining.



1. While we __________ (wait) for the bus, a girl __________ (run) up to us.

2.I __________ (telephone) a friend when Bob __________ (come) in.

3.Jim __________ (jump) on the bus as it __________ (move) away.

4.We __________ (test) the new machine when the electricity __________ (go) off.

5.She __________ (not want) to stay in bed while the others ________________ (all, work) in the fields.

6. While mother ________ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ________ (ring).

7.As I __________ (walk) in the park, it __________ (begin) to rain.

8.Even when she ___________ (be) a child she ________________ (already, think) of becoming a ballerina (芭蕾舞演员).



例:Don't worry, you won't miss her. She will be wearing a red T-shirt and a white skirt at that time.(别担心,你不会认不出她的。她到时会穿一件红色的T恤衫和一条白色的短裙。)

1.You can’t miss him.He--------a dark green suit and a yellow tie waiting for you.( )

A.is wearing Bwill wear C.wears D.will be wearing

2.”Could you give these books to Mr .Black?” “Absolutely,-------him at five o’clock this afternoon.” ( )

A.I will have a talk

B.I have a talk with

C.I can have a talk with

D.I will be having a talk with 3.I’m afraid I won’t be available.I-------a friend off at o’clock this afternoon.

( ) A.see B.am seeing C.will see D.will be seeing

4.Next Friday I will go to another concert .They ____some thing by Mozart at that time

( ) A.play B.will be playing C.are going to play D.are to play.

5.”What are you doing ,Jack?” “Make a model plane . I ____it in the science class at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

A.will be showing

B.am going to show

C. show

D. showed

6’I_____ a meeting at 4o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

A.will be having

B. am having

C.am going to have

D. have

7’What do you think you _____at this time next year?

A.will do

B.will be doing

C.are going to do


8.”What will you do tomorrow evening?” “I _____my favourite program at eight o’clock tomorrow evening.”

A.will watch

B. am going to watch

C.will be watching

D.am watching


现在进行时表将来 https://www.360docs.net/doc/a716012836.html,dies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane_____. A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off 2. —Are you still busy? —Yes, I______ my work, and it won’t take long. A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish 3. -What would you do if it _____ tomorrow? -We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready. A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining 4. --- Did you tell Julia about the result? ---Oh, no, I forgot. I her now. A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call 5. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn't stopped ringing. People ____to ask how I am going to spend the money. A. phone B. will phone C. were phoning D. are phoning 6. I will visit you if father ______ me. A. let B. lets C. is letting D. will let 7. Look out! That tree _____ fall down. A. is going to B. will be C. shall D. would 8. My uncle _____ to see me. He'll be here soon. A. comes B. is coming C. had come D. came 9. " When ______ school begin?" " Next Monday. " A. has B. does C. did D. is going to 10. Every time I _____ there, I will buy him something nice. A. went B. will go C. go D. have gone 11. We won't go unless you ______ soon. A. had come B. came C. will come D. come 12. The air liner from Beijing _____ at 3:00 p.m. A. is about to arrive B. has arrived C. arrives D. is going to arrive


— 现在进行时专项练习题 一.写出下列动词的现在分词形式。 help_______ come_______ swim_______ eat _______ give_______ find _______sit _______ write_______ tie_______ make _______ play_______ clean _______ catch_______ walk_______ ride _______ run_______ draw_______listen_______ begin _______ dance_______ watch_______ sleep_______ see_______ have _______ ~ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 ! The boy_____________ (read) books. girls ___________(have) breakfast now. 3. He___________ (clean) the blackboard ___________ (play) football on the playground at the moment . ! They __________ (sing) in the muisc room. 三.汉译英。 1.我们正在看电视。

} We____________TV . 在图书馆看书。 Tom _________books in the library. 3.康康在操场上打篮球。 Kangkang ___________(play) basketball 4.玛利亚在做什么 What _____ Maria______(do) 四.将下列句子改成现在进行时 【 1. I watch TV every day. I _________________TV now. 2. She works in a hospital. She _________________ in hospital. 3. Do you read this book ____ you ________ this book. and Sam have lunch at about twelve. Kitty and Ben ______________ lunch at about twelv e. ? 5. They clean the room in the evening.


