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例asa分级ⅰ~ⅱ级的剖宫产患者,随机分为两组: 等比重组(a 组):腰麻用药为0.75%布比卡因2 ml 加生理盐水1 ml稀释至3ml 后注入1.5ml;重比重组(b组):腰麻用药为0.75%布比卡因2 ml 加10%葡萄糖注射液1ml稀释至3ml 后注入1.5 ml。分别记录腰麻起效时间、达到最高平面所需时间、最高镇痛平面、需要静脉辅助药情况及产妇的sbp、dbp、hr的变化,并记录新生儿apgar评分情况。结果 b组发生低血压和恶心呕吐的例数明显多于a组

(p0.05)。结论 0.5%布比卡因等比重液用于腰-硬联合麻醉行剖宫产手术更平稳,母婴更安全。


中图分类号:r614 文献标识码:b 文章编号:1005-0515(2012)1-227-03

comparison of different specific gravity of bupivacaine on spinal anesthesia for cesarean section yang fang yang wangmin xing tanghui

(department of anesthesiology,dalian obstetrics and gynecology hospital)

【abstract】objective comparison of anesthetic effect on spinal anesthesia for cesarean section with weigh proportion

and isobaric 0.5%bupivacaine and the effect on maternal hemodynamics. methods 200 cases of asa i-ii grade of cesarean section patients, were randomly divided into two groups: the group of isobaric ( group a): 1.5ml bupivacaine with normal saline solution was injected into subarachnoid.the group of weigh proportion( group b):1.5ml bupivacaine with 10% glucose was injected into subarachnoid. recorded the onset time of spinal anesthesia,the time of reaching the highest level, the maximum analgesia plane, requiring intravenous adjuvant . the changes of maternal sbp, dbp, hr, and apgar score of the neonate were recorded. results the incidence of hypotension and nausea and vomiting in group b the number of cases significantly more than those in group a ( p 0.05); conclusion 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine for combined spinal-epidural anesthesia on cesarean section were more stable and more safer for mother and child.

【key words】cesarean section spinal anesthesia bupivacaine isobaric weigh proportion



1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料选择asai一ⅱ级行剖宫产术的单胎初产妇200例,术前检查未见妊娠合并症。随机分为等比重组(a组)和重比重组(b组),每组100例。两组产妇的年龄、体重及身高比较差异均无统计学意义(均p> 0.05)。

1.2 麻醉方法两组产妇术前8 h禁食、禁饮,术前30min肌注阿托品0.5mg、鲁米钠0.1g;入室后开放外周静脉,常规监测血压(sbp、dbp)、心电图(ecg)、脉搏(p)、氧饱和度(spo2)。麻醉前快速输注万汶(羟乙基淀粉130/0.4氯化钠注射液)10 ml/kg,然后以平衡液10 ml/(kg·h)维持。麻醉体位为右侧卧位,穿刺间隙为l2-3,采用腰麻一硬膜外联合穿刺针26g/16g穿刺,两组蛛网膜下腔用药分别为: 等比重组(a组): 0.75 布比卡因2 ml 加生理盐水1 ml稀释至3ml后注入1.5ml;重比重组(b组):腰麻用药为0.75 布比卡因2 ml加10%葡萄糖注射液1ml至3ml 后注入1.5 ml ,注药时腰麻针切口方向向上,15秒注完。然后向头端置入硬膜外导管3cm,试验剂量均为1.6%利多卡因3ml,术中根据需要追加硬膜外用药。

1.3 观察指标①观察两组发生低血压的情况: 麻醉后收缩压下降幅度低于麻醉前水平3o% 或收缩压0.05)。

2.2 麻醉相关观察指标情况 b组发生低血压和恶心呕吐的例数明显多于a组(p0.05)(见表2)。