【英语】英语现在进行时专项习题及答案解析 一、初中英语现在进行时 1.— Daming TV at the moment? —No. I don't think so. A. Does; watch B. Was; watching C. Has; watched D. Is; watching 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——现在大明是在看电视吗?——不,我不这么认为。根据at the moment 可知,在此刻,用于正在进行时中,所以此句为一般现在进行时态,现在进行时构成为be+doing,由于Daming为第三人称,所以用is doing,故选D。 【点评】考查一般现在进行时用法。注意be要随着主语的变化而变化。 2.——You look worried. What's wrong?——I went for a job interview yesterday and I ______the result. A. waited for B. was waiting for C. am waiting for D. will wait for 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:一一你显得焦虑。怎么啦?一一我昨天去参加了工作面试。我在等结果。A.一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作;B.过去进行时,表示过去正在进才:C.现在进行时,表示现在正在进行或发生的动作;D.一般将来时,表示将要发生的动作。根据语境,表示现在正在焦急地等待面试的结果。用现在进行时态,故选C。 3.— Where is Linda? — She __________ a TV program about a missing elephant. A. watches B. will watch C. watched D. is watching 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——琳达在哪里?——她正在看一个关于失踪大象的电视节目。根据上下文可知这里是正在进行的动作。进行时的结构:be+doing。故答案为D。 【点评】考查现在进行时。注意掌握现在进行时的意义和构成以及用法。 4.We're proud that China _________ stronger and stronger these years. A. will become B. became C. is becoming D. was becoming 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我们很骄傲这些年中国变得越来越强大。A. will become一般将来时,表示将要发生的动作; B. became是一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作;C. is becoming现在进行时,表示正在发生的动作;D. was becoming过去进行时,表示过去某个时间(或时间段内)正在发生的动作。根据these years可知,这里表示动作正在发生。故选C。


现在进行时表将来全面归纳 一、用法归纳 1. 表示计划或安排 现在进行时表示将来意义,主要用于谈论已经计划或安排好的动作,所涉及的动词有些是表示位置移动的,有些不一定是表示位置移动的,但总的说来,能这样用的动词比较有限,主要有arrive, come, dine, do, drive, fly, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, sleep, spend, start, stay, travel, wear, work等。如:I’m leaving tonight. I’ve got my plane ticket. 我今天晚上就要动身了,已经买好了机票。 I’m meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre. 今天晚上我要跟彼得会面。他要带我去看戏。

英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。其实坦白说,如果自己一个人学习英语太孤独,太寂寞,没有办法坚持,好几次都会半途而废。只要你加入到那个群里以后,自己就会每天都能在群里坚持学,坚持不停地说和练,由于是付费群,群里的成员学习氛围非常强,每天的训练度都非常猛,本来很懒惰的你一下子就被感染了,不由自主地被带动起来参与操练,不好意思偷懒,别人的刻苦学习精神会不知不觉影响你,EYC英语微信群(群主vx 601332975)可以彻底治好你的拖延症,里面学员都非常友好,总是给你不断的帮助和鼓励,让你学英语的路上重新燃起了斗志,因为每天都在运用,你的英语口语就能得到了迅猛的提升,现在可以随便给一个话题,都能用英文滔滔不绝的发表5分钟以上对这个话题的看法和观点,想提高英语口语的可以加入进来,It really works very well.


现在进行时态专项练习一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式 stay __________ do __________ listen __________ suffer __________ refuse __________ close __________ operate _________ die _________ work ________ spend _________ look _________ make __________ put __________ sit __________ run __________ tie __________ take _________ give _________ ride _________ please _________ win _________ begin _________ open _________ lie _________ 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Mary and Lucy are ________ (dance) now. 2.Listen! Someone is _______ (play) the piano in the next room. 3.He is __________ (sweep) the floor at the moment. 4.Look ! The cat ________ ________ (eat) the fish on the table. 5.A: ______ you _______ (study) French ? B: Yes , I am. 6.She often ____________ (dance) after school. 7.My father and mother ______ ______ (swim) in the pond. 8.My sister is ________ (fly) a kite in the garden. 9.We are __________ (watch) TV now. 10.Be quiet ! The baby _____ ______ (sleep) now. 三、改错 1.We are cleanning our classroom. ______________________________ 2.She is sing in the next room. ______________________________ 3.What am you doing? ______________________________ 4.Mary is comeing back from Beijing.______________________________ 5.He often flying kites on Sundays. ______________________________ 6.They is reading books now. ______________________________ 7.My brother is plays the guitar now. _______________________________ 8.Sally is danceing in the room. _______________________________ 9.I watching TV at home now. ________________________________ 10.Do you listening the radio now? ________________________________ 四、英汉互译 1.他正在教室里做作业。 ______________________________________________ 2.We are reading English now. ______________________________________________

现在进行时 结构及 专项练习

现在进行时 1.定义:现在进行时表示正在发生或进行的动作。结构是:be (am, is, are)+动 词现在分词形式。(简写:be +动词-ing) A、陈述句(肯定句) 主语+be (am, is, are)+现在分词,如: I am reading English.我正在读英语。He is writing.他正在写字。 B、一般疑问句 Be(Am, Is, Are)+主语+现在分词,如:Are you singing?你正在唱歌吗? C、特殊疑问句 疑问词+be (am, is, are)+主语+现在分词 What are you doing? 你正在干什么 -I am doing my homework.我正在做作业。2.标志词:(1) 时间状语 now 、at the moment (2) 句前有提示词look 、listen 、look at … 3.动词-ing的构成规则 (1)一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking (2)以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting (3)如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping (4)以ie 结尾的动词,先把ie变成y 再加-ing。lie- lying tie -tying die-dying 注意: see-seeing draw-drawing listen-listening 现在分词构成口诀 现在分词很好记,动词后缀-ing。直接加、去e加、双写加。 还有一点要注意ie要用y来替。 现在进行时用法口诀 主语在前be在后,现在分词跟着走,其他成分不可丢。 变一般很简单,把be 提到句子前,否定句也不难,be后要把not添。 还有一点要注意,动作提问doing替。 现在进行时态练习题 一、将下列动词变成ing形式 help_______ come_______ swim_______ eat _______ give_______ find _______ sit _______ write_______ tie_______ make _______ play_______ clean _______ catch_______ walk_______ ride _______ run_______ draw_______ listen_______ begin _______ dance_______


现在进行时态练习 姓名:________ 成绩:________ 一.现在进行时概念: 现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。二.现在进行时结构;Be+ving 三..现在进行时几种句型用法: ①陈述句(肯定句) 主语+be(am, is, are)+现在分词,如: I am reading English.我正在读英语。 He is writing.他正在写字。You are running.你正在跑步。 ②、一般疑问句 Be(Am, Is, Are)+主语+现在分词,如: 1. -Are you singing?你正在唱歌吗?-Yes, I am.是的,我在唱歌。 (No, I'm not.不,我不在唱歌。) 2. -Is he (she) listening to music?他(她)在听音乐吗? -Yes, he (she) is.是的,他(她)在听音乐。 [No, he (she) isn't.不,他(她)不在听音乐。] ③、特殊疑问句 疑问词+be (am, is, are)+主语+现在分词,如: 1. -What are you doing?你正在干什么? -I am doing my homework.我正在做作业。 2. -What is he (she) doing?他(她)正在干什么? -He (She) is riding a bike.他(她)正在骑自行车。 ④否定句 主语+be(am, is, are)+not+现在分词 I am not reading English我不在读英语。 look(看)、listen(听)、now(现在) 常形式;像【注】 ving这里的现在分词指的


现在进行时专项练习题 一.写出下列动词得现在分词形式。 help_______ e_______ swim_______ eat _______ give_______ find _______sit _______ write_______ tie_______ make _______ play_______ clean _______ catch_______ walk_______ ride _______ run_______ draw_______listen_______ begin _______ dance_______ watch_______ sleep_______ see_______ have _______ 二.用所给词得适当形式填空。 1、Look ! The boy_____________ (read) books、 2、The girls ___________(have) breakfast now、 3、 He___________ (clean) the blackboard? 4、Tom ___________ (play) football on the playground at the moment 、 5、Listen! They __________ (sing) in the muisc room、 三.汉译英。 1、我们正在瞧电视。 We____________TV 、2、Tom 在图书馆瞧书。 Tom _________books in the library、 3、康康在操场上打篮球。

Kangkang ___________(play) basketball 4、玛利亚在做什么? What _____ Maria______(do)? 四.将下列句子改成现在进行时 1、 I watch TV every day、 I _________________TV now、 2、 She works in a hospital、 She _________________ in hospital、 3、 Do you read this book? ____ you ________ this book、 4、Tom and Sam have lunch at about twelve、 Kitty and Ben ______________ lunch at about twelve、 5、 They clean the room in the evening、 They ______________the room now、 五.完成下列现在进行时得句子: 1、 The students _____ ______ (listen) to the teacher now、 2、 Li Lei______ ________ (watch) TV now、 3、 She____ _______ (look) at a nice picture now、 4、 Look! The boys______ ________ (play) basketball、 5、 Listen! They____ _________ (sing) a song、


高考现在进行时专项练习题 一、单项选择现在进行时 1.— Why are the Woods selling their belongings? — They to another city. A.had moved B.have moved C.moved D.are moving 【答案】D 【解析】 表示位移的词如fly,https://www.360docs.net/doc/a716012836.html,e, go,move等的进行时表将来。“他们要去另一座城市”所以选D. 2.The young parents _________ too much a pet of their son, which is bound to destroy him in the end. A.have made B.are making C.made D.will be making 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这对年轻的父母太宠爱他们的儿子,这一定会最后毁了他。词组:make a pet of sb 宠爱某人宠爱某人,因为指现阶段一直的行为,用现在进行时,所以选B。 考点:考查动词时态 3.—Do you have any plan for this Sunday? —Yes, I ______ shopping with my friends. A.go B.am going C.went D.have gone 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---这个星期天你有计划吗?—是的,我要和朋友一起去购物.这里用be doing现在进行时表示一般将来时,所以选B。 考点:考查时态 4.(年(春)重庆市高三考前冲刺测试卷)3. May I see your ticket please? I think you _____ in my seat. --Oh, you are right. I'm terribly sorry. A.sit B.are sitting C.will sit D.sat 【答案】B 【解析】 句义:—我可以看一下你的票吗?我认为你坐了我的位置。—你是对的,对不起。根据句义可知本句叙述的是正在发生的事情,所以使用一般现在时。故B正确。 5.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers the main pipe.


现在进行时北师大版 英语【单选题】 Look! My little brother a smile on his face. [ ] A. has B. is wearing C. wear D. with 答案:B 英语【单选题】 ―What is your sister doing now? ― ______ the onions. [ ] A. Cut up B. Peel C. Cutting on D. Peeling D 英语【单选题】 Listen, a small number of students ______ in the classroom. [ ] A. talk B. talks

C. is talking D. are talking D 英语【填空题】 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He _______ (not go) camping next week because he _______ (study) for exams. 2. My cousin _______ (finish) school next month. 3. _______ you _______ (go) to the zoo tomorrow? 4. What _______ you _______ (do) these days? I _______ (learn) English. 5. _______ he _______ (play) computer games at the moment? 6. _______ your brother _______ (come) tonight? 7. Look! The monkey _______ (eat) a banana. 8. There _______ (be) a man in the office. 9. The shop _______ (open) at 8:00 a.m. 10. _______ (be) there any toys in the shop? 1. is not going / won't go, is studying 2. is going to finish / will finish 3. Are, going / Will, go 4. are, doing, am learning 5. Is, playing 6. Is, coming / Will, come 7. is eating 8. is 9. opens 10. Are 英语【填空题】 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. They are ______ (go) for a drive this weekend. 2. Maria won first prize in yesterday's______ (sing) competition. 3. I helped Sally ______ (buy) a new watch. 4. There ______ (be) a pen and some pencils in my bag. 5. ______ you ______ (go) to the zoo?


现在进行时专项练习: 一、写出下列动词的现在分词: play____run_____swim____make_____go_____like_____write____skate_____read____have__ sing ____dance_____put____see____buy_____love______live____take____come____get_____ stop_____ sit ____ begin_____ shop_____ 二、用所给的动词的正确形式填空: 1.The boy ________ ( draw)a picture now. 2. Listen .Some girls ________ ( sing)in the classroom . 3. My mother __________ ( cook )some nice food now. 4. What _____ you ______ ( do ) now? 5. Look . They _________( have) an English lesson . 6.They ________(not ,water) the flowers now. 7.Look! the girls ________________(dance )in the classroom . 8.What is our granddaughter doing? She ________(listen ) to music. 9. It’s 5 o’clock now. We _____________(have)supper now 10.______Helen____________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is . 三、句型转换: 1. They are doing housework . 一般疑问句:__________________ 否定句:_________________ 2.The students are cleaning the classroom . 一般疑问句:__________________ 否定句:_________________ 3.I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问)_____________ 4.Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)________________ 四、现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作句子结构:be+动词ing 时间状语:now, look, listen,It’s …o’clck,


译林版中考英语九年级英语现在进行时专项练习(附答案) 一、初中英语现在进行时 1.—Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now, Tom? —No, I _______ TV with my friend in my bedroom. A. was watching B. watched C. am watching D. watch 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——汤姆,你刚才听到有人敲门了吗?——没有,我和我的朋友 正在卧室里看电视。A. was watching过去进行时;B. watched一般过去时;C. am watching 现在进行时;D. watch观看,动词原形。根据Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now, Tom?No,可推知刚才有人敲门时我和我的朋友正在卧室里看电视。所以该句强 调的是过去某个时间正在进行和发生的动作,确定时态为过去进行时态,其构成为was/were+现在分词,根据主语是I,故助动词用was,watch的现在分词为watching,故 填was watching,故选A。 【点评】考查过去进行时。根据语境和上下文的联系确定句子的时态。 2.——Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.——Sorry, Mum. I _____ on the phone. A. talked B. am talking C. was talking. 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一一萨姆,请下楼来。我需要你的帮助。一一对不起,妈妈。我 在打电话。A.一般过去时,表示过去发生的动作;B.现在进行时,表示现在正在进行或发生 的动作;C.过去进行时,表示某时正在进行或发生的动作。本题表示现在正在打电话,用现 在进行时态,故选B。 3.It's 9: 00 in the morning now. The students from Grade Nine ________ an important exam. A. have B. had C. are having 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:现在时早上9点。九年级的学生正在考试。根据now,可知句子 的时态用现在进行时,其结构为be+doing形式,故选C。 【点评】考查动词的时态。注意根据时间状语确定动词的时态。 4.—Alice, would you mind not playing the guitar? I on the phone. —Oh, sorry, Mom. A. talked B. talk C. was talking D. am talking 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——Alice,你介意先别弹吉他吗?我正在打电话。——对不起, 妈妈。根据would you mind not playing the guitar?可推知爱丽丝的妈妈正在接电话,用现在


现在进行时表将来教学设计 Teaching Aims: Knowledge aim: use the Present Progressive Tense to talk about future plan correctly. Skill aim: students know how to talk future plans. Important points: 1. the structure of the Present Progressive Tense. 2. Get the students know the different kinds of verbs that used in structure. 3. use the Present Progressive Tense to talk about future plan. Difficult point: use the Present Progressive Tense to talk about the future plan. Teaching Procedure: The telephone is ringing , would you answer it? 电话正在响,请你接一下,好吗? The boy is jumping with joy. 那个小男孩正高兴的跳呢。 现在进行时的结构是be+doing,它的基本用法是表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。 看看下面的句子应该怎么理解呢? 1.What are you doing next Sunday?

下个星期天你打算干什么呢? 2.She is buying a new car next month. 她下个月将要买一辆新车。 3.I’m not waiting any longer. 我将不再等了。 当句子涉及确切的计划、明确的意图和为将来安排好的活动时,现在进行时可用来表示将来。 现在进行时表将来句子中谓语动词分四类: 1.常与瞬间动词连用。比如:come ,go, arrive, leave, start, return等。 The train is arriving. 火车将要进站了。 He is coming back tomorrow. 他明天(将要)回来。 2.常与表示交通方式、行程安排的动词连用。比如:walk, ride, fly, drive, take (a bus, a train) 等。 They are flying to Beijing next week. 他们下周(将)要飞往北京。 3.与表示位置的词连用。如:stay, remain等。 I’m staying at home tonight. 我今晚打算呆在家里。 4.与少数其它动词连用。如:do, have, visit, buy, meet等。


专项训练现在进行时专项练习 一、初中英语现在进行时 1.—Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now, Tom? —No, I _______ TV with my friend in my bedroom. A. was watching B. watched C. am watching D. watch 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——汤姆,你刚才听到有人敲门了吗?——没有,我和我的朋友正在卧室里看电视。A. was watching过去进行时;B. watched一般过去时;C. am watching 现在进行时;D. watch观看,动词原形。根据Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now, Tom?No,可推知刚才有人敲门时我和我的朋友正在卧室里看电视。所以该句强调的是过去某个时间正在进行和发生的动作,确定时态为过去进行时态,其构成为was/were+现在分词,根据主语是I,故助动词用was,watch的现在分词为watching,故填was watching,故选A。 【点评】考查过去进行时。根据语境和上下文的联系确定句子的时态。 2.—Linda, Dad has finished his work and we ___________ to the gym to pick you up. —Thank you, Mum. A. drive B. drove C. have driven D. are driving 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——琳达,父亲已经完成工作了我们正在开车去体育场接你。——谢谢,妈妈。根据Dad has finished his work父亲现在完成工作了,可知现在就要开车去接你,所以句子时态是现在进行时表示将来的动作,故选D。 【点评】此题考查现在进行时。根据语境和上下文的联系确定句子的时态。 3.—Alice, would you mind not playing the guitar? I on the phone. —Oh, sorry, Mom. A. talked B. talk C. was talking D. am talking 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——Alice,你介意先别弹吉他吗?我正在打电话。——对不起,妈妈。根据would you mind not playing the guitar?可推知爱丽丝的妈妈正在接电话,用现在进行时am/is/are+现在分词。故选D。 【点评】本题考查现在进行时,注意熟记结构am/is/are+现在分词。 4.—Tom, what's your dad doing? —He ________ my bike. A. repairs B. will repair C. has repaired D. is repairing 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——汤姆,你爸爸在干什么?——他正在修我的自行车。根据


专项训练现在进行时专项练习经典含答案解析 一、初中英语现在进行时 1.—Look out! Something____ down from the building. —Dear me! It's too dangerous. A. fell B. falls C. is falling 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——小心!有东西从楼里掉了下来。——天哪!太危险了。A过去时.B第三人称单数.C现在进行时态.由"小心!",可知,应该是一些东西正在…,用现在进行时态,结构是is/am/are+动词的现在分词.这里用is falling.答案是C 【点评】考查现在进行时。 2.—Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith? —Oh, sorry! He _____ a meeting now. A. has B. had C. is having D. will have 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你好,我可以和史密斯先生说吗?——哦,对不起,他现在正在开会。A.一般现在时;B.一般过去时;C.现在进行时;D.一般将来时。now是现在进行时的标志词,结构是be doing,主语是he,所以be用is,have用having,故选C。 【点评】考查现在进行时,注意平时识记其结构和标志词。 3.The writer __________his new book in the hall of our university at the moment. A. introduces B. is introducing C. introduced D. would introduce 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:此刻那位作家正在我们大学的礼堂里介绍他的新书。根据时间状语at the moment可知应该用现在进行时be doing sth。故答案为B。 【点评】考查现在进行时。掌握现在进行时的意义和构成及其用法。 4.—Eric, can you bring me the scissors? —Just a moment. I the paper-cutting with it. A. make B. made C. am making D. has made 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——Eric,你能给我带来剪刀吗?——等一会儿。我正在用它做剪纸。根据Just a moment可知此处表示让对方等一会儿,应是正在使用这个剪刀,故用现在


3. 表示命令和拒绝 现在进行时表示将来时, 有时可表示命令或拒绝, You ' re not wearing that skirt to school. You ' re not playing football in my garden. She 's taking that medicine whether she likes it or not. 那药。 即用于坚持要别人做什么事或不做什么事。 如 你不可以穿 那条裙子去上学。 你们不许在我的花园里踢足球。 不管她喜欢不喜欢,她都得吃 现在进行时表将来的用法归纳 一、用法归纳 1. 表示计划或安排 现在进行时表示将来意义, 主要用于谈论已经计划或安排好的动作, 所涉及的动词有些是表示位 置移动的,有些不一定是表示位置移动的, 但总的说来, 能这样用的动词比较有限, 主要有 arrive, come, dine, do, drive, fly, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, sleep, spend, start, stay, travel, wear, work 等。如: I 'm leaving tonight. I 've got my plane ticket. 我今天晚上就要动身了,已经买好了机 票。 I ' m meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre. 今天晚上我要跟彼得会面。 他要带我去看戏。 “What are you doing this evening? ” “I ' mwashing my hair. ” “你今晚打算做什么 ?”“ 我 要洗头。 ” I hate to trouble you, but Aunt Lina ' s birthday is coming up and I would like to buy something nice for her. 我真不愿打扰您, 但莉娜阿姨的生日就要到了, 我想给她买点好东西。 2. 表示即将发生 对于即将要发生的动作, 不管是计划好的还是没有计划好的, 通常都可用现在进行时来表示。 如: I 'm just going out to the post office. Back in a minute. 我要到邮局去,一会儿就回来。 Get your coat on! I ' m taking you down to the doctor! 穿好外衣 ! 我这就带你去看医生 — Jim, would you come here, please? 吉姆,请过来一下好吗 ? — OK, I ' m coming. 好的,我就来。 、用法辨析
